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Everything wrong with Hearthstone

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Not really sure why I approved this topic. I kinda think that I should not have.

The replies to the topic on the BNet forum pretty much sums up why it is a bad article - playing pre-GvG on mobile, pretty much nobody cares about one player, leave if you don't like the game (just as I temporarily did) and don't fill the forums with "I'm leaving!".

A quote for you: "Nobody cares m8" -pyrocynical 2k15 idk 

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Hmm.  Well I think the OP has some valid points, and by that I mean I agree with his assessment of the game to an extent.  More than most TCG's, hearthstone does have a heavy rng element.  It is part of the charm of the game, however, it rubs some people, including me, the wrong way.  I mean it sucks to lose games you feel you shouldn't have lost, just because the RNG gods favored the opponent with good juggles, portals, or flamewalkers. That being said, if you had played better you could have worked around the RNG in some cases for sure, but it still feels really demoralizing, especially when it happens several games fairly close together.  Also, while the game is free to play, it does feel like you are at a significant disadvantage if you don't invest at least some amount of money into the game, which is sort of expected with the type of game it is, but it is still very frustrating to people who don't want to spend money on the game.  Also, while I don't totally agree with his assessment of the community, it does feel like it has more than its fair share of ass hats and children.  I mean some of that is probably because a lot of younger people playing, and the rest is because its an online game, I mean most have some what volatile communities.  Then the net decking part is mostly true, but that is in large part due to how restrictive the hero powers are, and the relatively small selection of optimal cards.  Classes like warrior are basically relegated to control because their hero power only synergies with control decks, same with rogue and tempo, although this also has a large part to do with their class cards as well.  This leads to most classes having narrowly defined deck roles, and somewhat narrowly defined decks within those roles.  That isn't to say there isn't new innovation every day with decks both old and new, but a lot of that comes from legend players, people who's understanding of the game is at a level most of us will not ever achieve.  The rest of us just make minor adjustments to fit our play styles and the current meta, or play decks of our own design that are most likely sub optimal in some way.  With all that said, most of what I have discussed is what makes hearthstone different and unique from other TCG's, or is somewhat necessary or expected.  I don't really advocate changing the game, I just can empathize with the OP, and agree with his assessment of the game, and I really don't see the need to bash him for his post.  Even if you don't agree with his opinion or his choice of a "good bye" post, its really no reason to be rude, or dismissive to him, if you truly don't care, then why bother telling everyone that.

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I need help! Being new in HS i very hard, but i am trying to get into with Hybrid Hunter. But i need Loathed and 2x Mad scientist. Can some1 tell how to replace it? What is cad what i need? Many thx

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I need help! Being new in HS i very hard, but i am trying to get into with Hybrid Hunter. But i need Loathed and 2x Mad scientist. Can some1 tell how to replace it? What is cad what i need? Many thx

Please, use respective topic for this question. However, the answer would be Wolfrider/Arcane Golem/Quickshot/Boom/one Webspinner/tech card. Choose what you own and like the most.

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Yes, what SithLordSnark said.

"I don't enjoy this game and - more to the point - YOU shouldn't be enjoying it either, unless you're stupid"

Really? If you feel like that the only people it might be remotely productive to tell are working at Blizzard, not on Icy Veins or any other forum. But the folks at Blizzard won't give a runny one. They're too busy taking the money home in wheelbarrows.

Edited by Chacal
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