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Icy Veins' 5 Years Anniversary: 200 Legion Beta Key Giveaway

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Allright so, iv'e been playing World of warcraft allmost since day one. And so far legion seems like the most promising expansion yet. I love that theire adding artifact weapons. Ive tried the alpha on my friends account, but im not able to play with him. Since i dont have this myself. I noticed that lvling up became pretty much amazing when we dident have to worry about doing to little damage. Since we had the artifact weapon. So this will probably help alot alot alot of people. Which makes me think, what else will they add to this topic? Well i would love to explore everything about the game before playing it myself in ^live^ and if i would get this key. Really looking forward to this. My friend has a beta key allready.

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Legion looks absolutely amazing I definitely think this will be a very good a successful expansion. I cant wait to get my hands on the demon hunter class and start eye beaming people

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WoW has been with me through marriage, divorce, multiple relationships, and general ups and downs in life (college, jobs, moving). My favorite expansion so far has been Wrath. I loved doing raids with friends and loved ones. I'm really looking forward to the artifacts and class changes in Legion

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I am really looking forward to the new PvP honor system in Legion. Also, very excited to see who the Legion end boss is going to be. I would have to say one of my past favorite memories of WoW would have to be my first ever raid, Ulduar. I did not know what to expect, but stepping into a raid where the first thing you would do is enter vehicles and start shooting down so many different things was such a rush of adrenaline and a great way to get started into the WoW endgame. Especially when I was a blood deathknight wearing leather. My, how times have changed and we all have become much smarter. Looking forward to Legion and creating new memories

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Really looking forward to the transmog change. I've got a full bank, full void storage, plus most of my inventory. I'd like to get back to running the old raids again, since now I can't because I have about 2 or 3 free slots left in my bags

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I'm looking forward to the focus on 'class fantasy' or 'spec fantasy' in Legion.  For example, making the Holy Paladin benefit from healing in melee - through melee ability usage and the new mastery.  Paladins are holy warriors and they should be in the thick of it, smashing face and blessing allies, not standing in the back like any other healer, and just arbitrarily wearing plate.  Use that plate!



The thing I enjoyed most in the past was the lack of flying mounts and that you were drawn out into the world more.  Or it felt more.  That is why I like the lack of flying at new expansions at least for a while.  I loved exploring the world for the first time.  Doing that on your feet makes it feel bigger and more real.

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The artifact weapons sound like they are going to bring much more flexibility to the classes and specs which will be great. I main a Marksman hunter so I'm really looking forward to see how Alleria figures in to my artifact weapon. And then there is the updated transmogrify system. I'm really looking forward to empty bags again.

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As someone who has played a rogue since vanilla, I gotta say that I really miss chest farming in instances. It was a lot of fun while it lasted. I'm really looking forward to the new transmog system and the reworking of combat to outlaw.

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Druid forms, for sure! That is what I am most excited for. I love my old bear (who is also sometimes a tree) but there's a new skin that would be so fabulous for him that I can hardly stand it! tongue.png


Which brings me to wonder... are we getting new tree forms too or am I stuck looking like super broccoli forever?

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Honestly I am really interested in how the mage is turning out and how they will balance all the specs to not need to swap per encounter. Will fire still only be good in AoE? Arcane best at single target? Frost somewhere in the middle? I have heard they want to make it so you can do well as any spec and the main difference is playstyle, but what they want and what happens hasn't always been the reality.

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I started WOW around this time last year. I made a ret pally and feel like its in my blood to play him. My favorite WOW memory is when i was running tempest keep(keep in mind that I've been running this for 3 moths) and i finally got the mount. I yelled so load my parents were worried about me. after that I've been really lucky with mount drops. Such as getting fiery war horse on my second try and getting onyxia on my third. Cant wait for legion!

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What i liked about the past expacs:


- Clever, more inspired raid design

- Better perceived and long lasting PvE balance

- Relevant professions

- Depth of the classes. Something that this game desperately needs.


