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new trinket question

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Okay so being affliction , how come some sites like robot rank "Wushoolay’s Final Choice" trinket lower for than current content trinkets for affliction locks. Even the lfr is below lfr cosmos. Wouldn't refreshing your dots with the full 10+k from the trinket result in a huge dps increase? You're looking at pandemic state dots with 11.7k int proc any other procs active for dot duration. The lfr version is listed below LFR +1 upgrade lite of cosmos.

Wushoolay's Final Choice LFR 502

+1218 hit

1107 int every 2 seconds for 20 seconds.

Is it because of the hit? Depending on gear you could work around this. Just trying to figure out this new gear and wondered what everyone else thought. it doesn't look they are accounting for dot snap shots and only average intellect over the course of proc cycle.

Edited by Cedrin

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No, it's because Simcraft can't sufficiently model snapshotting stats such as Wushoolay's. Because it as an RPPM proc rate, it also doesn't have the best uptime (over 10k iterations, I see it at 25%). I'll be doing my own trinket analysis soon, so we'll see how it works.

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No, it's because Simcraft can't sufficiently model snapshotting stats such as Wushoolay's. Because it as an RPPM proc rate, it also doesn't have the best uptime (over 10k iterations, I see it at 25%). I'll be doing my own trinket analysis soon, so we'll see how it works.

Okay thanks for the reply. I haven't tried simming anything new myself. Does simcraft using do a good job snap shotting stats? Never really thought much about it. I enjoyed the 5.1 lock resources available here.

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If anyone is interested- Wushoolay’s Final Choice – 0.56 RealPPM on damage/absorb from harmful abilities and spells, and periodic spells. 22 sec ICD.

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Recent notes from GC:

Intellect DPS

- Volatile Talisman of the Shado-Pan Assault – 15% chance on landing harmful spell. 45 sec ICD.

- Wushoolay’s Final Choice – 0.56 RealPPM on damage/absorb from harmful abilities and spells, and periodic spells. 22 sec ICD.

- Breath of the Hydra – 0.50 RealPPM on damage/absorb from periodic spell. No ICD.

- Unerring Vision of Lei-Shen – 0.50 RealPPM on damage/absorb from harmful spells and periodic spells. No ICD. Proc rate multiplied by 0.00 for non-caster specs. Proc rate multiplied by 0.5 for Balance Druids. Proc rate multiplied by 0.25 against player controlled units. Proc rate multiplied by 1/(1.15^((528-ItemLevel)/15) for the various Item Level versions of the trinket.

- Cha-Ye's Essence of Brilliance – 0.77*(1+SpellCritChance) RealPPM on critical harmful spells and periodic spells. No ICD.

Which means that if you saved up to the 3k Valor cap, and you're in a capable guild (to hit Friendly), you should be able to grab the Volatile Talisman this week. The fact that it has a 45 sec ICD is key since unlike the Essence of Terror, it'll line up with Light of the Cosmos perfectly for those remaining Affliction.

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Side-note... is it confirmed that we're snapshotting crit now...? I'm unable to find a definitive answer at the moment.

Correct. We snapshot like bosses.

Only our summons don't snapshot stats.

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