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Throne of Thunder Mistweaver Monk Style

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This thread is meant to collect useful pieces of information for Mistweaver Monks attempting bosses in the Throne of Thunder. We will add some contributions ourselves and hope that the rest will come from comments in this thread Posted Imageshare your thoughts!

Some general information:

Fistweaving got a buff in patch 5.2, it now does more damage, and heals more, but it also costs more mana. The way spell_arcane_mindmastery.jpgMuscle Memory works (and the increase in mana cost for Jab) makes jab-jab-uplift no longer viable as it will cost a lot of mana and is very low healing per mana.Fistweaving now has a "full" rotation, that you should COMMIT to for a prolonged time before switching back to mistweaving. You should avoid adding healing spells (especially uplift) to the rotation. Use ability_monk_renewingmists.jpgRenewing Mist (RM) on cooldown to keep it up on as many people as possible, but DO NOT use uplift. RM will be one of your main healing sources. Make sure you use EACH muscle memory proc on a tiger palm and only use ability_monk_roundhousekick.jpgBlackout Kick (BK) to refresh your zeal buff. and to prevent you from capping chi if you are using RM. You can also weave in the occasional ability_monk_expelharm.jpgExpel Harm for some cheap chi. If you have a lot of chi and the raid damage is quite high while you are fistweaving, you can use ability_monk_thunderfocustea.jpgThunder Focus Tea + ability_monk_uplift.jpgUplift to spread more RMs around the whole raid. You can even use some chi on additional Uplifts if you have it, but NEVER, EVER waste a muscle proc as it will cost you a lot of mana.Remember to weave in some mana tea if you glyphed it.If you are not fistweaving, you are mistweaving with ability_monk_soothingmists.jpgSoothing Mist. As said before, you do not have to do only one or to other, you are free to switch any time you want, but bear in mind that fistweaving is mana intensive and you should be using EVERY single muscle memory proc you gain (last time I'm repeating it, don't say I didn't warn you).Now, on to the more important stuff:We will assume you use these glyphs/talents as default as they are pretty good in most situations, we will point out differences and/or advantages for each fight.Talents:
  • T1: If you run 25 man and are using Chi Torpedo you should be using Celerity, otherwise it is completely up to your personal opinion, we'll point out better ones if there are any for a specific fight.
  • T2: Dependant on the tactic you use and on your personal playstyle. The problem is that we have no exact numbers for either ability (testing will be done in the future) and that zen sphere is a bit random to use (35%hp for explosion, but still a nice HoT/DoT for the tanks). I do however recommend to use these abilities as often as possible (unless you are saving them for certain peaks in damage) as they are now completely free and only dependant on a cooldown.
  • T3: There is a lot of debate with this tier. ability_monk_ascension.jpgAscension interacts very well with the % mana return on mana tea and muscle memory while ability_monk_chibrew.jpgChi Brew is a great spell for some awesome burst healing in a multitude of situations.
  • T4: Completely dependant on the fight, something an aoe stun is preferable, sometimes an aoe silence/disarm is better.
  • T5: Once again completely depending on the fight, although I prefer ability_monk_dampenharm.jpgDampen Harm or spell_monk_diffusemagic.jpgDiffuse Magic over ability_monk_jasmineforcetea.jpgHealing Elixirs because the heal often goes to waste.
  • T6: Assuming ability_monk_summontigerstatue.jpgInvoke Xuen, the White Tiger for 10 man and Chi Torpedo for 25 man. The others are useful, but only on certain specific mechanics.
Glyphs:Enough chit-chat: on to the fights and keep in mind that you can always share your own thoughts as well.

Table of Contents

Jin'rokh the Breaker

Useful talents:
  • ability_monk_chibrew.jpgChi Brew For burst healing during the lightning storms.
  • spell_monk_diffusemagic.jpgDiffuse Magic To mitigate the damage of lightning storm. Mandatory for heroic
  • ability_monk_forcesphere.jpgZen Sphere On cooldown (probably on the tank), it will do some healing and some damage. During lightning you should be stacked and then you should put this on non-tanks who are stacking with you. The damage is pretty high, so people might dip below 35%. However, if your raid has good healing and people never go below 35% health, it might be more useful to go with spell_arcane_arcanetorrent.jpgChi Burst. Heroic: Both Chi Burst and Zen Sphere work well
  • Any of the T6 talents are useful for this fight. Xuen might benefit from the water buff, but he does increase the healing to the players in the water. Heroic: Chi Torpedo is probably best from this Tier.
Useful glyphs:inv_glyph_majormonk.jpgGlyph of Fortifying Brew Guess what: to mitigate the damage from lightning storms.Tips and Tricks:
  • Mistweave the entire fight. If enrage is a problem you should COMMIT to a fistweaving rotation ONLY when you are in the water buff.
  • Use spell_shaman_blessingofeternals.jpgRevival on Lightning Storm, arrange a cooldown rotation with your other healers.
  • Use Diffuse magic on every Lightning Storm to mitigate damage, you can also use it on the add that fixates on you, but we are still under the impression that it doesn't target melee and therefore doesn't target monk healers either.
  • Use ability_monk_fortifyingale_new.jpgFortifying Brew on every other Lightning Storm to mitigate more.
  • You should use ability_monk_thunderfocustea.jpgThunder Focus Tea on cooldown, but try to time it with Lightning Storm and add Chi Brew for max burst healing. Make sure you have enough RM up before using it.
  • Heroic: DIFFUSE MAGIC IS A MUST. When you get Ionization Debuff, you run OUT OF THE WATER and pop Diffuse Magic. The debuff will instantly be dispelled and do damage around you. You will take the damage at a 90% reduction. The timer for Diffuse Magic and Ionization are the same, so you will have it for every single one.
  • Heroic: During Lightning Storm don't run around like a scared chicken. Be patient and watch where you are going. Try to do as much Uplift healing as you can, Spinning Crane Kick is a useful chi generator (25 man at least) so you don't have to stop moving. If you are having trouble surviving use Fort Brew for one and then Zen Med for the others. You can't do any healing when you're dead.


Useful talents:
  • spell_monk_ringofpeace.jpgRing of Peace is amazing for this fight, use it on the tank that is currently tanking the adds to silence and disarm them. Leg sweep is viable as well, but if other players are stunning as well it becomes less effective because of diminishing returns. Ring of Peace also lasts longer making it more useful on the casters.
  • spell_monk_diffusemagic.jpgDiffuse Magic is helpful to clear magic debuffs when you are lacking dispels. If you do not lack dispells, you should go with Dampen Harm to as it is better for the final phase with Jalak. Heroic: Use Dampen Harm it will benefit you more for the dire calls that go out every 60 seconds.

    ability_monk_forcesphere.jpgZen Sphere is once again useful if your raiders dip below 35% during the AoE from Jalak, otherwise you should go with Chi Burst.

