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Icy Veins' 5 Years Anniversary: 200 Legion Beta Key Giveaway

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What I'm most looking forward to in Legion: Complete separation of PvP and PvE systems, for far too long they have been a hindrance on one another and it's about time they manage to go their own ways. Favorite memory in WoW: While levelling back in classic, my wife and I were both skinners, and we were running around in the barrens. Back then the herds of deer that run around were skinnable, so she was chasing down a bunch of them and killing them to skin them. She kills the last one and turns around, and there I am merrily skinning the second last one with no other bodies to be seen.

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Legion looks like its shaping up to be awesome, but what I'm most looking forward to is the artifact quests for many of the characters I play. Each expansion I like to level by questing (at least the first time), I finish each zone before moving on to the next, for the story and to explore. Legion having the ability to start anywhere will allow me to take different routes on alts, to keep leveling somewhat fresh, or re-play zones where the story/questing was most enjoyable. I think Cataclysm may be my favorite expansion, not because it was exceptionally well done, but because it was the first expansion where I started to play at the end-game level because of some wonderful people that I met. Dragon Soul is still my favorite raid, though my first raid experience was Blackwing Descent. I enjoyed Mists of Pandaria, and its a close runner up for favorite, because there was a lot of story to explore. Dailies may be what most remember about that expansion, but for me, those dailies opened up stories, or completed some kind of faction/zone story. I hope to see some kind of daily quests, preferably in the 5.

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I am really looking forward to the new pvp system. Been playing pvp since vanilla, so it will be exiting to see how the new system is. The new animation is also quite cool. I believe it will give the game a new feeling. Maybe I will even try out raiding again. I was raiding with my friends in WOTLK, and haven't had that much fun since. That is probably my best memory from playing WoW

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Can't wait, I've not subbed to WoW for a short while (from about half way through WoD) as I was a little disappointed. Ever since legion's announcement I have been following along with all the news and It's looking great. I plan on subbing on Pre-patch to try out my new class, the "Demon Hunter". This amazing class will be my main for sure in Legion

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Can't wait to finally use Artifact weapons and look really cool as a Guardian Druid and finally put Gul'dan in his resting place!

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One of my favourite moments in world of warcraft, 


where it all began,


I was level 8, a male druid born by the leadership of Malfurion and the touch of the great tree. I ventured just north of Dolanaar, drawn off the path by the distant hymn of nearby harpies. Before me lay a den, I feared its presence. My fear was overcome by curiosity and a determination to cleanse the corruption that plagued my homeland.


Furbolg lay before me, as deep as i could see in the den. There were white Furbolgs and brown Furbolgs, some carrying axes and some carrying staves. A deep dark problem perplexed my innocence.


One Furbolg which seemed to distance itself from the others looked like a good starting point. With all the might of Darnasus i unleashed a blast of moonfire.  A large grunt befell my ears, clearly signalling the beginnings of combat. I cast another moonfire for good measure and thrust my stave into the furbolg. He fought back but only managed a couple of hits before his demise. I set my sights on a greater prize.


The white ones carrying staves gained my curiosity, with my recent success fueling my determination. I cast moonfire in his direction, but to my dismay I was startled this time by multiple grunts. Before me I saw two brown and one white Furbolg in full charge ready to avenge their fallen comrade. The mystic paused, and began to cast a lightning bolt, i frantically responded with multiple moonfire casts, which brought me more grunts from the Furbolg. At this point i had two brown Furbolg beating down my chest and lightning bolts coming at me frequently. I was at half health, i needed to do something quick. 


I ran towards the mystic who was near death and thrust my stave at his neck with great force to watch him fall to the ground. I quickly turned to focus my attacks on one of the brown monstrosities behind me. I cast moonfire and begin to cast wrath, to my dismay i was being interrupted frequently by the furbolgs attacks, a result i had not planned for. By the time i had released my first wrath i was nearing death. I then chose melee combat, to fight wood with wood, the ultimate plan. I dispatched of the furbolg burning by moonfire and placed my sights on his dear friend. A quick analysis of HP indicated that i would likely suffer by his hand. 100% to 20%. Time moved in slow motion.


