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[US-Arthas][H] <Extra Crispy> HFC: 2/13 M, ranged dps

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Extra Crispy of Arthas-US(Horde) is always looking for good people to raid.  

The basics:

8-11 p.m. EST/EDT (server time) Wednesday/Thursday.  Tuesday is optional (non-progression) where we alternate between achievement runs, normal mode raids where alts are invited, and heroic mode raids.  Wednesday and Thursday are progression and we expect 85% attendance.

We require a minimum of gold proving grounds in the role you want to perform.

We try not to be disrespectful of other people's time.  We start on time.  At 8:00 p.m. everyone is at the raid entrance ready.  Double potion use for progression and farm content.  100% flask uptime.  We average 1-3 minute wipe recovery.  We take a 5 minute break in the middle of the raid somewhere.  We end on time or a few minutes early/late (which is usually 1-5 minutes either way).  Achieving time efficiency requires players to research encounters beforehand.

Trial periods last however long we feel like. It will not exceed a couple of weeks if the player is good. Trial members have a lower priority for loot during their evaluation, but they are not excluded.  Consumables are provided by the guild even for trial members.

Recruitment information and guild history back to its beginning in Burning Crusade can be found at:


Our current progression is available at:


Guild philosophies:

1: Success doesn't have to mean spending your entire life in the game.
2: EC is not meant to be a world/server-first guild (although we do love putting salt in wounds.)
3: We're adults.  We use adult language.  Some adult language is offensive yet we still use it.
4: We believe a small, reliable team of adaptable players is preferable to a large group.

You're welcome to apply through our website or talk to one of our recruiters:
Swordwalker#1948 (Healing Recruiter)
Defective#1213 (Tanking/Main Recruiter) <-- Available the most and can help anyone.
Mariposita#1489 (DPS Recruiter)

Edited by DefectiveTanking

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