Useful glyphs:

Tips and Tricks:

  • Mistweave the entire fight. If you are struggling for damage, start fistweaving at THE END of the fight when he takes more damage.
  • Use ability_warrior_disarm.jpgGrapple Weapon on the adds for a healing boost. Make sure to disarm War God Jalak for a healing boost at the end
  • Revival should be used at least twice during this fight. The first time is during the 2nd gate with the poison adds. Do your best to dispel as much as you can and save it when a majority of the raiders have about 5+ stacks of the poison debuff (or if the adds have died or are going to die soon). If your raiders are good at interrupting and focusing them down, you can use it on less stacks as well (we never went over 3 stacks for example). The second time you should use it is during the phase with jalak and his raid wide AoE. As usual, make a cooldown rotation with your other healers for the raid AoE from Jalak and let them know you'll mass dispel the poison debuff with revival.
  • Heroic: Use Dampen Harm for as many Dire Calls as you can.
  • Heroic: You can use revival 3 times on this fight easily. The first time should be for the very FIRST Dire Call. Watch as your raid goes from half health to full with a push of a button! The 2nd one should usually happen right when it comes off CD. For me, this right before we start killing adds on the 3rd door, which also cleans up any poison debuffs you may have had from the 2nd door. The last one should happen during the final phases where Jalak is out or when Horridon is enraged and does a dire call. (pic of log doing this.)
  • Xuen can provide useful healing when there are multiple adds up and stacked near each other.
  • Horridon Strategy
  • Horridon Video Guide

Council of Elders

Useful talents:
  • ability_monk_legsweep.jpgLeg Sweep is useful on the Living Sands and on the Loa Spirits.
  • ability_monk_dampenharm.jpgDampen Harm is the most useful as there is almost no predictable magic damage on this fight.
Useful glyphs:Tips and Tricks:
  • Not much for healers to worry about on this fight, just mistweave for the duration of the fight.
  • spell_shaman_blessingofeternals.jpgRevival for sandstorms (once again, arrange a cooldown rotation with your other healers).
  • ability_shockwave.jpgDisable is useful for the Loa Spirits
  • ability_monk_dampenharm.jpgDampen Harm and ability_monk_fortifyingale_new.jpgFortifying Brew to mitigate the damage from sandstorms.
  • Heroic: We have an interesting niche on this fight. First I need to explain, if you have a rogue who can ability_rogue_smoke.jpgSmoke Bomb Frost King Malak before he casts Frostbite, you can completely negate it from going on anyone else, which makes healing very easy. He casts it twice at the start so if you have 2 rogues then you're good.

    If you have 1 or 0 rogues then this is where you come in. When the person gets frostbite you (and at other healers that you can spare) need to immediately cast Life Cocoon (or other CD's, mainly Hand of Sacrifice) on that person use Soothing Mists so you know where that person is, and then PACE YOURSELF with ability_monk_healthsphere.jpgHealing Sphere. The targets person is going to take a lot of damage, but with some help from your other healers and instructing targeted person to NOT MOVE you can place healing spheres under him and easily do over 100k HPS with just Healing Spheres. This WILL OOM you if you are not very careful. Spam it more if you need to, don't let the person die. Just be ready if you need to do it a 2nd time (RIGHT AFTER THE FIRST ONE FINISHES). If you have to deal with two in a row (because you have no rogues) then you will absolutely be OOM because of it, but it will save your other healers mana and monks are much better at managing with low mana. Call for all the mana CD's you can get so you can have it later on in the fight.

  • Council of Elders Strategy
  • Council of Elders Video Guide


Useful talents:
  • Leg sweep has potential for the bats, but depending on how your raid handles them you may not be able to use it at all. Ring of peace might be useful as well, although we currently don't know if it has any effect on the bats.
  • ability_monk_dampenharm.jpgDampen Harm is by far the best choice as it works wonders with quake stomp.
  • Diffuse Magic would be useful on normal mode because it can mitigate rockfall damage (since rockfall is nature damage), but mitigating Quake stomp damage is more important since it is unavoidable.
Useful glyphs:Tips and Tricks:
  • spell_shaman_blessingofeternals.jpgRevival for quake stomps (cooldown rotation with other healers)
  • Try to avoid the turtles. You'll want to mistweave most of the time by channeling soothing mist and using expel harm on cooldown for chi, use all your chi for uplifts and use Thunder Focus Tea as often as possible, but timing them to have max RM on your raid during stomps. Doing this can give you the best throughput for uplift spam on each stomp.
  • Use your Dampen Harm as often as possible to mitigate half the damage from quake stomp. On the stomps where your Dampen Harm is on cooldown you can use Zen Meditation to mitigate all (90%) of the damage and Fortifying brew to mitigate some damage. Since the stomp happens quite often, you won't have a cooldown for every single one but it will be very close.
  • Heroic: For this fight it is very important that you try not to lose your shield at all. To do this you must employ the above cooldown rotation (DH -> Zen Med -> DH -> (Life Cocoon/Glyphed fort Brew). Most times, using glyphed fort brew is not enough for me to keep my shield but I have no choice since I need to use Life Cocoon on my tank with the bats. So once out of every four stomps I need to re-apply the shield.
  • Heroic: When using revival, you want to wait until most people in your raid have the shield buff. By doing this, you can fully max out their shield for the next stomp. Don't hesitate to use it when it's your turn to save someone though!
  • Usually for 25 man, you can opt to be a "Melee healer" where its your job to help keep the melee alive. Do do this, you stand next to melee while they are DPSing the bats and you spam SCK/SM to generate chi. You can help heal the range if melee are fine, but your SCK should do nicely. You also have the option to unglyph RM so that they only spread close to the melee to further help your assignment.
  • Tortos Strategy
  • Tortos Video Guide


Useful talents:
  • ability_monk_quitornado.jpgChi Torpedo could be very useful. If your group has 2 stack points, one for melee and one for range (this was the case with MadMonk, Krazy and probably some other people), you can use this to zoom across both groups for free healing. If this is impossible (e.g. your tactic involves putting ice or fire between ranged and melee groups) then use ability_monk_rushingjadewind.jpgRushing Jade Wind instead.
  • ability_monk_dampenharm.jpgDampen Harm vs spell_monk_diffusemagic.jpgDiffuse Magic: diffuse magic allows for great mitigation during the AoE or to avoid damage from the frost/fire/poison stuff. It will however remove the cinders debuff which may cause problems if it falls off at the wrong place. Dampen harm is useful to mitigate the cinder damage, but since you might never get it (like me Posted Image), diffuse magic might be more worthwile.
  • ability_monk_tigerslust.jpgTiger's Lust is great to give the people with the cinders a speed boost. that way they can clean up the ice patches faster.
  • spell_arcane_arcanetorrent.jpgChi Burst and ability_monk_forcesphere.jpgZen Sphere are both good choices, zen sphere will become better towards the end as your raid will take more damage during the aoe and thus have a bigger chance to dip below 35% hp. Chi Burst can be used once every AoE phase and may be the best choice since you should be stacked up at that point.