I saw allied druids, of similar level, run past me in the form of cats to not offer aid nor inform of this new-found power. I chose to run. Just as i was almost away the remaining Furbolg lay one last attack, dazed, this was the first time i had seen stars around my head and a reduced ability to flee. It was at this point i knew, I knew I must embrace the whisp, for it truly called. Moments later I was a ball of mist, a whisp, i had suffered my first death.


I returned to my corpse, to my dismay, allies had dispatched of Furbolg surrouding the den and i could enter. My faith in my comrades was ever stronger and I forged on with new found confidence in my existence.


I entered the cave. It was dark, wet and moldy and stunk like Furbolg. Deep into the cave i could see a glimer. I proceeded with caution knowing that at any turn i could be in deep trouble. The stench grew stronger and the light began to fade even more. About half way into the cave i could make out that the Shimer was a chest. My excitement peaked, i could not control myself. Succumbed by greed, the faith i had for my allies quickly evolved into the idea that they had clearly fought off all evil in the cave and cleansed its corruption. This allowed me to rationalise the concept of running down the path and opening that chest. This is exactly what happened.


The chest was before me, I began to open it, when I heard it. It haunted me for some time after, the grunts, in multiples. Before i could finish opening the chest Furbolg where at me from all sides. I had only one choice, to run. I made for the cave entrance, my quick reactions placed large enough distance between the Furbolg and myself such that I was unlikely to be dazed. I was close to the entrance when i looked over my shoulder brielfy, I saw 3 beasts chasing but behind them a cat on top of the chest, opening it.


No way, absolutely no way, he couldnt be  taking it, could he? Man when are these brown things going to give up the chase i was just outside the cave when more problems hit. On top of me white and brown Furbolg where re-appearing from thin air and my path was headed straight toward them....re-spawns...


I quickly diverted to the left of the entrance and up the slight slope headed for the path when finally they relented.


I stopped and contemplated the recent happenings. I saw the allied druid run from the cave on full health carrying a shimmering object that shone with the notion of untold wealth and power. Here i was battered and bruised, almost a whisp and nothing to show for it.


It was at that point i vowed, vowed to uphold truth and honesty, the values of Malfurion and defend the corruption that plagued my land. I will cleanse all Furbolg from this land and liberate my people once and for all. The next time it will end in triumph and i will return to Darnassus with untold riches.


My leveling experience in Teldrassil was second to none, I had never seen such beautiful art and eclectic humanoid adaptations. It really took me away, the depth of beauty in the environment. It was a breath of fresh air for me, given some real world circumstances. The world of fantasy was somewhat foreign at the time, but these experiences made me value it on a level i will never forget.





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I look forward to the level scaling in Legion and the artifact weapons most of all. From the past, I miss Arthas being alive and tormenting us. Never has Blizzard better designed a villain to build an expansion around like they did in WotLK

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I can't wait to try out the new Shadow priest! The old gods have always been my favorite part of the lore so having a class themed around them is awesome!

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I'm killing dragons and old gods since '07. Icy-veins is always my first place to go when I need information about my class and tactics.

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Looking forward to all the new class changes coming up along with the new animations, they look amazing! best memory in wow was beating Cthun after about 4 weeks, was a great feeling and wish i still played with all my buddies back then, some are coming back for Legion though so pretty excited! hoping to give it a go in beta if im lucky so i can boast to them how good it is :P

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i have played wow since the beginning, i left after cataclysm and I came back with WOD. I loved the demon hunters in BC Illdan my favorite boss still really sad about how he is a outcast .​ I saw the trailer with the demon hunter reveal and fell out of my chair, I always wanted to play the demon hunters and now I seen heaven. I love how they made them fit into the story line, I love the new area and how they brought Dalaran, The artifact weapons amazing, and the storyline is amazing. I have watched Baj and Toweliee everytime they are on cause Legion is going to be the best add on to wow. I really want this beta and would be so happy if I could get it

