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Hearthstone Legendary Midrange Battlecry Shaman LoE

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This zoolock had the choice of taking out either brann or my fire elemental. He chose... poorly. The hammer I got from scarab's second draw.


Brann just might be my new favorite card in the game, I don't care whether this deck even works in the long run because it's simply hilarious. I don't have any non-adventure legendaries so I opted for a stormwind champion in place of Dr. Boom, can't have too many buffs for them totems.

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Guest Guest

Is this really a legendary capable deck? Only card I'm missing is Dr. Boom.

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Guest Thelon

Hey Sottle, do you think this deck can be viable without the fireguard destroyers, and if so, how should i replace them?


Thx smile.png

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Guest Dennis

I tried the deck and got about 50% win rate from rank 14-16. Not too bad but if you don't draw your combos it doesn't work quite well. I also replaced the crackle for the axe.

The perfect start i had against a handlock:

2x trogg, axe and lightning bolt.

I could even destroy his ancient watcher, after this point i think he was just baffled and i won in round 7 or sth.

With a perfect start draw this just snowballs...i don't think many got a chance against it.

Otherwise if you draw poorly, you are pretty fucked...especially against handlocks and secret pallys.

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Hey! I brewed a very similar deck and have had great experiences with it, I came to IV to try to improve my list and found this one, and I have a brief question...


How good are the Trogg and spells here? I have been playing without them (including in their place 2x Rockbiter, the second Chow, Flametongues, and a maindeck BGH). 


Personally, I live for the day where we can make a good shaman deck that doesn't overload at all, because the mechanic is pretty terrible. That's the biggest reason I don't like the spells, I suppose, as currently I only have 4 cards with overload and the deck feels very smooth to me. 


That said, I have felt the Flametongues being weak, and ultimately I'm not sure if Azure drake warrants a spot in the list as a mere cantrip without anything to buff with spellpower (an error in deckbuilding on my part). Is a cantripping 4/4 for 5 mana worth it if the spellpower is irrelevant? Is there something better to include otherwise?


I'll swear up and down that Rockbiters are better than Bolts. I'll take some face damage or totem trading over being overloaded any day, and I so far haven't had any problem with going over taunts. I don't know, are the Troggs good enough that being overloaded is finally worth it? Are the spells worthwhile (the Crackle is suggested as a card to sub out, even) just for the synergy with spellpower and Trogg? What are other cards you might include without them (if that's even remotely worthwhile)?


As for matchups, I don't have any losses against any version of warrior, and I've been beating Reno decks and Handlock as well. About 50/50 with druid and oddly I haven't seen a ton of Paladin. I'm losing to hunter, maybe the spells and Troggs would help that considerably. Just a little extra data if anyone's interested. 

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Guest DaveG44

Most decks like this that try to mix two mechanics (Battlecry  /w Rumbling Elemental and Overload /w Tunnel Trogg) usually don't work to well (witness Zoo decks that tried to run Undertaker and Hobgoblin).  What makes this work better?

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Guest Pissed

How does this deck reach legendary I wonder? I´ve been losing every single game, & games In a row, its a complete inconsistent deck, In the 6 games I´ve never gotten a decent combo drawn, not a single 1 mana card at the beginning of every game. also fatigue warrior. deathrattle rogue, zoo, and control priest crushed this deck.


How does this inconsistent deck reaches legendary. I´m starting to lose faith in this page

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After playing around a bit more with this deck I highly doubt it's really legendary viable - you really need that turn 1 trogg/chow turn 2 totem golem to get a solid early game going, clearing the board with lightning bolts just delays the inevitable.


For follow up at 4 mana you really need that fireguard destroyer - rumbling elemental on an empty board is a joke and defender of argus needs at least two minions on the board to be decent. Tuskarr totemic also simply dies on an empty board.


This deck basically has two minions that I can happily play on an empty board - totem golem and fireguard destroyer (and Dr. Boom I guess). Everything else is too situational or requires you to have stuff on the board yet the deck doesn't really shine at maintaining board control - if you don't get decent draws you simply have no comeback mechanisms and the lack of card draw doesn't really help.


It's also riddled with painful RNG (crackle, rumbling elemental, tuskarr totemic) but unless you go full SMOrc I guess that's just how Shaman works. Sadly.


It's a fun deck but viable for high level ranked play? Not really, even with good draws you just don't have tools to deal with aggro and the moment you lose board control vs. midrange or control is the moment you lose the game.

Edited by kvaak

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Not actually. Some people did reach legend with variations of this deck. Y

ou CAN play Tuskarr Totemic on an empty boar, as can be seen at Midrange Shammy. Rumbling Elemental has 6 health and therefore will probably survive for at least one turn.

