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Heroes of the Storm Lt. Morales

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If you are looking at another Support character's guide, the thumbnail for Lt. Morales on the "Related Guides" section shows Illidan.

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If you are looking at another Support character's guide, the thumbnail for Lt. Morales on the "Related Guides" section shows Illidan.

Thanks, I'll fit it tomorrow smile.png

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Regarding Inocultaion, can you confirm that it also affects the self-safeguard proc'ed from Trauma Trigger?


About Medivac Dropship, I'd like to suggest making it Situational. It's a great heroic, huge impact but require practices and good coordination. I know this guide is more solo queue oriented but still, marking Medivac as Not Recommended causes an impression that this ability is bad, but it's not.

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Regarding Inocultaion, can you confirm that it also affects the self-safeguard proc'ed from Trauma Trigger?


About Medivac Dropship, I'd like to suggest making it Situational. It's a great heroic, huge impact but require practices and good coordination. I know this guide is more solo queue oriented but still, marking Medivac as Not Recommended causes an impression that this ability is bad, but it's not.

Hey Haven, 


Inoculation does not affect Trauma Trigger, as it says "and untalented version of Safeguard" in the talent description. 


I disagree. Medivac has the potential of becoming a "dead" Heroic Ability in many Solo Q and even premade 5v5 games, especially if your team falls behind early. Also, it specifically says in the talent description that it can be good if the team is very well coordinated. 

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Regarding Inocultaion, can you confirm that it also affects the self-safeguard proc'ed from Trauma Trigger?


About Medivac Dropship, I'd like to suggest making it Situational. It's a great heroic, huge impact but require practices and good coordination. I know this guide is more solo queue oriented but still, marking Medivac as Not Recommended causes an impression that this ability is bad, but it's not.

Hey Haven, 


Inoculation does not affect Trauma Trigger, as it says "and untalented version of Safeguard" in the talent description. 


I disagree. Medivac has the potential of becoming a "dead" Heroic Ability in many Solo Q and even premade 5v5 games, especially if your team falls behind early. Also, it specifically says in the talent description that it can be good if the team is very well coordinated. 


But, but, how about those flashy escape with Medivac, because... second health pool? Just kidding. But it was funny to see those, though

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Guest legobil


Regarding Inocultaion, can you confirm that it also affects the self-safeguard proc'ed from Trauma Trigger?


About Medivac Dropship, I'd like to suggest making it Situational. It's a great heroic, huge impact but require practices and good coordination. I know this guide is more solo queue oriented but still, marking Medivac as Not Recommended causes an impression that this ability is bad, but it's not.

Hey Haven, 


Inoculation does not affect Trauma Trigger, as it says "and untalented version of Safeguard" in the talent description. 


I disagree. Medivac has the potential of becoming a "dead" Heroic Ability in many Solo Q and even premade 5v5 games, especially if your team falls behind early. Also, it specifically says in the talent description that it can be good if the team is very well coordinated. 





I agree your reasoning in not making medivac a situational talent, however I would still like to hear on your reasoning on the Medbay at level 20, its possible use as a AoE Healing Cooldown (if I now were foolish enough to go down the Medivac path smile.png ), vs Caduceus Reactor 2.0. And also, as the intro in the guide says: 

Here you will learn everything you need to know in order to play Lt. Morales in a competitive environment, whether you play on your own or with a team.


 which means, I might be playing pre-made 5-man teams in which we do play with medivac. As I said, I just wanna hear your reasoning behind the talent, it sounds half decent considering it only has a 50 second cooldown, looks quite bursty, and heals both heroes on the ground and inside even while flying smile.png

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Even if you decided to go Medivac in a fully premade 5-man team, I wouldn't go for Medbay at Level 20. 


Caduceus Reactor 2.0 marks the ultimate power spike for Lt. Morales in the late game. Using this talent she removes two of her greatest weaknesses: mana consumption and her lack of self-protection. Remember: When playing as a support it is part of your job to keep yourself alive. If the support player dies early on, the ensuing team fight is already lost. 


So all in all, Caduceus Reactor 2.0 is seen as one of the best Level 20 talents in the game (I actually talked to a couple of EU pro players while writing the guide back then) and I think that fact hasn't really changed. 

