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10 Things you have to know in ArcheAge: A review and guide
chillerfreezer, in The Tavern
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I would like a lot some guides for rbg, i dont like arenas, i hardly do arenas, and i miss guides whit focus on rbg and specially for tanking in rbg, and thats it, would help me alot to start whit New classes and strategies. Please, this website is my jesus
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By RelliksPast
This build is fairly interesting, and relies on two commonly overlooked aspects of the Necromancer's kit. The first being Maltorius' Petrified Spike, a legendary item that boosts your bone spear by 700%, and Bone SpearTeeth, a skill that sprays half the map in death and shoddy dentistry. The Spike itself has fairly terrible stats, but it's unique ability and enough intelligence make up for this aspect.
Gameplay and Strategy
This is a very easy build to execute and yields extraordinarily high results. It's more of a medium range build, with plenty of variance as it only relies on a small combo. The rest of the build is mostly just to optimize the amount that you can use Bone SpearTeeth and making sure you survive well, with a fair bit of boss killers, such as Command SkeletonsFrenzy and Corpse LanceBrittle Touch. You can alter the range and play style with substitutions, and overall this is a very solid and general build for beginners and experienced players alike.
Your main combo rotation is going to be using SimulacrumReservoir and spamming Bone SpearTeeth. Then follow up with Corpse LanceBrittle Touch to finish off any remaining units. Corpse lance does not consume any essence to cast, and is very resource efficient while still dishing out significant damage. You may ask, why pick these runes. Well, Reservoir provides more resource, Brittle Touch helps with higher health bosses, and Teeth is actually a bit complicated. Now this may be a bug, but it certainly seems like the splinters from Bone SpearTeeth do too much damage, especially when combined with Maltorius' Petrified Spike. Because of this damage, you can easily clear massive waves and bosses alike.
Your other core skill is going to be Blood Rush. Every class ought to have a mobility skill in order to more efficiently clear floors and to speed up your farming. I prefer to use Molting to start a Corpse Lance chain in adventure runs, but the rune you choose is mostly up to preference. Potency is also a powerful rune, especially if you choose the close range variant of this build
Other skills include your essence regain, either Grim ScytheDual Scythes or Siphon BloodPower Shift. I like Dual Scythes simply because its a larger area (and therefor more essence), pulls enemies in front of you, and efficiently lines up the highest damage Bone SpearTeeth. An alternative to Dual Scythes is Grim ScytheExecution or Grim ScytheCursed ScytheSiphon BloodPower Shift is an excellent choice for melting bosses when low on essence. Other options include Siphon BloodSuppress, Siphon BloodBlood Sucker, or Bone SpikesBlood Spikes. Your choice of basic attack will determine your range for this build. Keep in mind that Teeth does more damage close up (like a shotgun) but due to Maltorius' Petrified Spike you can still use it at a range to great effect. For your non-combo damage ability, you want to choose based on your range. If you choose Siphon Blood, pick Command Skeletons with either Frenzy or Kill Command. If you choose Grim Scythe, go with either Bone ArmorDislocation or Death NovaBlight. Death nova does significant AOE damage, while Bone Armor is primarily a defensive skill, especially useful to preserve your Blood Rush cooldown. I personally prefer Frenzy for ranged and Bone ArmorDislocation for a closer range build.
Your passives will once again depend on your variant of the build. You will want Overwhelming Essence and Blood is Power regardless, but the other two slots will vary. Overwhelming Essence and Blood is Power are both integral skills to any ability and cooldown-based build. You want to minimize your cooldowns, and despite the intimidating requirement of Blood is Power, it triggers rather often. It counts premitigation damage, meaning damage before your armor and resistances. In any high level battle, you will proc this passive often. Overwhelming Essence is rather straightforward, as it simply increases your resource.
For the close range variant, I would recommend Stand Alone and Draw Life. Together, these passives will make you significantly more bulky and make up for a lack of sustain within your skills. An alternative to Draw Life is taking Life from Death and DevourSatiated over Corpse LanceBrittle Touch. This will somewhat lower your damage to bosses, but provide for more spam and sustain overall.