The deck has enough proactive plays: turn 1 Trogg, Totem Golem, Tuskarr Totemic, Fireguard Destroyer, Rumbling Elemental (sort of), Fire Elemental, Chow, Jeweled Scarab (can draw you additional proactive plays), Azure Drake, Loatheb, Boom. This should be enough to get you going.

Against aggro you have Defenders of Argus, Lightning Storms, Fire Elementals, Rumbling Elementals and Chow (and all the proactive minions to trade with)... I won't list against midrange and control - I hope you get my point.

Let's be honest, there is too much RNG in Hearthstone itself. No matter what deck you play. 

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Guest Guest

This deck is super fun to play! (I've only tried it out in casual though, so I don't know how it will fare in ranked.)


Anyways, I'd really like to add Sir Finley into this deck--do you think he would work well here? If yes, which card would you replace, and which hero powers would be the best replacement?


Also, I don't have Lightning Storm yet unfortunately...is Feral Spirit an ok alternative?

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Hearthstone certainly has lots of RNG but in that regard shaman wrote the book.


Funnily enough with LoE out and SMOrcshamans flooding the ladder it's apparently a decent time to take this deck out for a spin; everyone expects lightning bolts and rockbiter doomhammers to the face under a hail of steady shots - and will happily waste their swipes on your 1/3 trogg. I got my guaranteed golden epic easily enough at least, as limited as my card collection is I consider it a good enough achievement for now.


I've thought of adding sir gentlemurloc to the deck as well, zombie chow I guess would be the obvious candidate for replacement and as the deck already has five 1-mana cards (lightning bolt is essentially 2) I'm not too keen on the idea of lowering the curve even further. Abusive sergeant is the other choice and I'm not particularly fond of that idea either since the battlecry is absurdly powerful for a 1-drop especially with the current aggro-heavy meta.

Edited by kvaak

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This deck is super fun to play! (I've only tried it out in casual though, so I don't know how it will fare in ranked.)


Anyways, I'd really like to add Sir Finley into this deck--do you think he would work well here? If yes, which card would you replace, and which hero powers would be the best replacement?


Also, I don't have Lightning Storm yet unfortunately...is Feral Spirit an ok alternative?


Yes, but lightning storm is definitely stronger against aggro. 

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Guest Stojanikus

Face hunters breeze through this deck like nothing.

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Orible deck... 20 games 2 wins!!! Sottle....

10% winrate with a deck that has been used in high legend rank. Oh nasty, nasty Sottle, right?

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Guest PJ Salt

Anyone been having luck with this deck? I can never get enough tempo for early game and I can never get out the rumbling elemental value.

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Guest PJ Salt

I have a reallly bad streak with this. Even in casuals I got beat over and over again. After I made some of my own changes (-1 Rumbling Elemental, +1 Storm Axe, +1 Zombie Chow, -1 Crackle) it showed some signs of life in the deck. Even after these changes I don't think I could use it to get past rank 10.

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Guest Aaha

Thoughts on running Mistcaller instead of Loatheb?
Working on making the deck I dont have all components yet was curious what you guys would think is better.

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Guest YourGod

The hero power is not very powerful with this deck. I think that in place of zombie chow or another early game minion should be a Sir Finley Mrrglton to gain a hero power that is better. For instance, being able to heal your Tunnel Trogg with lesser heal could be a useful asset.

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The hero power is not very powerful with this deck. I think that in place of zombie chow or another early game minion should be a Sir Finley Mrrglton to gain a hero power that is better. For instance, being able to heal your Tunnel Trogg with lesser heal could be a useful asset.

Actually it is the only hero power that has synergy with the cards, specifically Defenders of Argus. Also, Tunnel Trogg often dies to a 2-drop and you will very rarely be able to heal him. Additionally, rolling a spell damage totem before spell or taunt when close to death is invaluable.

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I added an antique healbot to the deck because of aggro, and I have won many games because I could combo it with bran.

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This deck is a lot of fun! A lot of midrange shaman decks feel so useless if they lose tempo but this one actually does a lot better in that situation. There are lots of things that it can use to get back onto the board, and not just limited to the options of lightening storm and fire elemental. People also seem to underestimate how annoying Rumbling Elemental can get if they leave it up. It does seem fairly weak to aoe and really struggles to get anything done once it does have tempo, however. Reno decks just own it since it takes so long to do real damage. Like you will have complete board control with 6 minions but it won't matter since most of them are 0-2 attack.


I'm wondering if putting a bloodlust or something like a kodorider, mukla's champion or thunderbluff valiant might end up working out for it. I'll try it out.

Edited by Raiden

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