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Fury warrior rotation and more....

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Hello everyone.

I have a some question about fury warr. Here is my link on armory:  http://eu.battle.net/wow/en/character/drakthul/Hryzohryz/simple


1 question is about ench on weapons: I read some forums when people say: that 30% crit is cap on fury 2H warr. And after this i must have masteries. So i have 31-32% crits with buffs and with food. ( i have food on crit and on masteries) So is cap with buffs or without buffs? is mastery on weapons good choice with Set from BRF or i need crit buff on weapon?


2 question is about rotation: On ice veins is write that on Single target i use Storm Bolt or dragon roar. When is better use Storm and when Dragon? And Last talent i have Anger management. Is Anger better then Siegebreaker with Set from BRF on single or not? Because i i have low dps on Socrethar the Ethernal and on some another bosses. And i dont know why... Maybe i have bad rotation, or something else.


Can someone explain me my questions? And can someone help me?? 


Ty for answer. (sorry my english isnt good)

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Don't break your head over those things.

"People on forums" say all sorts of things because 'in theory' this and that and 'in theory' all shall be well...

Unfortunately in reality these neck-bearded stats often fall flat on their face.


Simcraft (a program to run simulations to test and calculate dps) is useful when you're trying to figure out certain stuff without actually having to do any actual testing.

Like which trinket is better for example, or which stat is better than the other.


The crit cap you've been reading about isn't actually a cap... more like a peak point.

Getting more crit gives you more damage but once you have X amount of crit the stat becomes less and less useful in theory because in theory mastery would start to benefit you more because in theory stacking more crit won't make you crit more.

... In theory :P


In reality crit is almost always your go-to stat so don't worry about it.

I'm running around with almost 40% crit and seeing how I'm ranking stupidly high on our private logs without whoring out on dps I think I'm fine...




As for Storm Bolt / Dragon Roar...

I do believe storm bolt does a tiny bit more damage but it's so little that I wouldn't be bothered with it too much.

Siegebreaker however is still to this day one of the worst abilities in the game and should almost never be used.


The only time you would ever spec siege breaker is if Anger Management messes up your timings on a boss fight resulting in your cooldowns coming back too fast and just sitting there for a while.


And your lower dps on Socrethar the Ethernal is because Fury isn't the greatest on that fight.

Arms gives you a better damage spread resulting in higher overall DPS.










Ignore the crit cap, storm bolt single target, don't spec siege breaker, on Socrethar spec Arms

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Don't break your head over those things.

"People on forums" say all sorts of things because 'in theory' this and that and 'in theory' all shall be well...

Unfortunately in reality these neck-bearded stats often fall flat on their face.


Simcraft (a program to run simulations to test and calculate dps) is useful when you're trying to figure out certain stuff without actually having to do any actual testing.

Like which trinket is better for example, or which stat is better than the other.


The crit cap you've been reading about isn't actually a cap... more like a peak point.

Getting more crit gives you more damage but once you have X amount of crit the stat becomes less and less useful in theory because in theory mastery would start to benefit you more because in theory stacking more crit won't make you crit more.

... In theory tongue.png


In reality crit is almost always your go-to stat so don't worry about it.

I'm running around with almost 40% crit and seeing how I'm ranking stupidly high on our private logs without whoring out on dps I think I'm fine...

Just going to step in to address a couple points real quick.


These "neck-bearded stats" are derived through out of game testing yes, but they are always verified in game. The reason why things are tested using programs like simcraft is because they are capable of running thousands, even hundreds of thousands of tests and averaging them together to get accurate results. This is simply impossible to do through in game testing without an inordinate amount of time and recording power because of something called sample bias. You could go full Haste and get a single pull in which performs better than crit, mastery or both, simply because of good luck with procs, RNG off crits, etc, etc.


I don't mind giving advice, or opinion; in fact I agree with most of what you said, but I'd ask you to be a little more respectful to the people who spent their time writing these programs and doing these tests so that you can perform as well as you do. Though there is always a randomness factor, our results are not "theory", they are hard fact.


Lastly, the reason you are performing so well might be because you are 707, which is within top 50 highest ilvl DPS warriors in the world right now. Or it could be because of comp, strategy, or a whole host of other factors. This is why we use programs to help us decide what is best. tongue.png


All that said, I agree with most of what you said: Use Storm Bolt on Single Target and Dragon Roar on Multi-Target. Though if you are going to play Arms on Socrethar, or at all for that matter, you would be much better served going Mastery full time. What Fury does or doesn't lose by taking Mastery over Crit pales in comparison to what Arms gets out of full mastery, as Crit isn't a very important stat for them this tier. If you are going to be playing Fury full time, feel free to stick with Crit, just to make things easier.

Edited by Archimtiros

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Through the hardwork of theorycrafters theyve determined that with the t18 4p for fury warriors, crit above 30% will have diminishing returns allowing mastery to take priority from then on. I wouldn't be too fussed though. You have the gold/Mats, feel free to switch over to mastery and try it out yourself. When you do, ensure you have maximum uptime on your enrage to get more use out of it.

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