For the range variant, I would Aberrant Animator and Final Service. These both combine nicely with your Command Skeletons, while Final Service helps to improve your general lack of tankiness. Aberrant Animator gives your skeletons double your Thorns damage, while Final Service is your cheat death mechanic.
Skill list
A- Grim ScytheDual Scythes/Siphon BloodPower Shift
B- Bone SpearTeeth
X- Command SkeletonsFrenzy/ Command SkeletonsKill Command/Bone ArmorDislocation/Death NovaBlight
Y- Corpse LanceBrittle Touch
ZR-Blood RushMolting/Blood RushPotency
Overwhelming Essence Blood is Power Stand Alone / Aberrant Animator Draw Life / Life from Death / Final Service
Now, into the parts that honestly don't matter nearly as much. Most of the build is in your hands, now this is just the nitpicky optimizations that I will honestly spend far too much/little time on. For the next sections I will be discussing gear, gems, Kanai's Cube, and paragon points.
For Gear I recommend going for a Legacy of Dreams build. This is rather standard, gives you an insane damage boost, and overall is versatile and workable. Make sure that you haveMaltorius' Petrified Spike. Another recommendation is your helm. Leoric's Crown is ideal for general battling, but Broken Crown is my preference for base gem farming, for hopefully obvious reasons. Honestly, just use common sense. LoD builds are incredibly player dependent, and you can build them just about however you want. Just prioritize whatever will feed into the general gameplan of spamming SimulacrumReservoir and Bone SpearTeeth.
For Kanai's Cube, you want to slot in Reilena's Shadowhook as your weapon, Krysbin's Sentence for jewlery, and the worse of either Reaper's Wraps or Nemesis Bracers. Shadowhook scales your damage based on your maximum essence, and with Overwhelming Essence and SimulacrumReservoir you're pretty well maxed out on your essence.
For Paragon Points you want to basically use common sense. This build is an ability spam build with limited sustain. Play to that. For example, you want to invest heavily into Essence, Cost Reduction, and Cooldown reduction. As far as defense, I recommend investing in armor so that Blood is Power is easier to proc.
For Gems you should put Bane of the Trapped, Enforcer, and Legacy of Dreams in your ring slots. Zei's Stone of Vengeance is a solid alternative. For your Helm, slot in Flawless Royal Topaz to provide resource cost reduction or Flawless Royal Diamond for CDR. Personally, since this is a teeth build you should go Topaz. For your weapon, you should go Flawless Royal Topaz if going the ranged build, and Flawless Royal Emerald for the close range build. And for your other slots, you should go (you guessed it) Flawless Royal Topaz. In my honest opinion, Topaz is the best base gem for necromancer. It provides Intelligence, thorns, and resource reduction. Sure, the thorns are only especially ridiculous with Aberrant Animator but once again, topaz is a godsend for Necromancer.
Changelog: 10/2/19 Fixed some grammar errors, clarified poor usage, and added more details to the build
By snartky
1. Clemency
4. High Inquisitor
7. Zealous Spirit
10. either one depending on comp
13. Harsh Discipline
16. Radiance
20. if you went with sc at 10, the 20 sc choice is a must-pick. if you went with Divine Reckoning, Purge the Wicked or the 20 ult buff are the two options depending on need. if you need single target burst, go purge. if you want more aoe burst healing, then judgement will hit harder and heal harder.
This build revolves around abusing clemency/inquisition's short cooldown to quickly grant zeal to everyone and convert the lost mana back to you with either usage of the spell.
The idea behind the build is to build up to three desperation stacks before a fight by spamming your q on each teammate to stack zeal. the last cast if everyone is around will be using clemency to zeal the last hero and reset your stacks which also refunds 225 mana. you can stack zeal on all 5 of your teammates in <2 seconds with no drawbacks. you're essentially playing whitemane the same way you would malfurion. but your zeal works as your "regrowth" so to speak.
