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LFR: Loot

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So, I'd like to ask everyone a question. Has anyone else had horrendous luck with getting loot from LFR? I've had more luck in our poor 10 man, that only clears 4/6 MSV and 1/6 HoF. And that's sad, to be frank. Every week, gold, gold, gold, spend all my coins... Gold. It's been SO long, and zero progression. Is this common for you guys? I sort of feel like this needs fixed. Thoughts? Go!

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It's purely RNG based. Some people will have luck, some won't. At the beginning of this tier, on our first 6/6 MSV clear, I got a piece of loot off of every single boss. Our Rogue just got his glove, leg, and chest tier token in the same HoF clear. The tokens aren't meant as a means to fill out your character's equipment selection. It's an additional bonus that shouldn't be counted on to get extra loot.

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Let me tell you this. I started raiding on my healing monk kinda late with my guild. I was a resto druid before, but found that I leveled the monk quicker then expected and began raiding with it. I was a little behind on gear, since it was the first or second week that HoF was out.

Now I'm pretty geared up, but still have a HORRIBLE weapon. A blue crafted weapon I made form blacksmithing. Ever since I came back from Christmas holidays I have been farming 3 coins every Monday/Tuesday just to use on Tsulong. Today was the 4th week, and I still have a blue weapon for the rest of this week.

Coin count:

9 on LFR - Belt/ Trinket. Both useless to me.

3 on Normal

Kill Count:


3 Normal.

Even on those normal kills, my sword did not even drop.

I've also been killing Will and Empress each week on LFR but using no coins on them. We haven't been killing Will since we killed it on heroic and sometimes we don't kill empress if we want to focus on more progression.

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The drop rate in lfr is terrible, just like you said. Ofcourse i had some things drop but i couldn't use those. However, looking at the last 2 weeks i have been doing lfr with 3 chars, 2 of them all the lfr raids and 1 mv only. Anything dropped? Nope nothing at all. Which means 40 bosses killed and nothing at all.

As far as the coins, over the whole time running lfr i think maybe once or twice loot came out of it. And believe me a lot of coins have been spilled for a 1% chance to get something usefull.

Edited by Daowen

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I had more luck it seems when I first started raiding in LFR than I have since. 4 weeks raiding, and I'm still trying to collect the sigils for the Black Prince. I've gotten 2..... And no gear. Just gold and and Idea of what I'm supposed to do when our guild actually starts trying.

Edited by SkuulzonVelen

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It definitely seems super random! I know plenty of people who've gotten nothing but gold for the past two months. I'm one of them. I mean, I understand the randomness, and we all relish the moment we finally get that elusive piece of gear... But wow! It's tough to gear up these days. Thank you all for your responses! Sorry for my own delay.

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I would say, Welcome to the crappy World of RNG.

Blizzard is to lazy to make a decent loot system for LFR/Coins.

Current: on background a random number gets generated (hence term RNG) depending on that you get something, like if its between 0 - 0.8 its gold, 0.8-1 you get an item (if its 20% chance). I know someone who got 3 items from Terrace in 1 LFR (that 3/4 and without coins, its his alt so he doesnt bother getting coins).

How they should make it. 20% chance, got nothing? then you chance goes up to 30%, still nothing? repeat process (limit at 70-80% to avoid garaunteed loot and that people could act like, didnt loot 8 bosses so next boss i will get something and go to the boss of their liking)

If you loot once your chance gets reset to 20% (RNG still in affect, the sooner it drops the sooner the next row of chance increases starts. But it will avoid unlucky streaks)

Example (Current working) with a 20% coin chance there is 1 person every 100.000 that wont recieve an item for 50 coins in a row, while the opposit can happen that 1 person every 100.000 will recieve 7 items on a row. This seems Legit? nope its BS in my eyes but unfortunatly the truth cause of the lazyness of Blizzard

The RNG limitation i explained (with limit 80%) doesnt change the luck a person can have (7 in a row). But will reduce is that only 3 people every 100.000 wont recieve anything for 10 coins, and its 6 every 1mil people that wont recieve anything for 11 coins and 1 every 1mil that has 12 wasted coins. Even better would be a logistic chance inc, meaning your chance on getting an item get multiplied by 1.2 orso to make 100% sure a person gets an item every 10-15 coins without any exception.

Only thing Blizzard needs to do is implement it (its not even that difficult, im a programmer myself) and chose carefully the number of increase or multiplication.

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I would say, Welcome to the crappy World of RNG.

Blizzard is to lazy to make a decent loot system for LFR/Coins.

Current: on background a random number gets generated (hence term RNG) depending on that you get something, like if its between 0 - 0.8 its gold, 0.8-1 you get an item (if its 20% chance). I know someone who got 3 items from Terrace in 1 LFR (that 3/4 and without coins, its his alt so he doesnt bother getting coins).