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Guest zombietom

I just like to point that lvl7 talent Clear! is very usefull against Zeratul's ambush on you and gives your teammates time to burst him down before he burst down Lt. Morales. Also followed by Second Opinion at lvl16 makes peeling him after he ambush your backline very painfull situations for him.

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Hi there Kendric!


First of all thank you for all the awesome guides and help and contribution in general to the HotS community :)


I just wanted to point out some outdated information in this Morales guide.


It's regarding Cleanse. 


First you describe:


Cleanse cannot be used on yourself.


But later you state:


Cleanse provides a short crowd control reduction, which means it can be used preemptively on Lt. Morales herself to get her out of dangerous spots in time.


So you see, with a quick edit it won't be confusing for newcomers.


Thanks again and keep the good job!


El GrindCore.

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Guest Aviatic

Have the stacking of resists changes affected the choice for Inocolation over Shield Sequencer at Lv 16? I can't quite find how they stack (if at all).

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Hey everyone! 

It is my pleasure to announce our newly updated and converted Lt. Morales Guide! May it guide you to victory - Lt. Morales is quite a hot hero to play right now. She forms an incredible couple with Zul'jin! 


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After seeing the impact that Troll Warlord has in DoTA2, no surprise at all that Morales is loving playing with Zul'jin.

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Hey everyone, 

With the upcoming Kel'thuzad Patch, Lt. Morales will receive a significant update.

Please give me a few days to playtest the new talents in Hero League. The guide will be updated ASAP! 



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I'm extremely torn over the rework Morales. Displacement Grenade spam is unrestrained fun, but can be just as disruptive to your team as it can be for the opponent. While she is very easy to play and to get some huge numbers spammed out during the course of a game, she has completely slid off the solo queue scale for me. She had virtually no mobility before, and now has a heavy emphasis on opening up magic ambulance plays and having a strong and highly aware front line who acknowledge that you need more protection than most other supports. Her abilities also take a little bit of planning, preparation and timing more so than other Supports because she has to be constantly mindful of where she's moving to, and the level 20 Stim upgrade no longer gives her a mobility increase either... You stim someone with the upgrade, they turn into Sonic and you're left behind like Norman No Pals unless it's a contested point fight or lockdown is involved. 

Regardless, in a double support comp, she pairs exceedingly well with Tyrande, and I think she has INCREDIBLE potential on Battlefield of Eternity with grenade builds and the right comp; able to stack quickly, environmental danger and small map, able to duck behind towers or a gate and recharge relatively easy, and the team won't be spread as much as on other maps. 

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I can't speak to comparing the two personally, since the old Morales was so G-D boring I could never bring myself to actually pick her past the first few games to get free levels...  I will say that I like the current version; energy management gives you just enough to do during the numerous "mobile healing fountain" phases that she stays interesting.

Re: level 1 talents in the guide. I think you've under-rated caduceus feedback a bit - especially with the extra range it feels really easy to take free pot-shots and get energy when you most need it - right in the middle of a fight or trade. Life support is solid in a lot of instances - it can often top you off on energy when things work out - but in a lot of cases it ends up not doing much work (safeguard on initiation, my energy is full. safeguard while retreating, IDC if I run out of energy soon cause we need to be out of danger by then anyways). feedback allows me to keep everyone topped off when we're doing well, and keep from hitting zero for those crucial few escape seconds.

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1 hour ago, Voltorocks said:

Re: level 1 talents in the guide. I think you've under-rated caduceus feedback a bit - especially with the extra range it feels really easy to take free pot-shots and get energy when you most need it - right in the middle of a fight or trade.

The talent is solid and can definitely be picked if you prefer it over the other two, but it is not as strong in comparison, especially against Clear!Clear!
Usually during team fights, the extra range is not needed, and during laning phase, the energy refresh effect is often "unused", so you will not be taking full advantage of the talent that often. 

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I guess I should have specified that I meant to discuss between the two energy talents. Personally I agree that Clear! is usually the best choice, I prolly take it in 90% or more of games. 