    Useful glyphs:

    Tips and Tricks:

  • Mistweave the entire fight, there is no reason to fistweave unles you are really close to a kill and the damage is needed.
  • spell_shaman_blessingofeternals.jpgRevival Do I need to say it? Make a cooldown rotation with your other healers for the AoE damage.
  • If you have ability_monk_rushingjadewind.jpgRushing Jade Wind make sure to use it during Rampage, becasue that is when it will be needed most.
  • Megaera Strategy
  • Megaera Video Guide


Useful talents:
  • spell_monk_diffusemagic.jpgDiffuse Magic if you have to soak pools. If you don't have to, take Dampen Harm and use it on cooldown to mitigate the RANDOM damage from caw.
  • spell_arcane_arcanetorrent.jpgChi Burst is probably most useful as you should be stacked up during the AoE damage from Quills.
  • ability_monk_rushingjadewind.jpgRushing Jade Wind is useful if you stack up for quills and for healing and dpsing the add platform.
Useful glyphs:Tips and Tricks:I'll divide this into 3 categories depending on what you have to do:Category 1: stay on the boss platform the whole fight:
  • Use Xuen on the boss for healing and damage, zen sphere or chi burst and TFT when you are stacked up for the AoE damage from quills.
  • Fistweaving performs pretty well but is mana intensive, try out both fist and mistweaving and see what suits you best.
Category 2: you are healing a group assigned to dealing with the nests (1-2 groups assigned):
  • Monks are good at this, keep RM up on all 4 or 5 players in your group. When you are about to get quills, make sure you have 5 chi and go: UL-SCK-UL-ExpelHarm-UL-RM-UL. weave in chi burst and that should keep everyone alive. Use xuen or RJW on the platform if you know you'll have quills.
  • You can also use chi brew in which case you should go something like UL-UL-RM-EH-UL-Chi Brew-UL-UL, with a chi burst in there.
  • put your statue down each time you get to a new platform, it's free so that shouldn't be a problem
  • Fistweave when there is no quills coming, Blackout Kick works great now that it cleaves. I advise against fistweaving during quills as the adds may die and you'll be scrambling to keep everyone alive.
Category 3: you are healing a group assigned to dealing with the nests (5 groups assigned):
  • ability_monk_rushingjadewind.jpgRushing Jade Wind is only useful on this part when you are dpsing adds on the platform, and even then its only useful for quills.
  • This means you'll be spending most of the time on the main platform. The first 2-3 tries you should figure out if you'll ever have quills while you're on a nest. If this is the case, make sure to save xuen and chi burst for the time.
  • Otherwise use Xuen on cooldown on the boss, chi burst or zen sphere during quills and TFT just before. Note that if you are not stacking during quills, every healer should heal their assigned group in which case you will want to use the healing rotation given in category 2.
  • I advise mistweaving in this case so you can position yourself properly without having to worry about being in melee range. use the normal rotation: RM on cooldown, soothing mist for chi, chi for uplift and the occasional Enveloping mist on the tank.
  • Ji-Kun Strategy
  • Ji-Kun Video Guide

Durumu the Forgotten

Useful talents:Useful glyphs:Tips and Tricks:
  • If you are hitting enrage, fistweaving is viable especially when moving around with the beam.
  • During the maze phase, you should be mistweaving. If you can do the dance from melee range, then fistweaving could also help, but there is a lot of raid damage that needs to be healed.
  • Using SCK while moving with your group helps you generate a ton of chi and to spam uplifts
  • Using Tigers lust to run ahead of the group is helpful to send a chi burst through the whole group, while also being able to easily get away from Durumu's eye beam.
  • Diffuse magic is helpful when you need to cut corners during the maze phase, or to switch between melee or ranged for what ever reason. Diffuse magic also help when you need to drop puddles or split damage form the light phase. Pretty much everything in this fight is magic damage.
  • ability_monk_rushingjadewind.jpgRushing Jade Wind is by far the most useful especially during maze phase while you are running around with your group.
  • Durumu the Forgotten Strategy
  • Durumu the Forgotten Video Preview


Useful talents:
  • ability_monk_chiwave.jpgChi Wave or ability_monk_forcesphere.jpgZen Sphere if you are having tank issues
  • spell_arcane_arcanetorrent.jpgChi Burst if you want to do more more raid healing and damaging slimes at the same time.
Useful glyphs: share your thoughts!

Tips and Tricks:

  • If you're tanks aren't dying randomly, then Chi Wave or Chi burst will be useful for your raid.
  • Once your raid gets fully mutated, then you should go around and try to get 4 beneficial buffs. You can get a 5th if you plan on fistweaving him, but with 4 it gives less room for error for getting a detrimental buff.
  • If you do decide to get 5 and want to fistweave then I would suggest trying to dps him from his side, on the inside of the room while your tanks kite him. This way, it will be less likely that you will run over an ooze puddle that will give you negative buffs.
  • Otherwise, mistweave the entire fight try to heal some of the random damage.
  • Primordius Strategy
  • Primordius Video Preview

Dark Animus

Useful talents:

  • NOT ability_monk_chiwave.jpgChi Wave - This spell has a history of doing a lot of damage to adds. It may seem good because of the single target damage and burst healing it will do, but it can easily kill an add that you do not want to die and cause problems for your raid. If you do elect to use this, try to only use it on ones you KNOW will die, or during the final phase of the encounter.
  • spell_arcane_arcanetorrent.jpgChi Burst - This is a much more useful spell for the final phase of the encounter.
  • ability_monk_dampenharm.jpgDampen Harm - This spell is useful all around for the damage the adds do, incase they get empowered and melee you once, but where it really shines is during matter swap because for the most part, it will reduce the damage by half and if by chance a second one goes out and you happen to get swapped right after that first one, it will again half it. Diffuse can help as well, but I find Dampen Harm more helpful since it last longer and can mitigate more attacks.
Useful glyphs:
  • inv_glyph_majormonk.jpgGlyph of Fortifying Brew - This glyph is helpful for all the damage you need to take because of the adds you tank and if you get matter swapped.
Tips and Tricks:
  • Use Dampen Harm for matter swaps. It can save your life, especially for ill timed dispels. If you don't try to use Zen Med or Fort Brew.
  • DPS your add to 90-85% just go gain some initial agro. If you get matter swapped, just stay where you are so your add does not rampage across the room while trying to melee you. If you are required to heal a tank, then ask people to move so you can get back to your position.
  • Once Dark animus is active and your add is gone use Chi Burst/SCK for AoE healing when needed. Otherwise, keep an eye on the tanks for some of their random spike damage.
  • Dark Animus Strategy
  • Dark Animus Video Preview

Iron Qon

Useful talents:

Useful glyphs: share your thoughts!

Tips and Tricks:

  • You can use SCK to heal up your cluster after they take Unleashed Flame, but most of your healing will come from keeping Renewing Mists up and using TFT on CD and Uplifting liberally. Revival when things start to spin out of control, you won't need it again until the final phase.
  • The second and third phases aren't a big deal. We can get out of the tornado phase easier than others thanks to Roll as well as Transcendence (you can basically be out in 1 or 2 seconds), and once you're out you can heal everyone else with Chi Brew -> Uplift so they can survive. Be sure to replace your Transcendence on the outside of the Tornado, you don't want to port back into it the next time it comes around. Don't stand in stuff, keep your Renewing Mists rolling and casually Uplift as needed. The damage isn't very high at all.
  • The final phase things ramp up again, make sure you have the mana for it! The damage will go up quite significantly every time he does Fist Smash. Revival should be used as a CD at your raid's discretion. Treat Fist Smash as Megaera's rampage, honestly, but they're far less spread out and so far more strenuous to heal, so you need to use your spells more wisely.
  • I'd say RJW or Chi Torpedo for the final phase. Zen Sphere or Chi Burst since everyone is stacked as well. Dampen Harm will help you soak your Unleashed Flame, as well as mitigate Fist Smash towards the end of the fight, so it's a clear winner over Diffuse Magic here.
  • Iron Qon Strategy
  • Iron Qon Video Preview

Twin Consorts

Useful talents:

  • spell_monk_diffusemagic.jpgDiffuse Magic - Mainly for first phase if you are bad at not getting stacks of the debuff from healing the tank. It's also good for the Tidal Force if you can't dodge it.
Useful glyphs: share your thoughts!

