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Demo Lock Assistance

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I am looking for general assistance on my Demo Lock (Aletheos).

I recently moved to stacking crit as I wasn't satisfied with my DPS. I noticed a slight improvement over my previous setup but still not satisfied with my numbers.



WoL in HoF (two bosses):


My basic rotation has been:

Corruption up 100%

Doom up 100%

Using HoG if the target does not have SF debuff

Generally try to refresh dots if stats are better (using AffDots addon)

Spam SB unless I have a MC proc then us MC.

At 900 or so pop Imps, DS:K and Meta and spam ToC until DS:K ends or I run out of DF

Then spam Soul Fire until all procs are used.

Any advice or recommendations would be very helpful.

Thanks in advance

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Your rotation and priority look on spot. Your damage spread looks good, too. DoT uptimes were good...are you just fishing for compliments? ;)

Not real sure where I can provide real, DPS boosting advice other than to say "go Affliction." Sad, but true.

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Your rotation and priority look on spot. Your damage spread looks good, too. DoT uptimes were good...are you just fishing for compliments? Posted Image

Not real sure where I can provide real, DPS boosting advice other than to say "go Affliction." Sad, but true.

Ok. Thank you. I guess things may be ok then. I def. could use some gear upgrades (damn you Sha-touched weapon and gem sitting in my bag for weeks!).

I may try affliction. Thanks!

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Hey Doxa!

I've recently run into a gem of a post on Blizz's forums about demo rotations. All credit to Dotexe on the Stormrage server.

Gonna go relatively deep on openers / execution of cooldown phases. Not super important to know if you're not level cap, but still good to know for when you're eventually stepping into raids.

Demonology dps is fairly low caster dps (with a bit of demon form dps to dump excess fury) carried by EXTREMELY high burst dps (In raid-level gear it can reach 200-300k burst) during cooldown popping phases (every two minutes without the 4-piece bonus, every 1 minute 20 seconds with it, alternating between extremely powerful burn phases and moderately powerful burn phases).

If you have the t14 4pc (1 minute 20 second CD on Dark Soul), it'll be every OTHER DS that has extremely high burst. Basically works out like this:
1st DS: DS + GrimService:Felguard + Imp Swarm + Flashfrozen Resin Globule Trinket + other procs
2nd DS: DS alone (synapse springs if you're engineering can help a bit)
3rd DS: same as 1st.

Note: Flashfrozen Resin Globule is BiS for Demo locks until heroic t14 raids. It lines up almost perfectly with DS when you have the 4-piece set bonus. I highly recommend picking this up whenever you can.

You basically pool as much Demonic Fury as you possibly can (without capping; remaining between 700-1000, pop into meta and spam ToC if you're going to cap out) and then you burn through all of it when you pop all of your cooldowns.

You generally want to avoid using chaos wave as much as possible. I usually time my HoG so I can hit the second one (just before the 1st one falls off, that way it goes back up to full duration with 2 stacks) just as I'm going into meta (it receives the meta damage bonus if you pop into demon form before it lands. Not a HUGE bonus but a bonus nonetheless). You can usually weave in 3 GCD's worth of spells (4.5 seconds, enough time to cast any combo of two shadow bolts / soul fires as long as you have enough haste) before you need to cast HoG again for it to hit just before the shadowflame dot falls off.

You want to be using Imp Swarm and GrimService:Felguard with Dark Soul. Always. Both benefit from Dark Soul and it would end up being a DPS loss not using them with Dark Soul, even with the 4-piece bonus.

You want to pop DS at the start of the fight even if you're only sitting on 200 fury. With the opener I use I can get ALMOST full meta uptime during DS:
-CoE (Only warlock in my raid, so I have to use a GCD applying it)
-1st HoG
-Imp Swarm
-GrimServ:Felguard + Dark Soul (Macro'd together)
-2nd HoG
-ToC spamming until out of fury
-Soul fire once, sometimes twice, depending how much more fury I'll need to stay in meta for the rest of DS/procs
-Back into meta -> ToC spamming + re-applying doom once before procs fall off (if 4pc, pandemic means your Doom will always be buffed by DS)

From then on it's the normal old caster rotation + popping into demon form to dump fury down to 700 if you're about to cap fury.

Almost the same deal when you're popping DS with GrimServ:Felguard and Imp Swarm up (Every DS without 4pc, every other DS with 4pc) and HoG is about to be at 2 charges
-1st HoG
-Life Tap or Corruption (depends on if Corruption has enough time left to last until the first ToC cast)
-Imp Swarm
-DS + GrimServ:Felguard
-2nd HoG
-Go Meta and ToC Spam / Refresh Doom as needed

I questioned Dotexe about the flashfrozen globule trinket really being that good until heroics, as I was using an upgraded relic along with an upgraded non-heroic light of the cosmos. Apparently the int gain from the flashfrozen trinket is too good in our burst phase.

One thing I noticed in your parses is that your doom isn't hitting very hard. Make sure you're popping everything at the beginning of the fight to super charge your doom as shown in the rotation above. Demo locks have some of the biggest burst in the game right now, especially out of the gate with bloodlust, but your parses aren't showing it. I don't mean that to sound rude at all, just that if you want to stick to demo there are definitely some improvements you can make to up your DPS by at least 5k. =)

Edited by Omaric

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I mainly raid as affliction and i can practically agree that while my Light of the Cosmos is something my affli locks hugs and sleeps together with at night, it might indeed not be the bis trinket as far as demo is concerned and it has also been indicating in various thread that Intel benefits Demo much more statwise and towards boosting the stats of ur pets. But still, Flashfrozen Reisin Globule? Why not hit some pure intel trinket then instead like Shado-Pan valor one or Sha of fear? I do appreciate the above help as Demo is my 2nd spec (Hope the 5.2 nerf doesnt hit affli too hard to make these specs even) , but i'd like some more justification to believe this 463 blue trinket is really THAT gr8.