What i expect/hope:


-Devs to realize one of the selling point for this old good "hotkey" MMO was the big spellbooks with many important and/or        situational abilities. This pruning frenzy is killing this beautiful side of WoW leaving most of the classes with hardly    any depth left and absolutely nothing to master.

- Better raid design where healers do not scale so negatively with the progress, killing the "absorb monster" once and for all.    Also, acknowledging the vast imbalances that lie between the utility each healing spec bring to a raid, to th point we truly have a healing trifecta that kills the enjoyment of playing a non-paladin/disc/shaman.

-Step back from WoD's professions design, leaving very shallow and not much interesting to cap professions (engineering)

-Proper 5men content.

-Keeping the design of the class trinkets, allowing for more fun items that improve the gameplay. 

-Constant streaming of balance patches.

- More engaging Tank specs

- A better Ashran. Or better yet, no Ashran at all. Wintergrasp/TB were better. Overhaul of painful to play BGs like AV and the likes.


What i look forward:



- The promise of weakening the on-pull strength of all classes, to avoid stupid stuff like Mage/Rogue openers.

- Artifact stories and customizations

- The whole PvP system with so many abilities coming back thanks to the additional talent tree.

- NO MORE GARRISON (altho, i'll miss the dramatic amount of gold they're generating, for me)


- Transomg system.

- Various spec revamps ( MW monk, Demo/Destro Locks, Enhancement Shamans on top of everything else)

- The new CM system and the promised out-of-raid content.

- The new class hall, as of now it seems like a "garrison, done better" to me. 



Edit: while i'd love a Beta key, what is more important to me is that, somehow, in this joint effort of IV and Blizzard, take notes of my feedback and keep working to effectively repair the damage they've done with Draenor.

Edited by nutsh3ll

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I honestly am really enjoying the different play styles of all of the classes thus far. As a person who's leveled every class to max for this current expansion, seeing a change in resources for some classes is a nice breath of fresh air.  While there still hasn't been much shown in terms of raid testing, what has been seen alone is interesting, in terms of mechanics, even if they haven't been fully flesh out yet. The dungeons are also really neat so far, especially Maw of Souls.  There's just so much I can say, but so little I can at the same time

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I started to play WoW when WoD got released, so I'm not really able to say anything about the "old" wow. I quickly got into raiding and am now raiding in a mythic guild that will eventually kill Archimonde on the highest difficulty before Legion drops. 


Obviously, raiding is a big big part of my gaming experience in wow since I devote many hours per week in preparation and the actual raiding itself. What I enjoy most, besides Raids, are dungeons. I'm really looking forward to the new challenge mode and dungeon mechanics that will come with legion, but my main focus will be raiding. 


The one thing that I'm mostly concerned of isn't the quality of  the raids and encounters (they were awesome althroughout WoD) but the ability pruning to make classes more straightforward and easy to play. I love to minmax stuff and to find new ways to improve my damage and survivability. Many changes in Legion will make things easier for Tanks and DPS and I hope that the gameplay will not suffer from that.


Concrete examples of Mechanics that I "liked" are: Breath of Sindragosa, Holy Power management for Seraphim, Windwalker multidotting/debuff uptimes, self sustainability for Tanks, necrotic plague management ("Necroblight"), Extend Life buff for Mistweaver, Fire Mage combustion, Rune management, Cooldown stacking -> Mechanics that require a higher "skill" level to play correctly. 


Mechanics I did not like: Absurd passive healing from Healers to Tanks, Charge-System with no ressources (Guard), extremely timer based raid encounter (dps stop to not push the boss too early on nearly every fight).


What do I look forward to in Legion? Cool raids and polished Artifact Talents that are hopefully impactful to the gameplay (not 2% dmg increase, that is boring). The new Demon Hunter class. And of course the better seperation between PVP and PVE.


Thanks for reading!

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I usually don't read up on new expansions that come out. Love the thrill of learning as I play. I have heard some really good things about Legion though and I am as always excited to start playing. I didn't even read your whole post for fear of learning too much lol

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I can't the new PVP honor system, some connection between PVE and PVP. Recently rerolled to mage and I'm so hyped about fire and arcane.