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The current Morales guide is a bit confusing. It says on the icon strip to use Life Support as the level 1 talent on the Full Support build, but the text beneath says use Caduceus feedback. Is it supposed to be an either/or or is it a typo?

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2 hours ago, Ironthunder said:

The current Morales guide is a bit confusing. It says on the icon strip to use Life Support as the level 1 talent on the Full Support build, but the text beneath says use Caduceus feedback. Is it supposed to be an either/or or is it a typo?

You can select whichever talent you are more comfortable with, though with Life SupportLife Support as the preferred talent most of the time. The build description should indeed talk about Life SupportLife Support instead of Caduceus FeedbackCaduceus Feedback. Thanks for pointing this out! I'll add this onto our to-do list.

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You guys have been busy touching up and updating old guides lately and I wanted to say I appreciate your work and want to give recognition.

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Guest PlayPatrice

Why was the grenade build removed?

It is a higher "player skill required" skillset, but its potentially stronger against several team compositions than the given build that is posted like it is the only viable build for morales.

A Full grenade build can mitigate more damage and reliably peel and self peel for your team.  Large grenade radius and futher knockback as well as rapid repead (with a 2 second cooldown), means the enemy team compositions can never get into positions to wombo combo you, or if they do, they are out of position for it.   Its also a lot stronger for "Walking" a team mate out of a chase situation.

Grenade build is good against two team types:   Melee heavy, and long range skill shot types.  The ability to keep the enemy team from getting propper footing (or better yet, knock an enemy clearly and disctincively into your own team) has a lot of value that doesnt show up on the score sheet.   Clear build has less raw mathamatical healing, and practical healing...  The enemy team misses 100% of the shots they are never in position to make...

I'm sitting at a 52% lifetime winrate with over 490 matches as morales,   Im at a 65% winrate for this season.   The grenade build in the hands of a skilled user, tends to fare better when the player understand energy conservation (Not allways having to heal people to full before you start regening energy) and have a good grasp of (enemyt) team positioning and can anticipate where the enemies are wanting to go...

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2 hours ago, Guest PlayPatrice said:

Why was the grenade build removed?

You are right, it's not fair to not mention E Build at all because it can be useful in some situations. I'll add it back later today.

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Guest PlayPatrice

Thank You EliteSparkle!

My advice for the grenade build as posted, is to change out Vandium Plating for Physical Therapy.  When running heavy peels the ability to remove slows is more valuable than a smidge of extra protection in the event of a stun.  If they are stunned, your sending a grenade downrange to clear out incoming damage and prevent the glomp.   Removing a slow can help significantly more with peels and walking an ally out of a bad situation and prevent your ally from being body blocked after your clear.

But anyhoot.  ❤️  Thank you for putting the grenade build back up.

