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Heroes of the Storm Gazlowe

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Guest VasaKiller

"However, as Gazlowe is not a hero one usually plays to win, but rather to have fun, it is important to find the talents that you like and prefer yourself.  "


gazlowe 1540 games win rate 58% diamond. If you are trained to perform wombocombo good you are master of all (double stun after lvl16). The only thing you and your team mates should do is to kill them once they are stunned 3.5 sec. As for 1 talent its essential to go reduce, reuse, recycle and collect each scarp you can if its safe. Without it you will quickly run out of mana. As for lvl 13, 30% bigger radius of explodium bomb if crucial for wombocombo. If they have only 1 melee then robogobo or laser is fine. Furthermore if they are to squishy, azmodan's globes will do just fine :D problem with laser build is they can stun-lock you and you will die in a sec or two if enemy team has good focus.

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"However, as Gazlowe is not a hero one usually plays to win, but rather to have fun, it is important to find the talents that you like and prefer yourself.  "


gazlowe 1540 games win rate 58% diamond. If you are trained to perform wombocombo good you are master of all (double stun after lvl16). The only thing you and your team mates should do is to kill them once they are stunned 3.5 sec. As for 1 talent its essential to go scarp-o-smelter and collect each scarp you can if its safe. Without it you will quickly run out of mana. As for lvl 13, 30% bigger radius of explodium bomb if crucial for wombocombo. If they have only 1 melee then robogobo or laser is fine. Furthermore if they are to squishy, azmodan's globes will do just fine :D problem with laser build is they can stun-lock you and you will die in a sec or two if enemy team has good focus, but that happens rarely in qm.

Edited by VasaKiller

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54 minutes ago, EDL666 said:

Deth Lazor's tooltip has no mana cost and no cooldown

Thanks! I will add this one and Light of Elune to the list of broken tooltips.

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Guest Dioskur

Hey there,

my Gazlowe is at lvl 120+ right now, with an 80%+ winrate in TL. So I thought I comment on what I think is a general problem with the way the Gazmaster is played by many, and how he's suggested to be played in this guide. Gazlowe should be treated as an enabler, and his talents should be weighted with that in mind. It comes to no surprise to me, that so many people say he's sub-par, when everyone plays him in a way that doesn't suit his kit. So here are my ideas.


a) Forget the Deth Lazor! It's a trap! Use it like 3 times in a whole match, maximum. Reason to follow:

b) Pick Scrap-o-Matic Smelter at level 1 and ARK Reaktor at level 4. Turrets charge timer is 15 secons. Salvager tripples yor recharge timer on all skills. You want, no you need, to keep that effect up whenever humanly possible. You need to trigger the following scenario once to turn yourself into an unstoppable force of destruction: Your turrent charge count is zero with two turrets near you, then hit an enemy with Explodium charge. Once that has happened, just throw down the two new turrets and voila, you won. From now on all you need to do is to salvage and cyrcle turrets all the time for (near) zero mana costs (set up 70, salvage returns 60) and throw explodium charges every 4.5 seconds. if someone is stupid enough to engage you, just target him with the turrets, drop a bomb below you and watch him retreat.

c) On level 7 Rock-It! Turret XL is the only right choice. Deth Lazor is useless and doesn't need an upgrade, avoid it! And while the slow is nice, picking it means you are misunderstanding the hero. Gazlowe doesn't need to run away. Who you want to kite? Any melee who enters your deathzone dies a miserable death by a thousand cuts. And kiting a mage who outranges you makes no sense at all cause you will never outdamage him. No, its the damage increase for the turrets without question. If you get attacked on lane, you have split-second to decide if you want to stay or run. Most melees you stay and win, just never stop attacking and you slay them. place a bomb below you and they have to end the attack early anyway. If you have to run, throw the bomb in your path of retreat and make a chase impossible. Easy as that.

d) Pick Grav-o-Bomb on 10 to dictate the course of every teamfight.

e) on 13 and 16 you pick the auto-drop and the second charge for Explodium. With that, the stun is so powerfull that few if any enemy teams have any chance to win a fight on any objective spot, Boss camp or narrow point. Basically everywhere where it counts you can chain-stun them for 5+ seconds all alone.


