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Resto Shaman trinket choice.

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You made the same thread on mmo-champ forums and got a really nice and full answer there ^^

Not much to add.

I personally never go for Spirit trinkets but only for throughput.

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Not to sidetrack this thread, but the leech healing done for the Unstable Felshadow Emulsion isn't calculated into your healing, it's calculated into everyone's leech, which makes it really difficult to figure out how much healing exactly it provided for the raid. A better way to look at it would be like this. Though the problem now is that you would have to look through and see who all had leech on their gear, if your rogue was running leeching poison, or if someone else had the trinket as well.



For the trinkets, however, I would personally use the mythic autoclave for very mana intensive fights and then the Felspark for fights where you just want more throughput on your heals

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Not a problem! I thought the exact same thing when I was first looking at it until I realized that no one in my guild had leech on their armor :P

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There's actually a WA which will calc how much healing is done by that trinket's leech specifically and then add it into your total healing as a display, so that you have a better idea of how it contributes :), the post which talks about it and has the link to the WA is here, its super helpful.




also I find that M ARA gives me more spirit then I'll need on almost any fight, certainly through the first 7-8 on heroic (can't say past that), and I cannot even get the phylac to drop, so with that in addition, I'd say that it's unlikely that ARA's static spirit is that helpful. Also as interesting as they are I find that I'm not a fan of procs that ramp up, since unless it procs during super high damage, the start is usually when we get a mastery benefit and then we just have more haste than we know what to do with for all that clean and beautiful overhealing XD. But maybe if you're 3 healing 15-16, it would probably have a niche there to allow for more CH spam, since not everyone will be getting sniped up. but if you're running in a 4 heal comp Flickering is probably solid

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