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Heroes of the Storm Kerrigan

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Guest Phoby Trice

This build makes little to no sense. Why, exactly, sacrifice all damage building talents in favor of tanking talents, exactly? Kerrigan is a hit-and-run character. Relying on her ability to tank damage with her shields is asinine. Gank with ability power and, if she doesn't get the killing blow, disengage and re-engage upon cooldowns.


Lv1: Sharpened Blades (Because Kerrigan isn't a tank.)

Lv4: Envenom (Because Kerrigan isn't a tank.)

Lv7: Battle Momentum (Because Kerrigan isn't a tank.)

Lv10: Summon Ultralisk (Because Kerrigan isn't a tank.)

Lv13: Double Strike (Because Kerrigan isn't a tank.)

Lv16: Essence for Essence (Because Kerrigan isn't a tank.)

Lv20: Bolt of the Storm (Because Kerrigan is NOT a tank.)

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Guest warsaw
On 17.12.2015 at 8:33 PM, Guest Phoby Trice said:

This build makes little to no sense. Why, exactly, sacrifice all damage building talents in favor of tanking talents, exactly? Kerrigan is a hit-and-run character. Relying on her ability to tank damage with her shields is asinine. Gank with ability power and, if she doesn't get the killing blow, disengage and re-engage upon cooldowns.


Lv1: Sharpened Blades (Because Kerrigan isn't a tank.)

Lv4: Envenom (Because Kerrigan isn't a tank.)

Lv7: Battle Momentum (Because Kerrigan isn't a tank.)

Lv10: Summon Ultralisk (Because Kerrigan isn't a tank.)

Lv13: Double Strike (Because Kerrigan isn't a tank.)

Lv16: Essence for Essence (Because Kerrigan isn't a tank.)

Lv20: Bolt of the Storm (Because Kerrigan is NOT a tank.)

Sorry but this also makes no sense.. Because Kerrigans aoe is lost with this ulti, i wouldn´t recommend to use ultralisk. i agree with your opinion that kerrigan is not a tank, but she doesn´t need to be a tank to take advantage of additional heals, especially if you are jumping out of healers range and he can´t follow fast enough. So first talent should always be siphoning impact. Second talent envenom is ok for me because you will not always kill instant with clean kill (combination of ravage talents is interesting anyway), and for low-rank games i would surely prefer omegastorm as a last instead of bolt of the storm

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Not sure if this has been addressed but you don't have a recommended talent for level 13 right now.  You still have Lingering Essence there, and then all three of the current talent picks are placed under Not Recommended.

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Guest Castitatis

I've had great runs in mid-tier elo using a more melee centered build paired with either a rehgar and/or a Lt. Morales.

1. siphoning impact

4. fury of the swarm

7. bladed momentum or if they have high burst then adaptation

10. maelstrom

13. double strike

16. aggressive defense

20. nexus blade or bolt of storm if they have good escape mechanics


This turns kerrigan into an AA monster that can shred multiple people down at once if they make the unfortunate mistake of bunshing together, which does happen quite often at the level where I play, especially assassins sticking near their supports.

Either rehgar or morales are a must for this to work well though 

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2 hours ago, Guest Castitatis said:

I've had great runs in mid-tier elo using a more melee centered build paired with either a rehgar and/or a Lt. Morales.

1. siphoning impact

4. fury of the swarm

7. bladed momentum or if they have high burst then adaptation

10. maelstrom

13. double strike

16. aggressive defense

20. nexus blade or bolt of storm if they have good escape mechanics


This turns kerrigan into an AA monster that can shred multiple people down at once if they make the unfortunate mistake of bunshing together, which does happen quite often at the level where I play, especially assassins sticking near their supports.

Either rehgar or morales are a must for this to work well though 

Yeah, the need to auto-attack with a melee hero is often quite dangerous (especially if the opposing team has good pokers), requiring you to have a pocket healer, which significantly reduces the usability of some talents, such as the Fury of the SwarmFury of the Swarm. How successful are you with this build?

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Guest Andrerx470

I want to point out that fury of the swarm does a lot more damge than psionic pulse in far less time while landing W-E combo and also is a passive so its ALWAYS active and greatly contributes to Kerrigan shield when she dives in the enemy team with Malestrom.

Anothe talent that sinergizes well with fury of the swarm is assimilation mastery because one of kerrigan weak points is the high mana cost of her abilities (175 for QWE combo).  Bladed momentum is a very good talent but relying on it in long teamfights leaves you with no mana ( only 3 combo at most and even less if you pick siphoning impact at level 1) and kerrigan with no mana is utterly useless.

Kerrigan talents are ALWAYS extremely situational but i think more credit should be given to overdrive since uther and tyrael are almost fixed bans now. This talent beside having a very low CD it powers up Malestrom damage (the shield gets 250% at lv20 if you pick omegastorm) and dramatically improves your burst damage which is kerrigan main trait (especially if you have picked sharpened blades at lv1 and clean kill at lv4). The increased mana cost can be easily covered with assimilation mastery or/and malfurion trait.

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Guest Cennix

I don't agree with these builds.

I find the biggest strength in Kerrigans staying power is when you combine Fury of the Swarm 4 with Double Strike 13 and Agressive Defence 16. The cleave, which also benefits from the extra auto hits on 13, all generate extra shields from the 16 talent.

My most successful build by far as a Kerrigan main with 65% winrate over 400+ games is similar to what Castitatis posted above, :

Cleave Build

1. Sharpened Blades/Block
2. Fury of the Swarm
3. Bladed Momentum
4. Maelstrom
5. Double Strike
6. Aggressive Defense (Occasionally Consider Essence for Essence if I find myself consistently just needing a little extra damage for a kill after a Q/AA+Proc/W-E/AA+Proc/AA combo. Can heavily depend on levels as well).
7. Psionic Shift

If I go for a ravage build I will tend to go as follows:

1. Siphoning Impact.
4. Clean KIll
7. Bladed Momentum
10. Maelstrom
13. Eviscerate/Double Strike (Depends on target choice in fights)
16. Essence for Essence (Without all the cleave value from the above build I don't feel like Aggressive Defence gets enough value, especially If you are going for a ravage build, these fights should be relatively short and snappy, and therefore Essence for Essence should generally get more value)
20. Psionic Shift

The Cleave build is  much better at taking Merc camps than a standard Ravage build. At 13, you have the flexibility of burning some extra mana and clearing it super fast (faster than any other melee (Samuro, Greymane, Wrath Sonya included), or to preserve your mana and cleave it down a little slower. The healing lost from the ravage build in this regard is made up for the fact that you gain so much extra shielding from the cleave damage. It also has other little benefits such as clearing Zag creep with the cleave if positioned correctly too.

For Infernal Shrines and Haunted Mines I usually play a ravage build, as it is fantastic at clearing the shrine/small skull camps but if I see a game I can heavily abuse sappers on Mines with the above cleave build then I will opt for that. with Sharpened Blades/Fury of the Swarm on 1 & 4 you clear these sapper camps very fast and i feel it scales much better late game due to superior synergy.

When choosing which build also take into account things like how much value block would get. If I'm against a butcher I need to heavily consider this and it can often decide the route of my build. Always look for things you can abuse for healing/shielding. For example If you are against a Nazeebo, you can abuse the Zombie Wall to heal up with ravage build. Same with Pufferfish, Beetles, and so on. The list is pretty substantial but I will always go to one of these two builds. Sometimes this makes me even consider Omegastorm at 20. Things like Samuro clones, Arthas Army, Chen Ult. and even Brocoli can give you extra value from this you should take into account.

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11 hours ago, Guest User1 said:

No Ultralisk on Kerrigan Abilities and strategy

Thanks for pointing this out! It must have been removed by mistake.

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On 9/7/2015 at 11:29 AM, Damien said:

This thread is for comments about our Kerrigan build guide for Heroes of the Storm.

Ahahahaha i suggest people who come here to avoid this build for kerrigan,6 years of playing LOL and making such a poor guide for such a great killer hero,who made this never should've touch even kerrigan.As a player of kerrigan i recommend: 

lvl1.Sharpened Blades.

lvl 4.Psionic Pulse.

lvl 7.Assimilation Mastery.


lvl13(Here it depends on situation and enemy,if opposing team has a tank like arthas or such stuff,or a killer like butcher go for double strike,if you find yourself in a more comfortable position with opposing players without high in HP go for Queen's Rush,will help you chasing players trying to avoid maelstrom or your other skills while maelstrom activated.

Lvl16.Also same situation like previous on 13,if your team needs someone with high damage go for Overdrive.But if your team has enough damage output go for aggressive defense.Usually i prefer Overdrive(never bad having a 25% boost:D)

Lvl.20.Omegastorm focuses on your shileds amount you gain from lvl 10Maelstrom,but i recomend Nexus Blades.


Cheers.and GLHF.

Edited by Cdavid

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2 hours ago, Cdavid said:

Ahahahaha i suggest people who come here to avoid this build for kerrigan,6 years of playing LOL and making such a poor guide for such a great killer hero,who made this never should've touch even kerrigan.As a player of kerrigan i recommend: 

I mean, not just our guide disagrees with you, but HoTSLogs %s do as well.

3.3% taking Queen's Rush in last 7 days vs. 73.1% taking Double Strike at 13.

Even less for Overdrive, 2.8% take it on 16. 

If they were at least at 10%+, there might be an argument here, but those are incredibly low %s.

You say you are a player of Kerrigan, but what exactly do you mean? What rank are you currently at? Do you play her against AI, in Quick Play, in Ranked? These are all important pieces of information.

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Kerrigan i play in ranked mode and quick matches...the build with Queen's Rush for me it's useful. I've mentioned already some players are like frozen when you activate Maelstrom and will try to get out of it's range,that talent helps me keep me close enough to him.Like i was saying Double Strike i prefer it in fights with other dps such as The Butcher,who's dealing a crazy amount of dmg in team fights especially after gathering 200 meat.Now i should ask you back,what you do with 2 talents on Eviscerate?? for healing and 40% distance?