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      Blizzard has released a new Heroes of the Storm patch today with additional changes based on PTR feedback. Here are the official patch notes with more details.
      Our next Heroes of the Storm patch is live! Read on for more information.
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      Bug Fixes
      Experience Globes can now path through gates. Fixed issues related to root visual effects. Updated decaying and ramping Slows to scale their speed with CC reduction effects. Heroes
      Alexstrasza Base Flame Buffet [E] Fixed an issue that caused Flame Buffet's Slow to be instantly removed on targets with reduced duration on being Slowed. Azmodan Level 13 Chain of Command Fixed an issue that caused Chain of Command to not apply to Demonic Invasion's on-death explosion. Brightwing Base Phase Shift [Z] Fixed an issue with Phase Shift's Store Icon. Chen Level 10 Storm, Earth, Fire Fixed an issue that caused Storm, Earth, Fire Spirits to not contest Capture Points. Wandering Keg Fixed an issue that caused Wandering Keg to occasionally not be cast. Wandering Keg now acts like other instant Abilities and will cast as soon as possible. Cho'Gall General Fixed an issue that caused Cho'Gall to contest points while Cho is in Stasis. Dehaka Base Brushstalker [Z] Fixed an issue with Brushstalker's Store Icon. Will now clamp the minimum cast range to Dehaka's radius. E.T.C. Level 7 Pinball Wizard Bonus damage updated to be additive. Level 13 Face Smelt Fixed an issue that caused Face Smelt's Slow to be instantly removed on targets with reduced duration on being Slowed. Falstad Base Flight [Z] Fixed an issue with Flight's Store Icon. Level 10 Mighty Gust Fixed an issue that caused Mighty Gust's Slow to be instantly removed on targets with reduced duration on being Slowed. Fenix Level 1 Arsenal Synergy Fixed an issue that caused Arsenal Synergy to not grant cooldown reduction for the primary target hit by Phase Bomb. Level 4 Inhibiting Energy Fixed an issue that caused Inhibiting Energy to be instantly removed on targets with reduced duration on being Slowed. Imperius Level 20 Unrelenting Descent Fixed an issue that caused Unrelenting Descent's Heal to be delayed. Johanna Base Punish [Q] Fixed an issue that caused Punish to be instantly removed on targets with reduced duration on being Slowed. Kel'Thuzad Level 4 Phylactery of Kel'Thuzad Announcements for Phylactery of Kel'Thuzad will now use team colors. Kerrigan Level 7 Boundless Fury Fixed an issue that caused Boundless Fury to refund charges against a target already marked. Kharazim Level 4 Spirit Ally Fixed an issue that caused Spirit Ally's heal FX to be visible in Fog of War. Lúcio Base Wall Ride [Z] Fixed an issue with Wall Ride's Store Icon. Lt. Morales Level 10 Medivac Dropship Announcements for Medivac Dropship will now use team colors. Lunara Base Crippling Spores [W] Fixed an issue that caused Crippling Spores to be instantly removed on targets with reduced duration on being Slowed. Maiev Level 16 Armored Assault Fixed an issue that caused Armored Assault to not grant the full bonus to Umbral Bind's Cleave. Malthael Level 20 No One Can Stop Death Announcements for No One Can Stop Death will now use team colors. Mei Base Icing [E] Fixed an issue that caused Icing's Slow to be instantly removed on targets with reduced duration on being Slowed. Level 10 Ice Wall Fixed an issue that caused Ice Wall to not apply Stopped to D.Va's Self Destruct. Muradin Level 4 Thunder Burn Tooltip has been updated to show Thunder Burn is a multiplicative reduction. Level 13 Thunder Strike Damage increase is now additive. Probius Base Worker Rush [Z] Fixed an issue with Work Rush's Store Icon. Rehgar Base Purge [Trait] Fixed an issue that caused Purge to be instantly removed on targets with reduced duration on being Slowed. Samuro Base Critical Strike [W] Fixed an issue that caused Critical Strike FX to persist if Samuro is killed while he has maximum Critical Strike stacks. Level 13 Kawarimi Fixed an issue that caused Kawarimi to create a Mirror Image with the incorrect starting Health. Sgt. Hammer Base Thrusters [Z] Fixed an issue with Thrusters' Store Icon. Stukov Base Weighted Pustule [W] Fixed an issue that caused Weighted Pustule's increasing Slow to be instantly removed on targets with reduced duration on being Slowed. Sylvanas Level 1 Unfurling Shadows Fixed an issue that caused Unfurling Shadows to not grant quest progress for the impact damage of Shadow Dagger created by spread. The Butcher Base Hamstring [Q] Fixed an issue that caused Hamstring to be instantly removed on targets with reduced duration on being Slowed. The Lost Vikings Base Go Go Go! [Z] Fixed an issue with Go Go Go's Store Icon. Zagara Level 20 Pack Instinct Fixed an issue that caused Devouring Maw to gain more bonuses than intended from Pack Instinct. Zuljin General Fixed an issue that caused Basic Attack damage in Zul'jin's Target Info Panel to not increase while Berserker is active. Base You Want Axe? [Trait] Fixed an issue that caused You Want Axe to gain progress while at maximum Basic Attack bonus. Level 16 Wrong Place Wrong Time Fixed an issue that caused Wrong Place Wrong Time to not respect the stack cap of You Want Axe?. Return to Top
      Click here to discuss this post with other players in the official Heroes of the Storm forums.

