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707 Arcane Mage pulling ~30k DPS - Problem?

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LOG: https://www.warcraftlogs.com/reports/TA2vBqcFfm8aVpXn#type=damage-done&fight=27&source=3


I hope that links right - I have no logs on Butcher/etc, but this is the most stand-still raid encounter I can think of. I hope that's okay! I didn't have to do more than a little moving, and this is pretty indicative of my DPS in most encounters that aren't a lot of cleaving or movement (My dps is pretty bad in fights like Xul'H or Iskar as well, but they're probably a lot harder to read)


Armory: http://us.battle.net/wow/en/character/bloodscalp/Sunfury/simple


As you can see, I have a mix of mythic dungeon, heroic and normal HFC gear, and a few pieces of baleful I'm not yet rid of.


normalized stat weights given by my own simcraft runs are


Int 1

Spell Power: .89 (due to archmage's ring)

Haste: .57

Mastery: .67

Multi: .62

Crit: .57

Versa: .51


My rotation is the same as the one listed on icy veins/altered time/etc -> I do admit that I make some mistakes, sometimes I split a cast on a crystal and it despawns before the cast lands, sometimes I supernova when I could have held it for my next crystal, etc.


1. Prepot on pull

2. stack Arcane Charges to 4/let boss get positioned

3. Drop crystal + arcane power

4. PoM Arcane Blast + 2 Super novas

5. Arcane Blast/Arcane Missile to 50% mana

6. Evocation

7. Stack AC to 4

8. Expend missile charges

9. Arcane Barrage

10. Repeat 7-9 until evocation has 20sec left

11. Drop Crystal + charge and commence burn phase


With Supernova being used on cooldown when I'm not really close to 50% mana or have a really good reason to hold it (like crystal coming up soon, or lots of adds soon)


I realize that I only have the 690 ring and don't have any good trinkets, which is a big deal, but that can't account for all of my crappy DPS - I'm looking at my log rankings and they're all <20th percentile for my ilvl, so I must be doing something wrong.


Any help would be great!


edit: Added video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MCdL7F_kAuU

Edited by Framling

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Well, let's see. I'm not the best at reading logs, but here goes. 


There's no evocation after the first burn (first AP @ 11 sec, first Evo @ 85). The goal is to get through half your mana in roughly the duration of arcane power. The burn phase rotations given on sites are effectively guidelines for doing that--you want to be arcane blasting your little heart out while AP is up. Less missiles in burn, more blast. You spent way too long on low mana, and arcane as a spec punishes this sort of mistake incredibly heavily. I'm not going to poke through the spell casts in more detail, that is for someone with better log-fu than me.


There's a 5 sec gap less than a minute into a zakuun fight; I have no idea what you could possibly be doing then (it's not a fissure soak...). Gotta be careful with that kind of thing!


Potions are good, use 'em! So are proper enchants.


You're not going to be world-beating without proper trinkets or tier, but your current gear sims around 44k single-target with light movement.

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Ah. So I should more or less make my burn phase last as long as arcane power, essentially? I know that's something I'm DEFINITELY not doing - I've been burning down to 50% mana and extending it when I can with supernovas, arcane missiles, and so on. In fights that are a lot of movement like Xul I sometimes NEVER evocate until phase 4 because there's so much movement that I regen to full...


That's probably the single biggest thing I'm doing wrong, then - I really didn't understand that burn phase was dependent on arcane power, not on mana, per se. I'll see how that feels on dummies, then.


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MCdL7F_kAuU added a video of my rotation after making this comment.

Edited by Framling

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