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Beneath the Grounds

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Today I was facing a mill rogue using beneath the grounds (I wonder if thats a good idea, but that's not my question).


I get that in a normal draw you would get the ambush, the opponent gets his nerubian and I get an extra card. Now what happened to me is that my hand was full So the ambush was destroyed immediately, he did not get his nerubian and I did not get an extra card (which would then have been destroyed as well).


It worked out good for me, my question is just, whether it should work that way.

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It's also one of the reasons why the card can be quite poor in Mill Rouge, you're actually extending the size of their deck so it's harder to fatigue them, and then if you Mill the Ambush cards, you get no benefit.

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Kinds sad, if it worked in a different way Mill Rouge could have become a thing or in other words a better deck.  The card seemed like it was targeted for Mill, but the interaction is unfortunate.

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