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Enh shaman and frost shock

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OK do we really need to use frost shock?because seems like when I use flameshock.. instead even on single target all I do is just keep capping it regardless of duration and my dps is higher than using frost shock.

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The issue is damage per execute (DPE). Considering you are always casting/on GCD you have only a limited amount of casts you can perform in the given time.


Flame Shock has much higher DPE than Frost Shock but subsequent casts rewrite the active DoT from the previous casts thus retracting from their DPE. Rewrite too often and Flame Shock's DPE will fall down and you will lose DPS as you only have a limited amount of casts and you now chose to substitute a weaker spell for some of them.


When you calculate the DPE for both Shock spells combined you will get the highest results by casting Frost Shock as a filler as long as you utilize the full amount of Flame Shock's DoT part.

Edited by Derienn

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You want to make sure frost shock is glyphed. However, as noted above yes you do want to use it as filler. Enhancement even with EoE will find gaps in its rotation where frost shock fits nicely and is an overall dps gain. I also prefer to fill a gap with frost shock instead of casting a lighting bolt with only 4 charges MS weapon.

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The glyphed Frost Shock is usually worth it only in single target scenarios. In AoE scenarios where you're casting Fire Nova as well you usually don't have enough downtime to utilize it.


However, the 4-set bonus will probably increase your downtime and glyphed Frost Shock might be then useful in all encounters.

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Frost shock is a good filler unless you are using UF talent and your lightning bolt can be casted before any other ability is ready (lava lash stormstrike etc)


I think if UF is still up casting lightning bolt wins frost shock. And yes i mean with less than 5 maelstrom stacks.

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