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World of Warcraft has always been a big deal to me. I have been playing this game since winter of 2008 and it's really hard to stop ever since  What i really love about WoW? It's got to be complexity and SIZE of Warcraft's universum. I am a huge fan of good stories, which is why i became sone kind of addicted to the lore around this game. It's never ending. Doing the same quests over and over again, creating multiple characters to discover all possible questing/leveling paths (hoping to discover something new every next time) and discovering each zone's full story was my favorite task. The quests, the music, the world. Blizzard are masters of bringing climax to their games. Breathing a spark of life into them.Of course my main orc warlock is getting enough love too, but still. Not the only thing that I spend time on, but I've always loved that aspect of the game very strongly.What am i looking forward to in Legion? Surely playing around artifacts, because I've got many characters with unique classess and each class has some interesting lore around it's artifact to discover. Can't wait to do that. Another thing that i'm really looking forward to is fighting Sargeras. I've always wanted to see him in-game, being there, Master of Burning Legion himself, and I truly wish my dream to come true in this expansion. To sum it up, my Legion beta key is surely not gonna be wasted and I'm hoping to get it   

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I'm looking forward to the updated Demon models, high res succubi will carry the expansion!


My fondest and yet most painful memory was back in Vanilla during the Ahn'Qiraj event, where I wasn't able to even get to Silithus due to the Kalimdor world servers just melting during the whole thing.

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I'm looking forward to the artifact weapons and the changes to hunters and rogues. I'll probably dab in the hunter more but that will be after I max my shaman.  It doesn't matter what happens to the shaman good or bad, I'll always play one

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One thing that I am looking forward to most in legion is the fact that they are separating PVE and PVP to make it more balanced for the community as a whole. I think this will achieve the game better balance and make PVP for fair and healthy for the game. I'm also looking forward to PVP talent trees I think that it is a neat idea and is going to add another aspect of the game. The one thing that I have enjoyed the most in the past was just running old raids for transmog and mounts that you can brag to your friends about because they don't have them

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Really looking forwards to legion. I started raiding mythic in warlords, and the new mechanics in legion raids have me excited. I am super stoked to enjoy world of warcraft again, and to enjoy the story. The new questing and mechanics are amazing and I hope that they will renew my interest


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I haven't been this excited about a WoW expansion since Wrath (I actually started this game less than a month after release due to the folly of choosing EQ2 first). Interestingly enough it's, again, because of the all new hero class --Demon Hunter. I was a big fan of Death Knight (Still is my favorite class in aesthetics appeal and lore).  Based on what I've read, and seen at Blizzcon (via digital ticket), and what I've seen on other streamer's Alpha (which I've watched minimally because I don't want to be spoiled quite yet), it looks like Blizzard is REALLY stepping up their game; literally. It looks like they're merging Diablo with Warcraft, and I don't know about everyone else, but that adds a new exciting element to me. Multiple legendary items that have interesting mechanics that mesh with your class?. Account unlocked transmog?. New badass hero class?. I can't wait to see Illidan again. I was very frustrated when he 'died' in TBC. He, alongside Arthas, was my favorite characters in Warcraft 3. Hopefully he stays as the Illidari leader (kinda like Darion Mograine for the DK's). I still think Kael'thas needs to come back too --but I think his last fight wasn't just a setback. :'( I can't wait to experience this new expansion. I've opted in every single expansion beta, and have only ever been invited to MoP due to the Annual WoW pass, which guaranteed it. I hope to hear back from you guys.

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The new Challenge Modes look awesome, and the way they are changing the honor system sounds great, I'm just worried about how the gear will work.  SWTOR had those box things and it was awful.  Hopefully they're another system in place so I don't open a box and get pants for the 10th time and then unsubscribe, because that's what happened with SWTOR.

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I am mainly interested in few things. The first Is I want to see how they have improved the priest gameplay especially the new attonement. I also want to check out the demon hunter tank. It should allow me to decide on what classes I want to focus on in legion. The other major thing I am interested is actually tradeskill changes. I especially want to see what the changes for inscription will be.

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I am most looking forward to new places to explore and new raids to do. 


My fondest memories are all of the amazing people I have met playing WoW. I still remember getting lost in BRD and laughing my ass off as they tried to give me directions. 

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I am looking forward to the changes to dungeons (challenge) and warlock spec changes. My favorite memories are of healing as a shaman during the launch of cataclysm and the challenging heroics (pre-nerf) - the challenge was very fun and rewarding when you got a good group. I also fondly remember raiding MC/BWL with friends/roommates; yelling at each other; drinking beers! I also enjoy reading the class guides on this site! (sucking up doesn't hurt, right??)

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