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5.4 Demonology Tips and Quirks

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Here's my question - why are you asking so many questions when you could just go to test dummies to feel what's better or hop into a raid or even Flex or LFR?  You're citing that Simcraft, Zinnin's guide, and my guide all are different and you want to know the right one.  You're talking about 3 different sources that all put up incredible numbers which shows the spec can be played in numerous ways, another thing that's been mentioned in the threads.  You're asking about things that will apply for 2-3 weeks and, to be completely honest, is a waste of time.  We've given you a PLETHORA of information that WORKS.  Yet you keep asking the same things and getting clarification on the same questions.  Then when you see something different, you come back asking for a reiteration of which is 'correct' when there is no 'correct' way since it's been proven that you can play the spec a multitude of ways.



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 I not asking how to improve my dps, I still trying to just learn how to play.

These are not mutually exclusive.  Logs tell the real story, not what you think you're doing.

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I get the impression like you're just trying to learn all the theory about Demo over a few weeks, then think that you can randomly whip it out one raid and be good at it.


I'm still shit at certain aspects of it and I know I make mistakes every time I play it, and I've been practicing the current version of it (sans UVLS) since finishing progress in December.


Honestly the best experience you can get is to just play it. There are far too many things for you to keep track of or develop muscle memory for you to even play it half decently in your first raid. You WILL suck at it. You WILL find yourself with no fury and no MC procs prior to a DS and PBI burn and you WILL learn from your mistakes. 


Right now you've spent the better part of 2 weeks asking questions when you could have spent 2 weeks playing it whilst still asking those questions.


Please do yourself a favour and go spam LFR/Flex til you get a feel for the spec and I guarantee you will figure out half the things we have talked about here on your own, then come back with logs after this for us to analyse and point you in the right direction.


Also, you are NOT going to master this spec overnight, so stop trying to. Take is slow and learn bit by bit each week and you will be in good shape when Mythic opens in December.

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Liquid thanks for the post, I have no plans to master it overnight. over last two weeks I mention wanted to relearn. Only started to finally do it over last few days. I went and switch to the spec, then had to put all the spells and make a few macro.


I have plans to do just that liquid, practice every chance I get and even been leveling up as demo on beta just so I can whip my self into good shape for Mythic.

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I created myself a second warlock with a different specc (Demo) just for fun. It's been a while since I have played it - SoO was pure Destro raiding. As the pre patch is close now, I decided to practive Demonology again. I tested different Stat weights and was surprised how flexible this specc is. However, there are some things were I am making mistakes over and over again. Fuy mangement, usage of the 2p bonus, etc..

I entered a flex 2 raid and created a log:




Maybe some experienced players can have a look and give some advice. Sometimes I spend fury on the wrong times, e.g. when threre are a lot of adds and I have MF ready but trinkets are almost off the CD. After burning the fury with immolation aura the proccs come up and I have nothing left and loose the dps burst from the proccs.

I am worgen and don't have the racial haste bonus. I don't even have meta gem or cloack, so using the Imp glyph might not be a good idea because there are no haste proccs for Cd reduction. I use the GoServ because the  extra DF from the pet helps during the opener.

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OMG, Iron Juggernaut in whatever language you're in is "Eiserner Koloss" - that is badass.


Anyways, that's the fight I'm looking at for you here.  Hang with me, though, because this ain't in English, but I can identify most, if not all, of the symbols.


1. Doom Uptime = 91%.  Needs to be 100%.

2. Corruption Uptime = 75%.  Needs to be 100%.

3. No advanced logging, so I can't track your Demonic Fury, which is pretty important in log analysis.

4. Good spread on Shadow Bolt and Soul Fires - looks like you're predominantly casting Soul Fire in Meta which is a damn good habit to be in.

