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What's your reason for playing a mage?

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Hi! I'm a hunter main, and there are lots of reasons I love playing my hunter. I love the huge amount of utility and mobility and versatility we get.


I love using Disengage all over the place. Naturally, I use Engineering, so I often Disengage off a cliff just to gracefully float down on a parachute. 


I love one shotting standard mobs with Aimed Shot + Chimera Shot + Kill Shot combo. 


I love using Deterrence, Camouflage and Feign Death to get past mobs I don't wish to engage. 


I love the fact that I can always switch to Beast Mastery and become the best soloing class in the game, easily beating content meant for 3+ players. I even tanked Al'Akir once back in Cataclysm. 


I love how I can perform my whole rotation on the move.


I love that even if the hunter himself lacks some abilities, he can always bring a pet to fill that hole. We can even battle rez and cast heroism!


Leveling, questing, soloing, dungeons, PVP and raiding - Hunters excel at everything. 


Wow that was a lot of words not about mages.


My question is - you, people who play mages, what do you love about your class? Because I sort of want to play a mage, but I just can't find a compelling reason. 

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Well... Hmm... My mage was the first character I made on the official servers and I played him for all those years since the beginning of BC.

I really like doing a great amout of damage in all the contents and switching through the skilltrees.

I love the story and role behind the mages in Warcraft at all, and Im proud being one of them.

I like the challenge doing old content solo which is not as easy for us compared to a DK or hunter.


Even as a Mage you've got great mobility and lots of abilities, it changes over the years but they're till there.

I like being not a perfect and "overpowered" class like hunters are.


And I like that mages don't start a discussion like you did, lol.

Hunters aren't good mages I guess

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Well... Hmm... My mage was the first character I made on the official servers and I played him for all those years since the beginning of BC.

I really like doing a great amout of damage in all the contents and switching through the skilltrees.

I love the story and role behind the mages in Warcraft at all, and Im proud being one of them.

I like the challenge doing old content solo which is not as easy for us compared to a DK or hunter.


Even as a Mage you've got great mobility and lots of abilities, it changes over the years but they're till there.

I like being not a perfect and "overpowered" class like hunters are.


And I like that mages don't start a discussion like you did, lol.

Hunters aren't good mages I guess

Well, I just wanted to give you guys an example for a kind of a mageloving post I had hoped to see laugh.png


Oh and I agree completely. Hunters are overpowered. I find it really weird Blizzard limiting casters' mobility in such a way. I can understand something like a Chaosbolt requiring to be standing to cast, but having to stand for 99% non instant casts seems very punishing for no reason and no payoff. 


Hunters aren't perfect either, we have our issues, mostly having to do with our resource, focus. Can't do damage without it, and building it requires time. It's not uncommon for me to see a target that needs to be killed right now, and KNOW that I'll be able to do any meaningful damage to it only 7-8 seconds from now.

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Mages always have at least one good spec so always useful for mythic raiding. Other than that the mobility is fantastic.

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