This build i suggest it for normal players,i've already read your thoughts far away they are at championships even dough neither you don't reach there as neither i.

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12 minutes ago, Cdavid said:

Kerrigan i play in ranked mode and quick matches...the build with Queen's Rush for me it's useful. I've mentioned already some players are like frozen when you activate Maelstrom and will try to get out of it's range,that talent helps me keep me close enough to him.Like i was saying Double Strike i prefer it in fights with other dps such as The Butcher,who's dealing a crazy amount of dmg in team fights especially after gathering 200 meat.Now i should ask you back,what you do with 2 talents on Eviscerate?? for healing and 40% distance?

You are criticising two different builds in the same comparison? I don't understand how that's possible. They are intended to do two different things. The first build is there specifically to output as much damage as possible, sacrificing all survivability for it. This is very clearly noted below it. You take talents to deal as much damage as possible to a single priority target. That's when you take things like Double Strike, specifically to counter things like Butcher. You aim to kill them in one stun by ensuring your team focuses them alongside you. This is exactly what the guide says, what you say and then you say the guide is completely wrong. 

The second build, with the range and healing talent are never meant to be taken against things like the Butcher. That's the whole point of the build. We never recommended it to be taken so, yet you are saying that the Butcher counters that build. I really don't understand.

The second build is to be used to stick to ranged targets that can kite you and slowly kill you, with roots or jumps. Definitely not a hero like the Butcher. 

Calling the guide "such a poor guide" and then attacking a specific build for its ability to counter a hero it was never meant to counter is just downright ridiculous, especially when another talent build is listed next to it already that is for said hero.

18 minutes ago, Cdavid said:

This build i suggest it for normal players,i've already read your thoughts far away they are at championships even dough neither you don't reach there as neither i.

Just because someone is a normal player, doesn't mean they need to use a sub-par talent. If anything, taking Overdrive is even worse for the normal player, because you lose any survivability from the other two choices. So actually, your choice of Overdrive would belong with the pro players that have pro supports to save them.

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13 hours ago, Guest Kerrigan said:

This guide needs to die both these builds are garbage tier.

Oh, why's that?

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Here's a pretty good build I just stole from someone posting it in Blizzard's official HotS forums.


I gave it a try myself, it's a lot better than the old Ravage build (which has been literally "ravaged" after the last nerfs). It's pretty good - though she's still a kind of niche hero. This worked well for me in Tomb.

Justifications (as the guy who posted, argued the reasoning behind these talent choices):

1 - Damage Block. This helps a lot in making you tanky. It may seem that 2 instances of 75% physical armor against enemy Hero attacks is not much, but it helps you in building up your shield from your trait. You can see it as a form of sustain - the typical "lifesteal sustain" restores some of your health as long as you keep attacking something. That kind of negates some of the damage you're taking, which is exactly the same thing this talent does. The advantage is that you don't have to actually attack anything to negate a portion of their attack damage, but in exchange for that, it doesn't work against spells. But given that you're a melee hero with the ability to dive into the enemy you're bound to get attacked anyway and this will serve its purpose.

4- Cleave. This not only helps in waveclearing, for no manacost whatsoever - this also HELPS BUILDING UP YOUR SHIELDS VERY FAST. Do you remember how Assimilation works? yeah, that's right. You have to hurt enemies with your attacks and spells. The more enemies you manage to hurt at once, the more shields you get. Since Cleave causes your attacks to damage several minions at once (or if you're really really lucky you might be able to attack and damage more than 1 enemy Hero with the Cleave if they're really clumped together). If you're in lane, you're just hitting minions with cleave, you're clearing waves but also building up your shields in the process. This is obviously handy in preparation for diving at an enemy where you might get hurt.

7 - Assimilation Mastery. This combined with the fact that you're damaging several minions at once with each Cleave attack improves the duration of your Assimilation Shields and your health and mana regen along with it. You may still go for Bladed Momentum if you like, but keep in mind that Kerrigan is more about getting only 1 spell combo on a squishy enemy right (while surviving the ordeal), most of the time you won't really have much room for a second attempt if you failed the first one.

10 - Ultralisk. Since you've been tanking yourself up to this point, you have to get some means of damage (other than your stun + pull  + dive combo) and this gives it. Most people won't pay attention to the ultralisk running and hitting, they will just try to stop you and so your pet goes unchecked. It works better than Maelstrom in that for that one you have to be really close to a bunch of enemies for that to work, and they can get away with an escape mech or whatever. If your pet does not reach an enemy in time, you could at least order it to clear a lane or attack an enemy tower or other structure meaning it doesn't completely go to waste. In addition keep in mind that Ultralisk helps you much more in things such as body-blocking or dismounting enemies trying to either chase you or flee from you.

13 - Double Strike - This is Kerrigan's version of Follow Through or Nova's One in the Chamber. Buffs some of your attack damage now that you have buffed your survivability to a decent amount.

16 - Aggressive Defense - By this point you're as tanky as an Artanis, or probably more.

20 - You can go with any talent really but the guy recommended Nexus Blades. Any of the talent choices at this tier seems fine.

Edited by Leadblast

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On 06/12/2017 at 12:07 PM, Farbas said:

This is not really a build-related question, but why would you ever pick Kerrigan over Alarak?

Mobility. Armour. For the Swarm.

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This guide really needs an update so badly.

There's pretty much only 1 viable build for Kerrigan right now, with some optional talent choices:

Lv 1: Either Sharpened Blade or Block. Block is good against hard-hittig AA like Butcher, Stukov, Greymane, etc; while being useless against fast AA like Tracer, Tychus, Genji.

Lv 4: Fury of the Swarm is the only choice. It significantly improves your waveclear and merc clear, while helping you building up your shield if a team fight is going to happen nearby. The other choices are either extremely underwhelming, or making zero sense at all.

Lv 7: Bladed Momentum should be the go-to choice. It vastly improves your merc clear to the point that you're one of the best mercenary camp claimer in the game. It also helps you team fight by allowing for more combo AND Ravage usage, whichc results in more damage, more shield and more mobility. Some people opted for Assimilation Mastery for mana sustain, but you don't really need it if you have better MANAgement. (LUL)

Lv 10: Maelstorm is the choice here. The damage is not something spectacular, but it forces the enemy backliners to move away from it, making you easier to predict their movement and hit your combo. Ultralisk is better for split-pushing, but it really doesn't do much until you get the upgrade at lv 20. 

Lv 13: Double Strike is too powerful to give up. It significantly increases your burst damage, to the point that you can almost one-shot a squishy. It also allows you to clear camp much faster.

Lv 16: You can choise between Aggressive Defense and Essence for Essence. Aggressive Defense makes you much tankier, while Essence for Essence provides a respectable amiunt of on-demand burst damage. Take what you need based on your situation.

Lv 20: I've seen a lot of different opinions for this tier, but I usually prefer Psionic Shift. It makes you much more unpredictable, so they'll have a harder time to dodge your combo. I sometimes go for Maelstorm upgrade if I need to be a tanky frontliner, or the enemy team has a melee heavy comp.

This guide's builds are really horrible, especially the Ravage build. 2 of its talents are based around a kill-reset mechanic on you main engaging tool. This makes zero sense on Kerrigan, whose kit is based around landing a high-damage combo after engaging. You ain't gonna kill anyone after you use Ravage on them in 1.5s. This kind of talents would be insane on someone like Genji, but not Kerrigan.

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Guest my build

i have around 200k siege dam and 85k heroes dam :

1- Block:  good early game 

4- fury of the swarm: a lot of xp

7- assimilation mastery: mana and health

10- does'nt matter choose what's best.. uselly ultralisk because of lvl 20 torrasque

13- eviscerate: more dam

16- aggressive defense: more def

20- well i often use ultralisk so i pick torrasque but it is up to u

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Guest pls

It's been almost a day since the frontpage said that all of Kerrigan's pages have been updated for the rework but it's still the same list from a year ago.

