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    • By VampAurora
      It's been a while but I am back with another video for you! I have fallen in love with Junkrat for a while now so here's some plays for you!
      Hope you enjoy! Feel free to comment/like/subscribe on YouTube as well! Thank you!
    • By VampAurora
      New video out! This time it is Reaper that will spread madness at the map, killing everyone! :D
      Feel free to comment/like/subscribe! Thank you! :)
    • By KelBessathus
      Hello folks!
      I'm here to present to you a series that is based on Heroes of the Storm.
      It's a highlights series of funny moments, fails, epic gameplay and many other stuff.

      The twist, from many other highlights, is that every moment is depicted as a story, or better said, as a tale, thus the name of the series.

      So far there have been 38 episodes, each one better than the previous, so I'd suggest checking the latest ones.

      Series playlist:

      Also, I've included some recommended, based on the audience's reaction, videos.
      Episode 17 (reached HOTS reddit 1st hot page for 5 days) --> Episode 24 (Famous Ragdoll montage at min 5:10) -->  Episode 13 (one of my first almost perfect ratings) --> Episode 10 (highest views) -->

      Latest episode --> Episode 38

      Thanks in advance for watching and I hope you enjoy each of them

      P.S This is my first post on this Icy Veins. If I happen to violate any rules, please notify me and I'll fix it as soon as possible.
    • By VampAurora
      New one! It's Mei! Freeze!
      Hope you enjoy! Feel free to like/comment/subscribe! :)
    • By VampAurora
      This is an old video of mine with highlights by Soldier 76. I know it's mostly ulties but it can show you some nice positioning and timing for those ulties and their coordination.
      Hope you enjoy! Feel free to like/comment/subscribe! Thank you :)
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