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What is your preferred favourite role when in a raid or a dungeon - and why?

Since The Burning Crusade I have played primarily as healer. It's a role I was kind of forced into with my guild at the time, and have loved it ever since. I'd certainly never consider having a dps main spec character nor tank. I have all 4 healing classes at max level and prefer disc priest out of them all... I kind of have 4 disc priests and may even role another some time Posted Image

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I put ranged because my main is a mage I started at the tail end of vanilla and have had her ever since.

I am seriously considering putting her on the shelf as my main for Mists and using my tank DK. The drastic difference in fight mechanics for melee and ranged is very interesting to me, let alone the difference between tank/DPS.

Also, plate armor looks cooler than cloth armor.

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Been a healer for 4 years now, I tried all the other roles, and I liked healing the most.

I also have one of each healer at max level, going to switch mains from my priest to monk in MoP.

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  On 6/5/2012 at 3:26 PM, 'MadMonk said:

Been a healer for 4 years now, I tried all the other roles, and I liked healing the most.

I also have one of each healer at max level, going to switch mains from my priest to monk in MoP.

I would of never guessed based on your signature. As for myself has to be a tank, I have everything else but thoroughly love tanking.

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Ranged Dps... I've always raided on my hunter really & I much prefer it to other roles during raids, though I quite like tanking/healing if it is a less pressure situation like a 5 man...

I really do love the race on the dmg meters... Especially as we have 2 hunters in the guild it keeps me on my toes.

I also find that RL is easier from a ranged point of view, you can see what people are doing. Must say I liked using my mage when RL on rag (as we don't have one I would switch for this boss - much easier safer to take the traps) especially as arcane was op - you could just spam one button so it was rather simple to keep track of what was happening and what everyone was doing!

Was thinking about possibly tanking or healing in mists... but then again it would be difficult to hang up the hunter after so many years!

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A bit like Redcross the guild I was in at the time needed a healer and I had my priest and its been that way since the end of TBC. Thankfully with the account wide achievements I may leave the priest behind and play something else. I quite enjoy tanking but never really done any progression raiding as one. Sadly my guild atm has a excess of tanks so not sure what Im going to do!

I've always found dps boring, not sure why but I prefer roles that require that instant decision making that can save your group, popping the right tanking or healing cooldown can really make a difference.

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  On 6/5/2012 at 3:37 PM, 'HardBeatZ said:

I would of never guessed based on your signature. As for myself has to be a tank, I have everything else but thoroughly love tanking.

Tanking is quite fun as well, but you only need 2 tanks in a 25-man raid so those spots are filled quite quickly. We have some great tanks in our guild so for now I'll stick to my current role. DPS isn't very compelling to me, it's mostly just smashing buttons while sticking to a rotation/priority list. When tanking or healing I feel like I'm doing something really important. It's a feeling I don't really get when 18 other people are doing the exact same thing. There's no thrill like 3-healing ultraxion heroic without paladins.

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My start in healing was a bit of non starter and was by accident really. I was raiding Karazhan with a guild I had joined as a shadow priest. I wasn't particularly very good and would have classed myself as a bit of a learner really. During my first run in Kara, a full set of cloth healing gear dropped that simply nobody wanted - so they gave the lot to me. It kind of sat in my bags for a while...one day I thought I'd give it a try on something simple. Turns out I was a worse healer than I was at dps! Healed Arcatraz heroic and it was a total wipe-fest. But I learned and learned some more and before long was pretty good at it. The rest is history :D

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now, see, i love our raid groups....... especially our old school raids...... MY job is VERY specific.......MY job is this: keep the healer entertained so that he doesnt fall asleep..... since the Tank is always so very good at his job, i look for new and inventive ways to try and die to keep our healer busy , all the while bantering in chat or vent about silly things my dogs may have done that day.......My nickname is "princess stands-in-fire".... deal is..... if i die, he has to stand naked, flagged, outside of orgimmar dancing and blowing kisses to guards till someone takes pitty on him and blows him kisses back. i LOVE being on an RP server hehehhehe

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Nyxxiana your posts are mental! Me likey. Personally I play the - let's watch the tank get as low as possible, then die and see if we can 4 man the dungeon. Much more entertaining!

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  On 6/5/2012 at 4:44 PM, 'Peelyon said:

Nyxxiana your posts are mental! Me likey. Personally I play the - let's watch the tank get as low as possible, then die and see if we can 4 man the dungeon. Much more entertaining!

Doesn't work if your tank is a DK :D

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Been healing for whole Cataclysm but my first role was tank and it will always be my favourite, love having things under control by myself :))

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I love being a ranged DPS and it is the role I mostly perform. I occasionally play my shaman and my rogue on all specs, so I can update the guides I made for Icy Veins ;)

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I find ranged DPS to be the most relaxing and overall fun to play. It just feels like there's a lot of room for error (no offense to all the ranged DPS out there - except Damien) and a lot more opportunity to take it easy.