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      Same Hero mode now enables Health & Mana regeneration at base, reduced from 8% per second to 3.2% per second. Same Hero mode now enables the Hearthstone ability without the burst heal after completion. Heroes
      Basic Attack damage increased from 55 to 60. Flame Stream [Q] No longer able to deal additional damage to Structures. Talents
      Level 1 Adrenaline Stimpack Passive attack speed bonus reduced from 25% to 20%. Level 4 Incinerator Gauntlets Bonus damage reduced from 50% to 40%. Level 7 Nanomachine Coating Attack Speed reduction reduced from 50% to 35%. Duration increased from 3 seconds to 4 seconds. Suppressive Fire Reduced Spell Power reduction from 25% to 20% and from 50% to 40%. Level 10 Bunker Drop Cooldown increased from 70 to 80. Flamethrower damage reduced from 170 to 150. Mana cost increased from 70 to 80. Level 13 Collision Course Damage reduced from 275 to 260. Cassia
      Basic Attack damage increased from 122 to 125. Talents
      Level 1 Impale Bonus Damage increased from 50% to 70%. Thunderstroke Bonus Damage increased from 15 to 20. Level 20 Infinite Lightning Cooldown reduction reduced from 5 seconds to 4 seconds. Chen
      Level 1 Eye of the Tiger Bonus Damage increased from 40% to 50%. Leech amount increased from 40% to 60%. Level 4 Accumulating Flame Bonus Damage increased from 20% to 30%. Level 7 Gift of the Ox Bonus duration increased from 1.5 seconds to 2 seconds. Level 13 A Touch of Honey Slow bonus increased from 20% to 30%. Ring of Fire Damage increased from 55 to 60. Duration increased from 5 seconds to 6 seconds. Level 20 Untapped Potential Bonus Armor duration increased from 3 seconds to 5 seconds. Hanzo
      Level 16 Giant Slayer Damage reduced from 2% of maximum Health to 1.6% of maximum Health. Mephisto
      Level 4 Spite Bonus duration reduced from 150% to 100%. Level 16 Lightning Reaction Damage reduced from 138 to 120. Thrall
      Health increased from 1896 to 1946. Health Regeneration increased from 3.9492 to 4.0546. Frostwolf Resilience [Trait] Healing increased from 223 to 240. Chain Lightning [Q] Bounce damage increased from 81 to 85. Damage increased from 162 to 170. Feral Spirit [W] Cooldown reduced from 12 seconds to 10 seconds. Talents
      Level 13 Spirit Shield Increased Spell Armor from 50 to 70. Valla
      Hatred [Trait] Duration reduced from 6 seconds to 5 seconds. Talents
      Level 10 Strafe Damage per bolt increased from 60 to 70. Mana cost reduced from 80 to 60. Level 16 Manticore Reduced bonus damage from 5% of maximum Health to 4% of maximum Health. Punishment Reduced the Mana cost of Multishot by 20. Return to Top
      Bug Fixes
      Alarak Base Sadism [Trait] Fixed an issue that caused Sadism's bonus to not apply to Lightning Surge's healing when the primary target is not a Hero. Cassia Level 13 War Matron Added floating text for the amount of damage prevented by War Matron. Cho'Gall Level 1 Keep Moving! Now also modifies Cho's run animation while Shove's movement speed bonus is active. Diablo Base Overpower [E] Fixed an issue that caused Overpower to activate Stukov's Superstrain twice. E.T.C. Level 1 Prog Rock Fixed an issue that could prevent allies from being affected by Prog Rock's area heal. Garrosh Base Into the Fray [1] No longer displays the duration of its Unstoppable. Imperius Base Celestial Charge [Q] Fixed an issue that caused Celestial Charge to activate Stukov's Superstrain twice. Junkrat Level 10 RIP-Tire Fixed an issue that caused RIP-Tire to not display correctly when cast. Kharazim Level 4 Earth Ally Updated Earth Ally to have the remaining Physical Armor duration match the remaining duration of Earth Ally. Li Li Level 1 Free Drinks Floating text updated to show as a crit. Medivh Base Portal [E] Fixed an issue that allowed Medivh to instantly mount after using a Portal to leave the Hall of Storms. Fixed an issue that caused Medivh's Portal to not feature a channel bar or apply visual effects while being channeled. Portal teleportation now happens instantly after completing the channel instead of briefly after completing the channel. Using Medivh's Portal no longer clears the command queue. Level 4 Raven Familiar Damage is now dealt by the Portal user instead of Medivh. Nazeebo Level 10 Ravenous Spirit Fixed an issue that caused Ravenous Spirit to be cancelled if another Nazeebo cancelled their Ravenous Spirit. Probius Level 16 Quantum Entanglement Fixed an issue that caused Quantum Entanglement to not apply if the Warp Rift is detonated as soon as it activates. Raynor Level 10 Raynor's Raider Fixed an issue that caused Raynor's Raider Banshee to receive healing when activating the Tunnel on Towers of Doom and the Sewer Waygate on Warhead Junction. Level 20 Execute Orders Fixed an issue that caused Execute Orders Yamato Cannon to fire at targets outside its radius. Rehgar Base Lightning Shield [W] Fixed an issue that caused Rehgar to not be healed by the damage dealt by Lightning Shield when he gains spell leech. Level 4 Electric Charge Fixed an issue that caused Electric Charge to increase the bearer's Self Healing score. Updated to heal the bearer for its amount as a singular combined effect. Rexxar Fixed an issue that caused Misha to receive healing when activating the Tunnel on Towers of Doom and the Sewer Waygate on Warhead Junction. Stukov Level 16 Superstrain Fixed an issue that caused Superstrain to not display FX when activating. Tracer Level 4 Is That a Health Pack?! Fixed an issue that caused Is That a Health Pack?! to increase Tracer's Healing Score when activating. Return to Top
      Click here to discuss this post with other players in the official Heroes of the Storm forums.

