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Budget legend deck

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There are multiple builds on this site, that are good and cheap (except for Sottle's midrange - that one is a bit expensive). Midrange is a bit more expensive, but easier to play and the opposite goes for Face Hunter.

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Fair warning though, Hunter isn't very meta right now, you might struggle, not saying that it can't get to legend, there are better options, namely mid range druid (I believe fast druid on this site) and secret paladin. Zoo lock is also quite strong.  My personal suggestion would be go with a zoo lock variation.  They are all fairly cheap, I think the only legendary the one on this website uses is gormok but he is replaceable.  Zoo lock is pretty easy to pick up and play, but also rewards good knowledge of the game, card placement and such.  


As for going with a hunter variation, I don't know if I would agree with mid range being easier then face, they are different decks and I find face easier personally.  Mid range is all about cementing an early board advantage through sticky minions and efficient trading, then leveraging this very early board advantage into an aggressive face race.  Every match up with midrange hunter plays somewhat differently and figuring out when you have enough of a board advantage to abandon all pretenses of being a board centric deck and start aggressively pushing for damage is really something that requires experience with the deck and match up.  Where as face is all about optimizing your damage, which is harder then it sounds.  You have to learn when its best to trade to preserve higher value minions (which isn't often but the difference between victory and defeat in some games), as well as when to sit on cards and simply hero power to extend your resources since the deck is devoid of card draw and in general high value minions. 

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In general the problem with having only enough dust for one deck is that you'll be at the mercy of the meta. If the meta favors you, you can get legend with a cheap deck and good play. But every deck has counters and if the meta is full of them, you'll be stuck. Sometimes playing at a different time can help, as the meta might be different at other time slots. But sometimes you just have to switch decks or wait for the meta to evolve.


That being said, last season Face Hunter did very well for me. It's disfavored against Druid, but there were enough Pally's and Mages to make up for it. I had more success with it than with Zoo.

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