Tips and Tricks:

  • Cosmic barrage and Ice Comet WILL NOT hit you. STACK IN MELEE. Being in melee range is so much easier for this fight so that you don't have to worry about being near someone else or have someone complain that you are near them.
  • You'll want to make sure Revival is up during the Break of Dusk phase, as damage is highest there. Tidal Force is a good time for it, as it's about as high as raid damage gets for this fight.
  • Corrupted Healing. Don't let your stacks get too high. It's based on SPELL CASTS, so you don't have to worry about ReM ticks causing you to get higher. You DO however have to worry about Uplifting while ReM is on the tank handling the Beast of Nightmares. Either ask your tanks to make a macro to remove ReM, or don't Uplift like a madman during this phase. If you're bad like me and get your stacks too high, you can just spam Healing Sphere on yourself to stay alive through 9 or 10 (or more, god forbid) stacks. Just know that you are a shameful healer and are putting more of a burden on your other healers.
  • Chi Wave/Zen Sphere/Chi Burst, Xuen, the raid will be spread the whole fight.
  • Twin Consorts Strategy
  • Twin Consorts Video Preview

Lei Shen

Useful talents:

Useful glyphs: share your thoughts!

Tips and Tricks:

  • Most of your cooldowns will be used during transition phases. Revival is a really good cooldown during this time if your group gets targeted by multiple abilities at once.
  • If you get static shock on you you need to use Diffuse Magic or Zen Meditation to SOLO SOAK. By doing this you save a TON of mana and hassle of trying to heal your group back up. If someone else in your group is the target then you need to stack with them to split the damage.
  • Xuen can be good for the 2nd phase where there are a few adds (ball lightning) do do a bit of AoE healing. Although, those adds don't last very long anyway.
  • During the final phase you should keep to the fundamentals and TFT and chi brew on CD, especially during the wind that pushes you back and does damage to you. Your HoT's will usually tick for full value since there is constant AoE damage so you can make liberal use of uplift as well.


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I'll try to not put in general information. For all bosses you should use soothing to generate chi, ReM on CD, Expel on CD, and uplift for the majority of the fight.

This patch also introduced an incentive (and a disincentive for "zealweaving", if you can call it that) of a "full" fistweaving rotation You now should COMMIT to a fistweaving rotation, and not add healing spells (uplift mainly) into the rotation. Use ReM on CD still but do not uplift. Make sure to use EACH muscle memory proc on a tiger palm and only use BoK (muscle memory buffed) to refresh your zeal buff and to not cap chi if you are using ReM, do not overlap them or let them go to waste. If you find yourself struggling to keep mana, stagger your ReM CD's with when you need Chi to do a BoK.

If you are not fistweaving, you are mistweaving with soothing mists. This is not to say that you have to do only one or the other, you are free to switch between them mid fight, but bear in mind that fistweaving is mana intensive and you should be using EVERY single muscle memory proc you gain.

I defaulted to SCK, Mana Tea, and ReM glyph all night. Didnt really change anything though fort brew might be useful on tortos, but not really necessary.


If enrage is a problem COMMIT to a fistweaving rotation ONLY when you are in the water buff. Otherwise mistweave the entire fight. Revival is best used using a Lightning Storm. Also make sure to start mistweaving about 10 seconds before lightning storm if you do not have any ReM's on the raid. TfT should still be used on CD, but it would be best to time one during Lightning storm and add a Chi Brew as well for max burst healing.

Diffuse magic is great for this fight. You can use it each lightning storm to mitigate a majority of that damage. You can also use it to soak the add that fixates you, but i was never targeted because I believe it ignores melee.


Mistweave the entire fight except the end. If you are struggling for damage start to fistweave at THE END of the fight when he takes more damage.

I found Ring of Peace to be amazing for this fight. I would use it on the tank that was currently tanking the adds and it would silence and disarm all of them for the duration. Leg sweep is a viable option as well, but most of the time melee and other classes will be stunning them so it would be on DR. In regards to this, remember use grapple weapon on the adds for a healing boost

Diffuse Magic is helpful for removing debuffs off of you if you are low on dispels, but dampen harm i thought was better for the final phase with Jalak.

Revival should be used at least twice during this fight, the first time should be during the 2nd gate with the poison adds. do your best to dispel as much as you can, and save it when a majority of the raiders have about 5+ stacks of the poison debuff (or if the adds have died or are going to die soon). The next time it should be used is during the phase with Jalak and his raid wide AoE.


there's not much to worry about on this fight. Just mistweave for the duration for the fight.

Use revival for sandstorms when needed along with other healer cooldowns spread between them.

Leg sweep and Disable are useful for Loa's.

Toss up between Dampen Harm/Diffuse magic.. I think diffuse works better during sandstorms, but i used dampen the whole night without thinking.


Turtles. Suck. Try your best to avoid them to not take too much damage, but most of the fight I just say there channeling soothing mists and uplift.

Revival is best used after a quake stomp.

Leg sweep has potential for the bats, but I didn't use it. I used ring of peace to try to silence the bats, but i really don't think it actually did any thing.

Dampen Harm is by far better then diffuse for this fight since you can basically use it every other quake stomp and mitigate half of the damage it does to you. In between the other stomps you can use Zen Med to mitigate all the damage, and fort brew to mitigate some. Just do a rotation of DH/ZM/DH/FB/DH, etc...

I'll probably do more once I finish the bosses.

Edited by Krazyito

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Mistweave the entire fight. No reason to do damage unless you are really close to a kill and it is needed.

We had 2 group stack points, one for melee and one for range, so Chi torpedo would be useful for going between the two. If your group keeps putting ice in between it, the just stick with Xuen.

Diffuse Magic vs Dampen Harm: Diffuse magic allows you to stand in the poison bomb without worries, but if you get cinders you cant use it since it will drop it when it is dispelled. Dampen harm might be more useful for cinder, but I found diffuse magic to be more worth while.

Tiger's lust is great on this fight, you can give speed boost to people with the cinders so they can clean up the ice patches.


I tired to do some fistweaving on this fight since i was going to be on the boss platform the whole time, and it performed well, but it was too mana intensive. Maybe if I stopped a few times to get some mana back and then fisweaveing it would have been better. Regardless, I think a monk healer is very useful for healing their group when they jump or fly to a nest. Fistweaving the hatchlings is very beneficial since you can cleave all of them with Blackout Kick.

Diffuse Magic for the pools if you have to soak any. Be very careful, they do a ton of damage regardless.You may have to use Fortbrew to help soak.

I used Xuen since we were so spread out, and it helped sometimes when I went to go to a hatchling platform.

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Edited the first 6 bosses with information from Krazyito (thank you) and my own experiences, don't hesitate to add stuff and correct me where I was wrong.

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Wow, I'm speechless. Thanks so much! Posted Image

I'll try and update others as well when people start adding their information. That way you can focus on other things.

On a side-note, it took me a lot longer than I expected, once again props to you guys for making all these raid guides and updating the class guides

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Edited the first 6 bosses with information from Krazyito (thank you) and my own experiences, don't hesitate to add stuff and correct me where I was wrong.

I love you.


On another hand, I haven't tried Zen sphere at all. Though I don't think I'll like it. I use Chi burst for pretty much every fight, (better on 25 man) I would think chi wave is better for burst tank healing or 10 man.

