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Interesting Spam

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As you can imagine, we receive a lot of spam on our @icy-veins.com e-mail addresses. They are usually pretty generic, but today, we did receive an interesting one.


My Dearest, My Name is FATIMA JENNY DIOP,

Please how are you, hope you are fine and in perfect condition of health.I went through your profile on(www.wowwiki.com)and i read it and took interest in it,please if you don't mind i will like you to write me on this ID hope to hear from you soon,and I will be waiting for your mail because i have something VERY important to discus with you. I will send you my photo at least for you to see who is writing to you.

Lots of love


Still, it doesn't look like FATIMA will get any reply ^^

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I got an interesting spam e-mail to one of my domains. Basically was something about having a distant relative pass away and I was to inherit some money and to contact them ASAP so that I could get the funds. Naturally it was being held in a Nigerian bank, lol.

So I used a little creative trickery. I went to a site that gives a very temporary e-mail address and then used yahoo to setup so that I could use that address to send out creating a "black hole" as once the e-mail is done everything is dead. I told them that I was very glad to find this as I was in extreme need and to please contact me via phone or snail mail. I gave them the address and phone number of:

935 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW

Washington, D.C. 20535-0001

(202) 324-3000

This is the address and phone number of the FBI. . . After clicking send I laughed for hours and every person I told has laughed as well. I still have to wonder what the scammer thought when they made a phone call and had someone answer "Federal Bureau of Investigation, How can I direct your call?"


Edited by NightShade
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