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League of Budgets

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League of Budgets

Well I’ve had my fair share of problems having to keep updating my PC to keep up with the increasing demands of today’s games. Is Modern Warfare running too slowly? Guess the RAM needs to be upgraded. Well the game appears pixilated too. Better get the graphics card changed as well. This tends to add up costs quickly. Not a great thing for a regular gamer like me.

If you aren’t up to the task of having to keep updating your PC’s parts and spending too many hard earned dollars for it, then give League of Legends a chance. That’s what I discovered when I tested it on my computer. My last change of parts was back in 2009 and I haven’t had the money nor the time to spend on this old hunk of junk. So I considered my options: spend a fortune for to play a game right now or find a game that doesn’t take a big requirement from my computer but is enjoyable just the same. I took the latter.

Filled with strategy and tactics, there is almost an infinite combination of possibilities with a whole bunch of characters. It’s difficult not to play a string of consecutive games in one sitting. You’ve probably heard of it already. It’s called “League of Legends” or LoL for short. This is the shit. Every gamer most likely knows what it’s about.

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Get into the game for babes like her

It really takes a basic computer to be able to play this. My 2009 Intel powered clunker can still take play this game in medium to high graphics. Just make sure your computer has a 2GHz CPU, 1GB of RAM and a GeForce 8800 video card or any other similar one. Even grandma’s computer can run this given a chance.

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Just don't try your luck with this ancient piece of technology

These days, computer games are getting more complex and require you to study them in order to get the hang of it. This is not the case with LoL. I was breezing through the tutorials that are intended as introductions to the game. No need to guess your way throughout the game another. Trust me, it’s basically cakewalk to finish these quests. Just follow the cue markers and you’re all set.

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Little Tricia will PWN your ass

What makes the game enticing is that League of Legends needs you to incorporate strategies and tactics. I played rush on full attack mode and quickly died. So that ISN’T the way to go here. Playing with your team is necessary to win the game. This isn’t a solo mission. This is about a team that lives and dies together. It’s better to talk to your teammates and let them know what’s happening on the map. If you want to play a solo game then this isn’t something you should be playing. Go enjoy a console game instead. When you play League of Legends, you better get ready to play as a team or die as an individual. Do you get what I’m saying buddy? No heroics.

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This is no solo mission! Wanna go solo? Use a console

Take this opportunity to revel in the game by befriending other players. It’s a much more fun experience when you get to play with others. Also, why not invite your other friends to join you in the “League”. That’s what I did and boy has it paid off. I’m playing better knowing that my friends have my back and I have theirs. Remember that it’s all about strategy, tactics, and friendship. So go ahead and play the game. As for me, it’s time to get the old clunker up and running for another 5 on 5 match-up.

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The game is more enjoyable when you play with friends.

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I've gotten back into it lately, playing a match when I have some free time. I don't however like solo-queueing very much, I prefer to get on skype with 1 or 2 friends and suddenly the games go a lot better. As you said this is a team game and for good teamplayers this is a really fun game.

The only problem I have with it is that the matches can take anywhere from 20 minutes to over an hour to finish and because you can't save, pause, log out and come back later it sometimes is a bit difficult to find enough time in your agenda.

Also: not enough in game currency to buy all the runes I need and to get champions I really like. If only I had more money.

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Thanks for the reply guys!

It's up to you to play or not. I'm just sharing how I feel about it. I find it cheap to play since I haven't spent anything (yet Posted Image ). I agree with Madmonk in terms of having problems with solo-queue. However, I find it to be a minimal inconvenience.

I'm looking forward to more articles in the future. Posted Image

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