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Hearthstone Legendary Secretless Tempo Mage TGT

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I mean, how do you mix having Secrets and not having Secrets? You either do or you don't :P


If I thought it was strictly better to play one or the other, I wouldn't have uploaded both. This one curves out more consistently, but the one with Secrets is stronger if you get an early Scientist. The one with Secrets is worse to Kezan Mystic and Flare, which people are playing more of because of Secret Paladin, but is better against decks that struggle with Mirror Entity.

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Guest BrokenShards

Would be Blizzard a good/viable replacement for Flamestrike in the somewhat meta of Secretpaladins? :D

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Nah, you'll regret it against more or less every other deck, the one turn difference can be a big deal in some matchups, but Flamestrike is just so much more well-rounded.

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Guest Buttonman

Hi Sottle.  Great guides for the Tempo Mage with and without Secrets.


Could I pick your brains and get some suggestions for alternatives to the Spellslingers for those of us who are a little averse to RNG?


Candidates that have occurred to me are Deathlord (to hide your minions behind - but another RNG dependant drawback minion), Imp Master, Harvest Golem, Razorfen Hunter, Silver Hand Regent (all have varying degrees of Knife Thrower synergy), Raging Worgen (potential for a big burst), Spider Tank (like Spellslinger without the RNG element).


Any of those you would favour or do you have your own candidates?

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Honestly, before Spellslinger came out, this deck still wanted a solid thing to play on turn 3, but none of those cards were really deemed good enough to go in the deck, that's still kind of the case. The closest thing honestly is Spider Tank, and i'd probably go with that.

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Guest charbo

Great deck. What do you think of Arcane Blast compared to Arcane Missiles? Since you're playing 2 Azure Drake, it could be effective.

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It could be, I don't like the lack of flexibility though, it can't go face unfortunately, which is important sometimes.

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Guest DestroyingImpuls

Coming back to the discussion about Spellslinger, while i can understand the reasoning behind this I thought about replacing it with Saboteur, same stats but no symmetric effect. Could this be a valid option for ppl disliking Spellslinger?

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It could be, I don't like the lack of flexibility though, it can't go face unfortunately, which is important sometimes.

I kind of disagree, the Arcana Blast (AB) has the flexibility to pick the minion that needs the damage right now. With Arcane Missiles (AM) your are praying to RNGezus. AM becomes more interesting if you either have Flamewaker (Flw) and or Azure Drake (AZ) or simply have multiple copies of it to mitigate the RNGezus.

I don't like 50% odds, so I'm not against RNGezus but with the current meta of Musters, Face Hunters and Totem Shammies I feel 3 Random damage hardly makes the right impact. Sure if you have some minions on the board you can eliminate some targets for RNGezus. And in the end being able to target the Face is a downside for me when I want to use the AM.


Now if you look at the situation if you do have an AZ on the board, then AB trumps AM because 4 damage to a minion for 1 mana is better in my book than when you need 4 damage to the face. I mean, that would be possible for the AZ to do next turn.

So yes I think there are situations where AM would be lethal but AB will always give you better board control, which finally results in lethal too ;).


Coming back to the discussion about Spellslinger, while i can understand the reasoning behind this I thought about replacing it with Saboteur, same stats but no symmetric effect. Could this be a valid option for ppl disliking Spellslinger?

I really like Saboteur, as it counters at least one turn the hero power which is important for Secret Paly, Totem Shaman and Dragon Priest in lesser extent. Warriors won't suffer too much but you never know when 2 damage is all you need to win.

Deathlord seems as a interesting alternative, as this deck will benefit if you can shield off Mana Wyrm or Flw. Sure there is a downside, but vs Secret Paly, Dragon Priest and Ramp Druid this is kind of ok because their big minions have battlecries.

I might give it a try if secret Paly gives me headaches and the RNGezus spells keep losing me games. The problem is that there are enough high cost crappy spells that end up being a dead card and you opponent might be sitting on a free Flamestrike. :D

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Guest Dustbite

Good deck but I feel like the Knife Jugglers can be replaced by Fallen Heroes.

Also what would you suggest in replacing Anthonidas, until I get it / craft it of course ? 

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I don't like 50% odds, so I'm not against RNGezus but with the current meta of Musters, Face Hunters and Totem Shammies I feel 3 Random damage hardly makes the right impact. Sure if you have some minions on the board you can eliminate some targets for RNGezus. And in the end being able to target the Face is a downside for me when I want to use the AM.


