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Low Dps dw frost dk

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Hello I find my single target dps to be lacking... I think im following my rotation correctly but idk my priority list by heart.


Logs: https://www.warcraftlogs.com/reports/GTJC9bkngKBYrAzx#fight=38&type=damage-done&source=8&target=171


Armory: http://us.battle.net/wow/en/character/darkspear/Malnag/simple


So yea am I doing something wrong? Any tips or tricks?


Thanks in advance for your help

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I have also struggled a bit with DPS with DW Frost while doing very well with Unholy in the past. I have analyzed my own logs in quite detail and found many of the errors I have done and try to correct them


I had a look at your logs as I was curious whether others have similar issues. Firstly, I compared you with someone in the rankings with similar gear to you 694-696 bracket. I also looked at a fight with similar length to yours, as many very high DPS fights have been due to very short duration in comparison.


Your 3-min: https://www.warcraftlogs.com/reports/GTJC9bkngKBYrAzx#fight=38&type=damage-done&source=8&target=171&start=8883441&end=9063958


You also have to consider that your team used Blood Lust at the start whereas his team at the end. So he was putting out that damage over the first three minutes without Blood Lust.


Just looking at the last minute of the fight. You have used Soul Reaper 7 times, so you missed few.


To summarise, I think as a priority you should try to improve the use of Frost Strikes.


High ranking 3-min: https://www.warcraftlogs.com/reports/9nGdBzmHbgX7yDfW#fight=9&type=damage-done&source=6&start=2313413&end=2492786


This is just the first 3-mins in the fight, but also the point before you should strat spamming Soul Reaper on cooldown and where the most differences (outside not spamming Soul Reaper) can be seen.


As you can see from the logs, that you are not that far apart when it comes to actual casts in indivual skills. You are using Blood Taps and Plague Leech and have similar amounts of casts on different skills. Albeit you are perhaps a bit lower on Obliterates, which means slightly fewer chances for Rime procs.


The main difference seems to come from the use of Frost Strikes. His average damage per hit is 60k where as you are around 34k. So even when you have slightly more casts during the same time period you are doing significantly less damage. This would indicate that you are not using Frost Strikes corrently, aka when you have a Killing Machine proc or when you have 76+ Runic Power. Basically, you should always have reserve of Runic Power and not deplete it completely when you do not have a Killing Machine proc.

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I just glanced at your log, but it was easy to see some glaring deficiencies in your rotation. 

You opened with 2 oblits (which is wrong) at 0:44, and didn't use another oblit until 1:21. 

That's 37 seconds in between oblits, without using any other abilities that use unholy runes. 

That means your unholy runes were sitting there, being green, waiting for you to push a button and use them, for like half a minute. That's crazy. Half a minute???


Another thing that jumped out at me was how low your crit % was on frost strike. That seems super low to me and makes me think that you are too often using frost strikes for the hell of it even without having a killing machine proc. I just looked at recount from my last boss kill and my frost strike crit % was 70%.

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another thing not only the unholy rune usage, but your gear is not optomized at all so this is also something else to consider. Work on your rotation and you will be happier with your dps and the gear will come eventually. maybe get a few crafted pieces?

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i think you should change build i am using defile and soul leech for DW and its really good with the runes regen downtime, and your not using Obliterate much and imo howling blast shouldnt go second in the dps meter for single target since you dont use Obliterate much i cant see that its from procs. the gear you can fix it later when your satisfied with Ilvl and can join more raids youll have time to fix.

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was using the 2handed rotation just changed it today and using the same rotation all i can say is try soul leech and it will make a difference

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