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Mythic Mistweaver Performance Questions

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Hello, I've been mythic raiding as a hunter for a while but recently changed my main to Mistweaver for HFC. I don't have a ton of experience healing mythics, but I feel as though I am not getting the output I should be, I was hoping someone could potentially look at my logs and see if I am making any blatant errors. Ask Mr.Robot says I'm ranked very low among mistweavers with a similar ilvl.


Ask Mr.Robot and recent logs



I feel like I'm finally at a good place spirit/mana wise, but can't figure out what I'm doing wrong. Maybe it's the lack of the legendary ring and phylactery?

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I was bored today and had some time, so I thought I would engage in your question. I am by no means the "best" monk healer out there, but I did pick monk for my main because I simply cannot say nei to a good challenge. I have always had all available healers since Vanilla, and currently they are all over 710 ilvl - this is relevant, because I can compare output and playstyle which I believe gives me a Fingerspitzengefuehl when I evaluate their performance.


I am a heavy Uplift user, because of one reason mostly. Unless I manage to squeeze in 2 Revivals ® this is usually my top spell. At this point I would have to see if this playstyle differs from the top ranked monks, but that is for another day. 


Yes. Ofc. Revival is strong when cast at the right moment. It is not overpowered, and I will stick out my neck and say it is necessary or you will not be competitive with the other healers in the raid.


One must also take into consideration what other classes that heal with you. A similarly geared druid and disc will most of the time outheal you. If you look at the top rankings for say EU/US, monk is seldom on top:




(I hope the links work, i had some trouble copying and pasting them)

It is also known, that some players, in order to top ranks, how shall I put it: form raids, pick certain healer classes or leave out certain healing classes, stand in fire on purpose so that there is more to heal, etcetera. Please do take rankings with a grain of salt.


All that said.Being first or second or third is not that important on mythic level. So much can fail. Important is that you do your (assigned) job. You could​ potentially push out more healing for the sake of it, if you cast R very early and then again. But ye...I hope your raid leader boinks you on the head in that case.


I do have a feeling that my monk is just one tiny wee behind druid and disc, which are classes with which I usually raid Mythic. We are all around 735-6 or so at the moment. It just seems that it is a very very tight race and just before reaching it, I lack behind just a tad lil in numbers. I cannot say either, if my guildies aim to burstheal more toward the end, or not, because I usually do not.




The set bonus.


Renewing Mist (RM) will apply Extend Life (EF) to your initial target. When you then heal that target with Enveloping Mist (EM) or Uplift (U), 50% of this heal is also applied to your target with EL. This makes it important to be able to track RM (on who it is and when it runs out):

1 Make sure you have a way of tracking RM. Keep it on tanks. Do not spam it, do not try to keep it "rolling" all over the place (the hot is not that great).

2 (Little tricker to explain, but here it comes): With RM, you are able to cast a nice single target heal on any (pref damaged) target, if you apply it instantaneously after you cast U. It is more than a little hot. Your sequence would be something like: RM on Tank, Soothing Mist (SoM)(make sure to have Chi points as well, as usually), U on T or other target with RM, then BAAAAM - an insta RM on T or damaged target. You will see that it does a nice heal.


I will post two of my latest logs, just to compare. (I haven't raided much, Im on break until Legion) https://www.warcraftlogs.com/reports/2d6Kfn8wM1pv74HY#type=healing&fight=18&source=97


And then one from rop rankings list on Warcraft logs/Rankings/HPS/Eu/US (Had to pick one that doesn't say in Cyrillic)http://www.worldoflogs.com/reports/evmnr1dh3a16lgnx/details/6/?s=4844&e=5040


The Leech Trinket


Where is it. It is pressioussss.

Leech is often underestimated, at least for monks. It took me a while to get that too, until I saw numbers. I do not favor the class trinket simply because its lack of stats. Get the unstable Felshadow trinket. If you happen to have Skada, get the leech addon for it. When I compare lists say Healing versus Healing+Leech, Leech sometimes does 20% of all my healing.


Other checks

If you are using cd:s in the very beginning of the fights, just hold back a little, then use them as often as you can.


U also seem a little bit low on Multistrike.


I hope I could contribute with something. At least perhaps a discussion.








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Thanks so much for taking the time, Espe.


I raid with two disc priests, a shaman, and depending on the fight a pally or druid. They're all about 730 or so ilvl. When I manage to finish my ring I should be close behind. 


I got advice from another mythic mw on reddit and they said that I use enveloping mist too much, that I should use the chi on uplift instead. Also, that I should be "smacking the boss" instead of channeling soothing mist during slow time, but I'm not sure what optimal rotation to do this with. I see a lot of damage coming from MW logs but is it 4-Jab then crane kick/blackout kick?


