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By Casdon
[US] Stormreaver — Skunkworks
Tuesdays & Thursdays: 7:00 P.M. to 11:00 P.M. (pst) || 9-1 (cst) || 10-2 (est)
10/11M Antorus
9/9M ToS
10/10M Nighthold
3/3M Trial of Valor
7/7M Emerald Nightmare
About Us
Skunkworks is a guild for players who can not or do not want to commit to the time-intensive raid schedules of traditional "hardcore" guilds.
However, we still maintain a high caliber player environment and make an efficient use of our raiding time.
We raid Tuesdays and Thursdays from 7:00 - 11:00 PST, just 8 hours a week and never more.
We are very protective of our guild environment and selective in recruitment. We are looking for solid players mechanically as well as intellectually.
We all get paid to deal with idiots, why should we pay to spend our leisure time with them as well?
Skunkworks has been around for multiple expansions and has historically always been at the top of the 2-night raiding guild scene.
Past Raiding Achievements
#US 199 Mythic KJ #US 186 Mythic Archimonde #131 US Heroic Garrosh #68 US Heroic Ra-den #77 US Heroic Lei Shen #86 US Heroic Sha of Fear #106 US Heroic Madness of Deathwing #99 US Heroic Ragnaros #147 US Sinestra #91 US Heroic The Twilight Destroyer (Halion) #71 US Heroic Fall of the Lich King #247 US Tribute to Insanity #160 US Alone in the Darkness Current Guild Needs
Amazing Range DPS ---Exceptional Candidates always considered regardless of recruiting needs.
How to Apply
Apply with Google Forms
All applications are kept private.
Please include at least the following.
Prominent links to relevant armory pages ]A guild history with reasons for departure
The reason(s) you have chosen to apply to this guild
Warcraft Logs
UI screenshots or fraps/Stream footage
Contact Information
Shadaka (GM)
Real ID:Shadak#1881
Aerivore (Recruitment Officers)
Real ID: Aerivore#1581
Real ID: Sov#1192
By Camoflage
Hey guys I have really got into discipline priest lately and its my first healer so I'm pretty bad at it but I have trouble keeping track of who has my atonement on them. I mostly like to raid and I only really like using the default raiding frames. I'm just looking for an addon that helps keep track of who has my atonement on them. Any help is appreciated thanks!
By stormcaster
I will keep this brief as I know folks like to get to the point!
We are a 7/7M 3/3H raid team looking to add one Resto Shaman or one Holy/Disc Priest to our core raid team. We are on the PVE server Uldum and have been raiding since Vanilla. We raid Tues and Thurs from 8-11 EST and Sunday from 7-11EST. Hit me up in game if this sounds like a match with what you are looking for and we can chat, look at logs, etc!
By Brutalpriest
Hello. So far, this expansion has been a lot of fun =) I'm making an attempt to do this expansion on Disc again, even though it's so different than the shield generator builds I've loved in the past (RIP spirit shell.)
I'm not quite happy with my performance however. I provide roughly 2/3 of the healing my allies put out, and 1/3 the damage that my DPS allies put out. That's enough to make me squarely average, and I want to do better.
I'm Zetajezu in these logs. This is a parse of Yesterday's, and Tonight's raids. My talents stayed the same both days. Any advice would be welcome =D
By Xepp
So on paper this thing seems pretty damn good (if mana isn't going to be an issue).
I got one last night and it very quickly became apparent that the proc is often difficult to utilize optimally. I'm often casting penance right after applying a bunch of atonements and I'll follow it up with a chain of Smites. Because of the way latency works and the best practice of pre-casting just before your gcd completes, it often happens that I cast a Smite, the belt procs and Penance is taken off cooldown, but I'm already casting another Smite because by the time the server gets back to me and tells me Penance is off cooldown, even though it's technically happening instantly when Smite finishes, it's too late and I'm casting something else already. So that GCD is much less effective than it technically could have been.
Because Penance is on such a short cooldown anyways, this often happens when it's one GCD away from coming off cooldown, so the proc itself is completely wasted and it just feels crappy to watch that happen.
Is there any trick, addon or macro I can use to reduce the frequency of this happening, besides waiting half a second after every Smite just to see if the belt procced before using my next spell? Or should I just accept that my Penances are very often going to be used one GCD later than they theoretically could have been?
First world problems, I know, but it would be really cool if I had a way to capitalize on every proc the moment it happens.