Sorry, you're talking about a meta where the common decks are flooding the board with multiple low health minions, and you are advocating for a single 2 damage spell, over a 1 Mana spell that can potentially, for example, wipe out Muster for Battle single handedly? Your argument just doesn't make any sense.


When I talk about the flexibility of Arcane Missiles vs Arcane Blast, I mentioned the Face concern specifically, but it's not the only concern.


Arcane Missiles has the potential to:

- Clean up a Haunted Creeper's tokens after you've popped it with a minion

- Clean up a Muster for Battle for a 2 Mana Advantage

- Trade 1 for 1 with a 2-drop such as Knife Juggler

- Create wide angle board clears with Flamewaker 

- Hit face for Lethal

- Regain a board that was lost to Implosion

- etc.

- etc.

- etc.


Arcane Blast has the potential to

- Hit one minion for up to 4 damage


Coming back to the discussion about Spellslinger, while i can understand the reasoning behind this I thought about replacing it with Saboteur, same stats but no symmetric effect. Could this be a valid option for ppl disliking Spellslinger?


Saboteur absolutely does not have the same stats as Spellslinger. 3/4 is better than 4/3 by a comfortable margin because of Frostbolt, Darkbomb, Quick Shot, Knife Juggler etc. All of these are cards that a 4/3 trades DOWN into, which is terrible for Tempo.

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Good deck but I feel like the Knife Jugglers can be replaced by Fallen Heroes.

Also what would you suggest in replacing Anthonidas, until I get it / craft it of course ? 



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Good deck but I feel like the Knife Jugglers can be replaced by Fallen Heroes.

Also what would you suggest in replacing Anthonidas, until I get it / craft it of course ? 




Fallen Heroes definitely! For me they work perfectly, great fit into this deck. I tried Knife Jugglers, but there is only 1 card in this deck (mirror image) that spawn a lot of cheap minions. 


I say Fallen Heroes.

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Guest jake

Thanks a lot for this deck. 

However I don't have Rhonin (no Ragnaros as well). Would Nefarian work in his place?

Or maybe Emperor/Blingtron/Thalnos/Nexus-champion?

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Guest BlaneyJ

What would you recommend for people who haven't done BrM or Naxx and therefore need something to replace 2x Flamewakers and Loatheb? (I also don't have Antonidas). Currently in place of 2x Flamewakers, Loatheb and Antonidas, I'm using Flame Lance, Another Flame Strike, Another Polymorph: Boar and a Kobold Geomancer; to top them all off. 

I'd really like your input on what would be nice to replace these 4 cards (Especially the BrM and Naxx ones.)


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Guest Jadius1712

Rhonin is basically a meta call, he really isn't good against aggro (then again neither is Antonidas), I feel he's a clunky card all around but can seal the deal against control decks.  Personally I don't run him, and to replace it you can add another spell or if you want another legendary, Sylvanas is good since you can proc yourself with fireball.  Haven't tried Rag in this deck but I'm sure it's a decent option.  


I like this deck, but with frost elementals over shredders, since they're better against aggro and weapon classes.  Also I run more spell oriented with -2 jugglers, -1 Loathem, -1 Rhonin and +1 mirror immage, missles and flame cannon.  The reason flame cannon needs two is it's really good against 2-4 drops such as wyrmrest, darnassus aspirant, keeper of the grove, and can help take out a pesky Druid of the Fang.  



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Guest jlkkk

For Rhonin will silver hand knight would be good replecemanet as tempo card or Thaurissan/Chrommagus/Faerie dragon or another arcane intellect which i use atm.

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Guest Maelzrael

I replaced one shredder with Elise Starseeker because if it ever procs it's great fun. So far I'm only rank 19 with it, here's hoping I can progress with this deck, I seem to have trouble getting past rank 15 every month and I just destroyed all my warrior and druid cards so I could make Dr Boom an hopefully get farther this month. 


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Guest SundayPunch

Please any replacement for Flamewalker , and Antonidas (Dont have Rag) in this deck ? 

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Please any replacement for Flamewalker , and Antonidas (Dont have Rag) in this deck ? 

Don't play the deck if you lack Flamewakers. You could try swapping in cards that are included in this deck, but definitely not worth it without Flamewakers.

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