I suppose I should have taken the time to read about the 4set more than I have. Thank you for your explanation, I will try what you mentioned. If you don't keep RM pretty well spread, does uplift still touch enough targets for decent raid healing? I probably am using it way too much.


What do you do with max chi during times it wouldn't be suitable to uplift or EV? 


What do you use Xuen for?


What do you think is a good amount of multistrike? I get as much as I can but my gear isn't 100% itemized yet.

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First thing I have to say is to drop AMR (and Espe, you really need to drop WoL, that sites so damn outdated the only people that even use it anymore are the Russians) and upload your logs to Warcraft Logs. WCL is 20000x better for analyzing than AMR amd 265926493628x better than WoL. Without going through the logs in too much detail, enveloping mists should really only be used in dungeons. Mistweavers specialize in AoE healing between Uplift and RJW.

For specifics on how the 4pc works watch this. This person does a much better job at explaining it, along with how it can be "cheated" so to speak.

Regarding Revival usage: DO NOT just use this at your discretion. Talk with you other healers/RL about how healing CDs are going to be rotated, and use them on cue.

Regarding Fistweaving: you should be doing this any time there is low incoming damage AND there isn't going to be large amounts of incoming damage soon (here you'd want to swap back to serpent stance and set up ReM to be prepared). General rotation (or priority rather) while Fistweaving looks something like this:

Keep Tiger Palm and Blackout Kick buffs up

Use Rising Sun Kick to dump chi

Use Surging Mists (glyphed) at 5 stacks of vital mists (2 stack gained for ever chi you spend in crane stance)

Use Jab to gain chi.

Regarding talents:

Xuen is only really useful if you won't be able to get much out of Rushing Jade Wind or are going to be Fistweaving for the entire fight (some exceptions apply, iskar, mannoroth, and xhul can all use either RJW or Chi Torpedo when Fistweaving).

The on demand chi (and to a lesser extent, mana tea stacks) from Chi Brew makes it the best talent for its tier.

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Hi again.


Orthios - perhaps it is so that  more people use W Logs. I dont know. However, WoL is what we use, so that is why I use it to relate to.

I agree - I almost never use EM in raids, I focus on raid healing, clearly. That said, I am sure that most healers can think for themselves, and that they are trying to analyze each situation in order to do the best possible healing. I have had situations, in raid, where this has been needed. So I would not use your wording "really only".


Other than that -

Perfect - this was the video I was looking for when writing, but I could not find it at yesterday. This is where I learned about how-to, will indeed give a good explanation of the usage of the 4 set. I would like to add, that using your spells in the most efficient way is not what I would label as "cheating".


What Orthios said about Rev.


Other than that again-

I like Xuen a lot of the time. He doesnt do that much damage, but heals through eminence. I also fairly often use Torpedo. I actually prefer it more than Rushing Jade Wind, unless the fight require stacking, like Gorefiend.

I think that fistweaving is highly overrated. This is my personal view, and nothing can change it at the moment. The little damage it does / if the raid cant be without those few k:s of damage...well...then something else is wrong. I do not even bother with it anymore. But again. Thats what ​I like. Not to mention, fistweaving is not working as planned thus it will be gone Legion.

I also never have any issues whatever with chi. It fills up really fast, without me even paying attention to it.

Edited by Espe

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I uploaded my logs to Warcraft Logs, sorry about that guys, it was convenient, I didn't know all the platforms uploaded the same txt file. 


Thanks for the video! I'm definitely using EM less now, and trying to better utilize the 4set.


Espe- I agree on the fistweaving front. I really wanted fistweaving to work (and in MOP it was so fun!) but as it is now smart heals and surging mist isn't really my cup of tea I guess?


Thanks for the information guys! One other small question. Before a fight do you spread renewing mist and build chi? Does the start of a fight always reset mana tea stacks or is it only after so many stacks? It might be anecdotal but I feel like sometimes it doesn't reset if I only have a few, but I could be wrong.

Edited by Kyo

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Thanks for the information guys! One other small question. Before a fight do you spread renewing mist and build chi? Does the start of a fight always reset mana tea stacks or is it only after so many stacks? It might be anecdotal but I feel like sometimes it doesn't reset if I only have a few, but I could be wrong.

If you have mana tea after pull, it is because you used an ability when you did the pull, atleast in raids for every raid boss your mana tea ALWAYS resets.


Also I just looked at your logs aswell and as what has been stated it seems like you just need to use more uplifts and utilize the 4p for spot healing a bit more.


Also you don't seem to use life cocoon which is basically free healing if used effectively - Don't forget to use it.


Apart from that on the gorefiend kill it just seems like you have too many raid healers, maybe your holy should play disc instead.


1 tank healer and 4 raid healers isn't exactly the best raid comp (guess that is why you used EM 11 times).

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