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brewmaster Brewmaster Monk Preview: Rotation, Talents, Abilities, and Leveling
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By Velovictus
A short music video paying homage to Brewmaster Monks everywhere!
Much love!
By Rheshi
Currently in need of a non-druid TANK and RANGED DPS, ilvl 340+ for heroic/mythic progression.
Latest recruitment updates always posted here WoW Progress (however, exceptional players outside of our specific needs will always be considered). Casual players welcome as well!
Progression Raid Schedule: Tuesday, Thursday, Sunday. 7:30PM-10:30PM Eastern (server time). Casual members welcome!
Contact: GM - Rheshi#1686 (discord & realid), Officers - ArcaneSyntax#11616, Theeos#1868, or Dennang#1899
By Casdon
[US] Stormreaver — Skunkworks
Tuesdays & Thursdays: 7:00 P.M. to 11:00 P.M. (pst) || 9-1 (cst) || 10-2 (est)
10/11M Antorus
9/9M ToS
10/10M Nighthold
3/3M Trial of Valor
7/7M Emerald Nightmare
About Us
Skunkworks is a guild for players who can not or do not want to commit to the time-intensive raid schedules of traditional "hardcore" guilds.
However, we still maintain a high caliber player environment and make an efficient use of our raiding time.
We raid Tuesdays and Thursdays from 7:00 - 11:00 PST, just 8 hours a week and never more.
We are very protective of our guild environment and selective in recruitment. We are looking for solid players mechanically as well as intellectually.
We all get paid to deal with idiots, why should we pay to spend our leisure time with them as well?
Skunkworks has been around for multiple expansions and has historically always been at the top of the 2-night raiding guild scene.
Past Raiding Achievements
#US 199 Mythic KJ #US 186 Mythic Archimonde #131 US Heroic Garrosh #68 US Heroic Ra-den #77 US Heroic Lei Shen #86 US Heroic Sha of Fear #106 US Heroic Madness of Deathwing #99 US Heroic Ragnaros #147 US Sinestra #91 US Heroic The Twilight Destroyer (Halion) #71 US Heroic Fall of the Lich King #247 US Tribute to Insanity #160 US Alone in the Darkness Current Guild Needs
Amazing Range DPS ---Exceptional Candidates always considered regardless of recruiting needs.
How to Apply
Apply with Google Forms
All applications are kept private.
Please include at least the following.
Prominent links to relevant armory pages ]A guild history with reasons for departure
The reason(s) you have chosen to apply to this guild
Warcraft Logs
UI screenshots or fraps/Stream footage
Contact Information
Shadaka (GM)
Real ID:Shadak#1881
Aerivore (Recruitment Officers)
Real ID: Aerivore#1581
Real ID: Sov#1192
By Aleslugger
First off, I absolutely adore this class and especially the brewmaster theme, but I'm just not making good use of it. I'm also not very good or knowledgable at it, so please excuse my stupidity in this ramble :P
With other tanks, I always feel like I'm in control. I have abilities that easily gather all enemies to me, but it's so different with the monk. If we're not counting the artifact weapon's special ability (since you spend at least 98 levels without it), I basically have a single proper AoE attack, being the Keg Smash. Compared to other tanks' abilites like Thunder Clap, Blood Boil, etc., I feel like Keg Smash is absolutely terrible. It has a much smaller radius, so I always have to run around and try to herd groups into tight bunches before I can effect all of them. If I'm completely surrounded by enemies within melee range, I feel like I'm lucky if I hit even a third of them with the splash, and so often I have to run around and tag drifters with melee attacks. I'm really jealous of the other classes' spells that are centered on the caster or placeable.
Am I doing something wrong, or is this a common problem? I know I have the Provoke ability as well, but being a single target spell with an 8 second cooldown, it doesn't really help my problem much. I really want to make my monk work, but I feel completely at a loss in dungeons and raids sometimes, and I always fall back to my prot paladin just because I feel like I'm doing an awful job with my monk.
Pleeease show me how I'm being an idiot and how the brewmaster is actually a competent tank!
By Cirto
Hi! I am running through antorus right now, and I'm trying to push heroic with my guild now. We just downed the hounds, and we won't be raiding again until next weekend. I was wondering if I can get some help with learning what I'm doing wrong with my monk, I'm a brewmaster tank, and I seem to be taking almost twice the damage of the other tank in the raid, the prot pally. What am I doing wrong? what can I fix?
Here's the link -
Thanks very much!