Another thing I want to add, is I found this out yesterday from Affinitii. When you 'spam' soothing mists (i.e. repeatedly press the button) you gain a lot more chi, almost double what you normally would This results in a higher mana cost, since each time you cast soothing the initial tick "double dips" in mana since it heals initially and then a tick immediately So the result is you are ticking soothing much faster then when channeling causing the additive bonus for chi generation to go up, at least that is my presumption.

I tired this out on myself yesterday and it indeed grants you chi much quicker and since soothing is so mana efficient you wont be that strapped for mana. It does indeed use up MORE mana then just channeling. Although, I have yet to try it in a raid setting. I will look into it more on Monday.

You suggest ascension for that tier, but I still prefer chi brew because the controlled burst healing is really nice.

Last thing to note, I'm not sure if this intended or not, so we may see a fix.

Edit: Also I was wrong on the cooldown rotation on Tortos. The quake stomp happens less then 90 seconds apart, so you may have a few where you wont have a CD. Though, you definitely should try to mitigate as much as you can.

Edit again: On Ji-Kun, we had about 6 healers, 5 of which healed their group (especially during quills) and the 6th on tanks. You may want to reflect that if you are doing a split dps grouping (as i mention in the raid strategy) that you do not have to stack for quills and just have the healer heal that group.

Edited by Krazyito

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Note: I have not killed this boss yet, but we got him to 16%~. We should have him down on Monday.

Mistweave the entire fight.. Uplift everything. Try to generate as much chi as you can on the move.

SCK glyph and diffuse magic are both VERY useful. SCK helps during the maze phase while you're stacked with your group. Diffuse magic helps a ton because almost everything in the encounter is magic damage. Just pop it if you think you're taking too much damage. or if you need to run through something.

Tigers lust I found useful only because it allowed me to run far ahead of my group and channel a quick chi burst through everyone during the maze phase

Zen Sphere would actually prove easier to use, and I may try it next time.

Xuen I found most useful for the light phase (sometimes the maze phase) while Chi Torpedo I found the most useful for the maze phase (sometimes light phase)

Edited by Krazyito

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Killed Durumu! It was one of my best fights. =D

Pirmordius and Dark Animus: I'm not really sure what kind of input I can put. I killed both these bosses on our last raid night, but the problem with these fights is they are very passive. There is not much you worry about as a healer other then just mistweaving. Dark animus especially.

For Primoridus: just try to filter out the beneficial buffs off of your raid frames so they do not clutter everything. Other then that, there is really not reason to get mutated unless you want to do some damage. You're better off getting 4 buffs, and then waiting for some to drop off and grabbing more. I didn't think of trying it at the time, but leg sweep might work on the small adds to help them not get to the boss as fast, but other then that you're just in the middle mistweaving. You can help DPS the adds in the beginning, but once more damage begins to ramp up you're going to want to mistweave.

Dark animus, Dampen Harm is the best spell IMO because if you get teleported, it does nearlyno damage, especially if you get ported twice in a row because of stupid RNG. I would probably also recommend Fort Brew Glyph and ReM glyph. They both work very well on this encounter.

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For Horridan, we found that having Revival available to cleanup or recovery from the adds from the second door to be particularly useful since it dispelled all the stacks of poison if our interrupts were slacking.

For Tortos, SCK was very helpful at keeping melee topped up when bats were up, added bonus of damaging those annoying bats.

Edited by Miamonkey

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Tortos: Thunder focus tea shouldn't be used on every cooldown just like that. It should be timed 5-10 seconds before the stomp. hit 1 more renewing mists and soothing mists to 4 chi. then you should have 10 chi to uplift with if needed (4 chi, expel harm, renewing mists and chi brew if needed).

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For Horridan, we found that having Revival available to cleanup or recovery from the adds from the second door to be particularly useful since it dispelled all the stacks of poison if our interrupts were slacking.

For Tortos, SCK was very helpful at keeping melee topped up when bats were up, added bonus of damaging those annoying bats.

The revivial tip was already part of the guide, but I did add your SCK option.

Tortos: Thunder focus tea shouldn't be used on every cooldown just like that. It should be timed 5-10 seconds before the stomp. hit 1 more renewing mists and soothing mists to 4 chi. then you should have 10 chi to uplift with if needed (4 chi, expel harm, renewing mists and chi brew if needed).

Added your tips as well

Thanks guys, Keep them coming!

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I found Rushing Jade Wind to be very useful on Megaera. In my ten-man group, we stacked everyone in one spot for Rampage. I would pop it and use spinning crane kick, renewing mist, and uplift and found it to be very effective.

We're working on Ji-Kun now, and I've kept Rushing Jade Wind since I'm on egg duty with a few other dps, and it seems to be helping me do a lot of damage to the adds and heal my team at the same time.

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I found Rushing Jade Wind to be very useful on Megaera. In my ten-man group, we stacked everyone in one spot for Rampage. I would pop it and use spinning crane kick, renewing mist, and uplift and found it to be very effective.

We're working on Ji-Kun now, and I've kept Rushing Jade Wind since I'm on egg duty with a few other dps, and it seems to be helping me do a lot of damage to the adds and heal my team at the same time.

You are correct on RJW usage. Didn't think to use it on those fights, but it probably would be better. Pretty much any fight where you make extensive use of SCK...

Idk why I default to Xuen. I use to use RJW a lot. I think ill try picking it up again though.

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My experience is solely on 10-man. I'll try not to repeat anything.


TFT at the beginning of a conductive water, and again before/during Lightning Storm. Be patient during Lightning Storm. It's easy to say "everyone has Renewing Mists on them, and I have 4 chi! Time to Uplift non-stop!", but in longer damage situations like this, make sure your Uplifts are getting the best use. Most healers will immediately blow their healing load upfront and then the raid will start to drop. SCK is your best chi generator during Lightning Storm.

RJW is the safer talent on this fight, as towards the end of the fight Chi Torpedo's movement can become a liability with more than a couple pools up. That said, if you are having mana issues ever, the choice is wildly in Chi Torpedo's free-healing favor. Popping Diffuse Magic (as you should be doing during storm anyway) gives you near impunity to Chi Torpedo, even if you hit lightning pools briefly. Additionally, jumping and then immediately using Chi Torpedo will drastically reduce the distance it travels. Chi Burst is free, strong healing during the Lightning Storm.


Horridon's a slow fight, keep the basics strong with Renewing Mists rolling on CD, and specifically your TFT-Uplift at:

1. The first Blazing Sunlights during Farraki

2. The first time a Venombolt Volley gets off during Gurubashi.

3. Once two Frozen Warlords are out during Drakkari

Otherwise, use them on CD. Revival as others have stated, Fistweaving as others have stated.

Of special note is to be prepared for the high tank damage during the Drakkari phase, especially with the mortal strike debuff. Have Life Cocoon ready in case things turn south, particularly when the tanks swap and the Drakkari add tank might be tanking Horridon with the healing taken debuff still on him.

Ring of Peace is godlike, when adds start coming in larger numbers it can drastically reduce tank damage for its duration.

Remember to move your statue as the raid moves to each door.

Outside of the laughably easy Jalak phase, the raid shouldn't be TOO stacked, so Chi Wave will be your best bet unless you want extra tank security with Zen Sphere. Xuen can put out a good amount of healing when multiple adds are up through Eminence.

