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For Fun 0s and 1s only

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I am looking to build a for fun only deck. I know this won't win, but I did get one guy down to 12 smile.png , What would you put together for a deck with only 0 and 1 crystal cards? Class does not matter in this instance, as I said just for fun smile.png

Edited by Primate

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The deck would have to be aggro, so my choice is Hunter. 1 drops have some Murloc Synergy as well, this could be helpful a bit. 


1x Hunter's Mark

2x Arcane Shot

2x Brave Archer

2x Webspinner


2x Abusive Sergeant

2x Leper Gnome

1x Young Priestess

2x Worgen Infiltrator

2x Undertaker

2x Lowly Squire

2x Tinyfin

2x Murloc Raider

2x Grimscale Oracle

1x Hungry Crab

2x Murloc Tidecaller

2x Elven Archer

1x Argent Squire

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You also need to use your hero power a lot. If you have 3 mana, don't play three 1-drops, play one 1-drop and your hero power instead. This way you run out of card later, deal more damage per turn and will have cards in your hand in case of an AoE.

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When it comes to a low curve, I'd think of warlock, because you'll run out of cards very fast, so you need to tap every turn, otherwise, you'll effectively playing a 5 mana 2/1 charge at some point (because of floating the remaining mana)


Try this list:


2x Flame Imp

2x Voidwalker

2x Blood Imp


2x Argent Squire

2x Abusive Sergeant

2x Lowly Squire

2x Leper Gnome

2x Worgen Infiltrator

2x Young Priestess

2x Clockwork Gnome

2x Cogmaster


2x Power Overwhelming

2x Soulfire


And to fill it up because the have some minor synergy;

2x Lightwarden

2x Vodoo Doctor



Also, you could consider:

Mortal Coil - if you end up doing some favorable trades

Reliquary Seeker - if you often have a full board

Angry Chicken - if you want to have fun, you can combo it with blood imp/young priestess/power overwhelming 

Elven Archer - for more fun, use it to enrage the chicken :D

Bloodsail Corsair - if you face a lot of weapons

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