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Hearthstone Demon Handlock BrM

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Thanks for updating the Demonlock deck. It's a favourite of mine :)


I like how this version runs the early game mechanics featured in the Anti-Aggro handlock deck combined with the Voidcaller combo from the previous Demonlock deck.


I'm tossing up between including Alexstrasza in place of Lord Jaraxxus but the potential value of taunting up a Jaraxxus after getting pulled from Voidcaller is too good.

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does alex really work as a substitute for jaraxxus on this particular version of handlock? i mean,without him you will only have 2 demons to summon with voidcaller.maybe floating watcher or second doomguard would be a better choice?

Edited by batanete

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I tried Alex as a substitute for LJ and it's not as cohesive. LJ has the potential to become a 5/17 with Mal'Ganis in play and 6/18 taunt in conjunction with Defender of Argus. I'm not encountering players running TBK or Harrison Jones so this deck is pretty solid at the moment.


If you don't have Alex or LJ, maybe try the Warlock Zoo Demonlock featured on this site.

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I don't have Mal'Ganis and Jaraxxus at the moment, I substitute them with other demons until I craft them both. I just registered here to tell you guys, that this deck is still a lot of fun to play without the mentioned cards, thanks to the author! :)

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Guest Brian

Hey Sottle, Just wanted to say I love the decks you put up and appreciate all the info you give with each one. I was just curious if there was a viable replacement for Sylvanus in this deck? I dusted her by accident while intoxicated. sad.png


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Hey Sottle, Just wanted to say I love the decks you put up and appreciate all the info you give with each one. I was just curious if there was a viable replacement for Sylvanus in this deck? I dusted her by accident while intoxicated. sad.png




Also, if you want to go the route of adding another Demon to replace Jarraxus, i'd recommend Fearsome Doomguard, or Dread Infernal.

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Guest Nik

Fun deck Sottle, however, i dislike Sylvanas - she's dreadfully slow. At this point i'm using 1xBelcher instead of her, might switch him for Loatheb. Also, i removed 1xMountain Giant for a second Owl - helped me a lot in current meta.

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Guest fo0x

What options can I use instead of Voidcaller?

I know the card is crucial but don't have an opportunity to craft it right now.

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What options can I use instead of Voidcaller?

I know the card is crucial but don't have an opportunity to craft it right now.


You can't craft Voidcaller, you get it from 4th Naxxramas wing. It is definitely worth it saving 2,8k gold and getting not only Voidcaller, but also the cards that come with it, such as Chow or Death's Bite. 


The guide states Voidcaller is included to improve your matchups by having a turn 4 play, so I guess a good 4-drop could be OK. Still, I think missing Voidcaller is very bad and in that case I recommend playing usual Handlock

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Guest Sebastian J

This deck is complete shit vs aggro. There isn't enough early game minions and removal. I find myself losing to aggro every time.

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What options can I use instead of Voidcaller?

I know the card is crucial but don't have an opportunity to craft it right now.


Yeah you can't play this deck without Voidcaller. Things like Mal'Ganis and Doomguard just become borderline unplayable.

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This deck is complete shit vs aggro. There isn't enough early game minions and removal. I find myself losing to aggro every time.


This deck is quite favoured against many Aggro decks. Face Hunter and Zoo are both beat handily for example. Secret Pally can be a little tougher but it's still not terrible. If you're trying to like tap, tap Giant against Aggro, obviously that's going to get you killed, but that's outlined pretty clearly in the guide.

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Guest Atlas

where is the second siphon soul you mention here?:

"Big Game Hunter is currently included due to the high presence of targets like Dr. Boomin the meta. If you start to find yourself facing less minions with 7+ attack, then BGH can be removed for a second Siphon Soul."


there isn't even 1 siphon soul in the deck.

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Guest Oats

Warhorse works well with all the expensive cards to get a nice 5/3 charge turn 4 or a surprise win late game.

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Warhorse works well with all the expensive cards to get a nice 5/3 charge turn 4 or a surprise win late game.


You still have about 70% win chance against Hunter to win the joust and even lower chance against other classes. Not really worth it, especially when you have to swap it for an other card in the deck.

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Guest Zeroskye

Is there any replacement for Mal'ganis? I can get every card, but him. 

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Guest Thomas J. Patti

I am completely bewildered as to why Voidcaller is a good fit for a Handlock deck.


In the setup proffered, the only demons are a Doomguard, Jaraxxus; and Mal'Ganis.


Jaraxxus is nearly a waste if played via Voidcaller. Mal'Gains is great, but the demon buff goes underutilized. Doomgaurd could be useful, however, there is only one and you risk discarding useful cards unintentionally. 


In my mind, the card slots needed for Voidcaller, Doomguard, and Mal'Gains, verse the versatility and general usefulness, are not worth it. 


The four slots could be put to better use by adding another Hellfire and Shadowflame, a second Ironbeak, and Ragnaros.


This point is furthered by the fact that Voidcaller, in the proffered deck, would be a 4th turn card. The deck already has better 4th turn drops. In the best scenario, you would drop a Voidcaller 4th turn, have Mal'Gains in your hand, and then the opponent chops the Voidcaller (very stupidly). I just see that as such a narrow situation that it just doesn't make since. 


Maybe I am an idiot and I am completely wrong. Who knows. But that's just my two cents. 

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I mean, you're looking at it in purely a negative light.

Jarraxus is wasted: No, you get a 3/15 on the board for free. In no world is that a "waste". The only time you should feel bad about pulling Jarraxus without the Hero form is against really heavy Control/Fatigue matchups where the 6/6 every turn is crucial.


Malgnais wastes the Demon buff: You get a 9/7 into play for 4 Mana. The buff isn't exactly important


The build of Handlock is still available that doesn't run the Demons, and it's Sludge Belchers that go back in, not the cards you've mentioned. As laid out in the guide, your regular 4-drop minions rely on you skipping the first few turns to make them powerful. Voidcaller allows you to actually spend your first few turns fighting for the board and doesn't get punished by you having a smaller hand, that's really important when you run into a bunch of stuff like Druid/Pally/Hunter where you can't afford to slow play the whole game.

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