    • By Staff
      Blizzard just released a new patch for Heroes of the Storm and made some additional changes based on PTR feedback. Here are the official patch notes with everything you need to know!
      Our next Heroes of the Storm patch is live! Read on for more information.
      NOTE: Orange text indicates a change between PTR and Live notes.
      Quick Navigation:
      General Balance Update Hero Updates Bug Fixes General
      Updated Homescreen and Startup Music. Updated Shop Bundles and Items. Return to Top
      Balance Updates
      Level 1 Hyper Shift Cooldown reduction reduced from 1 to .5 seconds. Healing reduced from 6% to 4% of maximum Health. Genji
      Level 1 Agile Dismount Slow reduced from 30% to 25%. Pathfinder Movement Speed bonus increased from 25% to 30%. Level 7 Cyber Shield Armor bonus reduced from 50 to 40. Level 10 X-Strike Final damage reduced from 290 to 275. Initial damage reduced from 145 to 135. Level 13 Shingan Damage reduced from 115 to 100. Mephisto
      Level 4 Spite Spite has been disabled in ARAM. Qhira
      Grappling Hook [Trait] Cooldown reduced from 25 to 20 seconds. Carnage [Q] Can now hit targets immune to skill shots (Example: Zagara's Creep Tumors). Blood Rage [W] Cooldown reduced from 8 to 7 seconds. Healing increased from 85 to 90. Revolving Sweep [E] Revolving Sweep's Chain Link can now hit targets immune to skill shots (Example: Zagara's Creep Tumors). Talents
      Level 7 Healmonger Healing increased from 190 to 210. Level 10 Final Strike Damage increased from 395 to 410. Level 16 Lingering Ailment Armor reduction increased from 25 to 40 35. Duration increased from 3 to 4 seconds. Raynor
      Level 20 Execute Orders Updated to only target Heroes, prioritizing ones with the lowest Health. Damage of Yamato Cannon reduced from 794 to 395 as it now targets only Heroes. Will no longer target enemy Heroes not visible or greater than 20 range away. Will now target enemy Heroes who are Invulnerable. Samuro
      Wind Walk [E] Periodic heal reduced from 3% per second to 2% per second. Talents
      Level 1 Way of the Wind Reduced Healing for casting Wind Walk from 4% to 3% of maximum Health. Level 4 One with the Wind Armor reduction decreased from 30% to 25%. Level 10 Bladestorm Cooldown increased from 25 seconds to 30 seconds. Zarya
      Particle Grenade [Q] Damage increased from 75 to 80. Shield Ally [E] Search radius increased from 8 to 10. Talents
      Level 7 Deep Burn Duration increased from 3 to 4 seconds. Level 13 Pain is Temporary Shielding increased from 0.48% of Max Health per Energy to 0.8% of Max Health per Energy. Return to Top
      Hero Updates
      Level 7 Pain is Temporary Improved the visibility of Surge of Light being available. Gazlowe
      Added indicator arrows to Gazlowe's Xplodium Bomb warning indicator. Samuro
      Added an arrow indicator below Samuro facing the direction of any active Mirror Images. Uther
      Level 20 Bulwark of Light Added a radius indicator while targeting with Divine Shield. Return to Top
      Bug Fixes
      Catapults will now display properly in the Death Recap. Effects that reduce your vision radius now prevents soft reveals (Things that make your character visible). Fixed an issue that caused dance animations to persist after moving, using an ability, or attacking. Fixed an issue that caused Forts and Keeps to not activate their Call for Help mechanics when multiple enemy Heroes attack an enemy Hero at the same time. Fixed an issue that caused Heroes to not spawn at the start of the game. Fixed an issue that caused Heroes with non-standard Deaths to display their final hit incorrectly in the Death Recap. Fixed an issue that caused overhead shrub indicator to persist after leaving the shrub. Fixed an issue that caused shield-like effects to not be treated as Shields. Fixed an issue that caused some abilities to allow the caster to gather experience globes while inside a shrub. Fixed an issue that caused some passive move speed benefits to not behave consistently. Fixed an issue that caused Summons to not have their attack speed reduced when attacking Heroes with Imposing Presence or similar talents. Fixed an issue that caused targets inside shrubs to be revealed by proximity when the other unit has vision reduction. Fixed an issue that caused vignette borders on some cutscenes to render incorrectly at higher than 1080x1920 resolutions. Fixed an issue that caused text to overlap in the Death Recap. Maps
      Garden of Terror Fixed an issue that caused the Toy Train to not be dismounted by Garden of Terror's Polymorph ability. Try Me Mode Added a regen globe generator. Heroes
      Abathur Level 7 Calldown: MULE Updated to use level-based scaling. Level 10 Ultimate Evolution Fixed an issue that caused Pylons created by Ultimate Evolution clones of Probius to not be destroyed when the Ultimate Evolution expires. Fixed an issue that caused traps created by Ultimate Evolution clones of Junkrat to only be removed when Abathur dies. Level 13 Soma Transference Updated to heal the target for its amount as a singular combined effect. Alarak Base Lightning Surge [E] Updated to heal Alarak for its amount as a singular combined effect. Now soft reveals all primary target types instead of just Heroes. Level 7 Applied Force Now applies the increased push distance to Alarak. Level 20 Counter-Strike Now soft reveals targets hit. Last Laugh Fixed an issue that caused Last Laugh to show up twice on the Death Recap. Alexstrasza Level 10 Cleansing Flame Fixed an issue that caused Cleansing Flame to display incorrectly when used by an AI controlled Alexstrasza. Ana Fixed an issue where Ana's abilities caused players to highlight enemies. Anduin Base Pursued by Grace [Trait] Fixed an issue that caused Pursued by Grace to activate while Blinded or against an Evading Hero. Level 4 Surge of Light Fixed an issue that caused Surge of Light to lower the cooldown of Chastise while Blinded or against Evading enemies. Level 16 Inner Focus Fixed an issue that caused Blinds to not prevent Anduin's Physical damage to lower the cooldown of Inner Focus. Arthas Base Frostmourne Hungers [Trait] Fixed an issue that caused Frostmourne Hungers to not display correctly against Blinded or Evading enemies. Auriel Level 20 Light Speed Fixed an issue that caused Light Speed's benefits to not be granted to Leoric. Azmodan Fixed an issue that caused All Shall Burn talents to not apply their on-kill effects unless Azmodan has taken Master of Destruction. Level 10 Demonic Invasion Fixed an issue that caused Demonic Invasion Grunts on-death damage to not be modified by damage modification. Blaze Base Jet Propulsion [E] Now soft reveals targets hit. Brightwing Base Polymorph [W] Fixed an issue that caused Polymorph's Slow to not classify the target as being Slowed. Level 4 Magic Spit Fixed an issue that caused Magic Spit to activate its cooldown reduction against Evading Heroes. Cassia Fixed an issue with Blinds not preventing all Physical damage. Level 7 Surge of Light Fixed an issue that caused cooldown resets to not make Surge of Light available. Updated Surge of Light to include damage taken by Cassia's Shields. Chen Level 1 Stormstout Secret Recipe Now displays in the Death Recap. Cho'Gall Fixed an issue where Cho'Gall's abilities caused players to highlight enemies. Level 4 Rollback Now displays in the Death Recap. Chromie Fixed an issue that caused Abathur's Ultimate Evolution Spell Power to not be granted to Ultimate Evolution Sand Echo Sand Blasts. Fixed an issue that caused Defense Matrix to not reduce the damage of Sand Echo Sand Blasts. Fixed an issue that caused Sand Blast Echoes to reveal Chromie. Fixed an issue that caused Sand Echo Sand Blast damage to not gain the benefits of Spell Leech. Fixed an issue that caused Sand Echo Sand Blasts to still be fired if Chromie's Sand Blast is interrupted. Base Dragon's Breath [W] No longer soft reveals Chromie when casting Dragon's Breath on enemies that have their vision reduced. Level 20 Piercing Sands Fixed an issue that caused Piercing Sands to not cause Sand Blast to hit all targets. Dehaka Base Drag [Q] Target's movement speed now matches Dehaka's movement speed. Dark Swam [W] Fixed an issue that caused Dark Swam to not deal damage for the last .5 seconds. Level 10 Adaptation Fixed an issue that caused Adaptation to show up twice on the Death Recap. Diablo Level 10 Apocalypse Will now activate even if Diablo is interrupted during the cast time. D.Va Level 10 Bunny Hop Now soft reveals targets hit. Micro Missiles Now soft reveals all targets hit, instead of only the triggering target. E.T.C. Base Powerslide [Q] Fixed issues with Powerslide when targeted into unpathable terrain with Crowdsurfer. Level 1 Prog Rock Now displays in the Death Recap. Level 10 The Hunt Fixed issues that caused Illidan to Hunt towards the enemy Hall of Storms. Fenix Base Weapon Mode: Phase Bomb [W] Fixed an issue that caused Phase Bomb's splash to not behave correctly while Blinded or against Evading enemies. Genji Fixed an issue that caused Dodge to not prevent all on-hit effects. Base Swift Strike [E] No longer soft reveals Genji to targets hit by Swift Strike that are affected by vision reduction. Level 4 Dragon Claw Now soft reveals targets hit. Level 10 X-Strike Now soft reveals targets hit. Graymane Worgen form's Basic Attack damage increase is now additive. Base Inner Beast [W] Fixed an issue that caused Inner Beasts' on-hit bonuses to apply on-fire instead of on-hit. Gul'dan Level 20 Demonic Circle Fixed an issue that caused Demonic Circle's outgoing FX to only be visible if you see Gul'dan's teleported to location. Hanzo Level 4 Explosive Arrows Now soft reveals targets hit. Level 7 The Dragon Hungers Fixed an issue that caused The Dragon Hungers to apply the Spell Power bonus to the triggering damage effect. Level 10 Dragon's Arrow Now soft reveals targets hit. Hogger Level 7 Garbage Fire Now displays in the Death Recap. Level 13 Bloodthirst Now causes Headbanger to heal Hogger for the damage dealt. Illidan Level 4 Hunter's Onslaught Now causes Immolation to heal Illidan for the damage dealt. Level 10 The Hunt Fixed issues that caused Illidan to Hunt towards the enemy Hall of Storms. Kel'Thuzad Fixed an issue that caused Defense Matrix to not reduce the damage of the Shade's Death and Decay. Fixed an issue that caused the Shade's damage to not gain the benefits of Spell Leech. Fixed an issue that caused the Shade's Death and Decay to still be fired if Kel'Thuzad's Death and Decay cast is interrupted. Level 20 Deathchill Now displays in the Death Recap. Kerrigan Level 1 Fury of the Swarm Fixed an issue that caused Fury of the Swarm's splash to not behave correctly while Blinded or against Evading enemies. Kharazim Level 16 Echo of Heaven Now displays in the Death Recap. Leoric Level 20 Buried Alive Now displays in the Death Recap. Shroud of the Dead King Shroud of the Dead King now shows floating text for the amount of damage prevented. Li-Ming Level 1 Aether Walker Fixed an issue that caused Aether Walker to apply the damage bonus to Magic Missiles incorrectly. Lt. Morales Base Healing Beam [Q] Now displays in the Death Recap. Level 16 Extended Care Now displays in the Death Recap. Level 20 Hospice Care Now displays in the Death Recap. Lucio Level 7 Reverse Amp Now displays in the Death Recap. Maiev Base Umbral Bind [W] Fixed an issue that caused Umbral Bind's cleave to grant Vengeful Knives progress while Blinded or against Evading Heroes. Level 1 Naisha's Memento Fixed an issue that caused Naisha's Memento to grant Vengeful Knives progress while Blinded or against Evading Heroes. Malfurion Base Moonfire [W] Updated to heal Regrowth targets for its amount as a singular combined effect per target. Mal'Ganis Level 7 Black Claws Fixed an issue that caused Black Claw's Armor reduction to not be removed by Invulnerable. Level 16 Blind as a Bat Blind as a Bat now instantly removes any area reveals. Fixed an issue that caused Blind as a Bat to not lose vision of enemies that are revealed by damaging Mal'Ganis. Fixed an issue that caused Blind as a Bat to see enemies when first cast. Malthael Base Soul Rip [Q] Updated to heal Malthael for its amount spread over up to 3 effects. Medivh Level 7 Arcane Explosion Fixed an issue that caused Arcane Explosion to destroy Raynor's Banshee's Basic Attack missiles. Level 20 Dust of Disappearance Updated for apply visuals to appear as soon as granted. Mei Fixed an issue where Mei's abilities caused players to highlight enemies. Level 10 Ice Wall Fixed an issue that caused abilities to be usable when Ice Wall transitions from timed to untimed. Level 20 Flash Freeze Fixed an issue that caused Flash Freeze to not properly cancel effects that launch Mei. Shatter Fixed an issue that caused Shatter's Armor reduction to not be removed by Invulnerable. Muradin Level 13 Bronzebeard Rage Now displays in the Death Recap. Healing Static Updated to heal Muradin for its amount as a singular combined effect. Murky Level 10 Octo-Grab Fixed an issue that caused Octo-Grab to be placed on full cooldown if the target moves out of reach. Level 13 Rejuvenating Bubble Now displays in the Death Recap. Nazeebo Level 7 Dead Rush Fixed an issue that caused Zombie Wall's Zombies to lose health after uprooting with Dead Rush. Nova Level 16 Explosive Round Explosive Snipe's damage modifier is now additive. Orphea Level 13 Invasive Miasma Updated to heal Orphea for its amount as a singular combined effect. Qhira Base Blood Rage [W] Blood Rage's heal no longer fills the Death Recap with empty entries. Level 4 Upstage Fixed an issue that caused Upstage to also prevent damage from Summoned attacks. Fixed an issue that caused Upstage to not prevent all on-hit effects. Level 7 Healmonger Updated to heal Qhira for its amount as a singular combined effect. Ragnaros Level 1 Shifting Meteor Fixed an issue that caused Shifting Meteor to not travel the full remaining distance of the Living Meteor. Rehgar Base Chain Heal [Q] Fixed an issue that caused Chain Heal to be visible to others while inside a shrub. Level 13 Wellspring Now displays in the Death Recap. Level 20 Farseer's Blessing Now displays in the Death Recap. Rexxar Level 13 Dire Beast Damage increase is now additive. Level 20 Spirit Bond Now displays in the Death Recap. Stitches Level 7 Putrefaction Fixed an issue with Putrefaction's healing reduction. Stukov Level 10 Massive Shove Fixed an issue that caused Massive Shove to launch from Stukov's origin point. Sylvanas Level 13 Remorseless Now displays in the Death Recap. Tassadar Level 4 Electric Fence Now displays in the Death Recap. Level 10 Black Hole Fixed an issue that caused Black Hole to hit targets a second time at its apex. The Butcher Base Ruthless Onslaught [E] Now soft reveals the target on impact. The Lost Vikings Olaf Fixed an issue that caused Olaf's Attack not showing up as a Basic Attack. Level 20 Checkpoint Reached Now displays in the Death Recap. Tracer Fixed an issue that caused the last bullet from Tracer's previous magazine to be fired when Tracer's Reload completes. Level 4 Pulse Generator Now displays in the Death Recap. Level 13 Telefrag Now displays in the Death Recap. Tyrael Level 1 Salvation Now displays in the Death Recap. Level 4 Bound by Law Updated to heal Tyrael for its amount as a singular combined effect. Level 13 Law and Order Fixed an issue that caused Law and Order to apply to Smites that are currently being cast. Level 16 Burning Halo Now displays in the Death Recap. Tyrande Level 7 Huntress' Fury Fixed an issue that caused Huntress' Fury to activate against Evading enemies. Uther Level 1 Wave of Light Fixed an issue that caused Wave of Light quest reward to revert Divine Protection's duration increase if completed after selecting Divine Protection. Fixed an issue that caused Wave of Light to not grant its full quest reward benefit to Armor granted to Uther if Divine Protection is selected. Level 16 Tyr's Deliverance Fixed an issue that caused Tyr's Deliverance to apply its bonus to the active Holy Radiance, instead of the next Holy Radiance. Level 20 Divine Protection Fixed an issue that caused Divine Protection to be inconsistent in how it is applied to an already active Devotion Armor. Valeera Level 16 Seal Fate Fixed an issue that caused Sinister Strike to deal additional damage to non-Heroes. Xul Level 7 Trag'Oul's Essence Now displays in the Death Recap. Yrel Fixed an issue where Yrel's abilities caused players to highlight enemies. Zagara Level 10 Nydus Network Now displays the correct icon in the Death Recap. Zarya Level 7 Explosive Barrier Now displays in the Death Recap. Return to Top
      Click here to discuss this post with other players in the official Heroes of the Storm forums.

