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[EU-Ragnaros][H] <Dark Omen> HFC: 13/13 H, raiders and socials

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General Info
Dark Omen is all about international adults (indication 21+) with a sense of responsibility that are looking for a social environment as well as get very good progression on the end-game content. along with a big emphasis on the social aspect. We use Mumble a lot for both aspects and call each other by our first names. Our core of players has been playing together for many years and intend to keep clearing content at a reasonable pace, until a better game comes along! Some members meet up in real life now and again, others work together, and we have our annual guild meet.

Dark Omen has three raid-nights per lockout. We raid on Thursday, Sunday and Tuesday from 20:00 until 23:00 hours realm time. Invites start 15 minutes prior. The guild shall provide where need be. We also enjoy cleaning up on old achievements and helping each other out.

We are always looking forward to new players who add to the progression of or atmosphere within the guild (preferably both). We therefore encourage any player who feels the description above suits him/her to read our rules and make an application. Ofcourse you’re also welcome to find us in-game for a chat!

About our raiding
We are an international 25 man raiding guild with a long lasting core. We are looking for 21+ mature, experienced people for steady progression through content to come. We raid on Thursday, Sunday and Tuesday from 20:00 until 23:00 hours realm time.

When it comes to raiding we take a serious approach. That means we expect our raiding members to come prepared, on time and as promised. We all lead pretty much normal lives and since we enjoy the game, 24 don’t enjoy standing around waiting for 1, or have 1 cancelling very late because he decided last moment to go do something else. We do however enjoy clearing end-game content with able and up-to-date players that know their class and understand how to play the game. The vast majority of members have been playing for many expansions clearing end-game content, some at very competitive levels.

We’re also realistic when it comes to raid-attendance. We understand expecting 3 nights per week from everyone is too much and therefore we require an attendance level of 66% to be considered an active raider. Falling below that for too long without explanation will get you either demoted or kicked. A demotion to social would be in order if you contribute to the atmosphere and fun, social environment we endeavour to be. To distribute loot we use the EP/GP system, which to us seems fairest to everyone.

What we do besides raids
Outside of raiding we also enjoy the rest of what the game has to offer. We help each other out finishing up old achievements, getting mounts, grind for transmogrification and level alts, in- and outside the guild, on- and off-realm, pretty much every day off the week. If you feel that you would fit well in Dark Omen, answer the questions below apply!

Exceptional players will always be considered. By making an application you acknowledge that you have read, understood and agreed to our Guild Rules.

our progression:

7/7Normal Cleared
7/7 Heroic Cleared
2/7 Mythic

Blackrock Foundry:
10/10 Normal
10/10 Heroic
1/10 Mythic

Hellfire Citadel:
13/13 Normal
13/13 Heroic

What we are looking for:

Death Knight:
Blood >High<
Frost >High<

Guardian >High<
Feral >Medium<
Balance >High<
Restoration >Medium<

Any spec >Low<

Any spec >High<

Brewmaster >Medium<
Windwalker >Medium<
Mistweaver >Low<

Protection >Low<
Retribution >High<
Holy >Medium<

Shadow >High<
Holy >Medium<
Discipline >Medium<

Any spec >Medium<

Enhancment >Medium<
Elemental >High<
Restoration >Medium<

Any spec >Medium<

Protection: >Low<
Fury >Medium<
Arms >Medium<

are you the one player we are looking for? visit http://www.darkomen.guildwork.comand apply!

cya guys in Azeroth!

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