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Freeze Mage LoE Wild

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How necessary is the second iceblock? Currently running pyroblast, also have antonidas subbed out for cone of cold, is there a better sub for either?

Cone of Cold has an awful value. I would recommend the second Iceblock or a Loot Hoarder/Explosive Sheep until you craft it (considering you don't have it). 

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Guest Loooke

I dont have any of those 0/7 guys right now. Is a deck without them not viable?
I just subbed in 2 explosive sheep...
havent tried it out yet.

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I dont have any of those 0/7 guys right now. Is a deck without them not viable?

I just subbed in 2 explosive sheep...

havent tried it out yet.


the deck is still viable, but loses a huge part of its strength. The deck will have much lower winrate, but you will still be able to win sometimes. I would probably go with a different deck. 

Yes, explosive sheep should be the best subs for Doomsayers.

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Guest Dan

I've been trying this deck all morning and keep ending up with full hands of useless cards after a few turns, like frost nova without doomsayers, fireballs, and arcane intellects that I can't play with a full hand.

the few times I get a hand that can clear the board the only legendary I get is Antonidas with the others never getting drawn.

Is there a video of this deck in action? I won my first match by a landslide but every other one was horrible so I must be doing something wrong

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I've been trying this deck all morning and keep ending up with full hands of useless cards after a few turns, like frost nova without doomsayers, fireballs, and arcane intellects that I can't play with a full hand.

the few times I get a hand that can clear the board the only legendary I get is Antonidas with the others never getting drawn.

Is there a video of this deck in action? I won my first match by a landslide but every other one was horrible so I must be doing something wrong


This video ought to help you.

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Guest vag

this deck is very reliant on drawing the right card at the right times. 

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Guest Veiregor

why torches over fireball and pyroblast?and how about swapping 1 acolyte for another hoarder?

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Guest John

What would be a good replacement for the blood mage? Another spell damage creature or a spell? Card draw? I've been wanting a mage control deck forever and I'm getting close minus Thalnos.

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More card draw is the best option if you don't have Bloodmage. To the guy above, never take Acolytes out of Freeze Mage unless you're running the Reno version, double Acolyte is absolutely core.

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Hej guys


I would suggest a little change. Forgotten Torch looks solid on the first hand, but after a few dozen games with this deck, i think it makes you lose too much tempo. Since this deck is built around a few keycards like Alex and Archmage, the reshuffle of the card slows down the cycling too much in my opinion. Also drawing a Roaring Torch on turn 9 instead of Alex makes too much of a difference for me, since you're on a clock and in the early turns often very short on mana (3 damage for 3 mana doesn't do it for me).


So after a lot of games with bad draws and dying without getting Archmage or Alex, I eventually threw both torches out and replaced them with 1x Pyroblast and a second Fireball. Fireblast is nice if Alex isn't available and you run out of your removal options, so 10 damage to the face might give you the opener you need. You can often lower your opponent to 15-18 health, meaning he will be in kill-range quiet often and letting you play around Alex sometimes (even tho it's no replacement at all).



And I won't mulligan Acolyte away like suggested in the guide. Chances to pull a secret instead or other high cost cards is high and against aggro and midrange, playing acolyte on turn 3 and just getting a single card is often better than waiting for turn 5 where you already might run too low on health for playing an Acolyte.


Greetings and thumps up for the nice work here!


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Guest gkamvysis

Can this deck work without antonidas and thalnos?

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Kobold Geomancer for Thalnos (as per IV Mage crafting guide)? Weaker but not terrible.

For Antonidas; Pyroblast? Or Malygos if you have it?

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Guest Guest

This deck is shit.. it not work in 80% of my games and its so much slow for actual meta. When you start play, you play something like ice barrier and thats not enough. And Doomsayers are cards that not work too. In 90% of games get silenced and you are really in bad situation beacuse opponent had too much good board to destroy just with Blizzard or Flamestrike.

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This deck is shit.. it not work in 80% of my games and its so much slow for actual meta. When you start play, you play something like ice barrier and thats not enough. And Doomsayers are cards that not work too. In 90% of games get silenced and you are really in bad situation beacuse opponent had too much good board to destroy just with Blizzard or Flamestrike.

Wait what. Too slow? Do you even know how does freeze mage work? What? One of the strongest decks in the game (currently) and you have, what, 30% WR? I don't own the deck myself, but when I played it a week ago on my friend's acc, I had 80% winrate (but gotta admit that only out of 20 games - 16W/4L) in casual and on ranks 15 to 10. This deck is still strong (unless the meta has significantly shifted last week, which I doubt. 

Try watching some videos, such as Trump's teaching.

Better luck next time.

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This deck is shit.. it not work in 80% of my games and its so much slow for actual meta. When you start play, you play something like ice barrier and thats not enough. And Doomsayers are cards that not work too. In 90% of games get silenced and you are really in bad situation beacuse opponent had too much good board to destroy just with Blizzard or Flamestrike.

