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Inspecting Leaders

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In Warcraft there were sites you could go to that would let you see your / other peoples Characters.  You could see achieves, Stats, Gear and the general set up of the toon like what they chose on their spec.


Can this be done in D3 ?  If I could see what others choose and what works for them It might help me progress through the levels.


I have a mage that does well but I'd like to improve.



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Shift + L (while in game) will bring up the leaderboard where you can then right click and view the persons profile. There is also diabloprogress which does the same thing as wowprogress, albeit for Diablo and not WoW.

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I agree with Orthios, the leaderboard is the best way to see what people are using. It's even better than the WoW Armory, because the character sheets you see on the leaderboard are a snapshot of what the character was using/wearing at the time of the clear, so you know exactly how they did it smile.png

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