You take radiance at 16 so you can burst heal your team on command. you should have zeal on AT LEAST the 3 people most likely to take damage. before doing your dps combo (if you took Divine Reckoning) of R-E-W or E-R-W, stack zeal on your teammates, burst heal on the third stack application, then do the combo.
if DR hits just one hero, the combo gives ~6-700 hps which increases (obviously) as more enemies are in your hurtbox. maiev is an unbelievably pairing for this combo as her ult helps keep the enemy within your reckoning for as long as possible.
youre able to spam three more q's and your clemency/inquisition should be back up within a second or two. you basically rinse and repeat this without losing any mana whatsoever. shes able to keep up that burst spam combo indefinitely if you manage your stacks correctly. while also refreshing zeal on the person with the lowest timer. divine reckoning provides an absolutely insane amount of burst healing while also softening up anyone sitting in its effect.
By Archimage
About: I've decided to make a guide on Leveling Heirlooms since I did not find any quick guides for it. This is my first guide, so please feel free to give some constructive feedback What are Heirlooms: Heirlooms are items which stats scale with your character's level, reducing the need to replace gear whose stats are becoming too low for your level.
Heirloom Collections Tab: A new Heirloom system has been introduced in 6.1, adding all your heirlooms to your Collections, where they can be easily accessed without having to mail the heirlooms to other characters. Already earned heirlooms will be added to the collection once you have logged in with the character that has the heirlooms in their bank/bag. Any newly purchased heirlooms will automatically be added to your collection. To use a heirloom, simply find and click on it in the Heirlooms tab, and it will be placed in your inventory, and then equip it. You can also recreate the same heirloom if you want to dual-wield it, or have two trinkets or rings of the same type.
Categories: Heirlooms can be divided into the following 4 categories, based on what stats they give: Strength-Haste - Gear for Melee damage dealers that requires more haste than crit. These pieces were the tanking pieces, but the Parry/Dodge stats were changed in 6.0
Strength-Crit - Gear for Melee damage dealers that requires more crit than haste.
Agility - Gear for Melee+Ranged damage dealers
Intellect - Gear for Spell-caster Damage Dealers and Healers
There are also subcategories for armor types, like Cloth, Leather, Mail and Plate.
There are also subcategories for slots, like Chest, Shoulder, Leggings, Weapons etc
How to buy Leveling Heirlooms: Heirlooms can be brought with the following currencies: Gold (g) Burning Blossoms (Midsummer Fire Festival)
Tricky Treat (Hallow's End)
Coin of Ancestry (Lunar Festival)
Mark of Honor (PvP)
Timewarped Badge (Timewalking)
Darkmoon Prize Ticket (DPT) Champion's Seals (CS) From these vendors: Alliance: Krom Stoutarm Horde: Estelle Gendry Guild Vendors: (A) Shay Pressler / (H) Goram
Head, Shoulder, Chest, Cloak and Pants pieces cost 500 gold / 50 Darkmoon Prize Tickets / 25 Champion's Seals One-handed weapons (except the fist weapons) cost 650 gold / 50 Darkmoon Prize Tickets / 25 Champion's Seals Two-handed weapons cost 750 gold / 75 Darkmoon Prize Tickets / 40 Champion's Seals Off-hand weapons cost 500 gold / 50 Darkmoon Prize Tickets / 25 Champion's Seals Trinkets cost 700 gold / 70 Darkmoon Prize Tickets / 35 Champion's Seals The New Neck pieces cost 700 gold Once you have brought a new heirloom, it's starting level range will be from level 1 to 60, meaning it will stop to scale up once you have reached level 60. This level cap can be increased twice by upgrading the piece with these tokens. Armor (1-90): Ancient Heirloom Armor Casing