    • By Staff
      A new Heroes of the Storm patch is now available for playtesting on the PTR with many Hero changes and bug fixes. Check out the official PTR notes for more details!
      We expect the patch to be available for testing for one week before it goes live.
      Our next Heroes of the Storm patch has just hit the Public Test Realm and will be available for playtesting. As always, if you encounter any bugs during your PTR play sessions, please stop by the PTR Bug Report forum to let us know about your experiences.
      Quick Navigation:
      General Balance Update Bug Fixes General
      Updated Homescreen and Startup Music. NEW: Brawl Mode added! Brawls will rotate on the 1st and 15th of every month. Return to Top
      Balance Update
      Level 1 Searing Light Now only deals damage to enemy Heroes. Level 7 Energized Cord Now increases Basic Attack range by 1.1. Level 16 Reservoir of Hope Quest bonus reduced from 75 to 55. Wrath of Heaven Armor reduction increased from 10 to 20. Spell Power increased from 10% to 15%. Chromie
      Level 1 Timewalker's Pursuit Spell Power increased from 10% to 15%. Level 7 Mobius Loop Slow reduced from 60% to 40%. Level 20 Unravelling Lingering Slowing Sands no longer consume Energy. Now also increases Slowing Sands cast range by 50%. Johanna
      Shield Glare [E] Mana cost increased from 45 to 55. Talents
      Level 1 Divine Fortress Health bonus starting value increased from 20% to 25%. Zealous Glare Damage bonus reduced from 75% to 70%. Level 7 Steed Charge Duration increased from 3 to 4 seconds. Level 13 Blessed Hammer Damage reduced from 74 to 65. Level 16 Holy Renewal Cooldown reduction reduced from 1.5 seconds to 1 second. Shrinking Vacuum Damage reduction increased from 25% to 30%. Duration increased from 2 to 3 seconds. Slow increased from 25% to 30%. Tracer
      Level 4 Is That a Health Pack?! Healing from Regen Globes increased from 10% to 15% of maximum Health. Pulse Generator Healing reduced from 18% to 12%. Level 13 Jumper Cooldown refresh reduced from 150% to 100%. Shield reduced from 6.5% to 6%. Zul'jin
      You Want Axe? [Trait] Basic Attack damage increased from 94 to 118. Bonus from quest completion reduced from 1 to .25. Talents
      Level 1 Recklessness Basic Attack damage bonus reduced from 15% to 10%. Level 10 Guillotine Cooldown reduced from 40 seconds to 30 seconds. Mana cost reduced from 70 to 60. Taz'dingo! Cooldown increased from 90 seconds to 100 seconds. Mana cost increased from 75 to 80. Level 16 Let the Killing Begin Kill window reduced from 1.5 seconds to 0.5 seconds. Level 20 Buzzsaw Kill window reduced from 1.5 seconds to 0.5 seconds. Return to Top
      Bug Fixes
      Experience Globes can now path through gates. Fixed issues related to root visual effects. Updated decaying and ramping Slows to scale their speed with CC reduction effects. Heroes
      Alexstrasza Base Flame Buffet [E] Fixed an issue that caused Flame Buffet's Slow to be instantly removed on targets with reduced duration on being Slowed. Azmodan Level 13 Chain of Command Fixed an issue that caused Chain of Command to not apply to Demonic Invasion's on-death explosion. Brightwing Base Phase Shift [Z] Fixed an issue with Phase Shift's Store Icon. Chen Level 10 Storm, Earth, Fire Fixed an issue that caused Storm, Earth, Fire Spirits to not contest Capture Points. Cho'Gall General Fixed an issue that caused Cho'Gall to contest points while Cho is in Stasis. Dehaka Base Brushstalker [Z] Fixed an issue with Brushstalker's Store Icon. Will now clamp the minimum cast range to Dehaka's radius. E.T.C. Base Face Smelt [W] Fixed an issue that caused Face Smelt's Slow to be instantly removed on targets with reduced duration on being Slowed. Level 7 Pinball Wizard Bonus damage updated to be additive. Falstad Base Flight [Z] Fixed an issue with Flight's Store Icon. Level 10 Mighty Gust Fixed an issue that caused Mighty Gust's Slow to be instantly removed on targets with reduced duration on being Slowed. Fenix Level 1 Arsenal Synergy Fixed an issue that caused Arsenal Synergy to not grant cooldown reduction for the primary target hit by Phase Bomb. Level 4 Inhibiting Energy Fixed an issue that caused Inhibiting Energy to be instantly removed on targets with reduced duration on being Slowed. Johanna Base Punish [Q] Fixed an issue that caused Punish to be instantly removed on targets with reduced duration on being Slowed. Kharazim Level 4 Air Ally Fixed an issue that caused Air Ally's heal FX to be visible in Fog of War. Lúcio Base Wall Ride [Z] Fixed an issue with Wall Ride's Store Icon. Lunara Base Crippling Spores [W] Fixed an issue that caused Crippling Spores to be instantly removed on targets with reduced duration on being Slowed. Maiev Level 16 Armored Assault Fixed an issue that caused Armored Assault to not grant the full bonus to Umbral Bind's Cleave. Mei Base Icing [E] Fixed an issue that caused Icing's Slow to be instantly removed on targets with reduced duration on being Slowed. Level 10 Ice Wall Fixed an issue that caused Ice Wall to not apply Stopped to D.Va's Self Destruct. Muradin Level 4 Thunder Burn Tooltip has been updated to show Thunder Burn is a multiplicative reduction. Level 13 Thunder Strike Damage increase is now additive. Probius Base Worker Rush [Z] Fixed an issue with Work Rush's Store Icon. Rehgar Base Purge [Trait] Fixed an issue that caused Purge to be instantly removed on targets with reduced duration on being Slowed. Samuro Base Critical Strike [W] Fixed an issue that caused Critical Strike FX to persist if Samuro is killed while he has maximum Critical Strike stacks. Level 13 Kawarimi Fixed an issue that caused Kawarimi to create a Mirror Image with the incorrect starting Health. Sgt. Hammer Base Thrusters [Z] Fixed an issue with Thrusters' Store Icon. Stukov Base Weighted Pustule [W] Fixed an issue that caused Weighted Pustule's increasing Slow to be instantly removed on targets with reduced duration on being Slowed. Sylvanas Level 1 Unfurling Shadows Fixed an issue that caused Unfurling Shadows to not grant quest progress for the impact damage of Shadow Dagger created by spread. The Butcher Base Hamstring [Q] Fixed an issue that caused Hamstring to be instantly removed on targets with reduced duration on being Slowed. The Lost Vikings Base Go Go Go! [Z] Fixed an issue with Go Go Go's Store Icon. Zagara Level 20 Pack Instinct Fixed an issue that caused Devouring Maw to gain more bonuses than intended from Pack Instinct. Return to Top
      Click here to discuss this post with other players in the official Heroes of the Storm forums.

