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Carfting Legendaries

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Hello everyone, I started playing Hearthstone a 4 months ago and as a new play, I had a really hard time with arena so I gave up (I have only gotten to 6 wins onces or twices). But as time has pass, I have gotten all the solo adventures and open up some packs. But the only thing I have a problem is with legendaries. I have gotten only one apart from the ones from Naxx and BrM. So right night, I actually thinking of making one legendary in about 1 month at the pase I'm playing. So my actual question is: Which legendaries are to be top priority. Right now I have 6 decks that are amost finished.


1)Grim Patron (missing Grommash)

2)Midrange Hunter (Before TGT missing Dr.Boom)

3)Midrange Shaman (TGT only missing Dr.Boom)

4)Ramp Druid (missing Sylvanis and Dr.Boom)

5)Tempo Mage (TGT missing Dr.Boom, Rhonin, and Archmage)

6)Zoolock (Mal'Ganis)


I know that top priority should be Dr.Boom seen that most decks are missing it. But it's just to see some more expirienced player's opinions and tips.

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Hi, mate


For Patron Warrior you do not need Gromash hardly. I suggest you to make Dr Boom, its the most used legendary since TGT so just make it. After that craft Sylvanas, another very used card. 

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Based on the list of choices you gave, I agree with Caffry that Sylvanas should be your next top priority (after making Dr. Boom of course). As a neutral legendary she can be used in a large variety of decks, so you'll likely get to play with her more often. For class legendaries, all the ones you name above are powerful and lots of fun, so it really just depends on your preference. Go with whatever class and/or deck you are most excited about. Out of the two legendaries you name for Mage, I would go with Archmage Antonidas first. I've heard that Rhonin can also be powerful (I don't have him myself), but I would think he would be better if you already have Antonidas in the deck. 

Edited by Darb
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Firstly, while I agree that Dr. Balanced is number one priority, I wouldn't craft Sylvanas unless your "dream deck" contains it. After you craft Dr. Boom, you should focus on building a specific deck. Building multiple decks is too slow and won't get you far in the ranked as you can only play one deck each game. The easiest deck to play from your list is Midrange Hunter and the easiest to master is in my opinion Combo Druid. 


Secondly, I do not recommend crafting a legendary so soon. You should craft multiple rares and epics. Investing 1600 dust into something you may not even draw is not really worth it. It is way more probable that you draw into one of 4 epics. Craft the overall good neutral epics (such as BGH) first and then focus on a certain deck you want to finish first. 

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I like the input positiv2 gave. He alludes to a great point that I want to address more directly. When it comes to crafting legendaries, there is not a single answer that is true for everyone (except perhaps Dr. Boom biggrin.png ). You need to consider your goals, your style of play, and what you ultimately want to get out of the game.


For example, if you are extremely competitive and want to climb the ladder as quickly as possible, it makes sense to focus on one top tier deck and craft only the cards that are essential for that deck. If you are more casual and want to enjoy playing with a variety of decks, including having multiple good decks available for achieving daily quests, it makes sense to craft cards that are good in multiple decks across multiple classes.


Here's another example - if you like to play aggressively you will likely be better off using your dust to craft more rares and epics that complement aggressive decks (Knife Juggler and Arcane Golem come to mind), rather than using your dust on high-mana legendaries that don't see play until the late game. Likewise, those who love control decks will want to save their dust for the legendaries that dominate in those styles of decks.


I've always been reluctant to craft rares and epics because I hope to eventually pull the ones I want out of packs, which is much more likely than pulling a legendary out of a pack (there is no sense in waiting to pull the legendary you want from a pack - the chance of it happening is too small). With that in mind, I focus on saving my dust primarily for legendary cards. Having said that, I have ended up crafting a few rares and even some commons to be able to complete a deck that was otherwise ready to play. I'm pretty patient, but everyone has their limit on how long they can wait to pull the right cards, even common ones. 


Again, there is no one-size-fits-all answer when it comes to crafting legendaries. Before you decide, think about your goals and what you want this legendary to accomplish for you. Then have fun!

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Thanks for the advices biggrin.png I would now like to ask another thing before answering some of the comments. So I have been playing everday to get some gold and get a better ranked before this season eanded. I have been using Midrange Hunter and Grim Patron to get up step by step. So with the gold I have earned, I got some packs and got Golden Leeroy Jenkins and a Gruul. I was thinking of using them as dust for the other decks.


As for the idea of having a "Dream Deck", I have been using Patron Deck for about 3 months and I'm quier happy with it. I may not be a maestre using it but I have a good enough win rate with it. But right now I have been thinking of using other decks on the list for fun. But the Druid and Mage Decks, that are the one that I'm mostly thinking of using right now, still need more card :s Right now I have 1840 dust but I'll use 1600 for Dr.Boom. After that, I go for the Druid deck has it's the one between the two that I need less crafting.