If I'm looking for a challenge, I prefer healing.

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One of the very few things I knew about WoW before starting playing, was that I knew from a friend about LFD que, and that healers were in really high demand (he was playing DPS). When choosing the class, I just thought "Priest sounds like this holy guy that should have the best healing spells available", so I just rolled a priest healer (Holy at first, Disc from 4.1 afterwards) and never looked back.

Lately, since MoP hit, our guild had quite an influx of healers, so I tried actually going DPS for raids. Still working on my shadow gear, but I have to say I like DPSing as well, but still, healing is the best.

Edited by MoacaBogdan
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even though my main is a shadowpriest which i love to death (even though it should still need some love from Blizz) i also have 2 healers a holy priest and a shammy. But i like them all tbh, so it stays with healer and ranged dps, i don't like to play in melee range. (That's why i think my pally healer will never reach 90 as i have no idea how to dps with it

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My Main is a Resto-Shaman. I played this role since Burning Crusade and love being a healer.

At the moment i do not raid and so take the time to twink a lot and habe a look at other classes. I really like my Prot-Pala. He is an undestructibel, beardy little fellow. Also Mage and Fury are fun, but in raids it's healing. If you clicked the wrong button, you can always blame the tank and say "man, what are you doing?" ;-)

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I still prefer DPS right now and love the abilities of my arms warrior. I started a warrior in vanilla and was tanking level 60 vanilla dungeons and then tanked through BC. Progressed through Kara and even started getting in to Zulaman but the guild started to fall apart. I loved doing the dungeons and raids as a tank at that time but doing ANYTHING else was a major pain. I still cringe at the thought of doing the netherwing grind as a prot warrior. Getting one or two of the flayers in the mines and then watching a hunter come through and take out 6 or 7 in the time it took me to take out the one or two I had.

Now I Play a warrior, dk, paladin, mage, and warlock. I still prefer having plate as sometimes I forget to stay out of range on the squishies, lol. They are all fun in their own way but EVERY one of them has a DPS spec, I have had people tell me I should roll my paladin as a tank/healer and I FLAT refuse. I have a pretty good heal set and a ret set, and if I forget to change to ret and take something on I have flashbacks to BC. And even now though I do have a tank set I don't tank very often with my warrior and nearly never with my DK. I just don't have the same grasp for it anymore. I am somewhat of a loner IRL and that transmits to the game as well. I have a level 19 guild and it's basically my wife and I in it. Her daughter and one of her daughters friends have characters in it but they are rarely online. I had a group I was going on DS raids with but since MoP they seem to no longer need me so I end up in LFR a lot or doing random heroics.

I picked melee DPS due to my warrior though, I remember doing DS and topping the DPS meters through the whole fight by fairly large margins. I was so quick on the changes that a time or two I ended up being killed due to the tentacle hammering me into the ground before the tank could even make it there. Heroic leap was and still is bound to a button on my mouse and charge is on a 12 second timer so often times my up time is 99%

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Hi there :)....I start my adventures with my hunter. Is really fun for leveling, but when i made my first tank i was excited :D. Back on Cata i was love to tank with my Druid or my Pala but in MoP i LOVE the way that my DK self-heal..... Recently i lvlup a Prist (Dis) and i can say that is my second favored spec after my DK tank :)

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Best role ever "Tankadin" I remember topping DPS meters as a Tank through Kara... All those Undead becoming dead again. That is what brought me to Tanking and have been so ever since. Even now in 5 man heroics I usually top the DPS meters as tank... and there has been a few times in our guild 10 man MSV runs I've been 3rd or 4th... The bigger the pull the better I am. I still love AOE tanking... I have never tried the DK... I may have to look into that.

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bullet_star_rated.png Healer (13 votes [36.11%])



Restoration shaman and discipline priest. Been playing them for several years now  swapping back and forth as "mains". :) I'm  a healer/healing  facilitator IRL and it's simply what I enjoy doing and what  I'm good at. Plus I  can lead from the  back so to speak.

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My favorite role by far is tank, I have tanked since I first started playing wow, which was in vanilla. I wasn't forced into the role, but at the time I just leveled both my rogue and warrior to 60. I wasn't getting much love on the rogue considering uh 80% of wow at that time seemed like rogues. So I geared up and went tank mode on my warrior, I have loved it every since then.

Now I have all tanks warrior, monk, death knight, druid, and paladin. even though I have all the tanking classes I will ALWAYS tank on my warrior first before any other class. Maybe because he was my first tank and one of my first max level characters.

Edited by Fox

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I've been a raid healer for a number of years now but my fondest memories of raiding was BC as a Rogue.  Maybe it's just absence thats making me say such nonsense.

Edited by Gwenymph

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