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Stuff and spec optimization : 2 questions

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First, thanks for all the good work you are doing for us.

I am facing two questions that I do not manage to solve (sorry for my english, not my native language so I am doing my best). 2 questions that I do not manage to solve, even after discussion with several rogues.

Question about optimizing my stuff.

Here the link to armory, combat spec. ilvl 490:


In a couple of weeks had the chance to loot :

-Gloves of the Thousandfold Blades(Raid finder) :


- Legguards of Failing Purification(Heroic 10)


For me I have several option, and I do not know which one is better.

1/ take the Gloves of the Thousandfold Blades (Raid finder), upgrade to 2/2 .

So I reach the 4/5 Tiers 14 buff! Seems cool.

But I lose lot of haste for example and also loose one ilvl

2/ I do not take Gloves of the Thousandfold Blades(Raid finder) but I keep the current glove that I already have. So as I am still 3/5 with the Tiers 14, in addition I decide to skip the current leg setT14 that I already have (so I am now 2/5 for tiers 14) and I take Legguards of Failing Purification(Heroic 10) and upgrade it to 2/2

---> with this option I do not have my 4/5 tiers T4 buff, but my global stat are better.(more agi/more haste than option 1)

3/ maybe no good choice, it is better to wait to have a better loot to have a real impact and do not waste valor point in upgrade. But I would like to optimize asap to be efficient asap with my raid guilde!

Do not know which option should I take!!!!Really do not know!!!!

Question about Assa vs Combat and loose of ilvl

My second spec is Assasination.

When I shift to assassination my weapon are

- Dagger of the Seven Stars


(not upgrade yet cause it is a recent loot)

- Koegler's Ritual Knife(herric donjon)


Otherwise I have the same stuff (just have to reforge).

Going from Combat to assasination I lose 2 ilvl.I goes from 490 to 488.

I am losing some DPS with combat on some mono target bosses. And I am wondering If I can improve my dps by switching assassination on that kind of bosses,even if I am losing 2 ilvl

Someone has got a clue?

If you have some advices, please do not hesitate!


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no answer maybe it was stupid questions :P

to follow up my post I ve decided as follow :

Do not take the last lfr loot to reach the 4/4. I prefer to keep a higher i lvl (+1) and have also more addtionnal stat(I can add 2 gems vs 0 for the lfr loot).

I have also respe Assa, I lose 2 ilvl but I will try to see if even with this loose of 2 ilvl I will improve my dps again mono target boss (vs the combat spec)

A kind of empirical tries, I have made some test but not in optimal and balance condition. So I will see in real raid condition

see u

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Sorry for the lack of response. I'll try to give you a reply tomorrow. I've been very busy with our guides for Patch 5.2 :)

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For the first question, I can't really say, I would need to see your Combat gear on the armory. Right now, you are Assassination.

For the second question, Assassination and Combat perform very similarly, in all situations, so I would stick to Combat in your case, especially since it is a weapon issue.

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no worries, It is better for the rogue community to work on the guid than a single question :P

thanks for your kind reply

I have kept my spec combat during several days to follow my post, I have just repsec assa yesterday nigth (bougth all gemmes and echant :P ) bad timing :P :-)

I am going to plug my combat spec for the armory but keep in mind the gemming is not good,do not know if it will be sufficient for you if you have not the optimize picture of my combat rogue

But for the 2nd answer if i understand your answer for assa vs combat, I have made the bad choice (I have just upgrade the weapon to 2/2 for the raid of tonight). bad timing again :P

see u and thansk again for your reply

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