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Somehow it looks to me that some advices are contradictory in the articles.

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For instance, the full article on cards giving advice and arena or deck guides giving the opposite.


I remember some cases where cards got used in ranked decks despite on their full articles there is a comment it shouldn't be considered into ANY constructed deck.


The other example is information about general arena tips (https://www.icy-veins.com/hearthstone/arena-guide) vs tier lists.


For instance, a quote: "Since Warlocks rely on lowering their own Life Total to maintain resources, cards such as Antique Healbot have much higher value than usual. A card that heals you for 8 such as Antique Healbot can be viewed as allowing you to draw 4 extra cards over the course of the game."


Despite this, in the tier list the Healbot is on tier SEVEN.



The whole thing ends up being kinda confusing.


(Personal note: I want to draft 1 healbot in general in Arena, because I feel sometimes it can save your life. Also, Kezan Mystic is a higher tier to me because Mage is very common in the arena)


And how do tiers in the arena listings compare to the rarity? Is a tier 3 legendary as good as a tier 3 common?

Why is Goblin Sapper so much higher in tiers than blackwing tech, despite I basically NEVER saw a GS trigger, while I did on blacking techs?

Edited by Bas

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Hi Bas! First, I think you mean that some of the advice given is contradictory. You may be right with your Antique Healbot example, although Sottle would be the one to comment on his tier rankings. I would agree with the quote above that Antique Healbot has more value in Warlock than other classes since you tend to lose life faster in that class. I checked out Antique Healbot's tier ranking in each class and saw that it is Rank 7 for each class (including Warlock) expect for one: the Rogue. It's listed under Tier 5 for Rogue. Rogue also tends to lose life quicker with its weapon hero power, so the higher ranking there makes sense to me.


Perhaps Antique Healbot could be considered a Rank 6 or even 5 under Warlock, but either way he is not a great Arena card due to his terrible minion value for the mana cost. If you need his Battlecry to survive you are likely behind on the board, and his poor stats aren't likely to help you with board advantage so he's probably just prolonging the inevitable. Antique Healbot is more useful in Constructed where certain control decks can take good advantage of his effect,or where he can be used as a tech card in a very aggressive meta.


As for your next question, I don't think you can compare the tiers across the different rarities. This isn't necessary anyway since each pick in Arena always consists of three cards of the same rarity. This also answers your question regarding Blackwing Technician (a common) and Goblin Sapper (a rare). You will never need to pick between the two, so the difference in tiers for their respective rarity is irrelevant. You only compare cards that are the same rarity.


Hope this helps!

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Yeah thanks, sorry, but English isn't my mother tongue.


It is important to know whether the tiers are cross-rarity or not. Because otherwise it is hard to say whether Sapper or Tech are better, and to make a comprehension between these two, despite you don't have to chose between them. Hard to explain.

€: For instance, it would help to understand whether the author of the lists thinks Goblin Sapper is superior versus blackwing tech, or if Goblin Sapper is just better than other cards in its rarity in comparision to BT and the comparision of it to other cards in its rarity.

Edited by Bas

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The purpose of the tiers is to compare cards of the same rarity, so using the tiers to compare cards of different rarity will have no value. But again, when drafting in Arena it doesn't matter which is better since you will never have to choose between the two. If you are trying to figure out which card is better for Constructed, then the tiers aren't helpful anyway because they are created specifically for Arena. Furthermore, both of these specific cards are situational, so the value depends on how they are used. Blackwing Technician would obviously be more valuable in a dragon deck, but Goblin Sapper would be more valuable in a mill deck.

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I'd like to point out that some time ago, we changed our Hearthstone writer to our current one (Sottle). This means that for some time (and maybe even currently, in some cases) there existed articles and/or opinions belonging to our previous writer at the same time that Sottle was writing content. This can easily have lead to contradictions between different articles, particularly between Arena ranking tables and card descriptions.


Hopefully, the issue is much less prominent now, but we still appreciate any reports on the matter. That, and of course the other posters have also made good points.

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