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Unholy DK trinket questions

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Hi guys,


     So I am trying to figure something out and I am not sure if I can get what i need from simcraft.


     I was looking at the BiS trinkets for unholy dk's and it shows Reapers Harvest as the worst trinkets.  However, it looks like the simcraft this was made from uses Sindragosa's Breath as the level 100 talent.


     So my question would be, if you were using Necrotic Plague as your level 100 talent, would the BiS trinkets listed be the same or would they change?  how much would they change?





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Reaper´s Harvest + Discordant Chorus (fel cleave) paired with NP are the go for trinkets when there are more than 1-2 things to attack / cleave. Often used at Kormrog (for hands), Council (it is matter of preference, but if you check logs, NP has better results than BoS), Gorefiend (especially if you are assigned to freeing people on mythic - in addition, if you NP spirits, they will spread it by moving around), Iskar, Xhul, Mannoroth and Archimonde. Hellfire Assault can be tricky; if you deal too much damage to Felcasters at a wrong time, they can transform all at once and very easily wipe the raid, better consult this with your team. If you feel confident that you can land lots of killing blows on short-lived adds, like imps on Xhul or Mannoroth, you can go wild and replace one these (HC) trinkets with Gronntooth War Horn, but then again, Mythic combo will take over.


If you use BoS, you should go with mythic Vial of Convulsive Shadows + Unending Hunger for strictly single target bosses. Used for Iron Reaver (bombs in air phase don´t justify use of NP, they are too much random), Kilrog (when used after you exit the portal, you will see some big numbers), Socrethar, Zakuun and Velhari. Keep in mind that BoS got slightly weaker in 6.2.3 (or better: NP and Defile got a buff, and you cannot upgrade Vial), but it still is very strong option for single target fights.


You should be changing talents and trinkets on fight by fight basis anyways, so better get hold of all of them :)

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I have the same problem.  I am trying combinations of trinkets and talents but its very confuse to me right now.

I dont have mythic Vial of Convulsive Shadows, only the hc version with gem slot, but BoS hit very hard with this.
I dont have any mythic trinkets and i dont like NP for single target. So what do you guys recomend?
Is Defile good now days? If yes, what trinkets for it?

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