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Durumu the Forgotten

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It looks like the stacking debuffs from each beam do not fall off between colorblind phases. This means that each group of players assigned to a beam will take progressively more damage throughout the fight if they always stand in the same color. Is it advisable to rotate these players to reduce damage in each phase?

With 3 healers, we just found it easier to just keep to the same beam every time (heals in blue, melee/tank in red, ranged in yellow), just moving out to handle the life drain, then going back in, and swapping people as needed since beam targets are random.

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Guest Serendipitus

I spoke with some other people and some of us can not see the safe area for the maze at all. When we said to the raid that despite reading about it the maze made no sense to us, we just got crap for it being obvious. Has anybody figured out if there is a setting we need to increase in order to see it? We have been experimenting but have not figured it out, yet. In the meantime I'll make a follow macro for a tank or healer that can see it, but I'd much rather figure out how to take care of myself, especially when I take toons that can not heal themselves through the sore eye damage like my boomie can.

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I spoke with some other people and some of us can not see the safe area for the maze at all. When we said to the raid that despite reading about it the maze made no sense to us, we just got crap for it being obvious. Has anybody figured out if there is a setting we need to increase in order to see it? We have been experimenting but have not figured it out, yet. In the meantime I'll make a follow macro for a tank or healer that can see it, but I'd much rather figure out how to take care of myself, especially when I take toons that can not heal themselves through the sore eye damage like my boomie can.

Could it be a projected texture issue?

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I've had zero issues with this mechanic playing on "HIGH" settings. You basically want to train your eye to look for little glimmers. This indicates where the path will open up. The path opening has to be your highest priority. If you're truly skilled and maintaining your DPS while moving, then your focus can be 100% on surviving. If you're not comfortable DPSing while looking, don't try to do both. Realize that there is ALWAYS a path, and don't be afraid to move out and away from him as that path is MUCH larger than the skinny one close to him. His melee range is HUUUUUGE, so don't sweat that.

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Are tanks eligible targets for the colorblind phase beams? In LFR I've not been chosen yet while tanking, trying normal this week.

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Guest Diggy

Holy paladins should use Hand of Purity. It will remove 70% of the bleed effect(nothing to sneeze at). Then we can also use glyph of flash of light followed by divine light to put big heals on the tank and get rid of arterial cut. Also BoP and Divine shield remove stacks of serious wound.

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Differences from Normal mode

1) Ice Walls

2) More HP

3) Drain Life sucks

4) Color Phase is much more difficult

5) VERY high tank damage

6) Ridiculously painful magic debuff that needs to be cleansed that causes adds to spawn

Strat dependent. If you have a Protection Paladin and either a Retribution Paladin or Holy Paladin, have both of them take Clemency. At 6 stacks of the wound debuff Durumu places on the tank, have the Protection Paladin receive a Hand of Protection to wipe off the stacks. This will give you essentially an additional healer because of the high vengeance with Battle Healer. If you are not using a Protection Paladin, single tanking will require some very high healing along with at least one Paladin with Clemency. Otherwise, use two tanks, but this will lower your DPS making the fight a bit tighter.

Use Bloodlust at the start as this is when you have the least amount of stuff to worry about. You only need to worry about the purple puddles and doing max DPS.

When the first color phase happens, you need to be prepared. We used 3 people in each color. We prioritized DPS able to move while DPS'ing to yellow while spreading out the rest trying to put melee in red. The blue add MUST NOT BE DISCOVERED. Whoever Blue is needs to move where blue is not and NOT MOVE. This is unchanged from normal mode. If the blue add is discovered, DO NOT TOUCH IT. It won't kill you unless you kill it or move the blue beam from it. The yellow adds that spawn are THE HIGHEST PRIORITY. Failing to kill them before either the end of the color phase (3rd killed red add) or before they attack will result in a raid wipe. Tanks must not stand in beams at all as the damage the incur is already high.

After the color phase, the entire raid group must meet up at a designated point so that everyone is together for the Ice Wall mechanic. When the Ice Walls form, you need very high DPS on these to break them as they will limit movement causing deaths to Eye Sores and the Disintegration Beam. For us, a Demonology Warlock using Mannoroth's Fury and a Fire Mage spreading his damage and using Nether Tempest is enough to do a majority of the damage on the walls. When the Ice Walls are up, they are TOP priority for anyone not dealing with Drain Life.

Drain Life sucks in Heroic as it hurts, heals a lot, and comes at really inopportune times. As soon as you come out of the first maze phase, Drain Life will start happening. This has to be handled in a rotating team of 4. Healers should not be used for this as damage in the raid will be high. Each person needs to call out who is going next, take it to 2-3 stacks, and be relieved of their soaking duty. You cannot soak Drain Life for 20 seconds after you've already taken one, so essentially one per Drain Life. After Drain Life is handled, you will be facing the next color phase WITH Ice Walls. This is the breaking point of the fight.

During the 2nd color phase, you will have to deal with Drain Life, Ice Walls, and Beams. Drain Life MUST be handled and Ice Walls are THE TOP PRIORITY. If the yellow beam rotates away from its stacked group past an Ice Wall, the entire raid will die. Once the Ice Walls are handled, do the normal priority of killing yellow adds if they spawn, avoiding blue, and killing 3 red. If you get through this with no deaths, you just have to deal with Ice Walls and Disintegration Beam. Get through this with no deaths and have decent DPS, he should be around 10-15%. Handle Life Drain and burn the boss, but be prepared for the Life Drain + Ice Walls + color beam phase. If you get a third one of these, your raid will be pushed to its limits.

Healers, you must watch for the new debuff that goes out in heroic. The person afflicted will take high amounts of damage and then require a dispel. Dispelling will cause adds to come out and latch onto players. These adds are a high priority to be killed.

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Are tanks eligible targets for the colorblind phase beams? In LFR I've not been chosen yet while tanking, trying normal this week.

I was never targeted by the phase beams, but the tanks were definitely targeted for every other ability including Life Drain. As a tank, here's how you should handle the abilities:

Life Drain: Run backwards away from the boss and have the other tank move sideways and taunt until it is off of you.

Force of Will: Run sideways out of the purple on the ground.

Lingering Gaze: Run into the boss' hitbox to drop the void zone. Since you will never need to be there otherwise, this is a safe place to put it.

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