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Cenarius in warrior deck? How?

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Ok, just lost to a control warrior. No hard feelings, we were both out of cards and he had me, but the weirdest thing happened on the last turn. He pulled out a gold Cenarius! He would have won without it, but I cannot for the life of me figure out how he could have it in the deck. Can anyone think of an effect that could generate that card for him? And no, he didn't play Sneeds

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Golden Monkey?

It's a card from the League of Explorers adventure.  Works like this:


Play Elise Starseeker and you automatically shuffle the Map to the Golden Monkey card into your deck.  If you pull that card later on and then play it its effect is to turn every card you have in your hand and remaining deck into a legendary minion (randomly).

I've only seen it used two or three times and never made any effect on the outcome of the game.

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Nexus Champion Saraad can create spells, one of which is Unstable Portal, which could create Cenarius. There are many more ways to get Cenarius through Saraad, such as Thoughtsteal, Mind Vision, Burgle and so on.

He could have played Nefarian to get Portal (if you are a mage).

Another option, though it is very unlikely, is that he play Recombobulator and bounced it back to his hand.

And of course, there is Elise Starseeker.


You don't have a replay, do you? (replays are automatically saved when using Hearthstone Deck Tracker)

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