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Jin'rokh the Breaker

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The boss' health in 10-man was reduced by about 100M from the PTR, so the DPS requirement became quite lax. We'll update that today.

25 man is 622 million hp down from 722 million iirc. Just to let you know.

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Guest Orladel

Down Yesterday aswell.

Like said by Druideena, we taunted him 3 time before first Thundering Throw :

1) First tank pull the boss and get first Static Charge

2) Second tank taunt him to avoid raid wide damage due to melee on the "Charged" tank

3) First tank taunt him back 3 seconds before dbm's timer of Thundering Throw

But, very interesting fact, we had a DK and a Monk as tanks. Anti-Magic Shell allow the DK to bypass the Static Charge. You just have to use it a few seconds before he hits. Allowing the other tank to fully destack from his Charge otherwise some stacks are still on him when he must re-taunt. (note this is note a requirement : raid damage would be quite low due to the few numbers of stacks remaining on the other tank)

So AMS is pretty useful again BUT remember : if you already have stacks of Statich Charge on you cause of fail taunting or if you really were supposed to have it, AMS will only prevent stacks of being re-applied. You do NOT lose the previous. It means that the damage done to your raid at the moment when the boss apllies new stacks will be higher than usual. I dont know exactly why, but i suppose applying a Static Charge he considered as a non avoidable melee, which will deal damage to you and 30% to your raid, even if you bypass the stacks... (note sure if i am very clear on it, poor english :'( )

Still as a DK, if the other tank got the Static Charge debuff, but YOU are thrown away, you may instantly use Desacrated Ground to free yourself and taunt back the boss to the right place for melee.

As a tank, my Anti-Magic Zone is powerfull enough to absorb 2 ticks of the Tempest, not more. Still worth other 2 talents of the same tier.

Hope it may help...

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One really important thing we found out during our kill last night is that the focused lightning can be kited on the orange-y grates which are situated on all sides of the arena, the likes of which you are standing on as you enter the room (between every 2 statues). We saw that the conductive water pool DOES NOT extend all the way there, hence quite a lot of damage is avoided like that, since the fissures will basically never explode, since the water will never touch them. After each throw, we switched the grate, so not to clutter a single one.

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Thank you, guys.

Making several updates to the guide shortly :)

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Guest Jake

quick question reguarding focused lightning and lightning storm. We noticed that he'll cast focus lightning right before he starts his channel so is it mandatory to have the focus target to run all the way to the grate? Noticed we lost a couple people because they'd get out of range of heals when we were collapsing.

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Guest Knightfury

It's probably worth mentioning for the positioning of the lightning fissures. If you look at the areas of the room between the pillar it's actually a storm drain. Positioning the fissues on these will ensure the conductive water can NEVER reach them. While "somewhere out of harms way" or however it was worded works, I think this makes it a little clearer as to why and where they should be placed.

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Guest Rav

What raid cooldown tracker is that in use on the heroic inner sanctum vid on the left side

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What raid cooldown tracker is that in use on the heroic inner sanctum vid on the left side

I'm not positive, but I think it is Hermes.

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Ionization damages the player being dispelled and the people around him correct?

That is correct, and if the player is dispelled inside the pool, it also damages everyone in the pool.

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How many do you recommend to leave alone for the duration?

we had everyone who could immune the debuff use their immunity just before he casts ionization. This will prevent the debuff from applying (mages, paladins, rogues, druids...). All the melee would spread outside the pool (while still being able to dps the boss) and get a dispel from the healers. The healers would dispel themselves outside when they are topped and have a minor cooldown up (shield, 20% reduction...). Same with the shamans who used inv_glyph_majorshaman.jpgGlyph of Shamanistic Rage to dispell themselves. (As a monk use diffuse magic, it'll remove the debuff and you will take close to no damage).

That leaves only a few people with the debuff, they either have to run out and ask for a dispel, or they have to run out of the pool 3-5 seconds before the debuff runs out. Make sure they are topped.

The video doesn't show the debuffs, but you can see how the lock dispels himself with a cooldown up. all classes who can do this should do so, to help the healers. I'm going to ask our resto shaman if he didn't record the kill, I'll post it here when i get it.


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Thanks!, sorry, one last question. Does it apply to EVERYONE (exclude tanks)? or 11-19 people like the guide says.

