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Crafting Advices

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Hey there, I have some dust and I dont know what should I craft next. The possible things I can craft is Bloodmage Thalnos, Alexstrazsa,Lord Jaraxxus,Baron Geddon,Vol'jin,Mal'ganis,Justicar Trueheart or 2 Arcane Blast.With Bloodmage Thalnos I can finish my Oil Rogue, I am using a Kobold Geomancer instead and it pretty much does the same.I have Patron Warrior but kinda like Control Warrior more so I consider crafting Justicar, Alexstrazsa and Baron Geddon. But that requires so much dust and I also dont have Shieldslam.I also have pretty good Zoo but wanna play Renolock so I can craft Jaraxxus and Mal'ganis.I can craft Vol'jin for my Dragon Priest.Also can craft Arcane Blast and finish my Tempo Mage.What do you guys suggest ?


The Legendaries I have:

King Krush,Archmage Antonidas,Eadric the Pure,Tirion Fordring,Grommash Hellscream,Gormok the Impaler,Harrison Jones,Sylvannas,Dr. Boom,Malygos,Onyxia,Ysera and Deathwing


Thanks for your help

Edited by StormyNight

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Out of the decks that you have which is the closest to being being finished and which one do you enjoy the most. Pretty much when it comes to crafting cards those are the questions it boils down to. For example If your Tempo Mage if your favorite deck then I would suggest crafting the Arcane Blasts and so on. Sorry it's not a straight forward answer but these questions aren't always easy to give one to. 

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I agree with KingMe, you should focus on the deck that is closest to completion but also one you actually enjoy playing and have experience with, or want to get good at.


Oil rogue hasn't been as strong as it used to be, primarily because it did not get as much love as other classes have gotten last since GvG. Plus Blood mage is easily replaceable in most decks with kobold geomancer, as you already know.


One arcane blast can be enough for some tempo mages. Sottle, I believe, recommends using one arcane blast, 1 arcane missiles, 2 mirror entity, and a polymorph boar instead. You can look up the whole list in the constructed section on the website to confirm.


Alex is used in freeze mage and control warrior so you can consider looking at her.


Voljin' while good has more of tech card usage. It is a bit situational since you need to have a board to put him to good use and make value trades(positiv2 spoke about this I believe in a similar thread somewhere)


Tirion means you can have a secret pally deck which is pretty strong right now if you get mysterious challenger and cogshammer. 


Many people recommend dusting unused legendaries to make ones that have greater usage. e.g. I haven't seen Onyxia or king krush used in any ladder decks. But I don't like doing this incase the next expansion releases something which makes these cards viable again, or if someone finds a synergy/strategy that makes them relevant.

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Craft cards to finish a deck you want to have. So, what's your "dream deck"?


Thalnos is either a strong card in a not-so-strong deck (Oil) or a semi-strong card in a strong deck (freeze mage). However, I believe he is the least replaceable legendary in Freeze Mage and therefore should be crafted first if you want to play either of those two decks.

Alex is used in CW and FM (just as Valkyr said), but she can be replaced by Malygos in Freeze Mage and any late-game card in CW (and I even recommend playing Patron instead of CW). Important, but not as much. 

Jaraxxus is used in Renolock and is one of the strongest late-game cards. Renolock is a really strong deck and Jaraxxus is often used to "seal the deal", but as long as Freeze Mage stays popular, he has much lower value. 

Geddon is used only in CW, which is not the strongest warrior deck at the moment - don't craft him. 

Yes, I did speak about Vol'jin in Shine's thread about which legendary card to craft. It is a tech card and therefore should be used only in control environment or sometimes in slower midrange.

Justicar is used in CW, Control Priest and in some Pally builds. Not one of the most needed cards now.

Arcane Blasts can be easily replaced and are not a crafting priority at all. 


My question stands: what deck is your "priority/dream deck"?

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Well with the cards I have I can pretty much do any meta deck right now. I have all the adventure cards too. I have a secret pally deck Valkyr. The thing about freeze mage is just that I dont like waiting that much to do a combo, tempo mage is just my style of play. I also have a completed Patron Warrior and Zoo but I see some people just doing incredible things with Renolock and CW.I am ready to disenchant the legendaries that I dont use too Valkyr.The thing about Onyxia is just she is the first legendary that I unpacked,so I feel a bond with it :D.So I think I will just wait for some new things. With the cards I have I have nearly all metadecks finished so maybe I would use it for another expansion.


Thanks for help everyone

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Vol'jin isn't nearly as popular as he once was, control priest is even less reactive and he has been largely replaced with entomb.  The only deck that really runs him anymore is dragon priest.  Oil rogue is in a pretty okay spot right now to be honest.  Most of the decks you see on the ladder are neutral or favorable match ups for it, it is really in a better place now then it has been for the past several months, but it still feels a little lacking and finicky.  Alex is a fairly good card in control warrior and a staple in most of them, and is also a viable replacement for Jaraxxus in most warlock decks, Jar is better against control, Alex against aggro.   I would personally suggest the blasts if you really enjoy tempo mage, then maybe shield maidens if you want to work on control warrior, or just save up for trueheart or alex.

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