How they should make it. 20% chance, got nothing? then you chance goes up to 30%, still nothing? repeat process (limit at 70-80% to avoid garaunteed loot and that people could act like, didnt loot 8 bosses so next boss i will get something and go to the boss of their liking)

If you loot once your chance gets reset to 20% (RNG still in affect, the sooner it drops the sooner the next row of chance increases starts. But it will avoid unlucky streaks)

Example (Current working) with a 20% coin chance there is 1 person every 100.000 that wont recieve an item for 50 coins in a row, while the opposit can happen that 1 person every 100.000 will recieve 7 items on a row. This seems Legit? nope its BS in my eyes but unfortunatly the truth cause of the lazyness of Blizzard

The RNG limitation i explained (with limit 80%) doesnt change the luck a person can have (7 in a row). But will reduce is that only 3 people every 100.000 wont recieve anything for 10 coins, and its 6 every 1mil people that wont recieve anything for 11 coins and 1 every 1mil that has 12 wasted coins. Even better would be a logistic chance inc, meaning your chance on getting an item get multiplied by 1.2 orso to make 100% sure a person gets an item every 10-15 coins without any exception.

Only thing Blizzard needs to do is implement it (its not even that difficult, im a programmer myself) and chose carefully the number of increase or multiplication.

Blizzard has stated before, the point of LFR is not to hand you free gear very quickly. It's to give you an alternate means of gearing slowly by luck. Everyone has the same exact chance at loot. Some are just more lucky. Blizzard is not "lazy" to make a decent loot system, they just haven't found a way to implement an idea that fits their model for a players chance at gearing. They are probably spending thousands of dollars just to have people think of a new idea. When I read your suggestion, it just seems to me you want the loot all the time

Tell me, how many times have you actually gotten loot from a boss but disregarded it because it was not what you wanted or was not an upgrade at all? The LFR loot chance is all about probability.

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im mostly talking about the coins to start with. And Secondly its not about getting free loot its preventing that some people get streaks of 50 coins and not getting anything while someone has to same chance to get 7 items from 7 coins.

I would even go as far that if you looted something you chance rate should drop below the 20% mark. So like everytime you lose your chance is multiplied by 1.2 (allowing a slow grow in the chance you got) and dividing your chance by 3 orso to prevent people from looting 7 items on a row.

Thats deleting the outer edges from the randomness. It still stays random but it prevents people from being extreme lucky and prevents people from being extreme unlucky.

Will you gear faster? If you were the unlucky YES, if you were the lucky one NO.

If you use RNG you should put boundries to it limiting those edges. And the only stuff they need to do is run the nummers, balancing them to their beliefs. But there is no exact solution that would say you need to use those numbers. Its what you think is fair.

And yes there lazy, basing everything in the game on a random number is just stupid and gives people an unfair advantage or disadvantage.

The main tank in my previous guild once had to wait for a shield, a patch and a half to then have a LFR upgrade. Imagine if a few people are missing key components to their gear. While an other guild only gets usefull gear, nothing dropping more times then they need etc, is that fair?

And yes im currently building a losing streak, all coins i used (only 8 atm) turned out to be gold. And yes i passed (not alot cause i useally been the unlucky one) on a item cause im aiming at another one or its alot bigger upgrade for another person. But tbh that doesnt matter we got our own looting system in the guild not counting coin drops.

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I've used 12 coins on Tsulong LFR thus far and 3 coins on Tsulong normal. 4 weeks in a row, it hasnt even dropped on normal as a normal drop.. My guild is 10/16 H and I'm still using a blue crafted weapon. Trust me, I know of the unlucky streak, I still think that blizzard has done right ith LFR loot. It is suppose to be random. Thats why they designed it like that. That is their model. Any "advantages" you would get just because you're lucky is null because if you were good enough to kill a boss on normal the gear you're going to farm from there will invalidate the LFR gear anyway. The only reason people go into LFR for gear is for a *CHANCE* at a few pieces they are missing.

That is what loot has ALWAYS been about. A Chance. A Probability. Not a Guarantee. Just because someone has been unlucky does not entitle them to a better chance at getting loot. Blizzard has stated many times they do not want to just hand out loot like candy on Halloween.

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I don't think free loot is what we want. For example, I've personally went to LFR every week for nine weeks now, every week, three coins used. And I haven't gotten a single thing. How am I going to be able to help my 10 man progress if my gear is sub-par? The game is no longer about skill, because if it were, I'm confident it wouldn't be a problem for myself and my fellow raiders. The problem there is that Blizzard has placed the emphasis of the game on gear. That's a big problem. Valor caps, total caps, weekly caps - it leaves us stuck! A guildmate (non-raider) went to LFR her first week and got loot from 11 bosses. No coins... See? That's just not fair to those who've been diligent in capping, doing dailies, upgrading, and doing LFR with the horrendous groups every week. There needs to be a threshold. It's tough to come up with solutions, especially when the issues are abundant. Oh well. I s'pose it's silly to even debate, eh? Blizzard knows what they want to do. But, thank you all for responding! :)

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I agree with this ,also its when you spend your coins and you win loot and it always something you've got ,why not give you like 2000 valor points to spend on gear that you need

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