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I put a similar video up in the Warlock forums on the T15 guide. Warlocks can use Sac Pact and then Unbound Will to dispel it for only like 100k damage. What our group did was set up groups and orders for healers to dispel. Deterrence works completely, as does AMS. Paladin Divine Shield and some others, but basically one person dispelling in the pool is a wipe. This is what most 25 man groups will deal with since you have a higher chance of one person screwing up. Melee ran out and got dispelled in a particular order. Best DPS got dispelled first to get back in the pool immediately. If the DPS can be trusted, they can stay in the pool until they need to run out for a dispel, but make sure people aren't running together as the dispel causes nearby targets to take the same 450k damage. Handling Ionization is how you win this fight...the rest of the crap is trivial at best. Ionization was affecting just about everyone in 25 man except the tanks. Be prepared to have it on you every single time.

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Thanks!, sorry, one last question. Does it apply to EVERYONE (exclude tanks)? or 11-19 people like the guide says.

Everyone gets the debuff except for the tanks.

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I complied a list of possible CD's people can use to rid themselves of the debuff.

DK's: Anti Magic Shell - HAS to be be BEFORE application of debuff.

Rogue: Cloak of Shadows

Boomkin: Symbiosis AMS or Symbiosis Cloak

Monks: Diffuse Magic

Damage Shamans: Shamanistic Rage with Glyph of Shamanistic Rage

Warlocks: Unbound Will

Paladins: Divine Shield

Feral Druid: Symbiosis Bubble

Mage: Ice Block and Greater Invisibility

Hunter: Deterrence - Prevents debuff, must be BEFORE it goes out.

Resto Druids: Ice Block or Deterrence

As far as I'm aware, these two classes below are the only ones that cannot remove the debuff from themselves (excluding preists, but mass dispel will not count for this) The ones above have no excuse for the very first debuff. The second debuff healers will have to use Dispels on Mages/Paladins/Ferals.

These last 2 classes have to pop a CD to survive the damage from Ionization.


Shadow Priests

If I'm missing a CD you could use to remove the debuff let me know.

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I complied a list of possible CD's people can use to rid themselves of the debuff.

DK's: Anti Magic Shell - HAS to be be BEFORE application of debuff.

Rogue: Cloak of Shadows

Boomkin: Symbiosis AMS or Symbiosis Cloak

Monks: Diffuse Magic

Damage Shamans: Shamanistic Rage with Glyph of Shamanistic Rage

Warlocks: Unbound Will

Paladins: Divine Shield

Feral Druid: Symbiosis Bubble

Mage: Ice Block

As far as I'm aware, these three classes below are the only ones that cannot remove the debuff from themselves (excluding preists, but mass dispel will not count for this) The ones above have no excuse for the very first debuff. The second debuff healers will have to use Dispels on Mages/Paladins/Ferals.

These last 3 classes have to pop a CD to survive the damage from Ionization.


Shadow Priests


If I'm missing a CD you could use to remove the debuff let me know.

Hunters can use deterrence to prevent the debuff from applying.

note: You have to use these immunities BEFORE the debuff is applied to prevent you from getting it. if you use the immunity while you have the debuff on you, it will count as a dispel and damage everyone who is around you (or in the pool with you).

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Also, if a Warlock just uses Unbound Will, he/she will die, as it does 20% of your max HP and then 450k damage. You MUST use a CD before dispelling yourself. Unending Resolve, Shadow Bulwark (sacrifice Voidwalker), and Dark Bargain are viable options, but Sacrificial Pact is the way to go.

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Hunters can use deterrence to prevent the debuff from applying.

note: You have to use these immunities BEFORE the debuff is applied to prevent you from getting it. if you use the immunity while you have the debuff on you, it will count as a dispel and damage everyone who is around you (or in the pool with you).

Added. Thanks.

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Updated the thing about how many players are affected by Ionization in 25-man. Thanks :D

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I just had a crazy idea.

How often does static burst get applied to the tank? If its greater then 45 seconds, then technically a DK tank can solo tank the boss by using IBF/ Desecrated ground to get out of the stuns...

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quick question reguarding focused lightning and lightning storm. We noticed that he'll cast focus lightning right before he starts his channel so is it mandatory to have the focus target to run all the way to the grate? Noticed we lost a couple people because they'd get out of range of heals when we were collapsing.

Bump :) I've not had to deal with this as i've been on my ret paly lately but I had guildies asking?

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