    • By Staff
      The next HotS patch has arrived on the PTR and we have the patch notes! There's a lot of balance changes and tuning, a couple of Hero updates, and plenty of bug fixes as well, so let's dive in.
      PTR (Source)
      Our next Heroes of the Storm patch has just hit the Public Test Realm and will be available for playtesting.
      Our next Heroes of the Storm patch has just hit the Public Test Realm and will be available for playtesting. As always, if you encounter any bugs during your PTR play sessions, please stop by the PTR Bug Report forum to let us know about your experiences.
      Quick Navigation:
      Balance Update Hero Updates Bug Fixes Balance Updates
      Level 1 Hyper Shift Cooldown reduction reduced from 1 to .5 seconds. Healing reduced from 6% to 4% of maximum Health. Genji
      Level 1 Agile Dismount Slow reduced from 30% to 25%. Pathfinder Movement Speed bonus increased from 25% to 30%. Level 7 Cyber Shield Armor bonus reduced from 50 to 40. Level 10 X-Strike Final damage reduced from 290 to 275. Initial damage reduced from 145 to 135. Level 13 Shingan Damage reduced from 115 to 100. Qhira
      Grappling Hook [Trait] Cooldown reduced from 25 to 20 seconds. Carnage [Q] Can now hit targets immune to skill shots (Example: Zagara's Creep Tumors). Blood Rage [W] Cooldown reduced from 8 to 7 seconds. Healing increased from 85 to 90. Revolving Sweep [E] Revolving Sweep's Chain Link can now hit targets immune to skill shots (Example: Zagara's Creep Tumors). Talents
      Level 7 Healmonger Healing increased from 190 to 210. Level 10 Final Strike Damage increased from 395 to 410. Level 16 Lingering Ailment Armor reduction increased from 25 to 40. Duration increased from 3 to 4 seconds. Raynor
      Level 20 Execute Orders Updated to only target Heroes, prioritizing ones with the lowest Health. Will no longer target enemy Heroes not visible or greater than 20 range away. Will now target enemy Heroes who are Invulnerable. Samuro
      Wind Walk [E] Periodic heal reduced from 3% per second to 2% per second. Talents
      Level 1 Way of the Wind Reduced Healing for casting Wind Walk from 4% to 3% of maximum Health. Level 4 One with the Wind Armor reduction decreased from 30% to 25%. Level 10 Bladestorm Cooldown increased from 25 seconds to 30 seconds. Zarya
      Particle Grenade [Q] Damage increased from 75 to 80. Shield Ally [E] Search radius increased from 8 to 10. Talents
      Level 7 Deep Burn Duration increased from 3 to 4 seconds. Level 13 Pain is Temporary Shielding increased from 0.48% of Max Health per Energy to 0.8% of Max Health per Energy. Return to Top
      Hero Updates
      Added indicator arrows to Gazlowe's Xplodium Bomb warning indicator. Samuro
      Added an arrow indicator below Samuro facing the direction of any active Mirror Images. Return to Top
      Bug Fixes
      Catapults will now display properly in the Death Recap. Effects that reduce your vision radius now prevents soft reveals (Things that make your character visible). Fixed an issue that caused dance animations to persist after moving, using an ability, or attacking. Fixed an issue that caused Forts and Keeps to not activate their Call for Help mechanics when multiple enemy Heroes attack an enemy Hero at the same time. Fixed an issue that caused Heroes to not spawn at the start of the game. Fixed an issue that caused Heroes with non-standard Deaths to display their final hit incorrectly in the Death Recap. Fixed an issue that caused overhead shrub indicator to persist after leaving the shrub. Fixed an issue that caused shield-like effects to not be treated as Shields. Fixed an issue that caused some abilities to allow the caster to gather experience globes while inside a shrub. Fixed an issue that caused some passive move speed benefits to not behave consistently. Fixed an issue that caused Summons to not have their attack speed reduced when attacking Heroes with Imposing Presence or similar talents. Fixed an issue that caused targets inside shrubs to be revealed by proximity when the other unit has vision reduction. Fixed an issue that caused vignette borders on some cutscenes to render incorrectly at higher than 1080x1920 resolutions. Maps
      Garden of Terror Fixed an issue that caused the Toy Train to not be dismounted by Garden of Terror's Polymorph ability. Try Me Mode Added a regen globe generator. Heroes
      Abathur Level 7 Calldown: MULE Updated to use level-based scaling. Level 10 Ultimate Evolution Fixed an issue that caused Pylons created by Ultimate Evolution clones of Probius to not be destroyed when the Ultimate Evolution expires. Fixed an issue that caused traps created by Ultimate Evolution clones of Junkrat to only be removed when Abathur dies. Level 13 Soma Transference Updated to heal the target for its amount as a singular combined effect. Alarak Base Lightning Surge [E] Updated to heal Alarak for its amount as a singular combined effect. Now soft reveals all primary target types instead of just Heroes. Level 7 Applied Force Now applies the increased push distance to Alarak. Level 20 Counter-Strike Now soft reveals targets hit. Last Laugh Fixed an issue that caused Last Laugh to show up twice on the Death Recap. Alexstrasza Level 10 Cleansing Flame Fixed an issue that caused Cleansing Flame to display incorrectly when used by an AI controlled Alexstrasza. Ana Fixed an issue where Ana's abilities caused players to highlight enemies. Anduin Base Pursued by Grace [Trait] Fixed an issue that caused Pursued by Grace to activate while Blinded or against an Evading Hero. Level 4 Surge of Light Fixed an issue that caused Surge of Light to lower the cooldown of Chastise while Blinded or against Evading enemies. Level 16 Inner Focus Fixed an issue that caused Blinds to not prevent Anduin's Physical damage to lower the cooldown of Inner Focus. Arthas Base Frostmourne Hungers [Trait] Fixed an issue that caused Frostmourne Hungers to not display correctly against Blinded or Evading enemies. Auriel Level 20 Light Speed Fixed an issue that caused Light Speed's benefits to not be granted to Leoric. Azmodan Fixed an issue that caused All Shall Burn talents to not apply their on-kill effects unless Azmodan has taken Master of Destruction. Level 10 Demonic Invasion Fixed an issue that caused Demonic Invasion Grunts on-death damage to not be modified by damage modification. Blaze Base Jet Propulsion [E] Now soft reveals targets hit. Brightwing Base Polymorph [W] Fixed an issue that caused Polymorph's Slow to not classify the target as being Slowed. Level 4 Magic Spit Fixed an issue that caused Magic Spit to activate its cooldown reduction against Evading Heroes. Cassia Fixed an issue with Blinds not preventing all Physical damage. Chen Level 1 Stormstout Secret Recipe Now displays in the Death Recap. Cho'Gall Fixed an issue where Cho'Gall's abilities caused players to highlight enemies. Level 4 Rollback Now displays in the Death Recap. Chromie Fixed an issue that caused Abathur's Ultimate Evolution Spell Power to not be granted to Ultimate Evolution Sand Echo Sand Blasts. Fixed an issue that caused Defense Matrix to not reduce the damage of Sand Echo Sand Blasts. Fixed an issue that caused Sand Blast Echoes to reveal Chromie. Fixed an issue that caused Sand Echo Sand Blast damage to not gain the benefits of Spell Leech. Fixed an issue that caused Sand Echo Sand Blasts to still be fired if Chromie's Sand Blast is interrupted. Base Dragon's Breath [W] No longer soft reveals Chromie when casting Dragon's Breath on enemies that have their vision reduced. Level 20 Piercing Sands Fixed an issue that caused Piercing Sands to not cause Sand Blast to hit all targets. Dehaka Base Dark Swam [W] Fixed an issue that caused Dark Swam to not deal damage for the last .5 seconds. Level 10 Adaptation Fixed an issue that caused Adaptation to show up twice on the Death Recap. Diablo Level 10 Apocalypse Will now activate even if Diablo is interrupted during the cast time. D.Va Level 10 Bunny Hop Now soft reveals targets hit. Micro Missiles Now soft reveals all targets hit, instead of only the triggering target. E.T.C. Base Powerslide [D] Fixed issues with Powerslide when targeted into unpathable terrain with Crowdsurfer. Level 1 Prog Rock Now displays in the Death Recap. Level 10 The Hunt Fixed issues that caused Illidan to Hunt towards the enemy Hall of Storms. Fenix Base Weapon Mode: Phase Bomb [W] Fixed an issue that caused Phase Bomb's splash to not behave correctly while Blinded or against Evading enemies. Genji Fixed an issue that caused Dodge to not prevent all on-hit effects. Base Swift Strike [E] No longer soft reveals Genji to targets hit by Swift Strike that are affected by vision reduction. Level 4 Dragon Claw Now soft reveals targets hit. Level 10 X-Strike Now soft reveals targets hit. Graymane Worgen form's Basic Attack damage increase is now additive. Base Inner Beast [W] Fixed an issue that caused Inner Beasts' on-hit bonuses to apply on-fire instead of on-hit. Gul'dan Level 20 Demonic Circle Fixed an issue that caused Demonic Circle's outgoing FX to only be visible if you see Gul'dan's teleported to location. Hanzo Level 4 Explosive Arrows Now soft reveals targets hit. Level 7 The Dragon Hungers Fixed an issue that caused The Dragon Hungers to apply the Spell Power bonus to the triggering damage effect. Level 10 Dragon's Arrow Now soft reveals targets hit. Hogger Level 7 Garbage Fire Now displays in the Death Recap. Level 13 Bloodthirst Now causes Headbanger to heal Hogger for the damage dealt. Illidan Level 4 Hunter's Onslaught Now causes Immolation to heal Illidan for the damage dealt. Kel'Thuzad Fixed an issue that caused Defense Matrix to not reduce