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Hearthstone Legendary Raptor Deathrattle Tempo Rogue LoE

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Guest kvaak

Feels like this deck could use a 1-drop, there's 2x backstab but an egg into a raptor leaves me at half HP against aggro decks before I have any board presence. Guess I could just try to mulligan harder for backstabs.


Does this deck really cost 6k dust? Dang, guess I got lucky with Sylvanas and Thalnos being two of the three legendaries I've got from arena packs. Normally anything above 1k would be an instant "lolno, can't afford that".

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Guest JadeBuddha

Seeing a deck like this makes me happy. Tempo Rogue was the first archetype I tried after finishing the tutorial, way back before Naxx when the game was new. If there's any kind of correlation between Rogue deck archetypes and the Rogue class from WoW, Tempo has always seemed to me like the Combat Rogue (my personal fav), whereas Miracle and Oil seem more like Subtlety and Assassination (not sure which would be which).


Feels like this deck could use a 1-drop, there's 2x backstab but an egg into a raptor leaves me at half HP against aggro decks before I have any board presence. Guess I could just try to mulligan harder for backstabs.


Does this deck really cost 6k dust? Dang, guess I got lucky with Sylvanas and Thalnos being two of the three legendaries I've got from arena packs. Normally anything above 1k would be an instant "lolno, can't afford that".


If you're worried about 1-drops, the deck notes mention possibly swapping Abusive Sargent in for Cold Blood; you can always drop a naked Abusive if you think it would help on turn 1. Beyond that you could fill the spot with Leper Gnome for another deathrattle effect, or even Undertaker.

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Guest caos

The deck has potential but Priest and Warriors wreck havoc your tempo  with Aoe, and Fast aggro deck with lot of charge ally make you lose even with a good board presence for the lack of protector. Seems interesting the ally that double the death rattle effect (1/7 legendary) have you considered that?

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Rivendare isn't good in this deck, this is a Tempo deck that wants to make the strongest board play each turn and Rivendare is the opposite of that.

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Guest Tirion

Is there any solid replacement for bloodmage thalnos? Im interested in making this deck but thats the only card i dont have here. Maybe just a leper gnome?

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Guest Tirion

Not sure if my first post made it through so ill try again. Is there any acceptable replacement for bloodmage thalnos? Its the only card i dont have for this deck. Maybe a leper gnome for another deathrattle?

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Not sure if my first post made it through so ill try again. Is there any acceptable replacement for bloodmage thalnos? Its the only card i dont have for this deck. Maybe a leper gnome for another deathrattle?

I don't have Bloodmage either. I subbed him with an Abusive Sergeant. You could go with Leper Gnome, maybe a Huge Toad. While Bloodmage is nice to have, I feel it is not entirely needed. If you could copy his deathrattle then sweet, if not, it's not a lose.  

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Rivendare wouldn't work as a late game utility?

 Baron Riverdare doesn't fit into this deck due to the fact that you have to hold him until the time is right to make him useful, which in turn kills tempo. The goal of this deck is to make the best board plays and take the action to them. Each Deathrattle in the deck works both as a stand alone and a trigger for Unearthed Raptor. There will be times that the game will end were you A: Have to play Raptor without copying an effect, or B: Never drew him at all. Unearthed Raptor is good by himself but more powerful when coping an effect.  

Edited by KingMe
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Guest DutchRide

How would Eddy fit into a deck like this even though it doesn't play a lot of the usual combo cards?

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Guest Rithwik

Is it better to have sir finly and sea giant or better to have stallog and fuegon in place of thalnos and sylvannus?

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Is it better to have sir finly and sea giant or better to have stallog and fuegon in place of thalnos and sylvannus?

I would say none of the above. Even though there are no weapon buffs in this deck, your hero power is still a viable asset. Feugen and Stalagg's deathrattle is very poor for Unearthed Raptor. My suggestion for Sylvanas would be to replace her with a second Belcher. As for Thalnos, like I had suggested in an earlier post, you can sub him for any early game proactive card. I personally went with Abusive Sargent. I hope this helped you in anyway.  

