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[A] [Draka Suramar] <Ludicrous Speed> EST Event Times ( Medium core)

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LFM DPS for our raid team. All (raiders or casual) are welcome to apply. 10/10 NH Heroic 7/7 EN Heroic and starting TOS Normal upon release.

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All are welcomed for those looking for a stable in-game home. All (raiders or casual) are welcome to apply. LFM DPS for our raid team. 10/10 NH Heroic 7/7 EN Heroic and starting TOS Normal upon release.

Edited by Mysticle

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LFM Dedicated Healers and DPS for our raid team. Also, someone that is DPS with a off spec Tank or Heals to help with when key roles are out would be a bonus. However all (raiders or casual) are welcome to apply. Currently finishing TOS Heroic Kiljaden and team permitting Mythic difficulty, Once Antorus is released we will be focusing on it.

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LFM Dedicated Tanks Healer and DPS for our raid team. Tanks that can dedicate to all three raid days is a higher priority. Also, someone that is DPS with a off spec Tank or Heals to help with when key roles are out would be a bonus. All (raiders or casual) are welcome to apply. We focus on Progression on raid releases Normal to Heroic in current raid content. Once Heroic progression is finished Mythic difficulties, team and scheduling permitted. 

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Immediate need for Dedicated Tanks & Healer  for our raid team. Tanks that can dedicate to all three raid days is a higher priority. Also, someone that is DPS with a off spec Tank or Heals to help with when key roles are out would be a bonus.

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LF Full Time Tank, full time healer & more dps for our raid team. A dps with heal/tank offspec would be a plus for fill in when if someone is out. Could use a shadow priest, Monk DPS, Warrior DPS, Rogue but any dps is welcome to apply.  All (raiders or casual) are welcome to apply. We focus on Progression on raid releases Normal to Heroic in current raid content. Once Heroic progression is finished Mythic difficulties, team and scheduling permitted. Currently 9/9 TOS H. Starting Antorus when released.

Edited by Mysticle

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LF Full Time Tank & healer for our raid team. A dps with heal/tank offspec would be a plus for fill in when if someone is out. Could use a shadow priest, windwalker monk, Warrior DPS, Rogue but any dps is welcome to apply.  All (raiders or casual) are welcome to apply. We focus on Progression on raid releases Normal to Heroic in current raid content. Once Heroic progression is finished Mythic difficulties, team and scheduling permitted. Currently 4/11 Antorus

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We are medium core with a slight casual feel but focus on progression. LF Full Time Shadowpriest & Rdps with a Heal offspec for our raid team.  All (raiders or casual) are welcome to apply. We focus on Progression on raid releases Normal to Heroic in current raid content. Once Heroic progression is finished Mythic difficulties, team and scheduling permitted. Currently in Antorus 8/11.

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 LF Full Time Healer (no shamans), Shadowpriest & Rdps for raid team.  Could use a dps with heal offspec when healer is out.  All (raiders or casual) are welcome to apply. We focus on Progression and gearing on raid releases Normal to Heroic in current raid content. Once Heroic progression is finished Mythic difficulties, team and scheduling permitted. Currently 2/11 H Antorus.

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LFM DPS, and could use Full time  dps with a tank offspec and a dps with heal offspec to use when a tank or heal are out.  Currently finishing Heroic progression and moving into Mythic Antorus. Raid Tuesday, Thursdays and Sundays 8 est ( 5 server) with invites 15 minutes prior.

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For raid team moving into BFA - LFM DPS, Pally, Druid, and/or Priest healers, and could use a dps with tank  and Dps with heal offspec to fill in when tank or  heals are out. Other rolls/classes considered. We focus on Progression on raid releases Normal to Heroic in current raid content. Once Heroic progression is finished Mythic difficulties, team and scheduling permitted. 

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For raid team moving into BFA - LFM -  could use a warlock, elemental shaman, and mage for dps, and a Pally, Druid, or Priest healer. Could also use a dps with tank and Dps with heal offspec to fill in when tank or heals are out. Other roles/classes considered. We focus on Progression on raid releases Normal to Heroic in current raid content. Once Heroic progression is finished Mythic difficulties, team and scheduling permitted.

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Update- For raid team moving into BFA - LFM -  could use a warlock, elemental shaman, and mage for dps,  also could use a dps with tank offspec to fill in when tanks are out. Other roles/classes considered. We focus on Progression on raid releases Normal to Heroic in current raid content. Once Heroic progression is finished Mythic difficulties, team and scheduling permitted.

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For raid team moving into BFA - LFM Holy or Disc Priest, dps,  also could use a dps with tank or heal offspec to fill in when tanks or healers are out. Could use a Warlock, Warrior dps, elemental shaman. Other roles/classes considered. We focus on Progression on raid releases Normal to Heroic in current raid content. Once Heroic progression is finished Mythic difficulties, team and scheduling permitted.

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For raid team moving into BFA - LFM dps, Warlock is in high demand and Rdps, however we could use a Warrior dps. Other roles/classes considered. We focus on Progression on raid releases Normal to Heroic in current raid content. Once Heroic progression is finished Mythic difficulties, team and scheduling permitted. We schedule 3 raid days and a themed event weekly with periodic old school, alt raids, and fun events. Our Event times are 5:00-7:00 PM PST (Server time) with 4:45 PM invite times. We raid Wednesdays, Thursday and Sundays.

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