It's all about constant recycling and mana management plus the currage to sta/engage where others should run. Dont play Gaz as a Goblin, play him like a giant!

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Hi, as a Gazlowe expert, I can tell you that you're clueless on how to play this hero and I can give great advice.  First off, the correct build (no exceptions, this is perfection at its finest).






Turret Storage




Max deeps.  Max skill.  Max winrate.

Source: I am the greatest gazlowe ever to play the game

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Guest OpticSeagull
On 9/1/2017 at 6:44 PM, positiv2 said:

Do you mean that they should buff the ability itself?

As for the second talent you mention, Reduce, Reuse, RecycleReduce, Reuse, Recycle, it fulfils a similar purpose as ARK ReaktorARK Reaktor, though without having reduced cooldown for Xplodium ChargeXplodium Charge, and being less reliable due to its RNG element. Additionally, heroes with powerful zoning may be able to prevent collecting scrap from minions without taking damage. However, as Gazlowe is not a hero one usually plays to win, but rather to have fun, it is important to find the talents that you like and prefer yourself. 

I came here to talk about Reduce Reuse Recycle.   I feel that E never hits anybody and doesn't yield much. RRR drops TONS of scrap. I think people have this all wrong. RRR is beneficial at the very least on maps with large waves. It's circumstantial whether there are heroes that can deny Gaz getting scrap. He'll get more scrap than E will hit anybody.

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17 hours ago, Guest Formenis said:

this build is out date with the gazlowe rework that has happened.

It's in the works. Hero is weak, so I'm having a hard time finding the will to test him at a high level for proper data.

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On 9/10/2020 at 3:57 AM, Oxygen said:

It's in the works. Hero is weak, so I'm having a hard time finding the will to test him at a high level for proper data.

Hmm, doesn't seem that weak on some of the semi-pro going on. XD

Edited by lChronosl

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Just want to tell you, Gazlowe's class just changed since his rework, he's no longer a Melee Assassin, he's a Bruiser now.

And sometimes I also wonder if there's some good build for the Rock-it! Turret, Deth Lazor and Xplodium Charge? If so, I would like to hear them please. He's one of my favorite hero and I would like to get good with him.

Edited by Sonin
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17 hours ago, Sonin said:

Just want to tell you, Gazlowe's class just changed since his rework, he's no longer a Melee Assassin, he's a Bruiser now.

And sometimes I also wonder if there's some good build for the Rock-it! Turret, Deth Lazor and Xplodium Charge? If so, I would like to hear them please. He's one of my favorite hero and I would like to get good with him.

Hey Sonin, thanks for the heads up! We had updated guide for his role change, but forgot to update the menu ?

About the other builds, his rework was not very generous when it comes to Talent diversity. However, we are probably going to see a good balance patch this Wednesday, maybe adding more potential builds to him. As soon as it reaches live I'll be testing it, so guide can be updated, displaying new builds if they become viable!

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Guest kirilloid

tooltip for Superior Schematics skill shows "for -4000% damage" in tooltip, it should be 60%.

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On 7/11/2021 at 8:37 AM, Particle said:


Deth Lazor says that it heals for 12% against enemy heroes. It should be 75%.



Thank you. I fixed the bug causing this, so the tooltip should read "75%" now.

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Guest BenjaminK

Hello there !

Just wanted to report a small mistake. The level 13 talent Superior Schematics mentions "Rock-It! Turrets attack up to 2 additional enemies for -4000% damage...", which of course includes way too many zeros, on top of turning a plus into a minus ^^...

Thanks in advance for your work !

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On 2/13/2025 at 4:36 AM, Guest BenjaminK said:

Hello there !

Just wanted to report a small mistake. The level 13 talent Superior Schematics mentions "Rock-It! Turrets attack up to 2 additional enemies for -4000% damage...", which of course includes way too many zeros, on top of turning a plus into a minus ^^...