5. Imp Swarm is not a good ability to be using for you.  It is a DPS loss unless you are a Troll and kill times are very short.  Even then, it's subjective to use and is only a small DPS gain in the hands of masters.  Your Wild Imps damage was lower than it shoulda been because of Imp Swarm.  This hurt your DPS and your Demonic Fury generation.

6. Doomguard timing is weird - you cast it during Bloodlust perhaps thinking you'd get more casts.  You don't.  You only get 17-18 casts regardless of Haste.  He's far better used at the start or at the end with the bonus damage from procs/execute phase.

7. Why did your group cast Bloodlust at 3:25 in the fight?  If it was front-loaded, your DPS would have been astronomically higher because of snapshotting.  Poor Bloodlust management.

8. You're using KTT - KTT doesn't provide the kind of DPS gain that BBoY can do because pets don't proc Multistrike.  Your 2nd highest damage source was your Felguard's melee and he couldn't benefit at all. 

9. Your Metamorphosis uptime was only 33.8% - this should be closer to 40%.  Again, this is a byproduct of you using Imp Swarm.  You also should be in Metamorphosis permanently through trinket procs.  You had Dark Soul, PBI, and 2pc bonus up without being in Metamorphosis for more than 5 seconds.  This is bad news bears.


Lots to improve on, but there's some good things in here - you have the basics down.  With snapshotting removed in 6.0, your DPS will be much closer to optimal than it is today.  Snapshotting isn't your strong suit here, but I wouldn't worry about perfecting it since it's going away.

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tanks for your reply. I must check what advanced logging means. Maybe there is an option in the addon I didn't activate.


1. Yes your right. Sometimes I forget to reapply Doom after it ran out.

2. Like above. I must say that I am not stretching its duration by ToC every time. I also cast it in caster form sometimes

3. must have a look at this advanced logging. Not sure what you are talking about. What I can say for sure is that somethimes I forget to check my internal CD of PBoI and Dark Soul which might get me in trouble if I spend sped to much fury during another procc (KTT, MF if there are adds). If the proccs are coming up after such a miserable DF burn I have not enough Fury left. This might be a reason why don't use trinket proccs efficient enough.

4. I keep my MC stacks for trinket proccs and DF burn phases. Sometimes I get so much MC stacks that I dum them in caster form in order to generate fury.

5. As I thought. I will have to remove it from my arsenal

6. Oh I cast it during the opener. In this fight I fucked it up - I hit the Doomguars keybind but somehow the game didn't get the command or I didn't press the button properly. I didn't realize that the DG wasn't out in the opener so I used it later on. I know that the DG has a fixed amount of attacks which is why I use it during the opener or at least below 20% (or was it 25%) when it does more damage on the boss.

7. It was a flex raid....people there have the habit to start fights without pull timers, bad bloodlust timings, etc....

8. I know that BboY is far better but before I can use it, I must have it :) No drop luck so far. I have the lfr version but I think I stick to KTT until I get my hands at least on a flex BboY.

9. Yes bad Meta uptime during trinket proccs because I wastet too much DF shortly before the proccs came up.


I used to play Demo in ToT and was pretty confident in my playstyle back then but I am so used to Destro which does not require as much attention to CD, resources, etc. as Demo does.

I think it is pretty sad that all those nice mechanics are removed because it is nice to have those challenges on the way tho master a class.

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You can tell that you have a lot skill in your play.  Take my critique with a grain of salt - I never hold back and go through everything without sugar-coating it.  I do it to my own parses, so I treat everyone as if they wanted to be #1, even in a Flex group.


Advanced Logging is done from the main menu of the WoW client.  I believe it's under "Network" and there should be an unchecked box that says Advanced Logging.  Just check it and hit apply - logging will take on a whole new adventure.

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Ha! I found the option for advanced logging.

I am stil struggling with multi target fights. It gets quite stressfull to keep an eye on all those corruptions, Dooms, Furybar, Cooldowns, etc.




Immerseus and Sha felt "Ok". Norushen and Protectors weren't that great

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