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Guest HiroProtag

Zero copies of Sap surprised me in a tempo deck. Why doesn't it makes the cut? I just got wrecked by a turn 2 Backstab/Backstab/Coin/Edwin-van-Cleef that I couldn't possibly answer. :-)

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Because turn 2 BS/BS/Coin/Edwin is a common situation *sarcasm*. You have sticky minions and you buff them with coldblood to kill opponent's minions that would usually be sapped. Also, sap is near to useless when you face aggro decks. 

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This deck is interesting to play. I find that in the unlikely circumstance that you do not have a turn 2 play, equipping the dagger is still a great play against aggro decks, due to the weaker health on their cards. Personally, I prefer the abusive sergeant to the to the cold blood because of the 2/1 that is supplied, even at the cost of a smaller, temporary buff. Primarily this is due to the fact that abusive sergeant does not have combo, so it can be used alone with no downside.

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Guest Anon

@YourGod Combo doesn't have a downside, if you think not getting the benefit is a downside then that's pretty damn pessimistic


Yours truly,


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I agree with Anon that there is no real down side with Cold Blood. If you have to play it without the combo then you still get the same buff as Abusive Sergeant for the same cost only it's permanent. Another upside is for the same cost as Abusive Sergeant you can possibly get +4 added instead of the 2. The only upside for Abusive Sergeant over Cold Blood is that it gives a boost while also giving you a body on the board. For this deck I personally run 2 Cold Blood and 1 Sergeant. 

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Guest BackTrak

I swapped out thanatos with finley murgleton, as the dagger isn't super useful on this deck. so far, results have been interesting although I'm not huge on finley's randomness.

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Guest Poken

I added a Baron Rivendare in place of a Piloted shredder and this deck is scary stupid

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I absolutely love this deck, it has enough cheap removal to have a chance against aggro and the flood of sticky minions it puts out is a complete nightmare to control/combo decks that rely on board clears. This deck has really taught me how important it is to avoid triggering your deathrattles until the last possible moment.


Swapping 1x cold blood for 1x abusive sergeant and mulliganing egg/cold blood with no activator/target has made my starts a lot more solid. I used to be way too greedy for raptor combos, now I understand it's perfectly fine to play the raptor on turn 3 even if you have no deathrattles on board, although the egg -> raptor combo can be utterly bonkers. What's that, you want to silence the raptor? Be my guest, it's still a 3-mana 3/4.


Naxx and GvG removal will probably kill this deck so I'll enjoy it while it lasts. And who knows, as LoE introduced the raptor the spring expansion might include a bunch of new combo pieces. Although with shredder, haunted creeper and sludge belcher gone it's possible Blizzard is just trying to cut the sticky spam core to a huge number of decks, it's certainly problematic.


Standard will kill secret paladin so I'm more than willing to pay the price in any case.

Edited by kvaak
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Guest riplix

Rivendare isn't good in this deck, this is a Tempo deck that wants to make the strongest board play each turn and Rivendare is the opposite of that.


I may not see all aspects as I'm not that experienced, but I'm curious why this card kills tempo. The way I see it, Rivendare is situational in a sense that you should be able to trigger something immediately when you put him on the board.


If you get a Haunted Creeper pop, you add 3/9 stats on the board for 4 mana; 5/11 with Nerubian Egg (not to mention Sylvanas which can be insane). Add to that the potential to duplicate additional rattle effects.


He also combos decently with Argus Defender and protects a low heath cold blood minion which I frequently get. Granted the latter is not the deck's idea, Rivendare does not seem to be totally wrong...  but I may miss something?



kvaak, on 05 Feb 2016 - 6:53 PM, said:


I absolutely love this deck, it has enough cheap removal to have a chance against aggro and the flood of sticky minions it puts out is a complete nightmare to control/combo decks that rely on board clears. This deck has really taught me how important it is to avoid triggering your deathrattles until the last possible moment.




Totally agree, it's great although I'm struggling against priest and I often end up with long games which I'm unable to close if Dr. Boom a BGH... which is like always biggrin.png



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Guest Anonymous

There's no tempo in this "tempo" deck. If ANYTHING goes wrong, if you don't draw perfectly, if you get boardcleared, if a priest mind controls your raptor. You lose the game, every time. Rogue worst class NA. At least they have arena.

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Guest CataGavril

Would one copy of Gang Up be good in this deck to generate more raptors?

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