Council of Elders:

For this fight I like to sit on Sul, Fistweaving before any empowerments are up. This is one of the few fights where I say just TFT on CD, because the damage is so unpredictable. If you end up in a situation where Kazra'jin, Sul, and Malikk are all close together, Muscle Memory'd Blackout Kick is actually very good and effective healing. Sitting on Sul also allows you to interrupt Sand Bolt with Spear Hand Strike, which is worth 120k (or more if people are stacked) worth of prevented damage! As the raid is spread out to prevent Kazra'jin's damage, it's another fight I like Chi Wave/Zen Sphere and Xuen on.


TFT Cooldown lines up perfectly with Quake Stomp. Get all 10 raid members Renewing Misted, pool 4 Chi, and immediately push people out of the danger zone. Chi Brew (every other stomp) and stagger uplifts to heal through Rockfalls. Be prepared to give the add tank some love shortly after Quake Stomp, as he can quickly drop into the danger zone if other healers aren't on the ball. Another Chi Wave/Xuen fight. Xuen on Vampiric Bats can help keep your tank above the magic 350k threshold.


Not too complex a fight. The choice between Dampen Harm and Diffuse Magic comes down to which part of the fight you are having more trouble with. Diffuse wins during rampages, but Dampen will significantly mitigate late-fight Acid Bombs, giving you one less person to worry about. TFT-> Uplift for Rampage, but if you know another healer will be popping a strong cooldown at the beginning, wait for a bit. Rampage is 20 seconds, you have plenty of time to get the full efficiency.

Zen Sphere can be strong, but only if people are dipping low enough to detonate it. I prefer Chi Burst as a "mini-revival" with my group all stacked in one place, as I believe is typical for 10-man. Another fight where RJW could be a strong contender, but if you find yourself pressed on mana, the 3 free raid-wide heals from Chi Torpedo are the way to go. The Torpedo tactics from Jin'Rohk work as well here, but don't worry about flying off the edge - you'll get thrown back on with no extra damage.

If you're having trouble hitting everyone with Chi Burst, just position your statue on the other side of the raid from yourself, and use it as a target.


I went flying for this one. Mistweavers can contribute some significant DPS to the eggs through SCK -> BoK, allowing our group to comfortably handle the nests with me and 2 DPS. Be prepared for Quills, and if you think you'll be unprepared, ask your egg group to stay on the nest til it passes. Dampen Harm on CD mitigates Quills quite nicely for yourself. Xuen OR RJW is useful for the nests (RJW more for the lower ones, Xuen more for the upper ones), just be sure to drop your statue again at every new nest so you can DPS (and heal through eminence) as much as possible. Zen Sphere or Chi Burst are useful for keeping the flying team alive during Quills, but not necessary.

Remember that you can Touch of Death the eggs or Juveniles that start to get away, it can be the difference between a wipe and a win!


The enrage timer on this fight can be pretty tight, especially if you lose a person (which can happen easily). There's ample down-time for Fistweaving, particularly the periods before and after the Spectrum phases. If you're feeling extra manly you can also DPS during the maze phase. TFT is best used once or twice (depending on how quickly you clear the red adds) during Spectrum phase, and again during the maze.

All 3 of our level 90 talents are viable on this fight, but I stuck with Xuen. Xuen will provide passive healing (and extra DPS) during the maze, and the damage isn't so much that continuously rolling Renewing Mists and Uplift wasn't enough to handle it. Chi Torpedo could be good if you decide to take the outer path during the maze, but is too risky to use if you're taking the closer paths.

Diffuse Magic for the win, especially if you find yourself fumbling at the beginning of the maze phase. Speaking of fumbling, Revival is either best used during the Spectrum phase when things are looking dicey, or immediately when the Eye Sores start hurting people if your raid can't seem to grasp how the maze forms.

Watch the tanks. All healers can be forced to move, or possibly stunned by life drain, and the tank damage can pile up real quick.

In general, I find Glyph of Enduring Healing sphere to be my default 3rd glyph slot (Mana Tea and Renewing Mists being the other two) if SCK isn't needed. It's underrated, though less so since the spheres can detonate now, but it also increases the duration of your Gift of the Serpent spheres. This will increase the chance that your raid members will pick them up during their regular movement in fights, particularly in fights where you stick to one general, smallish area (Council, Tortos, Megaera)

Edited by MISTerE

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My experience is solely on 10-man. I'll try not to repeat anything.


TFT at the beginning of a conductive water, and again before/during Lightning Storm. Be patient during Lightning Storm. It's easy to say "everyone has Renewing Mists on them, and I have 4 chi! Time to Uplift non-stop!", but in longer damage situations like this, make sure your Uplifts are getting the best use. Most healers will immediately blow their healing load upfront and then the raid will start to drop. SCK is your best chi generator during Lightning Storm.

RJW is the safer talent on this fight, as towards the end of the fight Chi Torpedo's movement can become a liability with more than a couple pools up. That said, if you are having mana issues ever, the choice is wildly in Chi Torpedo's free-healing favor. Popping Diffuse Magic (as you should be doing during storm anyway) gives you near impunity to Chi Torpedo, even if you hit lightning pools briefly. Additionally, jumping and then immediately using Chi Torpedo will drastically reduce the distance it travels. Chi Burst is free, strong healing during the Lightning Storm.


Horridon's a slow fight, keep the basics strong with Renewing Mists rolling on CD, and specifically your TFT-Uplift at:

1. The first Blazing Sunlights during Farraki

2. The first time a Venombolt Volley gets off during Gurubashi.

3. Once two Frozen Warlords are out during Drakkari

Otherwise, use them on CD. Revival as others have stated, Fistweaving as others have stated.

Of special note is to be prepared for the high tank damage during the Drakkari phase, especially with the mortal strike debuff. Have Life Cocoon ready in case things turn south, particularly when the tanks swap and the Drakkari add tank might be tanking Horridon with the healing taken debuff still on him.

Ring of Peace is godlike, when adds start coming in larger numbers it can drastically reduce tank damage for its duration.

Remember to move your statue as the raid moves to each door.

Outside of the laughably easy Jalak phase, the raid shouldn't be TOO stacked, so Chi Wave will be your best bet unless you want extra tank security with Zen Sphere. Xuen can put out a good amount of healing when multiple adds are up through Eminence.

Council of Elders:

For this fight I like to sit on Sul, Fistweaving before any empowerments are up. This is one of the few fights where I say just TFT on CD, because the damage is so unpredictable. If you end up in a situation where Kazra'jin, Sul, and Malikk are all close together, Muscle Memory'd Blackout Kick is actually very good and effective healing. Sitting on Sul also allows you to interrupt Sand Bolt with Spear Hand Strike, which is worth 120k (or more if people are stacked) worth of prevented damage! As the raid is spread out to prevent Kazra'jin's damage, it's another fight I like Chi Wave/Zen Sphere and Xuen on.


TFT Cooldown lines up perfectly with Quake Stomp. Get all 10 raid members Renewing Misted, pool 4 Chi, and immediately push people out of the danger zone. Chi Brew (every other stomp) and stagger uplifts to heal through Rockfalls. Be prepared to give the add tank some love shortly after Quake Stomp, as he can quickly drop into the danger zone if other healers aren't on the ball. Another Chi Wave/Xuen fight. Xuen on Vampiric Bats can help keep your tank above the magic 350k threshold.


Not too complex a fight. The choice between Dampen Harm and Diffuse Magic comes down to which part of the fight you are having more trouble with. Diffuse wins during rampages, but Dampen will significantly mitigate late-fight Acid Bombs, giving you one less person to worry about. TFT-> Uplift for Rampage, but if you know another healer will be popping a strong cooldown at the beginning, wait for a bit. Rampage is 20 seconds, you have plenty of time to get the full efficiency.