Thanks in advance for your work !

Hi, the issue should now be fixed, thank you.

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      We expect the patch to be available for testing for one week before it goes live.
      Our next Heroes of the Storm patch has just hit the Public Test Realm and will be available for playtesting. As always, if you encounter any bugs during your PTR play sessions, please stop by the PTR Bug Report forum to let us know about your experiences.
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      Level 1 Searing Light Now only deals damage to enemy Heroes. Level 7 Energized Cord Now increases Basic Attack range by 1.1. Level 16 Reservoir of Hope Quest bonus reduced from 75 to 55. Wrath of Heaven Armor reduction increased from 10 to 20. Spell Power increased from 10% to 15%. Chromie
      Level 1 Timewalker's Pursuit Spell Power increased from 10% to 15%. Level 7 Mobius Loop Slow reduced from 60% to 40%. Level 20 Unravelling Lingering Slowing Sands no longer consume Energy. Now also increases Slowing Sands cast range by 50%. Johanna
      Shield Glare [E] Mana cost increased from 45 to 55. Talents
      Level 1 Divine Fortress Health bonus starting value increased from 20% to 25%. Zealous Glare Damage bonus reduced from 75% to 70%. Level 7 Steed Charge Duration increased from 3 to 4 seconds. Level 13 Blessed Hammer Damage reduced from 74 to 65. Level 16 Holy Renewal Cooldown reduction reduced from 1.5 seconds to 1 second. Shrinking Vacuum Damage reduction increased from 25% to 30%. Duration increased from 2 to 3 seconds. Slow increased from 25% to 30%. Tracer
      Level 4 Is That a Health Pack?! Healing from Regen Globes increased from 10% to 15% of maximum Health. Pulse Generator Healing reduced from 18% to 12%. Level 13 Jumper Cooldown refresh reduced from 150% to 100%. Shield reduced from 6.5% to 6%. Zul'jin
      You Want Axe? [Trait] Basic Attack damage increased from 94 to 118. Bonus from quest completion reduced from 1 to .25. Talents
      Level 1 Recklessness Basic Attack damage bonus reduced from 15% to 10%. Level 10 Guillotine Cooldown reduced from 40 seconds to 30 seconds. Mana cost reduced from 70 to 60. Taz'dingo! Cooldown increased from 90 seconds to 100 seconds. Mana cost increased from 75 to 80. Level 16 Let the Killing Begin Kill window reduced from 1.5 seconds to 0.5 seconds. Level 20 Buzzsaw Kill window reduced from 1.5 seconds to 0.5 seconds. Return to Top
      Bug Fixes
      Experience Globes can now path through gates. Fixed issues related to root visual effects. Updated decaying and ramping Slows to scale their speed with CC reduction effects. Heroes
      Alexstrasza Base Flame Buffet [E] Fixed an issue that caused Flame Buffet's Slow to be instantly removed on targets with reduced duration on being Slowed. Azmodan Level 13 Chain of Command Fixed an issue that caused Chain of Command to not apply to Demonic Invasion's on-death explosion. Brightwing Base Phase Shift [Z] Fixed an issue with Phase Shift's Store Icon. Chen Level 10 Storm, Earth, Fire Fixed an issue that caused Storm, Earth, Fire Spirits to not contest Capture Points. Cho'Gall General Fixed an issue that caused Cho'Gall to contest points while Cho is in Stasis. Dehaka Base Brushstalker [Z] Fixed an issue with Brushstalker's Store Icon. Will now clamp the minimum cast range to Dehaka's radius. E.T.C. Base Face Smelt [W] Fixed an issue that caused Face Smelt's Slow to be instantly removed on targets with reduced duration on being Slowed. Level 7 Pinball Wizard Bonus damage updated to be additive. Falstad Base Flight [Z] Fixed an issue with Flight's Store Icon. Level 10 Mighty Gust Fixed an issue that caused Mighty Gust's Slow to be instantly removed on targets with reduced duration on being Slowed. Fenix Level 1 Arsenal Synergy Fixed an issue that caused Arsenal Synergy to not grant cooldown reduction for