    • By Staff
      Master every Heroes of the Storm battleground with our detailed map guides, featuring strategies for objectives and drafting!

      Heroes of the Storm features a wide range of maps, each offering unique objectives and strategies. To help players excel in every battleground, we’ve created comprehensive guides that cover drafting, objectives, and gameplay for all maps.

      Alterac Pass: Free Cavalries from Prison Camps to fight alongside your team. Battlefield of Eternity: Secure Immortals to destroy enemy structures. Blackheart’s Bay: Collect Doubloons to fire Captain Blackheart’s cannons. Braxis Holdout: Control Beacons to summon powerful Zerg waves. Cursed Hollow: Gather Tributes to curse the enemy team and gain an advantage. Dragon Shire: Control Shrines to summon the mighty Dragon Knight. Garden of Terror: Collect Seeds to unleash Garden Terrors on your enemies. Hanamura Temple: Escort Payloads to deal damage to enemy structures. Infernal Shrines: Summon Punishers by defeating Guardians at Shrines. Sky Temple: Capture Temples to rain laser blasts on enemy structures. Tomb of the Spider Queen: Turn in Gems to summon Webweavers to assist your team. Towers of Doom: Capture Altars to damage the enemy Core indirectly. Volskaya Foundry: Control Capture Points to pilot the Triglav Protector. Warhead Junction: Collect Warheads to bombard enemy structures.
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