Zen Sphere can be strong, but only if people are dipping low enough to detonate it. I prefer Chi Burst as a "mini-revival" with my group all stacked in one place, as I believe is typical for 10-man. Another fight where RJW could be a strong contender, but if you find yourself pressed on mana, the 3 free raid-wide heals from Chi Torpedo are the way to go. The Torpedo tactics from Jin'Rohk work as well here, but don't worry about flying off the edge - you'll get thrown back on with no extra damage.

If you're having trouble hitting everyone with Chi Burst, just position your statue on the other side of the raid from yourself, and use it as a target.


I went flying for this one. Mistweavers can contribute some significant DPS to the eggs through SCK -> BoK, allowing our group to comfortably handle the nests with me and 2 DPS. Be prepared for Quills, and if you think you'll be unprepared, ask your egg group to stay on the nest til it passes. Dampen Harm on CD mitigates Quills quite nicely for yourself. Xuen OR RJW is useful for the nests (RJW more for the lower ones, Xuen more for the upper ones), just be sure to drop your statue again at every new nest so you can DPS (and heal through eminence) as much as possible. Zen Sphere or Chi Burst are useful for keeping the flying team alive during Quills, but not necessary.

Remember that you can Touch of Death the eggs or Juveniles that start to get away, it can be the difference between a wipe and a win!


The enrage timer on this fight can be pretty tight, especially if you lose a person (which can happen easily). There's ample down-time for Fistweaving, particularly the periods before and after the Spectrum phases. If you're feeling extra manly you can also DPS during the maze phase. TFT is best used once or twice (depending on how quickly you clear the red adds) during Spectrum phase, and again during the maze.

All 3 of our level 90 talents are viable on this fight, but I stuck with Xuen. Xuen will provide passive healing (and extra DPS) during the maze, and the damage isn't so much that continuously rolling Renewing Mists and Uplift wasn't enough to handle it. Chi Torpedo could be good if you decide to take the outer path during the maze, but is too risky to use if you're taking the closer paths.

Diffuse Magic for the win, especially if you find yourself fumbling at the beginning of the maze phase. Speaking of fumbling, Revival is either best used during the Spectrum phase when things are looking dicey, or immediately when the Eye Sores start hurting people if your raid can't seem to grasp how the maze forms.

Watch the tanks. All healers can be forced to move, or possibly stunned by life drain, and the tank damage can pile up real quick.

In general, I find Glyph of Enduring Healing sphere to be my default 3rd glyph slot (Mana Tea and Renewing Mists being the other two) if SCK isn't needed. It's underrated, though less so since the spheres can detonate now, but it also increases the duration of your Gift of the Serpent spheres. This will increase the chance that your raid members will pick them up during their regular movement in fights, particularly in fights where you stick to one general, smallish area (Council, Tortos, Megaera)

Thanks, that's very valuable :) I'll let Madmonk and/or Krazyto add your tips to the opening post, if they feel it's necessary (they are our MW monk experts :P)

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Again, all for 10-man.


Honestly, I found the fights to get easier after Durumu for healers. TFT is best used on cooldown here, as the damage is pretty unpredictable with his evolutions. Keep an eye on the tank as Primal Strike can catch you off guard and kill your tank if he's not topped off for it.

It's possible, but not really necessary, to do a lot of healing through BoK on the slimes. Be sure to keep your statue up as the group moves, since Primordius should be kited. Chi Wave and Xuen are what I used, but Zen Sphere definitely has its value in bumping tanks up after Primal Strike, and I'd use it if you keep losing your tank. All in all, not a complex fight, just heal.

Dark Animus

Pull your add with Crackling Jade Lightning, try to make sure you are near the center of the room so you can reach as many people as possible. Don't be afraid to TFT -> Uplift right off the bat - the pull is one of the highest damage parts of this fight! Similarly, never underestimate how much damage your tanks will take while they're holding 2 little adds, it is rather high. Burn your CDs early, as the damage falls off tremendously for a while as people's small adds are killed.

Burn them early, because you'll need them back up once Dark Animus comes up! Revival will handle one interrupting Jolt, and if you're on your game, TFT -> Uplift + Chi Brew will handle the next one.

Chi Wave/Zen Sphere and Xuen for this one, all of the high damage phases require spreading, and who knows if Xuen's extra damage will push you past the enrage.

Dampen Harm can be useful if you're having trouble while tanking your add, or specifically for reducing overall Interrupting Jolt damage, but Diffuse Magic can basically nullify one Jolt, allowing you to focus on healing others. Pick one at your discretion.

Iron Qon

Again, not a mechanically demanding fight, just a lot of healing needed at points. The first phase is rough, you'll need to put out a lot of healing to keep the raid up. You can use SCK to heal up your cluster after they take Unleashed Flame, but most of your healing will come from keeping Renewing Mists up and using TFT on CD and Uplifting liberally. Revival when things start to spin out of control, you won't need it again until the final phase.

The second and third phases aren't a big deal. We can get out of the tornado phase easier than others thanks to Roll as well as Transcendence (you can basically be out in 1 or 2 seconds), and once you're out you can heal everyone else with Chi Brew -> Uplift so they can survive. Be sure to replace your Transcendence on the outside of the Tornado, you don't want to port back into it the next time it comes around. Don't stand in stuff, keep your Renewing Mists rolling and casually Uplift as needed. The damage isn't very high at all.

The final phase things ramp up again, make sure you have the mana for it! The damage will go up quite significantly every time he does Fist Smash. Revival should be used as a CD at your raid's discretion. Treat Fist Smash as Megaera's rampage, honestly, but they're far less spread out and so far more strenuous to heal, so you need to use your spells more wisely.

I'd say RJW or Chi Torpedo for the final phase. Zen Sphere or Chi Burst since everyone is stacked as well. Dampen Harm will help you soak your Unleashed Flame, as well as mitigate Fist Smash towards the end of the fight, so it's a clear winner over Diffuse Magic here.

Twin Consorts

Again, not much to handle mechanically. As a Mistweaver, I found I wasn't targeted by Cosmic Barrage as much as other people, I feel like it prioritizes those not classified as melee. Similarly, I was not targeted by Ice Comet at all, so it may be the same. There's really not much to say about this fight. Keep to the fundamentals posted above. You'll want to make sure Revival is up during the Break of Dusk phase, as damage is highest there. Tidal Force is a good time for it, as it's about as high as raid damage gets for this fight.

Corrupted Healing. Don't let your stacks get too high. It's based on SPELL CASTS, so you don't have to worry about ReM ticks causing you to get higher. You DO however have to worry about Uplifting while ReM is on the tank handling the Beast of Nightmares. Either ask your tanks to make a macro to remove ReM, or don't Uplift like a madman during this phase. If you're bad like me and get your stacks too high, you can just spam Healing Sphere on yourself to stay alive through 9 or 10 (or more, god forbid) stacks. Just know that you are a shameful healer and are putting more of a burden on your other healers.

Chi Wave/Zen Sphere, Xuen, the raid will be spread the whole fight.

On Chi Wave/Zen Sphere/Chi Burst.

Zen Sphere is sort of the jack of all trades, it won't be as good as Chi Wave when everyone is spread, and it (usually) won't be as good as Burst when everyone is stacked, but it functions well enough for either one. The downside is that it eats more GCDs than Wave or Burst. This can be good if you have trouble managing your mana and are diligent about using it, but otherwise it's a throughput loss in most situations. As a monk, I have almost no mana issues (we're probably a bit overtuned in that department), but mileage may vary.