the primary target hit by Phase Bomb. Level 4 Inhibiting Energy Fixed an issue that caused Inhibiting Energy to be instantly removed on targets with reduced duration on being Slowed. Johanna Base Punish [Q] Fixed an issue that caused Punish to be instantly removed on targets with reduced duration on being Slowed. Kharazim Level 4 Air Ally Fixed an issue that caused Air Ally's heal FX to be visible in Fog of War. Lúcio Base Wall Ride [Z] Fixed an issue with Wall Ride's Store Icon. Lunara Base Crippling Spores [W] Fixed an issue that caused Crippling Spores to be instantly removed on targets with reduced duration on being Slowed. Maiev Level 16 Armored Assault Fixed an issue that caused Armored Assault to not grant the full bonus to Umbral Bind's Cleave. Mei Base Icing [E] Fixed an issue that caused Icing's Slow to be instantly removed on targets with reduced duration on being Slowed. Level 10 Ice Wall Fixed an issue that caused Ice Wall to not apply Stopped to D.Va's Self Destruct. Muradin Level 4 Thunder Burn Tooltip has been updated to show Thunder Burn is a multiplicative reduction. Level 13 Thunder Strike Damage increase is now additive. Probius Base Worker Rush [Z] Fixed an issue with Work Rush's Store Icon. Rehgar Base Purge [Trait] Fixed an issue that caused Purge to be instantly removed on targets with reduced duration on being Slowed. Samuro Base Critical Strike [W] Fixed an issue that caused Critical Strike FX to persist if Samuro is killed while he has maximum Critical Strike stacks. Level 13 Kawarimi Fixed an issue that caused Kawarimi to create a Mirror Image with the incorrect starting Health. Sgt. Hammer Base Thrusters [Z] Fixed an issue with Thrusters' Store Icon. Stukov Base Weighted Pustule [W] Fixed an issue that caused Weighted Pustule's increasing Slow to be instantly removed on targets with reduced duration on being Slowed. Sylvanas Level 1 Unfurling Shadows Fixed an issue that caused Unfurling Shadows to not grant quest progress for the impact damage of Shadow Dagger created by spread. The Butcher Base Hamstring [Q] Fixed an issue that caused Hamstring to be instantly removed on targets with reduced duration on being Slowed. The Lost Vikings Base Go Go Go! [Z] Fixed an issue with Go Go Go's Store Icon. Zagara Level 20 Pack Instinct Fixed an issue that caused Devouring Maw to gain more bonuses than intended from Pack Instinct. Return to Top
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    • By Staff
      Master every Heroes of the Storm battleground with our detailed map guides, featuring strategies for objectives and drafting!

      Heroes of the Storm features a wide range of maps, each offering unique objectives and strategies. To help players excel in every battleground, we’ve created comprehensive guides that cover drafting, objectives, and gameplay for all maps.

      Alterac Pass: Free Cavalries from Prison Camps to fight alongside your team. Battlefield of Eternity: Secure Immortals to destroy enemy structures. Blackheart’s Bay: Collect Doubloons to fire Captain Blackheart’s cannons. Braxis Holdout: Control Beacons to summon powerful Zerg waves. Cursed Hollow: Gather Tributes to curse the enemy team and gain an advantage. Dragon Shire: Control Shrines to summon the mighty Dragon Knight. Garden of Terror: Collect Seeds to unleash Garden Terrors on your enemies. Hanamura Temple: Escort Payloads to deal damage to enemy structures. Infernal Shrines: Summon Punishers by defeating Guardians at Shrines. Sky Temple: Capture Temples to rain laser blasts on enemy structures. Tomb of the Spider Queen: Turn in Gems to summon Webweavers to assist your team. Towers of Doom: Capture Altars to damage the enemy Core indirectly. Volskaya Foundry: Control Capture Points to pilot the Triglav Protector. Warhead Junction: Collect Warheads to bombard enemy structures.
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