the damage of the Shade's Death and Decay. Fixed an issue that caused the Shade's damage to not gain the benefits of Spell Leech. Fixed an issue that caused the Shade's Death and Decay to still be fired if Kel'Thuzad's Death and Decay cast is interrupted. Level 20 Deathchill Now displays in the Death Recap. Kerrigan Level 1 Fury of the Swarm Fixed an issue that caused Fury of the Swarm's splash to not behave correctly while Blinded or against Evading enemies. Kharazim Level 16 Echo of Heaven Now displays in the Death Recap. Leoric Level 20 Buried Alive Now displays in the Death Recap. Shroud of the Dead King Shroud of the Dead King now shows floating text for the amount of damage prevented. Li-Ming Level 1 Aether Walker Fixed an issue that caused Aether Walker to apply the damage bonus to Magic Missiles incorrectly. Lt. Morales Base Healing Beam [Q] Now displays in the Death Recap. Level 16 Extended Care Now displays in the Death Recap. Level 20 Hospice Care Now displays in the Death Recap. Lucio Level 7 Reverse Amp Now displays in the Death Recap. Maiev Base Umbral Bind [W] Fixed an issue that caused Umbral Bind's cleave to grant Vengeful Knives progress while Blinded or against Evading Heroes. Level 1 Naisha's Memento Fixed an issue that caused Naisha's Memento to grant Vengeful Knives progress while Blinded or against Evading Heroes. Malfurion Base Moonfire [W] Updated to heal Regrowth targets for its amount as a singular combined effect per target. Mal'Ganis Level 7 Black Claws Fixed an issue that caused Black Claw's Armor reduction to not be removed by Invulnerable. Level 16 Blind as a Bat Blind as a Bat now instantly removes any area reveals. Fixed an issue that caused Blind as a Bat to not lose vision of enemies that are revealed by damaging Mal'Ganis. Fixed an issue that caused Blind as a Bat to see enemies when first cast. Malthael Base Soul Rip [Q] Updated to heal Malthael for its amount spread over up to 3 effects. Medivh Level 7 Arcane Explosion Fixed an issue that caused Arcane Explosion to destroy Raynor's Banshee's Basic Attack missiles. Level 20 Dust of Disappearance Updated for apply visuals to appear as soon as granted. Mei Fixed an issue where Mei's abilities caused players to highlight enemies. Level 10 Ice Wall Fixed an issue that caused abilities to be usable when Ice Wall transitions from timed to untimed. Level 20 Flash Freeze Fixed an issue that caused Flash Freeze to not properly cancel effects that launch Mei. Shatter Fixed an issue that caused Shatter's Armor reduction to not be removed by Invulnerable. Muradin Level 13 Bronzebeard Rage Now displays in the Death Recap. Healing Static Updated to heal Muradin for its amount as a singular combined effect. Murky Level 10 Octo-Grab Fixed an issue that caused Octo-Grab to be placed on full cooldown if the target moves out of reach. Level 13 Rejuvenating Bubble Now displays in the Death Recap. Nazeebo Level 7 Dead Rush Fixed an issue that caused Zombie Wall's Zombies to lose health after uprooting with Dead Rush. Nova Level 16 Explosive Round Explosive Snipe's damage modifier is now additive. Orphea Level 13 Invasive Miasma Updated to heal Orphea for its amount as a singular combined effect. Qhira Base Blood Rage [W] Blood Rage's heal no longer fills the Death Recap with empty entries. Level 4 Upstage Fixed an issue that caused Upstage to also prevent damage from Summoned attacks. Fixed an issue that caused Upstage to not prevent all on-hit effects. Level 7 Healmonger Updated to heal Qhira for its amount as a singular combined effect. Ragnaros Level 1 Shifting Meteor Fixed an issue that caused Shifting Meteor to not travel the full remaining distance of the Living Meteor. Rehgar Base Chain Heal [Q] Fixed an issue that caused Chain Heal to be visible to others while inside a shrub. Level 13 Wellspring Now displays in the Death Recap. Level 20 Farseer's Blessing Now displays in the Death Recap. Rexxar Level 13 Dire Beast Damage increase is now additive. Level 20 Spirit Bond Now displays in the Death Recap. Stitches Level 7 Putrefaction Fixed an issue with Putrefaction's healing reduction. Stukov Level 10 Massive Shove Fixed an issue that caused Massive Shove to launch from Stukov's origin point. Sylvanas Level 13 Remorseless Now displays in the Death Recap. Tassadar Level 4 Electric Fence Now displays in the Death Recap. Level 10 Black Hole Fixed an issue that caused Black Hole to hit targets a second time at its apex. The Butcher Base Ruthless Onslaught [E] Now soft reveals the target on impact. The Lost Vikings Olaf Fixed an issue that caused Olaf's Attack not showing up as a Basic Attack. Level 20 Checkpoint Reached Now displays in the Death Recap. Tracer Fixed an issue that caused the last bullet from Tracer's previous magazine to be fired when Tracer's Reload completes. Level 4 Pulse Generator Now displays in the Death Recap. Level 13 Telefrag Now displays in the Death Recap. Tyrael Level 1 Salvation Now displays in the Death Recap. Level 4 Bound by Law Updated to heal Tyrael for its amount as a singular combined effect. Level 13 Law and Order Fixed an issue that caused Law and Order to apply to Smites that are currently being cast. Level 16 Burning Halo Now displays in the Death Recap. Tyrande Level 7 Huntress' Fury Fixed an issue that caused Huntress' Fury to activate against Evading enemies. Uther Level 1 Wave of Light Fixed an issue that caused Wave of Light quest reward to revert Divine Protection's duration increase if completed after selecting Divine Protection. Fixed an issue that caused Wave of Light to not grant its full quest reward benefit to Armor granted to Uther if Divine Protection is selected. Level 16 Tyr's Deliverance Fixed an issue that caused Tyr's Deliverance to apply its bonus to the active Holy Radiance, instead of the next Holy Radiance. Level 20 Divine Protection Fixed an issue that caused Divine Protection to be inconsistent in how it is applied to an already active Devotion Armor. Valeera Level 16 Seal Fate Fixed an issue that caused Sinister Strike to deal additional damage to non-Heroes. Xul Level 7 Trag'Oul's Essence Now displays in the Death Recap. Yrel Fixed an issue where Yrel's abilities caused players to highlight enemies. Zagara Level 10 Nydus Network Now displays the correct icon in the Death Recap. Zarya Level 7 Explosive Barrier Now displays in the Death Recap. Return to Top
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    • By Staff
      Blizzard has released a new Heroes of the Storm patch and we've got some changes compared to the PTR version. Here are the official patch notes!
      Our next Heroes of the Storm patch is live! Read on for more information.
      NOTE: Orange text indicates a change between PTR and Live notes.
      Quick Navigation:
      ARAM Balance Update Hero Updates Bug Fixes ARAM
      Varian is now classified as a Tank. Same Hero Mode
      Artanis has been added. Hogger has been added. Leoric has been added. (Leoric is still disabled for Normal Mode). Whitemane has been added. Zarya has been added. Nova has been removed. Probius has been removed. Return to Top
      Balance Updates
      Health Regeneration increased from 5.957 to 6.208. Maximum Health increased from 2860 to 2980. Death Coil [Q] Healing increased from 262 to 285. Frozen Tempest [E] Mana cost per second reduced from 13 to 11. Talents
      Level 13 Biting Cold [E] Damage increase is now additive. Level 16 Embrace Death [Q] Now grants an additive bonus to Death Coil's damage. Hogger
      Rage decay rate increased from 10 per second to 13 per second. Talents
      Level 1 On the Prowl [Active] Activating On the Prowl now prevents Rage decay instantly. Cooldown increased from 40 seconds to 45 seconds. Healing per second reduced from 8 to 7. Level 4 Brute Force [Q] Damage bonus when enemy Heroes hit terrain reduced from 8 to 6. Level 13 Dust Devil [E] Duration increased from 3 seconds to 4 seconds. Sub-50 rage Armor increased from 20 to 25. Pummel [E] Spellpower reduction reduced from 50% to 30%. Junkrat
      Steel Trap [E] Cooldown increased from 12 seconds to 15 seconds. Talents
      Level 1 Extra-Wound Timers [Q] Damage bonus reduced from 120% to 100%. Level 7 Dirty Trickster [D] Cooldown increased from 12 seconds to 20 seconds. Rehgar
      Basic Attack Damage reduced from 115 to 110. Ghost Wolf Basic Attack bonus decreased from 75% to 60%. Lightning Shield [W] Mana restored per enemy hit reduced from 2 to 1. Talents
      Level 1 Stormcaller [W] Maximum stacks reduced from 300 to 200. Level 7 Blood and Thunder [D] Mana restoration reduced from 5% of max mana to 4% of max mana. Grounded Totem [E] Attack speed slow reduced from 25% to 15%. Level 16 Earthgrasp Totem [E] Damage reduced from 115 to 90. Yrel
      Level 1 Maraad's Insight [Passive] Healing increased from 140 to 160. Level 4 Aegis of Light [E] Armor bonus increased from 30 to 40. Duration increased from 4 seconds to 5 seconds. Level 10 Sacred Ground [R2] Cooldown reduced from 40 seconds to 25 seconds. Mana cost removed. Level 16 Templar's Verdict [W] Armor reduction reduced from 20 to 15. Percent damage reduced from 7% to 6%. Return to Top
      Hero Updates
      Level 1 Ruthless Momentum [Passive] Added a health threshold indicator. Level 10 Deadly Charge [R1] Added cast and channel bars. Counter-Strike [R2] Added cast and channel bars. Ana
      Quickcast Settings Rapid Reload shares Quickcast settings with Healing Dart. Removed Cancel Eye of Horus. Anduin
      Level 1 Lightwell [Active] Added a button indicator for remaining activations. Level 16 Renew [Q] Added a duration indicator. Artanis
      Level 4 Shield Surge [D] Added to the Buff Bar. Trait is now highlighted when below 25%. Level 7 Final Cut [Passive] Conditional part of the ability has been added to the Buff Bar. Arthas