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Again, all for 10-man.


Honestly, I found the fights to get easier after Durumu for healers. TFT is best used on cooldown here, as the damage is pretty unpredictable with his evolutions. Keep an eye on the tank as Primal Strike can catch you off guard and kill your tank if he's not topped off for it.

It's possible, but not really necessary, to do a lot of healing through BoK on the slimes. Be sure to keep your statue up as the group moves, since Primordius should be kited. Chi Wave and Xuen are what I used, but Zen Sphere definitely has its value in bumping tanks up after Primal Strike, and I'd use it if you keep losing your tank. All in all, not a complex fight, just heal.

Dark Animus

Pull your add with Crackling Jade Lightning, try to make sure you are near the center of the room so you can reach as many people as possible. Don't be afraid to TFT -> Uplift right off the bat - the pull is one of the highest damage parts of this fight! Similarly, never underestimate how much damage your tanks will take while they're holding 2 little adds, it is rather high. Burn your CDs early, as the damage falls off tremendously for a while as people's small adds are killed.

Burn them early, because you'll need them back up once Dark Animus comes up! Revival will handle one interrupting Jolt, and if you're on your game, TFT -> Uplift + Chi Brew will handle the next one.

Chi Wave/Zen Sphere and Xuen for this one, all of the high damage phases require spreading, and who knows if Xuen's extra damage will push you past the enrage.

Dampen Harm can be useful if you're having trouble while tanking your add, or specifically for reducing overall Interrupting Jolt damage, but Diffuse Magic can basically nullify one Jolt, allowing you to focus on healing others. Pick one at your discretion.

Iron Qon

Again, not a mechanically demanding fight, just a lot of healing needed at points. The first phase is rough, you'll need to put out a lot of healing to keep the raid up. You can use SCK to heal up your cluster after they take Unleashed Flame, but most of your healing will come from keeping Renewing Mists up and using TFT on CD and Uplifting liberally. Revival when things start to spin out of control, you won't need it again until the final phase.

The second and third phases aren't a big deal. We can get out of the tornado phase easier than others thanks to Roll as well as Transcendence (you can basically be out in 1 or 2 seconds), and once you're out you can heal everyone else with Chi Brew -> Uplift so they can survive. Be sure to replace your Transcendence on the outside of the Tornado, you don't want to port back into it the next time it comes around. Don't stand in stuff, keep your Renewing Mists rolling and casually Uplift as needed. The damage isn't very high at all.

The final phase things ramp up again, make sure you have the mana for it! The damage will go up quite significantly every time he does Fist Smash. Revival should be used as a CD at your raid's discretion. Treat Fist Smash as Megaera's rampage, honestly, but they're far less spread out and so far more strenuous to heal, so you need to use your spells more wisely.

I'd say RJW or Chi Torpedo for the final phase. Zen Sphere or Chi Burst since everyone is stacked as well. Dampen Harm will help you soak your Unleashed Flame, as well as mitigate Fist Smash towards the end of the fight, so it's a clear winner over Diffuse Magic here.

Twin Consorts

Again, not much to handle mechanically. As a Mistweaver, I found I wasn't targeted by Cosmic Barrage as much as other people, I feel like it prioritizes those not classified as melee. Similarly, I was not targeted by Ice Comet at all, so it may be the same. There's really not much to say about this fight. Keep to the fundamentals posted above. You'll want to make sure Revival is up during the Break of Dusk phase, as damage is highest there. Tidal Force is a good time for it, as it's about as high as raid damage gets for this fight.

Corrupted Healing. Don't let your stacks get too high. It's based on SPELL CASTS, so you don't have to worry about ReM ticks causing you to get higher. You DO however have to worry about Uplifting while ReM is on the tank handling the Beast of Nightmares. Either ask your tanks to make a macro to remove ReM, or don't Uplift like a madman during this phase. If you're bad like me and get your stacks too high, you can just spam Healing Sphere on yourself to stay alive through 9 or 10 (or more, god forbid) stacks. Just know that you are a shameful healer and are putting more of a burden on your other healers.

Chi Wave/Zen Sphere, Xuen, the raid will be spread the whole fight.

On Chi Wave/Zen Sphere/Chi Burst.

Zen Sphere is sort of the jack of all trades, it won't be as good as Chi Wave when everyone is spread, and it (usually) won't be as good as Burst when everyone is stacked, but it functions well enough for either one. The downside is that it eats more GCDs than Wave or Burst. This can be good if you have trouble managing your mana and are diligent about using it, but otherwise it's a throughput loss in most situations. As a monk, I have almost no mana issues (we're probably a bit overtuned in that department), but mileage may vary.

Thanks for your tips. I will sort through this later tonight when I get back home and make sure every single boss in this list is updated with both of our experiences.

I also agree on your mana statement. When played correctly, by constantly generating and using Chi, mana shouldn't be an issue. I run with about 9k~ spirit now, but in a 25 man I have 1-2 mana tide totems + 2 Mana Hymns which is all I really need to keep up my mana.

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Can someone please explain to me how to properly use Zen Sphere? I thought I was doing it right (pretty much on Cd on different targets), but when I used it on Magera, it did really crap healing for me in my 25 man. I just don't see the detonate actually being all that useful and that I can do much better with chi burst even when everyone is spread out.

Also: edited original post with some information for the remaining bosses.

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These are the approximate times to use your Thunder Focus Tea in preperation for Quills.

1. When the second set of green pools are spawning

2. After the next downdraft wait for the next set of green pools and use then

3. After the next downdraft wait for the next set of green pools and use then

4. A couple of seconds after the next downdraft finishes

5. During the next downdraft

6. 10 seconds before the next downdraft comes off cooldown

7. If you are still fighting by this point you should probably use it around 15 seconds before the next downdraft comes off cooldown

Edited by Mac

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You guys did a pretty good job of hitting on everything. A couple of little things that I've noticed weren't mentioned on two bosses.

Tortos: Diffuse Magic is a pretty decent pick for AFTER the Stomp when you have all of the Rockfalls, since they're Nature damage. The first set of Whirl Turtles is also a pretty good benchmark for the first TFT. Chi Burst is best used on the tank that's handling the bats, since you'll benefit from the Eminence healing with the burst tearing through the bats as well.

Megaera: Chi Torpedo is excellent even if you don't have two stacking points (I suspect this may only happen in 10m). I use it for each Rampage. I also hold Diffuse Magic for Cinders, and run out and drop it in one of the danger zones behind the tanks.

Great work all around on this section. I've found it very helpful!

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Thank you for your comments. I honestly have not looked at this thread in a while and I am going to update each boss with Heroic mode tips for the ones I have done (I am 6/13 currently with exp on 8/13)

For Tortos, That part of the post was made at a very early stage before we realised that the rockfall was nature. I will clarify that in the post, but IMO, Dampen Harm is still the best choice (especially for heroic) because it mitigates so much damage from quake stomp which is unavoidable.

for Megaera, You're right. I've pretty much defaulted to chi torpedo for most fights except Horridon. (Which makes me sad because I love Tiger's Lust) Though, I'd have to go against using diffuse magic on that fight for cinders. Maybe for the rampages, but you need to be very careful not to push it on instinct and then get cinders on your whole raid.

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