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The purpose of a trading card game.

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With the recent announcement of the new standard format I have noticed opinions vary wildly. Some players (old and new alike) are really looking forward to it while others are not so sure about it or are even considering to quit.

I myself think this idea is a very good one from blizzards end.

I have played yu-gi-oh casually/semi-competatively and have also played magic the gathering for years now and I believe all card games share one core goal for a player. And that goal would be to collect awesome cards.

In every tcg it is natural to start collecting the cards you want, either because they fit a deck archetype or because they are rare/good in general (or ofc for flavour purposes).

Now this new format is going to change a lot of things. It is also not going to change anything at all.

When the next expansion comes out the meta for 'wild' will change with the addition of some new cards. (Just like it does for any xpac/adventure) your decks are likely to still be playable with good winrates with or without the required modifications a new xpac will bring.

Now another adventure comes.

And another expansion.

And one more adventure.

And another expansion.

This goes on for 5 years.


What happens in wild.?

Do you think any of the current decks will still be played?

I personally don't think so.

Fact is we are going to play different decks throughout the years. I think that anyone that complains about 'losing' their decks is not aware of what a card game is. Any card game constantly evolves when new cards are released and since New combos come into play, some things will just not be fun to play against anymore.

I'm pretty sure I'm sitting on more than 1000 copies of banned magic cards. This does not mean I cannot put these cards in a deck. It just means I can't play a tournament with them.

Blizzard is making it so you can effectively play up to legend rank without essentially banning banning any cards from play. In addition to that. They decide to give you the option to play with limited cardsets (which is essentially banning cards) this 'standard' option is however comepletely optional.

You are entitled to play the way you want to and all blizzard is doing is giving you the choice between other types of gameplay.

So I ask you, if you are unhappy about this new addition to the game, what are you worried about?

What would you rather have seen they do instead.

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Some of the "old-school" decks are still played heavily, such as Ramp Druid, Handlock or Freeze mage. I do think a lot of current decks would still see play, if the Standard format would not be introduced.

The reason to ban cards in MtG is because they are printed and therefore cannot be nerfed. This is a digital card game and elements of digital games can be changed. I mean, Jagex nerfs and buffs cards in RuneScape Chronicles to make the game balanced. I see no reason (except their greed) why Blizzard can't do the same thing. Wizard of the Coast could not do it because you can't changed what's already printed, at least not in such a big amount.

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I guess you're right and it is the luxury of digital card games to be able to nerf cards rather than ban them. I will say that in my opinion they should nerf as few as possible cards. I understand the necessity to nerf very OP cards but I think they should not change too much. Again thinking about the future I would probably be pissed if half my collection got changed over the years.

I've just seen a lot of complains from players about it, and I dont really get it. I think it was about time for a new game mode.

Opinions just differ I guess

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Whenever a card is nerfed, you can dust it for the crafting price. This way the players that had crafted the card are not in disadvantage and are not that sad.

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I am curious to see what kind of cards the new expansion is going to bring. Every time a new expansion is announced my hope is that new archetypes for each class will emerge and make the meta diversified that way. I'm not saying the new archetypes have to be stronger than old ones, just different and hence offer a different play style creating diversity. Blizzard was successful in doing so in some cases and not so successful in others. My hope was that with each expansion more and more options and synergies emerge for that to happen, but at the same time certain cards which had accomplished this in the past had done so because they were just too good to not build around/include. This resulted in new cards being measured up against older cards within existing archetypes. With the retiring of older expansions in standard blizzard will force the meta to move on and build decks with new cards. Yes this will automatically ensure people will buy the new expansion and start to experiment with most of the cards it brings as opposed to crafting a few key cards to make existing decks better. However, If blizzard prints new cards thinking it no longer has to compete with boom for example, that card wont see play in wild(Look at TgT legendaries.) IF blizzard prints a card which is good enough to compete with Boom, It will reach Boom status in Standard resulting in another 2 years of stale meta.


There are too many factors at play here and it will be hard to print cards which will shake up the meta in wild without becoming too OP in standard. Since standard will be the Blizzard Flagship competitive format, One cant help but be concerned that wild will be imbalanced and or stale. Although Blizzard promises to fix wild if it gets broken or un-played and says wild format will still be a priority, their decision to sell wild card sets in the store concerns me.

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There's also one thing you're forgetting. This isn't a TCG, it is a CCG. There is actually a huge difference.

That's right. It is technically a ccg. I always thought of dusting/crafting as a form of trading, but it is indeed not actually a tcg.

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