      Quickcast Settings Removed Sacrifice Ghoul. Talents
      Level 4 Icy Talons [E] Added to the Buff Bar. Auriel
      Quickcast Settings Removed self-cast Resurrect. Blaze
      Quickcast Settings Added the Bunker's abilities. Talents
      Level 1 Adrenaline Stimpack [Active] Added a health threshold indicator. Chromie
      Quickcast Settings Removed Cancel Slowing Sands. Removed Detonate Time Trap. Talents
      Level 14 Quantum Overdrive [Active] Added a duration indicator. Level 20 Blessing of the Bronze [Passive] Added a duration indicator. Deathwing
      Level 4 Heat Wave [W] Added to the Buff Bar. Deckard
      Quickcast Settings Removed Cancel Stay Awhile and Listen. Dehaka
      Quickcast Settings Removed Cancel Burrow. D.Va
      Quickcast Settings D.Va Mech's Attack now shares Quickcast settings with other Attack Quickcast settings. Removed Cancel Defense Matrix. Retarget Defense Matrix now inherits Quickcast settings from Defense Matrix. E.T.C.
      Quickcast Settings Removed Rockstar. Guitar Solo [E] Added a duration indicator. Gall
      Level 7 Ogre Rampage [D] Added to the Buff Bar. Garrosh
      Quickcast Settings Removed Double Up. Removed Seasoned Soldier. Gul'dan
      Quickcast Settings Removed duplicate Life Tap and Cancel Drain Life. Hanzo
      Level 13 Fleet of Foot [Q] Added to the Buff Bar. Hogger
      Quickcast Settings Removed Cancel abilities. Johanna
      Level 13 Holy Fury [Passive] Added to the Buff Bar. Junkrat
      Quickcast Settings Removed Detonate Mine. Removed RIP-Tire abilities. Frag Launcher [Q] Added a pulsing red/blue indicator to grenades empowered by Extra-Wound Timers. Talents
      Level 10 RIP-Tire [R1] Added a range indicator for full damage. Li-Ming
      Level 10 Disintegrate [R1] Can now be cancelled by pressing Stop or Hold Fire. Lucio
      Quickcast Settings Attack now shares Quickcast settings with other Attack Quickcast settings. Lunara
      Level 1 Hippity Hop [Z] Will now show on the Buff Bar while active. Level 7 Splintered Spear [Q] Added to the Buff Bar. Wild Vigor [W] Added to the Buff Bar. Level 13 Endless Spores [W] Now causes the Crippling Spores button to pulse when activating it would grant reduced cooldown. Level 16 Accelerated Contamination [Q] Now causes the Noxious Blossom button to glow when the cooldown is recharging faster. Invigorating Spores [W] Added to the Buff Bar. Star Wood Spear [W] Added to the Buff Bar. Mal'Ganis
      Level 20 Seeker Swarm [R1] Added a range indicator. Malfurion
      Level 16 Ysera's Gift [Q] Added a health indicator. Level 20 Lunar Shower [W] Added to the Buff Bar. Medivh
      Portal [E] Added remaining duration to button. Muradin
      Level 1 Third Wind [D] Added a health threshold indicator. Murky
      Quickcast Settings Removed Cancel March of the Murlocs. Talents
      Level 1 Fish Eye [D] Added a range indicator for Fish Eye once the Respawn Egg has been placed. Orphea
      Level 16 Lurking Terror [Active] Added an activation timer. Qhira
      Talents are now sorted in tier order in the Buff Bar. Blood Rage [W] Added UI indicator for Blood Rage's heal value. Talents
      Level 13 Chainsaw [Q] Added to the Buff Bar. The Hunted [Passive] Added to the Buff Bar. Ragnaros
      Quickcast Settings Molten Core's Sulfuras Smash now shares Quickcast settings with Ragnaros' Sulfuras Smash. Talents
      Level 20 Submerge [Active] Added a healing preview. Samuro
      Added a sound indicator to Dance of Death. Quickcast Settings Removed Cancel Bladestorm. Removed duplicate Critical Strike. Image Transmission [Trait] Disabled while there are no Mirror Images active. Now removes targeting when there is only one active Mirror Image. Mirror Image [Q] Added guide indicators to their targeting. Wind Walk [E] Added Healing over Time preview. Talents
      Level 4 Deflection [D] Updated to display its remaining duration while active. Level 16 Press the Attack [D] Added to the Buff Bar. Stitches
      Shambling Horror [Trait] Added a duration indicator. Stukov
      Quickcast Settings Removed Cancel Lurking Arm. Talents
      Level 1 Reactive Ballistospores [W] Added a health indicator. The Butcher
      Quickcast Settings Removed Fresh Meat. Butcher's Brand [W] Added a duration indicator to the button. Talents
      Level 16 Enraged [Passive] Added a health indicator. The Lost Vikings
      Slowing Charge [Olaf] Cooldown now displays a circular indicator around his shield in The Lost Viking's Hero status. Tracer
      Quickcast Settings Attack now shares Quickcast settings with other Attack Quickcast setting. Removed Locked and Loaded. Tychus
      Quickcast Settings Run and Gun while Overkill is active shares Quickcast settings with Run and Gun. Tyrande
      Level 16 Darnassian Archery [Passive] Added a duration indicator. Uther
      Level 4 Holy Fire [Passive] Added to the Buff Bar. Level 16 Beacon of Light [Q] Added a health threshold indicator. Valeera
      Quickcast Settings Removed Cancel Vanish. Talents
      Level 10 Smoke Bomb [R1] Button now has a duration indicator. Varian
      Level 7 Second Wind [Passive] Added a health threshold indicator. Whitemane
      Quickcast Settings Removed Cancel Inquisition. Zeal [Trait] Now has a duration indicator while active. Xul
      Level 13 Rapid Harvest [W] Added to the Buff Bar. Zeratul
      Quickcast Settings Removed Seeker in the Dark. Talents
      Level 4 Psionic Strength [Passive] Added the stack count to the Buff Bar. Zul'jin
      Quickcast Settings Removed duplicate Cancel Berserker. Removed duplicate Regeneration. Talents
      Level 1 Recklessness [Passive] Added health threshold indicators. Return to Top
      Bug Fixes
      Added XP Value to Death Recap. Fixed an issue that caused location targeted abilities to be cancelled by conveyor belts. Fixed an issue that caused talent text to be truncated on hero select screens. Talents Quests updated to display quest progress at the caster if the triggering enemy is out of vision. Updated Homescreen and Startup Music. Updated Time Stop to display above all other effects in the health plate. Updated Shop Bundles and Items. Fixed display issues with some Block talents. Fixed an issue that caused Heroes with non standard height to cause target-facing effects to face the incorrect location. Maps
      Blackheart's Bay Updated coin warning indicator to be consistently colored. Cursed Hollow Fixed an issue that caused Cursed Hallow Call for Help ability warning to display incorrectly. Warhead Junction Sewers are now clickable while they are in the fog of war. Warheads now interact with physics objects. Heroes
      Abathur Level 10 Ultimate Evolution [R1] No longer plays quest progress visual effects. Level 16 Volatile Mutation [R] No longer displays an empty icon in the Death Recap. Alarak Telekinesis [W] Fixed an issue that caused Telekinesis to not interact with map objects. Alexstrasza Level 10 Cleansing Flame [R2] Fixed an issue that caused Cleansing Flame to cast at the incorrect location. Anduin Can once again hold his sword high and proud. Anubarak Fixed an issue where the AI was not using Locust Swarm. Fixed an issue that caused Anub'arak's abilities to not interact with map objects. Burrow Charge [E] Impoved the visibility of the erupt location indicator. Level 10 Cocoon [R2] Fixed an issue that caused Cocoon to not properly hide things attached to the target. Artanis Fixed an issue that caused some of Artanis' abilities to not interact with map objects. Fixed an issue that caused Arthas' abilities to not interact with map objects. Phase Prism [E] Fixed an issue that caused Phase Prism to not properly detect structures after the target becomes Time Stopped. Auriel Detainment Strike [E] Terrain impact will now always display as a crit. Level 7 Empathic Link [D] Fixed an issue that caused Empathic Link to grant Hope when an ally deals damage to themselves. Level 13 Piercing Lash [E] Fixed an issue that caused Piercing Lash to not hit multiple Heroes with Detainment Strike. Azmodan Fixed an issue that caused Azmodan's abilities to not interact with map and physics objects. Summon Demon Warrior [W] Fixed an issue that caused Demon Warriors to leave permanent burning visuals if killed at the moment they spawn. Level 1 Wrath [Q] Fixed an issue that caused Wrath to increase damage of Wrath's marker. Level 7 Bombardment [Q] Fixed an issue that caused Bombardment to increase damage of Wrath's marker. Brightwing Level 4 Unstable Anomaly [W] Fixed an issue that caused Unstable Anomaly to leave behind a permanent visual. Level 10 Emerald Wind [R2] Fixed an issue that caused Emerald Wind to not interact with map objects. Level 20 Invisible Friends [R1] No longer displays an empty icon in the Death Recap. Cassia Level 7 Surge of Light [D] Fixed an issue that caused Surge of Light to not destroy map objects. Level 13 War Traveler [D] Instant mount is now more responsive. Chen Level 10 Wandering Keg [R1] Fixed an issue that caused Wandering Keg to cease targeting the mouse cursor if another Chen's Wandering Keg expires. Will now actively target the mouse cursor instead of targeting the mouse cursor only when its position has changed. Storm, Earth, Fire [R2] Earth's damage is now Physical. ChoGall Fixed Gall's damage not gaining all benefits from Cho's buffs. Level 4 Rising Dread [W] No longer causes the third bounce of Dread Orb display as a crit. Level 7 Double Trouble [Q] Fixed an issue that caused Double Trouble's quest completion to not stack with Twilight Frenzy. Fixed an issue that caused Gall to lose the benefits of Double Trouble's completion after Twilight Frenzy