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WoW macro help...

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The following macro I have...

/cancelaura [mod:alt,form:4]Travel Form
/cancelaura [nomod,form:1]Bear Form
/use [mod:alt,noform:4]Travel Form;[nomod,noform:1]Bear Form

Doesn't seem to work when trying to shapeshift into (& therefore out of) bear form. Can someone put me straight as to what's wrong?

It works fine for travel form using 'alt' to activate/deactivate travel form.

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You don't have to use /cancelaura if you are using it as a toggle form. When you cast Bear Form when already in Bear Form, it simply does a cancelaura already.


Here is a oneliner:

/use [nomod:alt] Bear Form; Travel Form
This will allow you to go straight from Bear Form to Travel Form or vice versa depending on the mod.
To simply cancel, use the same key.

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You don't have to use /cancelaura if you are using it as a toggle form. When you cast Bear Form when already in Bear Form, it simply does a cancelaura already.


Here is a oneliner:

/use [nomod:alt] Bear Form; Travel Form
This will allow you to go straight from Bear Form to Travel Form or vice versa depending on the mod.
To simply cancel, use the same key.




[nomod:alt] is not correct? It should be [nomod] or [mod:alt]?

or does that mean when you're NOT using alt?

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NOT using alt. It will still go to bear form when using shift or ctrl.


If you only want Travel Form when using alt, and Bear Form when not using ANY mods:

/cast [mod:alt] Travel Form; [nomod]Bear Form

But this will cause the macro to do nothing when using shift or control



If you want to add more stances it will change to something like:

/cast [mod:alt]Travel Form; [mod:shift] Cat Form; Bear Form

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