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By VeeImperium
Stormrage [A] - 3/7 Mythic - 7/7 Heroic - FRI & MON - 9pm-12am EST
Imperium, a progressive and well-respected raiding guild. Seeking like-minded individuals to join our team. We provide good guild culture, consistent loot distribution, laid-back leadership, like-minded, courteous, kind, and polite people.
Our team has been playing together for 8 years. We have always maintained a strong progressive raid team in 10 and 25 mans with a very minimal raid schedule. When considering new members, we seek individuals who have excellent communication skills, a high level of maturity, and a manner of adult professionalism.
Raid Info
Friday & Monday 9:00pm - 12:00am EST
Emerald Nightmare - 3/7 Mythic - 7/7 Heroic
What to expect from us...
- Raids that start and end on time.
- A community of in-game support and socializing, Veteran players, 980+ Characters, 580+ Active Accounts, 650+ Level 100s.
- Opportunity to be part of our weekly raid sales group
- Fair and consistent leadership that only accepts quality players, and understands mistakes can happen.
- A friendly and competitive dps environment, with frequent 95%+ parses
- An opportunity to see all the content WoW has to offer.
- Raid Consumables, and Enchantments provided.
- Adult atmosphere, average age 25.
- We DO NOT recruit for bench positions.
What we expect from you...
- Desire to be part of a team. This includes being on Mumble and taking an interest in the guilds objectives, upholding its principles and helping to secure its longevity.
- Great verbal communication during raid.
- Good attitude and mutual respect towards fellow guild and raid team members.
- High to perfect raid attendance.
- Perseverance. Wiping is part of the game, and staying motivated and positive is a must.
- Know your class and all of its abilities. Have a viable off spec for the team.
- Be active and contribute to the guild forums.
Currently Recruiting:
1 Ranged DPS: Hunter, Warlock or Shadow Priest
1 Healer: Holy Priest, Holy Paladin or Resto Shaman
Exceptional players are always considered.
Visit ImperiumGuild.ca to apply or to learn more about us.
By Epos
Hey all. I'm interested in what kind of add-ons people may be using for healing. I have tried healbot in the past and I'll be honest, I hate it. Currently I am using a 12 button Naga with ELVUI and its been decent , but I'm curious to know if there is something else out there I might find beneficial. I'm in the process of learning mouse over macro's but I have a ways to go. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
By Divinorum
Hey guys, I've got a question this morning specific to raiding as a Priest. I'm currently a raiding priest that's 10/10 Heroic BRF, and up until now I've been raiding with our progression team as Holy. I've played this spec because our guild already has an established Disc priest in the raid (he's the raid leader) and being lower on the totem pole means you have to compromise for the good of the raid (if you wanna get into the raid!). Prior to joining my current guild, I had been a Disc priest and was very, very comfortable playing that spec.
However, I really haven't enjoyed playing Holy very much. It took me a few weeks to bed into this new spec (which I'd never really played very much), and get the needed muscle memory in place so that I was operating at high efficiency. After sticking through that initial adjustment period, I feel I have the knack for it. My numbers have improved markedly week over week, but... I just can't generate the same HPS as a Holy priest. It's becoming frustrating because it's starting to suck the joy out of the game for me. My logs show that as a Holy priest I often rank middle of the pack or worse when it comes to HPS and percentile rankings. Flip that to Disc, and I'm among the *most* efficient, regularly scoring above the 85th percentile.
Does anyone know of or have evidence of a guild utilizing 2 disc priests for endgame/progression raiding? I'd be very interested to see how they handle healing assignments so that there's no overlap on the weakened soul debuff, and they can both operate at max efficiency. I've seen bits here and there that suggest one Disc takes Clarity of Will and tank heal, while the other takes Words of Mending and prioritizes Holy Nova a little higher in their spell selection. But, I've not seen any logs that corroborate that anecdotal evidence.
Any evidence that this is a viable raiding setup would be awesome. I really want to enjoy raiding with my priest and want to continue doing so. But doing it as Holy for the long haul just isn't appealing to me at all. The spec frustrates me to no end. And finding a new guild that'll let me be Disc isn't the answer, I love my guild. The raid leader is open to the idea of 2 discs, and I just want to show him evidence it's viable. If there's a shot it could be done, I'd like to know.
By Fradheal
I am a holy priest with a shadow off-spec. My question deals with the game mechanics. Are there game mechanics that make it wiser to use a 2h staff vs. a 1h weapon & and off-hand item other than the just the sheer numerical benefit you get from the items. I believe I was told when I started out that when healing, it is better to use a 2h staff, but for DPS as shadow a 1H and off-hand item was better. Thanks for the help and I love the guides!