expires. Chromie Level 7 Bronze Talons [Q] Fixed an issue that caused Bronze Talons visuals to persist after Chromie's death. Level 11 Here and There [Active] No longer dismounts or decloaks when used. Level 16 Quantum Overdrive [Active] Fixed an issue that caused Quantum Overdrive visuals to persist after death. Deathwing Fixed an issue that caused Deathwing to be a valid ping target in the party frame while Dragonflight is active. Fixed an issue that caused Deathwing to enter an invalid state if the target of his landing becomes invalid. Level 7 Death Drop [Z] Fixed an issue that caused Death Drop to not reduce all forms of Spell Armor. Deckard Fixed an issue that allowed Deckard to dance without incurring movement restriction. Level 13 Ancient Blessings [D] Fixed an issue that caused Ancient Blessings to not heal the attacker when dealing damage to enemy Heroes that are immune to friendly abilities. Level 20 Morenados! [R2] Fixed an issue that caused the cooldown reduction to be prevented when Lorenado hits a non-Hero. Diablo Shadow Charge [Q] Terrain impact will now always display as a crit. Fire Stomp [W] Now combines damage text. D.Va Fixed an issue that caused some of D.Va's abilities to not interact with map and physics objects. Self-Destruct [E] Fixed an issue that caused D.Va's Mech to continue moving if it was Rooted when Self-Destruct was cast. Fixed an issue that caused Self-Destruct to not feature a pulse animation when fully charged. Starts decaying in damage after 4 range. Big Shot [R] Fixed an issue that caused Big Shot to hit Invulnerable enemies. Level 20 Ablative Armor [D] Now includes damage dealt to D.Va's Shields. Fenix Level 13 Dampening Field [D] Fixed an issue that caused Dampening Field to not grant Spell Armor against all sources. Garrosh Into the Fray [1] Fixed an issue that caused Into the Fray to display as Lok-tar Ogar! in Quickcast menu. Level 7 Lok-tar Ogar! [1] Now display as an active upgrade instead of a passive. Genji Swift Strike [E] Adjusted color display for Swift Strike refund timer on the button. Fixed an issue that caused Swift Strike's mana refund to be displayed for the killed enemy player. Level 4 Strike At The Heart [E] Fixed an issue with Genji's Strike At The Heart text. Level 13 Way of The Shimada [E] Now only causes Genji's attacks to display as a crit at 10+ stacks. Level 16 Final Cut [E] Fixed an issue that caused Final Cut's damage to not be modified by any damage modifiers. Gul'dan Level 1 Chaotic Energy [W] Fixed an issue that caused Chaotic Energy to not increase the healing of Regeneration Globes by the correct value in ARAM. Level 13 Healthstone [Active] No longer dismounts or decloaks Gul'dan. Level 16 Ruinous Affliction [E] Third strike damage now displays as a crit. Hanzo Fixed an issue that caused weapons to fire multiple times when used in conjunction with select abilities. Scatter Arrow [W] Now combines damage text. Level 16 Giant Slayer [Passive] Bonus damage from Scatter Arrow will now combine damage text. Hogger Rage has been added to the Hero page. Staggering Blows [Q] Fixed an issue that caused Staggering Blows to not interact with map objects. Ez-Thro Dynamite [W] Will always display as a crit on direct hit damage. Level 4 Brute Force [Q] No longer causes Loot Hoard to display as a crit. Imperius Level 10 Angelic Armaments [R1] Will combine damage text with Heavenly Host. Junkrat Level 10 RIP-Tire [R1] Starts decaying in damage after 1.5 range. Leoric Level 7 Willing Vessel [W] Now displays as a crit. Li Li Fast Feet [Trait] Adjusted color display for duration indicator. Level 10 Jug of 1,000 Cups [R1] Fixed an issue that caused Jug of 1,000 Cups' cooldown to be increased while in Stasis. Level 13 Gale Force [E] Fixed an issue that caused Gale Force to not properly increase Blinding Wind's duration. Lt. Morales Level 13 Bedside Manner [E] Proc bonus now displays as a crit. Lunara Nature's Toxin [Trait] Now acts similarly to other heals. Level 13 Abolish Magic [Active] Fixed an issue that caused Abolish Magic to not reduce the duration of Silences, Fears, and Taunts. Maiev Level 1 Bonds of Justice [W] No longer causes attacks to display as crits when using Umbral Bind. Level 4 Blade Dance [Q] Fixed an issue that caused Blade Dance to not grant stacks of Vengeful Knives. Level 10 Containment Disc [R1] Removed Silence display while Time Stopped. Mal'Ganis Level 13 Blood Rush [D] Fixed an issue that caused Blood Rush to activate from Healing Fountains and Regeneration Globes. Malthael Level 13 Shroud of Wisdom [Active] Fixed an issue that caused Shroud of Wisdom to not grant Spell Armor against all sources. Level 20 Angel of Death [R2] Fixed an issue that caused Angel of Death to be affected by Spellpower modifiers. Mei Level 20 Cascade [R1] Fixed an issue that caused Cascade's Snow Blinds to Blind for less duration than untalented Snow Blinds. Nazeebo Zombie Wall [W] Updated zombies to face inside the Zombie Wall when created. Level 20 Annihilating Spirits [R2] Fixed an issue that caused Annihilating Spirits healing reduction to display floating text multiple times. Nova Holo Decoys [E] Will now move towards uncollected Experience Globes if they are idle. Orphea Fixed an issue that caused weapons to fire multiple times when used in conjunction with select abilities. Level 4 Chaotic Assault [Trait] Fixed an issue that caused Chaotic Assault to not apply while Orphea has 3 stacks of Chaos. Level 13 Invasive Miasma [Trait] Fixed an issue that caused Invasive Miasma to hit dead Heroes. Level 20 Eldritch Conduit [Trait] Fixed an issue that caused Eldritch Conduit's visuals to persist after death. Probius Disruption Pulse [Q] Fixed an issue that caused Disruption Pulse to hit targets hit by previous Disruption Pulses. Level 4 Photon Barrier [D] Fixed an issue that caused Photon Barrier to display while Probius is dead. Level 10 Pylon Overcharge [R1] Fixed an issue that caused Pylon Overcharge to not properly grant Pylons Invulnerability. Qhira Grappling Hook [Trait] Adjusted Grappling Hook guide and terrain indicator to match its cast range. Level 13 The Hunted [Passive] Fixed an issue that caused The Hunted to lose stacks when hitting a non-Hero. Raynor Level 20 Sergeant Pepper [Trait] Fixed an issue that caused Sergeant Pepper to not properly apply if selected while at 0 stacks of Give Em' Some Pepper. Rehgar Fixed an issue that caused duplicate entries in the Death Recap. Level 13 Wellspring [E] Fixed an issue that caused Wellspring's beam to not appear when the heal occurs. Rexxar Fixed an issue that caused Rexxar and Misha to not share their Healing Fountain healing with each other. Samuro Level 4 One With The Wind [E] Fixed an issue that caused One With The Wind to display a duration while Wind Walk is active. Level 7 Crushing Blows [W] Fixed an issue that caused Crushing Blows to be located in the wrong location in the Buff Bar. Sgt. Hammer Level 16 Giant Killer [Passive] Fixed an issue that caused Giant Killer to damage Invulnerable targets. Sonya Fury [Trait] Adjusted the color display for remaining duration on the button. Stitches Level 16 Digestive Juices [E] Fixed an issue that caused Digestive Juices to not display a damage preview. Stukov Level 1 Fetid Touch [W] Fetid Touch's ranged attack no longer displays an empty icon in the Death Recap. Tassadar Level 7 Psionic Echo [W] Adjusted color display for Psionic Echo indicator on Shock Ray button. The Butcher Fixed an issue that caused Butcher's charge to be cancelled prematurely. Level 13 Cleaver [Passive] Can now trigger while Blinded. Now heals if the cleaved-to-target has The Butcher's Brand. Level 20 Fires of Hell [R1] No longer displays an empty icon in the Death Recap. Thrall Feral Spirit [E] Fixed an issue that caused Feral Spirit to hit Invulnerable non-Heroes. Level 13 Frostwolf's Grace [D] No longer dismounts Thrall. Tracer Level 20 Composition B [R] Fixed an issue that caused Composition B's outer radius to not gain the benefit of Quantum Spike. Tyrande Sentinel [E] Fixed an issue that caused Sentinel to pierce incorrectly. Uther Holy Radiance [W] Displays as a crit when Uther has Spellpower bonuses. Level 16 Beacon of Light [Q] Only causes Holy Light to display as a crit when under 50% health. Valeera Deep Shadows duration indicator will now fill, rather than empty. Level 4 Wound Poison [Active] Fixed an issue that caused Wound Poison to display floating text multiple times. Valla Multishot [W] Fixed an issue that caused Multishot to not apply all hit effects when hitting enemies inside Valla's space. Level 13 Gloom [Active] No longer displays an empty icon in the Death Recap. Varian Level 13 Mortal Strike [D] Fixed an issue that caused Mortal Strike to display floating text multiple times. Whitemane Zeal [Trait] Fixed an issue that caused Zeal's active visuals to persist after death. Searing Lash [E] The second strike always displays as a crit. Xul Level 20 Mortal Wounds [Q] Fixed an issue that caused Mortal Wounds to display floating text multiple times. Yrel Fixed an issue with abilities causing all players to highlight enemies. Avenging Wrath [E] Fixed an issue that caused Avenging Wrath's VFX to display incorrectly. Level 10 Ardent Defender [R1] Increases Yrel's Self Healing when it prevents damage to her. Zarya Fixed an issue that caused Basic Attacks to not damage enemies in the cleave area if the primary target dies to the attack. Level 7 Deep Burn [Q] Fixed an issue that caused Deep Burn to display the incorrect floating text value. Zul'jin Fixed an issue that caused duplicate entries in the Death Recap. Level 1 Recklessness [Passive] Adjusted position in the Buff Bar. Return to Top
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