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Hey all, Dot here Posted Image Omaric contacted me in-game asking a couple questions and showed me the thread. Decided to make an account real quick to back up my statement about FRG.

As for FRG being BiS, it's just BiS for normal modes, and it's only if you have 4pc. The proc on LotC isn't reliable enough to be up everytime you need it (and often isn't due to the ICD and only proccing from dot ticks, which Demo doesn't have nearly as much of as affliction) and the Sha trinket's proc isn't particularly useful for your burn phases (assuming it's actually up during them). The haste will make your doom tick faster, but other than that it doesn't have any benefits unless you're in the execute range spamming soul fire.

Pure intel is nice, but demo being about stacking as many CDs as possible, a proc is better than passive int. Same reason engi/tailoring is the profession combo to go with for Demo. The FRG CD lines up almost perfectly with DS when you have 4pc, and it's every OTHER DS that's crazy powerful as stated in that wall of text up there (Service, Imp Swarm, which does about a million damage for me every time I pop it, FRG, DS, other procs, etc.)

The Shado-pan one isn't HORRIBLE, but crit as an on-use effect isn't particularly sought after, the int from FRG is miles better.

It IS BiS for normals though, trust me. There were even rank 1 heroic parses with this trinket. The MMO-C theorycrafting community praises this trinket aswell.


Demo locks have some of the biggest burst in the game right now

This, haha. Just recently got FRG and a new weapon and I'm managing to get up to 320k dps spikes when I'm popping everything at once. Edited by Dotexe

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Thanks a ton. I've really been curious about that trinket. In fact, I've had a suspicion that it was good for awhile. So much so that I've kept it in my bags just in case... I'm gonna take another look tonight.

Thanks, esp. for the doom tip. I'll pay more attention to that for sure.

Edit: "(if 4pc, pandemic means your Doom will always be buffed by DS)"

This strikes me as an issue. I've foolishly been refreshing Doom outside of DS.

Edited by Doxa

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Thanks a ton. I've really been curious about that trinket. In fact, I've had a suspicion that it was good for awhile. So much so that I've kept it in my bags just in case... I'm gonna take another look tonight.

Thanks, esp. for the doom tip. I'll pay more attention to that for sure.

Edit: "(if 4pc, pandemic means your Doom will always be buffed by DS)"

This strikes me as an issue. I've foolishly been refreshing Doom outside of DS.

Yeah, I personally didn't bother with FRG until I got 4pc because the cooldown didn't quite line up as well. It's still a good trinket without 4pc, it's just more annoying to play with in my personal opinion.

But you wanna pay close attention to Doom. making sure to apply it at max duration (should only have to hit it twice in opener. once for first application and the second time when all of your procs are up / before any fall off) and with as much power as possible. The addon Affdots can help you a ton with monitoring Doom's power, even if it's geared towards affliction.

I personally use a combo of Affdots to track dots/dot power, WeakAuras to track what procs are currently active (I use a multi-bar setup using a "dynamic group", but some people display it other ways), and TellMeWhen to track the CD on my synapse springs, trinkets, lightweave cloak enchant, dark soul, Service Felguard etc. This way I can appropriately plan out how my burn phase is going to go / when or if I'm going to refresh doom anytime soon / if I should fury dump now or wait later.

Generally if you're just getting started, it's okay to just dump fury (edit: down to about 700) when you're about to cap, but once you feel experienced enough, you want to be spending it (DFury) a bit on procs outside of DS too. Just need to manage your fury in a way that you'll have enough to last through FRG/DS next time you pop it.

Demo is all about timing your cooldowns correctly and managing your fury correctly. Once you've got that down to second nature, you'll be good to go! Demo has ridiculously high burst when played just right. I managed to hit 580k peaks during my CD phases on heroic stone guards. Managed 320k peaks on a few other bosses too. Still room for improvement, but happy with that for just entering heroics Posted Image

Edited by Dotexe

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Hi guys was browsing through the forum and came across this thread thought I'd ask a few questions from the pros. I'm playing a belf demo lock at the moment (kind of dislike affliction and love demo because the wrathguard looks really cool Posted Image ) and my dps is reasonable but I've been looking around to find out a bis trinket for me. I have looked at the compiled list of trinket on icy veins, maxdps etc and I'm still confused as to what is bis for demo (all the sites kind of differ). Currently I have a half upgraded dmf trink and Blossom of pure snow, going into HC Msv this week I would really like to know if FRG would help me more than BoPS?

Also I'm using Grim-Supr and I notice all the top ranking demo locks are using Grim-Serv which makes me think would be better if lined up appropriately with a DS + Imp (every other ds+imp?, I have 4 piece bonus) or just use it on cooldown?

I apologize in advance if some of my questions are a bit silly I've only started playing dps spec since Mop came out and I'd like to improve my performance Posted Image.

Thought I would link my armory and some logs here, if you guys have time to go through them would be much appreciated.

Armory: http://eu.battle.net...hiihii/advanced (I know my prof choices are not the best but I just haven't had time to switch them)

Logs: http://www.worldoflo...cik8xswweey371/ (most recent MSV run)

PS: thanks Dotexe for the burst rotation I will apply that tonight hopefully see massive dps improvement Posted Image

Edited by Fennalie

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