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WoW Research Survey

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Hi, I’m a doctoral student studying cultural anthropology at the University of Wisconsin at Milwaukee. My dissertation research is on social interaction between WoW players who have pre-existing relationships with each other (family, friends, etc.). Primary topics of my work are on how people “perform” those relationships in-game, and how players relate to their characters.

I’m hoping that you will give me a hand with my work by filling out a short (5-10 minute), anonymous online survey:
Even if you have only played with people you know through the game, I’d love to hear from you!
Please note: respondents must be over 18 and living in North America (or Hawaii). Apologies to folks outside that region, but the limitation is in place to make comparisons with my interview and observation data, which is taken from Americans (well, and a few Canadians). 
Along with the survey, I’m looking for additional people to interview online as well. If you’d be willing to help, please send me an email at:
wowresearch.uwm at gmail dot com
[This post was approved by Damien.]

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Hi, all.  I just wanted to provide a brief update on my project.  My goal with the survey is to receive at least 150 responses.  So far I've got 101, so I'm almost there!  Thanks to all of you who have already taken the survey, and if any of you are putting off doing so, now would be a great time to fill it out :) .



Thanks again,


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Hi, again.  At this point, my survey has received a total of 142 responses!  Thank you all of you that answered the survey!  I'm sooooo close to reaching my goal of 150, I can taste it!  If just 8 more folks would be so kind as to respond, I'll be able to close the survey (and stop bugging people on the forum with requests ;) ).  Please take the time to fill it out if you haven't already.  


Also, I'm still interested in interviewing players, if you're willing; just hit me up with an email!



Thanks again,


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Hey, all, I just want to thank everyone who took time out to help me -- as of today I've gotten 175 responses to the survey, soundly passing my goal of 150!

I'll leave the survey up over the weekend just in case of stragglers, but it will close Monday next week.  As a reminder, I'm also looking for interview subjects and volunteers for video recording game sessions.  If interested, or even vaguely intrigued, contact me by email at:

wowresearch.uwm at gmail dot com

Thanks again for all the help,

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