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What I'm looking forward to in Legion is the class flavor/fantasy. I've seen a lot of videos about the new changes to classes and specs in Legion, and I'm really happy with what I see, particularly for Hunters and Prot Paladins. I feel like these classes actually feel like the classes, which is great in getting that RPG element back into WoW. Also, the new zones look amazing.


As for my favorite memory in WoW, that'd be my guild's first "Guild kill" on Nefarian in Cataclysm. We had already killed Cho'gal and Al'akir as a guild, so if we killed Nefarian as a guild, then we'd get the phoenix mount and the achievement. By the time the boss was at 2% health, almost every one was dead. We had I believe 3-4 people left alive, none of which were healers. So I used Distracting Shot (to be honest, I don't remember if it actually acted as a taunt in Cataclysm, but Nefarian did target me), Disengaged, and used Deterrence to buy us as much time as possible, and given those few extra seconds, we got the kill. 


That was just my single fondest memory though. Honestly, raiding in Cataclysm as a whole with The Forgotten Ones was my favorite time in WoW. We had so much fun that I'd wake up at 3am twice a week to raid with them (I was living in Switzerland at the time) and I wouldn't care about being sleepy at all. To put it in simple terms: Raiding with those people made Dragon Soul fun. Sadly though, the guild fell apart the summer before MoP came out, but I'll always remember them and fondly look back on our time together. 



Now my new friends and my brother plan on starting a new raiding guild when Legion starts, so I'm also looking very much forward to that. Overall, I'm hyped as hell for Legion and I can't wait to start my next expansion in WoW.

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I am so exited for legion and I am really hyped. I am looking forward to the new pvp system and the artifact weapon. I have enjoyed playing Wrath of the lich king in the past and I am hyped as I think legion will be on the same level or higher. Also can't wait to see what will happen to illidan

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I'm highly interested in the story arc involving Slyvanas and Helya. From the sounds of the spoilers it could be possible that Slyvanas is looking for another method of reproduction for the Forsaken. I'm even more curious, sspecially since we see Helya as a boss, I want to know the story/interaction they had between the two that lead to this. It gets me rather excited. What I enjoyed in the past? I'm a wraith baby, and the dungeons always gave me the most fun. It got even more delightful when Cata got employed (I found the love of hardcore dungeons through Cata). I quit partway through Cata since I had schooling to attend to. Now that I'm out and working at a job I was hoping WoD would give me more then it did. With the keystones and dungeons possibly giving sweet loot for insane difficulty.

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I can't wait to see the return of Melee hunters - Can't wait to dive into some class driven lore and advancement, Can't wait to get into the prestige level - I JUST CAN'T Wait for Legion Okay ?


I Hope to see more of Sylvanas Windrunner - She is badass and have so many ties into Arthas which is my favorite storyline in Wow :)

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Looking forward to the artifact weapons, could be a pretty neat way to progress. Although I might focus more on pvp this expansion a first for me.Warlords of Draenor was an up and down ride, there were some cool things and some not so cool things, hopefully Legion expands on the cool stuff while cutting some of the bore. I'm a little surprised I still play the game, but it does offer content when I need it.

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One of the thing's I think I've had the most fun with in the past was the current challenge mode system. I'm excited to see where they take it and how mandatory it will be.  The artifacts seem like a really cool idea and I'm keen for all the lore that legion will bring

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I'm extremely excited for Legion, but it also makes me extremely cautious with how initially excited I was for Warlords.


Warlords questing and story phase was great, but the end content felt too trimmed. The story seemed abruptly brought to a bottleneck and the endgame content felt stale quickly, almost a repeat of the SoO raid.


But, features like artifacts, PvP and for the matter of them even adding new animations to the game does keep me a bit more optimistic than nervous. So let's bring it on!

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Im really looking forward to the PVP talents and old abilities being brought back into the game. I started wow right after wotlk ended and i've been a die hard fan every since. legion looks awesome and im looking foward to it

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The ability to fully embrace arms warriors with the sword of the first king of mankind is simply amazing.


I have played since the vanilla beta and I must say my excitement for this expansion is only remotely matched by the release of BC.

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