Wait what. Too slow? Do you even know how does freeze mage work? What? One of the strongest decks in the game (currently) and you have, what, 30% WR? I don't own the deck myself, but when I played it a week ago on my friend's acc, I had 80% winrate (but gotta admit that only out of 20 games - 16W/4L) in casual and on ranks 15 to 10. This deck is still strong (unless the meta has significantly shifted last week, which I doubt. 

Try watching some videos, such as Trump's teaching.

Better luck next time.


Freeze mage is a lot harder to play at the higher ranks though, I would easily put it in the top 3 hardest competitive decks in the game, if not just the actual hardest. A single detail missed can cost you the whole game.

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This deck is shit.. it not work in 80% of my games and its so much slow for actual meta. When you start play, you play something like ice barrier and thats not enough. And Doomsayers are cards that not work too. In 90% of games get silenced and you are really in bad situation beacuse opponent had too much good board to destroy just with Blizzard or Flamestrike.

Wait what. Too slow? Do you even know how does freeze mage work? What? One of the strongest decks in the game (currently) and you have, what, 30% WR? I don't own the deck myself, but when I played it a week ago on my friend's acc, I had 80% winrate (but gotta admit that only out of 20 games - 16W/4L) in casual and on ranks 15 to 10. This deck is still strong (unless the meta has significantly shifted last week, which I doubt. 

Try watching some videos, such as Trump's teaching.

Better luck next time.


Freeze mage is a lot harder to play at the higher ranks though, I would easily put it in the top 3 hardest competitive decks in the game, if not just the actual hardest. A single detail missed can cost you the whole game.



I agree on that. You actually can't be successful with this deck if you have no clue about the current meta and what cards are played in those decks. If you lack in knowledge there, even Trump's teaching doesn't help smile.png

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I know this decks potential but I don't find it that great. Most of the time it's because I don't draw that one card (usually Alex or Frost Bolt). Also doesn't help that my meta is either hyper aggro or heal up the ass (Reno or Warrior)

Or maybe there's something I'm missing?

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I know this decks potential but I don't find it that great. Most of the time it's because I don't draw that one card (usually Alex or Frost Bolt). Also doesn't help that my meta is either hyper aggro or heal up the ass (Reno or Warrior)

Or maybe there's something I'm missing?

This deck is very complicated, among the most complicated decks I would say. You actually are favoured against aggro because you have extra health in your secrets and Healbot, sometimes even in the form of Alex. Although you are unfavoured against Reno decks, Tony can still win you the game somewhat easily. 

Every misplay can cost you the game, and there are tons of stuff to mess up. I recommend watching some videos and before each turn, think about what you would do and then compare the pro player with you. This will help a lot.

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I am currently playing the following variant that seems to work rather well: 


-1 Pyroblast

-1 Flamestrike

-1 Antique Healbot

-1 Forgotten Torch

-1 Blizzard

+2 Loot Hoarder

+2 Novice Engineer

+1 Cone of Cold


The idea being that I want to draw into my key cards as reliable as possible, which is why I replaced some of the clunkier cards with cheap cycling ones. As a bonus the additional 2-cost minions allow me to have at least a bit of a board presence early on, delaying the necessity for freezes.  

Edited by Kobal

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I am currently playing the following variant that seems to work rather well: 


-1 Pyroblast

-1 Flamestrike

-1 Antique Healbot

-1 Forgotten Torch

-1 Blizzard

+2 Loot Hoarder

+2 Novice Engineer

+1 Cone of Cold


The idea being that I want to draw into my key cards as reliable as possible, which is why I replaced some of the clunkier cards with cheap cycling ones. As a bonus the additional 2-cost minions allow me to have at least a bit of a board presence early on, delaying the necessity for freezes.  

I don't like Cone of Cold at all. It is a worse Blizzard. There are many ways to make it harder for you to play it properly, such as smart minion positioning or Stealth and Spell Immunity. Also, when there are three minions on the board, you pay 4 mana for 3 damage, but when you use Blizzard, you pay 6 mana for 6 damage, which is clearly better. Also, there are often more minions on the board, which makes Blizzard even better. So, Removing Blizzard for Cone of Cold is a bad idea.

You don't really have to delay freezing enemy minions, because you have Flamestrike to deal with the board. 

Pyroblast is simply a big strong card, but I can understand why you decided to remove it.

Torch is 9 damage for 6 mana in one card. That is simply amazing and I do not think it should be removed.

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Torch is 9 damage for 6 mana in one card. That is simply amazing and I do not think it should be removed.



If it were, it would be an auto include, but sadly in truth Torch is 9 damage for 6 mana and two cards. You still have to draw the Blazing Torch, which does cost you one additional card draw, which in turn makes the card at least debateable.


I have played Naiman's burn heavy version from the EU Winter Championships as well, and the card can be quite good, but in this version where the goal is to get to a juicy Emperor and Alexstraza asap it feels suboptimal. 

Edited by Kobal

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It's true that the Roaring Torch can block you from more important draws from your deck on occasion, but the inclusion of more burn is important in my opinion in a meta where Reno Jackson exists. The ability to more consistently draw an answer to a threatening early-game minion like Knife Juggler is great too.

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