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    • By HotWheels
      2x Alleycat 1x Emerald Reaver 2x Fiery Bat 2x Fire Fly 2x Jeweled Macaw 2x Raptor Hatchling 1x Stampede 1x The Marsh Queen 2x Tracking 2x Crackling Razormaw 2x Scavenging Hyena 1x Deadly Shot 2x Kill Command 2x Stitched Tracker 1x Cult Master 2x Houndmaster 1x Tol'vir Warden 1x Tundra Rhino 1x Deathstalker Rexxar
      Here's my current take on the quest Hunter. Stitched Tracker and Build-A-Beast in my eyes have really given Hunter some good and greatly needed flexibility. The ability to create an extra Tol'vir Warden, Tundra Rhino, Hyena, or Cult Master, or any of the various 1 drops needed for the quest allow for a nice range of minions without having to worry about getting that one draw you need to combo. Build-A-Beast is such a fantastic ability and the AOE that Deathstalker Rexxar gives is a very welcome addition. While a little expensive Exploding Bloatbat + anything with charge, preferably a Boar, gives Hunter a nice suicide bomb. Alternatively Hyena + anything with Stealth is a great way to safely build up lethal, or a Stealth Rhino to consistently hurl charge raptors at your opponent's face.  

      This deck is by no means perfect, but it's a hell of a lot of fun to play in its current iteration. I'm open to any suggestions or criticisms about how to make this more viable. 
    • By Moonshade
      This Mage deck has NO legendary cards whatsoever and only costs 1520 Arcane Dust to make (not counting the common cards) and is perfect for getting you through to at least rank 10.
      This deck is extremely aggressive and should have no problem putting any opponent under immense pressure in the early-mid game, while powerful finishers will help you win games even if the board gets out of control later on.
      Watch all the plays against every other class PLUS a walk-through on how to play various cards: 
      Ideal for those players ranking up from level 20 to 10.
    • By JagaRogue
      It seems fairly effective so far, but any tweaks would be welcome. 6-1 so far.
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