P.S. Sorry about this anoying question but how do you guys post your deck list? I took a screen shot for each deck and was thinking of posting it so you guys could see them and tell your thoughts on them.

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If you are OK with disenchanting legendaries that you probably won't ever use, then disenchant them, 2k dust is enough to get you another legendary and an epic or 5 epics (your choice). 


Druid without combo doesn't use Dr. Boom while the one with the combo does. If you want to main the one without combo, crafting Dr. Boom is actually not that good. 

There are multiple types of mage deck, ranging from aggro to heavy control. If you want to play mech mage, Dr. Boom is a solid choice, followed by Antonidas. Same goes for Tempo with the addition of Rhonin being the 3rd legendary to craft. However, echo and freeze don't use Boom. Freeze needs Alexstrasza, Antinidas and Thalnos. While Thalnos can be replaced by Geomancer, Sottle said that you can play without Antonidas, but not Thalnos. Echo needs Sylvanas and Alexstrasza. If you want to play control mage decks, crafting Alex seems to be better than crafting Boom as you can choose to ladder with only one deck. Although Boom is overall good card, there are some decks that don't use him and crafting him would be a waste of time and dust. 


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I don't really like Commanding Shouts in patrons. Although they can be good, your combo is expensive already and you will found yourself playing other cards over Commanding Shout. I would replace it with Gnomish Inventor to keep digging for that combo or a second Inner Rage as it is a free patron for you.

Also, I think Shield Block are little bit better than Dread Corsair. They prevent about the same damage, but Shield Block cycles. Patron also runs Shield Slam sometimes but I do not how effective it is. 


You already run an Owl, I don't see a reason to run a Hunter's Mark as well. I like Sergeants and they can also do the same job sometimes. 

Opponent will usually want to clear your board when playing hybrid, the Explosive Trap is often useless. Because you are going face and don't care about the board that much, Leper Gnome is a really good alternative.

Running two Webspinners is too slow, one is OK but not two of them. Glaivezooka is an overall good card that deserves a spot in your deck.

Hunters usually run three weapons: two Glaivezookas and one Eaglehorn or one Glaivezooka nd two Eaglehorns. I prefer 2Zookas and one Eaglehorn, but it is purely up to your preference. However, I think with the Explosive Trap removed, Glaivezooka is a better option.

Unleash the Hounds is a situational card and you don't really want too many of them. One should be enough to allow you more proactive plays. Same goes for Houndmaster, one is OK since you have enough beast, but not enough to have two Houndmasters. My recommendation would be one Tiger and a second Leper Gnome.


I don't play Shaman so I can't really help you here :P


Ironbarks aren't that good in Combo druid. They can be hit by BGH and leave your opponent with huge tempo gain. You definitely should include Ancients of Lore as they are simply too good not to be included.

Although I like KT in Combo druid, you should use Dr. Boom in its place once you craft it.


I think Mortal Coil is useless in Zoo. You don't have any cards that require you to have huge amount of cards in your hand, tapping is often enough. Argent Squire does the same, but twice. Other possibility is to Include Boom.

Shredders aren't really needed since you already have enough sticky minions. Add two Imp-losions, they are one of the best spells in Zoo as they can deal damage up to four times (damage from spell, damage from two Jugglers and imps themselves.

You have Voidcallers but no demons that are worth it. Include Doomguards in place of Floating Watchers. Floating Watchers are too slow for Zoo. 


Arcane intellect is an anti-tempo card in a tempo deck. Add 1 Effigy and 1 Poly:Boar. Effigy is a card that almost screams Tempo! and Poly:Boar gives you a bit tempo, too. 

Two flamestrikes is unnecessary, one should be sufficient. Include Boom. 

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Thanks for the advice. I was Actually working with the cards I have. I need to craft:

- 2 Ancient of Lore

- 1 Force of Nature

- 1 Effigy

- 1 Poly Boar

- 2 Doomguard

- 2 Imp-losion

- Mal'Ganis

- Rhonin

- Archmage

- Dr.Boom

- Cenarius (not sure)


I haven't had any luck getting them so I might as well craft the rare and epic ones frist and then the legendearys one by one.

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Cenarius isn't used in Combo druid, no need to craft it. 


If you want to earn dust quickly, play Arena. 3+ wins should get you the value, making it a very good source of dust. You need cards from all types of packs - another reason to play Arena as you don't care which pack you get. 


With 1860 dust (not sure if you disenchanted the legendaries) you can craft one legendary and probably save dust for an epic. If you disenchanted the legendaries, you should be at 3860 dust, so you should have enough dust to get 2 legendaries and an epic or 1 legendary and craft the rest.

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I ended up crafting Dr.Boom and crafting a combo druid and some cards for my future tempo mage. I will be saving up for both rhonin and archmage. Thanks for the help biggrin.png


Just make sure to craft Antonidas first because unlike Antonidas, Rhonin is not that good alone. 

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