costs 100 gold / 100 Darkmoon Prize Tickets / 55 Champion's Seals / 2000 Honor Armor (1-100): Timeworn Heirloom Armor Casing costs 2000 gold Weapon (1-90): Ancient Heirloom Scabbard costs 1200 gold / 120 Darkmoon Prize Tickets / 65 Champion's Seals / 2400 Honor Weapon (1-100): Timeworn Heirloom Scabbard costs 5000 gold List of Heirlooms per Category Strength-Haste Plate (Warrior / Paladin / Death Knights) Head: Burnished Helm of Might Shoulders:Burnished Pauldrons of Might Chest: Burnished Breastplate of Might Back: Ripped Sandstorm Cloak Leggings: Burnished Legplates of Might Ring: Dread Pirate Ring Weapon: Bloodsoaked Skullforge Reaver Shield: Flamescarred Draconian Deflector
Health Trinket: Swift Hand of Justice Mana Trinket: Discerning Eye of the Beast Strength-Crit Plate (Warrior / Paladin / Death Knights) Head:Polished Helm of Valor Shoulders:Polished Spaulders of Valor Chest: Polished Breastplate of Valor Back: Worn Stoneskin Gargoyle Cape Leggings: Polished Legplates of Valor Ring: Dread Pirate Ring 2H Axe: Bloodied Arcanite Reaper Dual Wield 1H Sword: Bloodsoaked Skullforge Reaver Health Trinket: Swift Hand of Justice Mana Trinket: Discerning Eye of the Beast
Agility Mail (Hunter, Enhancement Shaman) Head:Tarnished Raging Berserker's Helm Shoulders: Champion Herod's Shoulder Chest: Champion's Deathdealer Breastplate Back:Back:Inherited Cape of the Black Baron (Can be used by Agility Leather characters) Leggings:Tarnished Leggings of Destruction Ring: Dread Pirate Ring Dual Wield 1H Mace: Venerable Mass of McGowan (Combat Rogues can use this) Bow: Charmed Ancient Bone Bow Health Trinket: Swift Hand of Justice Mana Trinket: Discerning Eye of the Beast Intellect Mail (Elemental/Restoration Shaman, Holy Paladins) Head: Mystical Coif of Elements Shoulders:Mystical Pauldrons of Elements Chest: Mystical Vest of Elements Back: Ancient Bloodmoon Cloak (Also used by Intellect Cloth and Intellect Leather) Leggings:Mystical Kilt of Elements Ring: Dread Pirate Ring 1H Mace: Devout Aurastone Hammer Staff: Dignified Headmaster's Charge Shield: Weathered Observer's Shield Health Trinket: Swift Hand of Justice Mana Trinket: Discerning Eye of the Beast Agility Leather (Rogue, Feral Druid, Windwalker Monk. To a lesser extent Enhancement Shamans and Hunters) Head:Stained Shadowcraft Cap Shoulders: Stained Shadowcraft Spaulders Chest: Stained Shadowcraft Tunic Back:Inherited Cape of the Black Baron (Can be used by Agility Mail characters) Leggings:Stained Shadowcraft Pants Ring: Dread Pirate Ring
Dual Wield 1H Sword: Venerable Dal'Rend's Sacred Charge Dual Wield 1H Mace: Venerable Mass of McGowan (Enhancement Shamans can use this) Dual Wield Daggers: Balanced Heartseeker Staff (Feral Druids): Burnished Warden Staff Bow: Charmed Ancient Bone Bow Health Trinket: Swift Hand of Justice Mana Trinket: Discerning Eye of the Beast
Intellect Leather (Balance/Restoration Druids, Mistweaver Monk) Head: Preened Tribal War Feathers Shoulders: Preened Ironfeather Shoulders Chest: Preened Ironfeather Breastplate Back: Ancient Bloodmoon Cloak (Also used by Intellect Cloth and Intellect Mail) Leggings: Preened Wildfeather Leggings Ring: Dread Pirate Ring 1H Mace: Devout Aurastone Hammer Staff: Dignified Headmaster's Charge Health Trinket: Swift Hand of Justice Mana Trinket: Discerning Eye of the Beast Intellect Cloth (Mage, Priest, Warlock) Head: Tattered Dreadmist Mask Shoulders:Tattered Dreadmist Mantle Chest: Tattered Dreadmist Robe Back: Ancient Bloodmoon Cloak (Also used by Intellect Leather and Intellect Mail) Leggings: Tattered Dreadmist Leggings Ring: Dread Pirate Ring Staff: Dignified Headmaster's Charge Off-Hand: Musty Tome of the Lost Health Trinket: Swift Hand of Justice Mana Trinket: Discerning Eye of the Beast
Collecting 35 heirlooms will reward you with a Chauffeured Chopper, which can be used as a mount from level 1.